Official 2022 HHN 31 - Horror is Universal

Hello! Where is the entrance for those staying onsite? And if you don’t have stay and scream, do they start letting resorts guests in at 6pm?

I’m trying to have a solid linner before we go, and need to figure out the timing. Cheers!
Last night it was the old secret entrance by blue man group. No idea if that’s the usual location or not
We attended HHN last night. I was going to take notes to share my experience in case it helps anyone to plan, but I quickly knew it was going to be an unusual night.

We didn't have power for a lot of the day and felt like getting out of the house, so we arrived at HHN around 11:30. We got some food, then started hitting houses. Judging by the walkways, it looked like decent crowds, but we did not wait for one house. The only wait was the time it took us to walk the empty queue and enter the house.

We started with Chupacabra, then Hellblock. Met up with some friends, did Bug House, Destruction, Legends, Weeknd, Dead Man's Pier, Blumhouse, Halloween, Coven and then a repeat of Dead Man's as the clock struck 2.

I know for sure the lagoon show was not running, not sure about the dance show. The scare zones were pretty empty, heard that scare actors from there got pulled to go into houses, but all the scare zones still had a few scare actors. A couple food stands were closed, but honestly, I didn't notice that much not open.

I do think last night might have ruined me for the rest of the event. It was so great just walking up to houses, and going through some of them just with your group and not a conga line.

As last night was the first time we did Blumhouse and Bug, I can finally do a ranking.

Overall, I am somewhat disappointed with this year. I always love the event and have been going since 2015, but this is the first year I found myself missing houses from past years. Keep in mind with my rankings, I don't really get scared at HHN, so these are based more on story, set design and things like that.

Obviously there will be spoilers in my descriptions below so stop reading if you don't want to know.


1. Monsters

I've always enjoyed the Universal Monsters houses and this one does not disappoint. Wolfman is my fav monster, so points for him showing up. I am also fairly obsessed with ancient Egypt so being inside a pyramid is so much fun for me. I just smile during the entire house. I love the jackal guards as well. I definitely need to do this house many more times.

and very narrowly missing out on the number one spot:
2. Dead Man's Pier
Once again, Universal hits it out of the park with original houses. From the moment you enter into the chilly town center with the statue you're just fully immersed. I love the ship captain behind the bar who sets the scene at the start. This house even smells amazing! The banshee playing the violin on the giant ship set is just so amazing.

3. Bugs
This ranking might change because I've only done this house once, but I very much enjoyed the whole 50s housewife aesthetic. I actually expected it to be a lot worse with bugs, but beyond the puffs of air and hanging wire, seemed like most of the bugs were gross makeup or B movie type large bugs.

Next 3 are somewhat interchangeable and will most likely change order dependent on the most current run.
4. The Weeknd
My favorite is the corridor with all the lights like from the Super Bowl show. I like the room with the stage. Some of the only moments of the event so far when I even get startled have come twice now from the wallpaper guy. Which is even worse since I knew he was there the second time. It just gets me, so points for that.

5. Chupacabra
I enjoy this house, but also feel like it could have been so much better. I like the design of the sets, but am a bit confused by the actual Chupacabra. Isn't it usually depicted as a gross, hairless kind of thing? These look more like werewolves, I wouldn't mind one as a pet. I wonder if it was cheaper just to throw a fur rug over the creatures than to try to make them gross and hairless. For some reason I also wish there was music in the house? It would kind of make sense, seems like they were having a party when the chupacabras attacked.

6. Halloween
This is a very solid house. I think I would have ranked it higher if I hadn't already seen so many Halloween houses. At some point, you just kind of feel like you've seen it before, even if it was based on a different Halloween movie. Still very solid, and I can see that it might be a favorite of people who love the movies or never saw the other Halloween houses.

7. Descendants of Destruction
Just very meh with this house. I like the day glow people at the end. The subway portion wasn't bad, but Dead Exposure did a subway so much better I can't help but compare it to that. I also feel like HHN over uses the slaughter house scene at this point.

8. Hellblock Horror
I know this was the house that was put together at the last minute, and I think they did an ok job. I think there is a deeper storyline to this that I need to read, but I'm just not that impressed. Seems like they just tossed in random costumes of creatures they had from years past and the sets are pretty uninspired.

9. Spirits of the Coven
I feel like this house is just missing a piece and it could have been great. I like the NY prohibition start we get, though once again that just makes me think of Case Files from last year. Just seems like a weird storyline, we start out in alleys and nightclubs then go underground (yet another slaughter house scene) and then end up in some weird tunnels. I dunno, just doesn't do it for me.

10. Blumhouse
Admittedly, I have not seen either movie. But this house came across as very uninspired. Maybe my interpretation of what the movies are about might amuse some of you who have seen them, so Freaky seems to be your standard high school freaky masks/kill the boys at the dance type movie. Black Phone seems to be about a black phone that keeps showing up nailed to the walls. I think the phone strangles Ethan Hawke at the end?


1. Graveyard

Love this scare zone so much. Has some very freaky and cool creatures. I also like the occasional flashing light.

2. Scarecrow
Reminds me of growing up back home in southwestern PA near WV. This seems to always be a good scare zone in this area and I actually really like the corn monsters, they are pretty cool looking.

3. Sweet Revenge
This scare zone would be ranked higher if it weren't always so crowded. I love David Tennant pumpkin guy, and the floats and the little Halloween festival set up are very photogenic. I know we've seen them before in other scare zones, but I like the kids in old fashioned costumes. The robot is a particular favorite.

4. Horrors of Halloween
Lil Boo is my fav, and the pumpkin archway is really pretty. The Pumpkin Lord is also very entertaining. This would probably be ranked higher but there isn't much to it besides the Pumpkin Lord (and of course my Lil Boo).

5. Conjure the Dark
Meh. I hate that they always put a scare zone in this area, it's always terrible to walk through. It immediately (and unfairly) is usually at the bottom of my list just because it's always so congested it's hard to enjoy.
I think the scare zone actors may have just been late? like only told to come after dark? there were lots in the zones when we went through at dark. They were empty up till that. We spent a long time in each just watching

heading back tonight here in just a few. Have an 8:30 RIP
I know what I’m putting on my HHN wish list to the pumpkin lord:rolleyes1to consider for next year.

For those that disagree, no need to fret, file it under ‘fat chance’.
When u book private RIP u get a detailed email confirmation with all pertinent info you referenced

If not on public email, I’d give then a call on phone number indicated in it

View attachment 707191
Never got any email about our tour period. Not one with any phone number. Good thing I knew to ask someone
we asked when we picked up our comp tickets for tonight and got the answers though
no clue why we never got the email.
What’s the difference between the regular hotel entrance and the entrance for those staying onsite? Is that not the same entrance?

For HHN those entering the Studios for the event go through the main gates where lines can be huge.

Onsite hotel guests have a separate entrance for HHN to the side of the main gates where there are usually no lines or much shorter lines if you go at gate opening. You get your ticket scanned there instead of the main gates. its usually open till around 8pm when lines are low generally and it’s not needed.
Last night it was the old secret entrance by blue man group. No idea if that’s the usual location or not
For the last several years that has been the early entrance for hotel guests .

So if you get there before opening they check your keycard and deal with your tickets and let you in at that side entrance and there is a holding area - that way you are already in when the park open and they just let you go.

The other benefit is the scare actors for what ever house was in Shrek came by - so for example all the killer clowns
Also the SAs for the main scare zone

If you arrive after 6 then there is usually a hotel guest line
For HHN those entering the Studios for the event go through the main gates where lines can be huge.

Onsite hotel guests have a separate entrance for HHN to the side of the main gates where there are usually no lines or much shorter lines if you go at gate opening. You get your ticket scanned there instead of the main gates. its usually open till around 8pm when lines are low generally and it’s not needed.
I am aware
But that wasn’t my question
Someone asked where the entrance was for those staying “onsite”
I said it was by blue man group
Someone came back and quoted my post and said that was for “regular hotel guests”. Which confused me as I thought they were the same thing
I didn’t understand the difference between someone staying “onsite” and “regular hotel guests”
I thought those were the different phrases for the same guests. Is that not correct?
Is there 3 different entrances?
regular hotel guests
all others
I am aware
But that wasn’t my question
Someone asked where the entrance was for those staying “onsite”
I said it was by blue man group
Someone came back and quoted my post and said that was for “regular hotel guests”. Which confused me as I thought they were the same thing
I didn’t understand the difference between someone staying “onsite” and “regular hotel guests”
I thought those were the different phrases for the same guests. Is that not correct?
Is there 3 different entrances?
regular hotel guests
all others
I asked the original question using the word onsite, and to me that is the same as “regular hotel guests.” What I am not clear is if the entrance for onsite/hotel guests at HHN is the same as the early morning entry. We don’t get up early on vacation, so I have not made it to early entry in years. Is this entrance exactly to the left of the regular entrance? Or further left towards the Hard Rock restaurant?
I am aware
But that wasn’t my question
Someone asked where the entrance was for those staying “onsite”
I said it was by blue man group
Someone came back and quoted my post and said that was for “regular hotel guests”. Which confused me as I thought they were the same thing
I didn’t understand the difference between someone staying “onsite” and “regular hotel guests”
I thought those were the different phrases for the same guests. Is that not correct?
Is there 3 different entrances?
regular hotel guests
all others
Sorry for any confusion. My use of "regular" was in reference to the entrance, not the "hotel guests." What I meant was, the entrance by the former Blue Man Group is the usual entrance for onsite guests. That is the only onsite hotel guest entrance people have reported this year. Someone above said it has been elsewhere in years past. I was only speaking about this year.
Sorry for any confusion. My use of "regular" was in reference to the entrance, not the "hotel guests." What I meant was, the entrance by the former Blue Man Group is the usual entrance for onsite guests. That is the only onsite hotel guest entrance people have reported this year. Someone above said it has been elsewhere in years past. I was only speaking about this year.

Yes, it’s really not that difficult.

You explained it just fine.
Is there a link somewhere with more detailed info on RIP? Where and when to check in in relation to your tour time, other info from those who have done one this year? I tried searching and read through a few posts on the tours but couldn’t tell a lot. Maybe there’s another site? I realized I got no info with our order confirmation. I’ve done other VIP tours, one checked in at La Bamba and the other at the GS office in the park. Where is check in for this tour?

I did a private RIP tour in mid-September (9/15). The RIP tours enter to the right of the main park gates. There will be a sign for RIP Tours and that is the line for the "public" RIP Tours. Admittedly, that line seemed to move very slowly. Unfortunately when my group arrived we asked an employee where to go for the private group RIP tours and they directed us that we also had to stand in the line. After we were about halfway through another employee was coming through to give a check-in overview and ticket check and saw we were private RIP so he had us get out of the line and just walk right in (a group behind us had the same issue). We were then told for the private RIP tours, you can just enter and do the check-in upstairs.

Once we got to the upstairs check-in we were supposed to be issued our credentials. However, their upstairs printer was broken and at first we were not able to enter the seating/overlook area because they could not print the tickets (the RIP tour lanyards were all there). That added about another 15-minute wait to us getting into the park to Cafe La Bamba for food. We never ended up getting printed tickets (no great loss). A rain storm also moved into the area about that time so the restaurant was packed (we eventually found seats). I have done the public tours before and I admit I preferred the food offerings this year to previous years because it was much more basic. Most years there have been fancy or elaborate fusion foods or lots of flavors but I am more a plain mac and cheese and basic snack person so I appreciated everything not having an additional flavor. They did have pizza fries which I had heard of and am glad I tried, but am also glad I have never purchased separately. A cash bar was also available.

Once my group was ready to go out into the rain we asked for ponchos since we saw many of the guides walking around with them and our guide then told us they ran out. We asked where we could get some then and the guide volunteered to run to the front to get some. Fortunately, I think someone radioed them to bring some more over instead so more got there about ten minutes later. The guide asked if we wanted to do the show and it was still raining fairly hard, but that for private tours the show time was 8pm so that would be the one we would have to go to. We finally left La Bamba just after 7pm and did Men in Black and then the show. After that the rain was lighter and we continued on the tour.

I could write more about our specific tour, but I think most people reading this know the patterns. We ended up doing all the available rides (except Mummy which while open for tech previews was not available for front of line with the tour). We did a half hour break at Lombard's. We did not hit the other lounges. We were told La Bamba would be open till a certain time to get more desserts or water, but got there about 15 minutes before that time and it was closed. We did Monsters, the Weekend, and Halloween twice and all other houses once. Scare zones had limited operation and no lagoon show for weather.

I've done a bunch of public RIP tours before and other public tours and I would say this was by far the least organized experience I have had at Universal. That in no way is an indictment of the tour guide as she was very good and knowledgeable and gave great info for all mazes. However, as mentioned, my group was at the check-in at 5pm, sent to the wrong line, didn't have credentials ready, no seating and over-crowded La Bamba, lack of ponchos meant we didn't actually start until after 7pm and didn't get to a maze until after the 8pm show. Then La Bamba closed early before we could re-visit.

I organized this as a private for the first time as a selling point to the others in my group because I wanted them to get the same type of experience I had on prior public tours. My group still enjoyed, but like I said, I think the service here was less than what I had experienced before (not bad by any means though). I know the rain/weather is a stressor for employees and operations and not something there is any control over. My other disappointment was the survey they sent me for the event was only valid for four days and I did not have computer access that week so I could not give feedback but all these are minor.

Biggest lesson (and answer to original post question):
1. Public Tour- get in line that says RIP Tour
2. Private Tour- Ignore line and walk up to doorway

Universal Adds Extra Dates to Halloween Horror Nights 2022​

October 3, 2022 Craig Williams
Hurricane Ian caused the closure of Universal Orlando Resort for a couple of days including Halloween Horror Nights. However, Universal is making up for the closure by adding two new dates for Halloween Horror Nights that will go on sale tomorrow, October 4. The two new event dates will be Tuesday, October 11 and Monday, October 24. The new dates will also be valid for Frequent Fear, Frequent Fear Plus and Ultimate Frequent Fear Passholders. In addition, Premiere Passholders can use their free-admission benefits on those dates.

I did a private RIP tour in mid-September (9/15). The RIP tours enter to the right of the main park gates. There will be a sign for RIP Tours and that is the line for the "public" RIP Tours.

Biggest lesson (and answer to original post question):
1. Public Tour- get in line that says RIP Tour
2. Private Tour- Ignore line and walk up to doorway

Universal Adds Extra Dates to Halloween Horror Nights 2022​

October 3, 2022 Craig Williams
Hurricane Ian caused the closure of Universal Orlando Resort for a couple of days including Halloween Horror Nights. However, Universal is making up for the closure by adding two new dates for Halloween Horror Nights that will go on sale tomorrow, October 4. The two new event dates will be Tuesday, October 11 and Monday, October 24. The new dates will also be valid for Frequent Fear, Frequent Fear Plus and Ultimate Frequent Fear Passholders. In addition, Premiere Passholders can use their free-admission benefits on those dates.
Was wondering how they would handle this. Seems like a good plan on their part overall - adds two extra days to all the affected passes.

I would have understood if they did nothing at all - I am sure they have a clause for natural disasters etc... - so again I am impressed how they handled things - especially with the issues after the storm and poor communication.

Universal Adds Extra Dates to Halloween Horror Nights 2022​

October 3, 2022 Craig Williams
Hurricane Ian caused the closure of Universal Orlando Resort for a couple of days including Halloween Horror Nights. However, Universal is making up for the closure by adding two new dates for Halloween Horror Nights that will go on sale tomorrow, October 4. The two new event dates will be Tuesday, October 11 and Monday, October 24. The new dates will also be valid for Frequent Fear, Frequent Fear Plus and Ultimate Frequent Fear Passholders. In addition, Premiere Passholders can use their free-admission benefits on those dates.
Well that's gonna work out just perfectly for me! I'll be down starting the 23rd, hopefully that extra HHn night on the 24th is slow!


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