Official 2014 Donald Half Marathon

Looking for a bit of advice...

Donald will be my first half. I started training in August. I've run a couple of 6mi, 2- 8mi, a 9.5, and my short runs have been usually 3-5miles. My base mileage varies between 15-25miles usually. My friend and I decided to switch to the disney beginner training schedule for the last 6 weeks of training. We had planned to do a 9.5, 11, and a 12.5 for the last three long runs. Unfortunately I spent the night before the 9.5 in the ER with my 88 yr old grandma followed by the next 11 days with her in the hospital. In that time I got really sick with ear, nose, throat problems, but I'm finally well now. I had a severe allergic reaction to the hand sanitizer at the hospital (including the bottoms of my feet swelling). And then last Saturday, it iced and when I stepped down out of the car my right leg came right out from under me, and I busted my butt! I strained the top of my hamstring where it meets the glutes and then of course the direct center of my right glute. I am feeling no pain from my hamstring anymore. I'm having mild discomfort in the right glute. Some mild pain when climbing the stairs. We are suppose to do a long run Sunday (or possibly Monday). On Sunday it will be day 9 since my fall. And it will have been 12 days since I ran a short run. So any advice on whether I should do the long run or not? I haven't tried any short running as I thought I should give it the most time I can to heal. If I don't run I can wait a few more days and run on the treadmill alone, and then our final long run will be Jan 28th. Any advice?
Looking for a bit of advice... Donald will be my first half. I started training in August. I've run a couple of 6mi, 2- 8mi, a 9.5, and my short runs have been usually 3-5miles. My base mileage varies between 15-25miles usually. My friend and I decided to switch to the disney beginner training schedule for the last 6 weeks of training. We had planned to do a 9.5, 11, and a 12.5 for the last three long runs. Unfortunately I spent the night before the 9.5 in the ER with my 88 yr old grandma followed by the next 11 days with her in the hospital. In that time I got really sick with ear, nose, throat problems, but I'm finally well now. I had a severe allergic reaction to the hand sanitizer at the hospital (including the bottoms of my feet swelling). And then last Saturday, it iced and when I stepped down out of the car my right leg came right out from under me, and I busted my butt! I strained the top of my hamstring where it meets the glutes and then of course the direct center of my right glute. I am feeling no pain from my hamstring anymore. I'm having mild discomfort in the right glute. Some mild pain when climbing the stairs. We are suppose to do a long run Sunday (or possibly Monday). On Sunday it will be day 9 since my fall. And it will have been 12 days since I ran a short run. So any advice on whether I should do the long run or not? I haven't tried any short running as I thought I should give it the most time I can to heal. If I don't run I can wait a few more days and run on the treadmill alone, and then our final long run will be Jan 28th. Any advice?

I'm in a similar position after dealing with a trifecta of strained hip flexor/piriformis syndrome/and hip bursitis - my advice is to not go long as your first run back at it. Especially if you're not 100%. I'd stick with a couple shorts ones first and see how they feel before going longer.

FWIW, I was off running completely (I walked though) 2 weeks. I started back with a couple slow 2-2.5 milers, then a 5 for the first week. A couple more short ones after that and I'll try 6-7 later today.
I'm in corral K and my husband is in L, which I'm not super thrilled about. I registered us at the same time and put the same estimated finish time of 3:15. Neither of us submitted proof of time.

I don't want to drop back a corral (I was swept during the marathon last year--put allll the room possible between me and the balloon ladies, please) so he's just going to plan to catch up with me. Fingers crossed this isn't a disaster! I can run this thing on my own, I'd just prefer not to!

How do you know what corral you are in? I haven't gotten my final race instructions.
Looking for a bit of advice...

Donald will be my first half. I started training in August. I've run a couple of 6mi, 2- 8mi, a 9.5, and my short runs have been usually 3-5miles. My base mileage varies between 15-25miles usually. My friend and I decided to switch to the disney beginner training schedule for the last 6 weeks of training. We had planned to do a 9.5, 11, and a 12.5 for the last three long runs. Unfortunately I spent the night before the 9.5 in the ER with my 88 yr old grandma followed by the next 11 days with her in the hospital. In that time I got really sick with ear, nose, throat problems, but I'm finally well now. I had a severe allergic reaction to the hand sanitizer at the hospital (including the bottoms of my feet swelling). And then last Saturday, it iced and when I stepped down out of the car my right leg came right out from under me, and I busted my butt! I strained the top of my hamstring where it meets the glutes and then of course the direct center of my right glute. I am feeling no pain from my hamstring anymore. I'm having mild discomfort in the right glute. Some mild pain when climbing the stairs. We are suppose to do a long run Sunday (or possibly Monday). On Sunday it will be day 9 since my fall. And it will have been 12 days since I ran a short run. So any advice on whether I should do the long run or not? I haven't tried any short running as I thought I should give it the most time I can to heal. If I don't run I can wait a few more days and run on the treadmill alone, and then our final long run will be Jan 28th. Any advice?

December 28?

When you can, run a few shorter runs. Try for one longer run in the December 21 or 28 weekends. Aim for a 8-9 miler and call it good. On this weekend, try for 3-6, if you feel good about it. Before heading out the door or set foot on the mill, give yourself permission to fail early if your legs/body say no go.
Finally found it! Thx :)

Not happy about our corals. I posted time of 1:58 on ToT 10 miler and got Corral I - just under 3 hours. dH posted time of 1:43 and got G.
I'm in a similar position after dealing with a trifecta of strained hip flexor/piriformis syndrome/and hip bursitis - my advice is to not go long as your first run back at it. Especially if you're not 100%. I'd stick with a couple shorts ones first and see how they feel before going longer.

FWIW, I was off running completely (I walked though) 2 weeks. I started back with a couple slow 2-2.5 milers, then a 5 for the first week. A couple more short ones after that and I'll try 6-7 later today.

December 28?

When you can, run a few shorter runs. Try for one longer run in the December 21 or 28 weekends. Aim for a 8-9 miler and call it good. On this weekend, try for 3-6, if you feel good about it. Before heading out the door or set foot on the mill, give yourself permission to fail early if your legs/body say no go.

Thanks for the advice! Dec 28 should have been the 12.5, and this weekend was suppose to be 11. I will let my friend run without me this weekend, and I'll do some treadmill short runs next week and maybe a 6 or 7 on the 21st. Then hopefully ill be completely healed for our last long run together on the 28th. I'm usually a 100% runner, but she isn't so I feel like switching to a run/walk interval will also help not feel so undertrained on race day.

I've been so protective of my injury I've stopped rolling, and of course I haven't stretched because I haven't ran. Would I do more damage if I tried some foam rolling? Or could it possibly be tense and need some release?

ETA...yes Dec 28! I just realized after I posted why you asked! Dec...not jan.
I'm in corral K and my husband is in L, which I'm not super thrilled about. I registered us at the same time and put the same estimated finish time of 3:15. Neither of us submitted proof of time.

I don't want to drop back a corral (I was swept during the marathon last year--put allll the room possible between me and the balloon ladies, please) so he's just going to plan to catch up with me. Fingers crossed this isn't a disaster! I can run this thing on my own, I'd just prefer not to!

I hear you. I was in the last coral last year with no buffer between me and the balloon ladies...this year I am in K...feeling better. However my friend is in M.
Did the Galloway 12.5 today. OK I should have done it yesterday, but my schedule did not allow it.

My toes hurt!

HOW how how how do people do a full marathon? How? Aren't you bored? Don't you hurt? Aren't your feet just dying?

OK, OK, you train for it. I just don't know how I could convince my feet and the backs of my knees TO train for it. I'd have to trick them or something. :goodvibes

Tried out the whole rig today. Got my new Nathan Intensity-for-women hydration backpack, my skirtsports Redemption Run shorts, even my magicband. The next/last long run of the "finish upright" plan will see my in my new Gym Girl Ultra skirtsports running skirt. Gotta see which one I like better. But those shorts, definitely liked them. Tried out PocketFuel and the Clifshot electrolyte hydration powder, too. Also tried out a 3:1 run:walk ratio, and I LOVED it. 2:1 too short! 4:1 too long! But 3:1, perfecto. Now if only I could HEAR my Garmin beeping at me. Stupid hearing loss.

It went well except for how late I was out; too lazy earlier today. poor toes. I also need to stop putting a long long hill in the last 2 miles of my runs. Pain!

Sorry to go on. :) It was my Longest Run Ever, so it was kind of a big deal! And so is the ouchiness. :)
Finally found it! Thx :)

Not happy about our corals. I posted time of 1:58 on ToT 10 miler and got Corral I - just under 3 hours. dH posted time of 1:43 and got G.

That's a good coral actually. My sil is in that coral and she does a half marathon in under 2 hours...I think about 1hr and 50mins is her best time and she does a full marathon in about 4.5 hours...she is in I too.
Did the Galloway 12.5 today. OK I should have done it yesterday, but my schedule did not allow it.

My toes hurt!

HOW how how how do people do a full marathon? How? Aren't you bored? Don't you hurt? Aren't your feet just dying?

I always wonder the same thing - my feet feel like they've been hammered repeatedly with a hammer by the end of a long run. I honestly can't imagine going longer than a half-marathon for that reason alone.

If it makes you feel better, I felt the same way after a mere 7 Friday. I know it was in large part due to health stuff making my joints ache terribly, but still... every single mile hurt. I've never been so happy to finish a run! :yay: But I'm kinda freaking out about the prospect of doing double the distance in a few weeks... I've done it before; I know not every run hurts like my last one did - but yeah, I'm scared. :worried:
I always wonder the same thing - my feet feel like they've been hammered repeatedly with a hammer by the end of a long run. I honestly can't imagine going longer than a half-marathon for that reason alone.

If it makes you feel better, I felt the same way after a mere 7 Friday. I know it was in large part due to health stuff making my joints ache terribly, but still... every single mile hurt. I've never been so happy to finish a run! :yay: But I'm kinda freaking out about the prospect of doing double the distance in a few weeks... I've done it before; I know not every run hurts like my last one did - but yeah, I'm scared. :worried:

Sorry you were hurting. Hugs.

But glad to know there's another out there who just wonders "how". When I hit the end yesterday I thought YAY and "there's no way I could say 'and again!' right now."

Discovered yesterday that its at 6 miles when I start talking to myself. Embarrassing. :)
Did the Galloway 12.5 today. OK I should have done it yesterday, but my schedule did not allow it.

My toes hurt!

HOW how how how do people do a full marathon? How? Aren't you bored? Don't you hurt? Aren't your feet just dying?

OK, OK, you train for it. I just don't know how I could convince my feet and the backs of my knees TO train for it. I'd have to trick them or something. :goodvibes

Tried out the whole rig today. Got my new Nathan Intensity-for-women hydration backpack, my skirtsports Redemption Run shorts, even my magicband. The next/last long run of the "finish upright" plan will see my in my new Gym Girl Ultra skirtsports running skirt. Gotta see which one I like better. But those shorts, definitely liked them. Tried out PocketFuel and the Clifshot electrolyte hydration powder, too. Also tried out a 3:1 run:walk ratio, and I LOVED it. 2:1 too short! 4:1 too long! But 3:1, perfecto. Now if only I could HEAR my Garmin beeping at me. Stupid hearing loss.

It went well except for how late I was out; too lazy earlier today. poor toes. I also need to stop putting a long long hill in the last 2 miles of my runs. Pain!

Sorry to go on. :) It was my Longest Run Ever, so it was kind of a big deal! And so is the ouchiness. :)

Congrats on your longest run ever!

I am training for the marathon. My second. I don't know how I do it either! I still struggle finding the right shoes. My feet do get sore, but instead of getting sore at mile 8 like they used to, it has been pushed out to mile 15 or so now.

I DO get bored! I have fun at the race. But these long runs do get very boring. Last weekend's 20 miler was done solely on the treadmill! I guess conquering that helps with the mental part.

I still look at people running in ice, snow. Rain. Etc. and wonder how they do that! I still wonder how people can run 26.2 with no walk breaks! I still wonder how people avg a 10 min mile, let alone a 5,6, or 7 minute mile.

I guess we all have different strengths and it is much about the personal challenge. And the bling, if course. Once it was my goal to do a half marathon. I never thought I'd do a full. Yet here I am about to go for full #2. For me it just has been a long slow journey to get here. A lot if boredom and sore feet along the way but the sweet finish makes it all worth it! :-)
i ran a half on Saturday (my first). and when i finished, i couldn't imagine those who were doing twice my distance. i give major kudos to them. that is AMAZING!!! :worship:

i was thrilled with my finish time of 2:05:16. i had some pretty awful runs lately and was just hoping to average 10:30 minutes per mile, but when i got out there, i realized i could easily do under 10 minutes. my time was a 9:38 minute mile, so i was super excited!

it was also a confidence booster for January. now, i know that i can run a half marathon!
Did the Galloway 12.5 today. OK I should have done it yesterday, but my schedule did not allow it.

My toes hurt!

HOW how how how do people do a full marathon? How? Aren't you bored? Don't you hurt? Aren't your feet just dying?

OK, OK, you train for it. I just don't know how I could convince my feet and the backs of my knees TO train for it. I'd have to trick them or something. :goodvibes

Tried out the whole rig today. Got my new Nathan Intensity-for-women hydration backpack, my skirtsports Redemption Run shorts, even my magicband. The next/last long run of the "finish upright" plan will see my in my new Gym Girl Ultra skirtsports running skirt. Gotta see which one I like better. But those shorts, definitely liked them. Tried out PocketFuel and the Clifshot electrolyte hydration powder, too. Also tried out a 3:1 run:walk ratio, and I LOVED it. 2:1 too short! 4:1 too long! But 3:1, perfecto. Now if only I could HEAR my Garmin beeping at me. Stupid hearing loss.

It went well except for how late I was out; too lazy earlier today. poor toes. I also need to stop putting a long long hill in the last 2 miles of my runs. Pain!

Sorry to go on. :) It was my Longest Run Ever, so it was kind of a big deal! And so is the ouchiness. :)

I may not be the best person to answer this as I have not run a marathon yet. I'm currently training for Dopey. Last year, I trained for my first half marathon at Disney. I was supposed to run the full marathon in Pittsburgh in May, but after running the half, I decided that I need to get more half marathons under my belt before I do a full marathon. So, I did 4 half marathons last year and I'm going to run my longest run to date this weekend - 20 miles.

I was the same way last year, I thought how in the heck could I ever double the miles. It's a major time commitment to train for a marathon. It takes patience, it takes determination, and most of all, it takes mental toughness. I look back and yes, my legs start hurting in the last miles of each run, but I am not going to let that stop me. I've built up miles over the summer, fall, and winter. I've run in the rain, I've run in the snow, I've run in hot and humid weather. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it is a pain in the ****! It really is all about training and mentally preparing yourself for a loooong run.

Think about how far you've come. When you first started, you probably were running 3 or 4 miles at the most. Now you are talking about finishing 12+ miles. (Great job by the way:thumbsup2). You probably look at those 3 -4 mile midweek runs as nothing anymore. Believe it or not, that's how the 5-8 mile runs are now. The more miles you run, the more accustomed to the mileage you become. I NEVER EVER EVER thought I would be running 43 miles in a week. That's what this week's schedule calls for. I have to dig deep to get through these miles, but afterwards, I will have all the confidence in the world knowing that I can complete the Dopey Challenge!

Good luck to you in the race. You're going to do great! It's so much fun and I love the half marathon distance. It's long enough that you can't take it for granted, but it's short enough that it doesn't take up your entire day to train and race. It really is the perfect distance.
Congrats on your longest run ever!

I am training for the marathon. My second. I don't know how I do it either! I still struggle finding the right shoes. My feet do get sore, but instead of getting sore at mile 8 like they used to, it has been pushed out to mile 15 or so now.

I DO get bored! I have fun at the race. But these long runs do get very boring. Last weekend's 20 miler was done solely on the treadmill! I guess conquering that helps with the mental part.

I still look at people running in ice, snow. Rain. Etc. and wonder how they do that! I still wonder how people can run 26.2 with no walk breaks! I still wonder how people avg a 10 min mile, let alone a 5,6, or 7 minute mile.

I guess we all have different strengths and it is much about the personal challenge. And the bling, if course. Once it was my goal to do a half marathon. I never thought I'd do a full. Yet here I am about to go for full #2. For me it just has been a long slow journey to get here. A lot if boredom and sore feet along the way but the sweet finish makes it all worth it! :-)

Such great points! And I have problems finding shoes as well. I want to start a website for shoe "twins", so that those of us with a 7 right foot and 8 left foot could find people with an 8 right foot and 7 left, so we could swap! And don't get me started on my right foot and "custom" orthotics. :)

Bling is good. :) I was thinking last night "maybe 10Ks should be my thing", but then I realized that the good bling really starts with Halfs. :)

i ran a half on Saturday (my first). and when i finished, i couldn't imagine those who were doing twice my distance. i give major kudos to them. that is AMAZING!!! :worship:


In case it didn't come through, what you said is absolutely behind all of my thoughts. I mean, it was hidden by the OUCH last night, but yes, it's so impressive. My brother has run the Marine Corps marathon, and that's amazing to me.

I was the same way last year, I thought how in the heck could I ever double the miles. It's a major time commitment to train for a marathon. It takes patience, it takes determination, and most of all, it takes mental toughness. I look back and yes, my legs start hurting in the last miles of each run, but I am not going to let that stop me. I've built up miles over the summer, fall, and winter. I've run in the rain, I've run in the snow, I've run in hot and humid weather. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it is a pain in the ****! It really is all about training and mentally preparing yourself for a loooong run.

Think about how far you've come. When you first started, you probably were running 3 or 4 miles at the most. Now you are talking about finishing 12+ miles. (Great job by the way:thumbsup2). You probably look at those 3 -4 mile midweek runs as nothing anymore. Believe it or not, that's how the 5-8 mile runs are now. The more miles you run, the more accustomed to the mileage you become. I NEVER EVER EVER thought I would be running 43 miles in a week. That's what this week's schedule calls for. I have to dig deep to get through these miles, but afterwards, I will have all the confidence in the world knowing that I can complete the Dopey Challenge!

Good luck to you in the race. You're going to do great! It's so much fun and I love the half marathon distance. It's long enough that you can't take it for granted, but it's short enough that it doesn't take up your entire day to train and race. It really is the perfect distance.

Aw sniffle sniffle! So nice! And great points. :)

My joints feel much more human and connected today. Index toes are still questioning why I hate them so much though. Back 2 years and 85 pounds ago, I thought my big toes were the longest toes, but about halfway through the weight loss I discovered that the index toes were! So weird that extra weight hid that. So now they are the ones that hit my shoes first and they think I hate them. :upsidedow
I did the Donald half marathon in was my first half marathon EVER. It was the first race I had participated in since h.s. (about 29 years) and I was scared to death!
I signed up for it but only after I knew I could do 13.1 miles in the first place and I did it on some ratty old treadmill in the basement (I have since upgraded it for a better one). My feet were sore, I was bored and I thought, this is as much as a I could do. I went to a running store and with some help found the perfect running shoe. They were great for the race and no sore feet.

After the half we all went out for breakfast and I was sore. Sitting down was great but getting up was a challenge. People congratulated me because I was still wearing my medal. This wasn't my wear my medal...but I had taken much longer than I thought in the half and was still wearing it when we all met I didn't have time to put it in my room. I was very surprised at all the 'congrats' I got and questions...and people telling me they were doing the was actually really awesome...and I saw a lot of runners wear their Donald that day too.

The next day I watched the runners during the final mile of the full marathon...I was staying at an Epcot hotel and went up to cheer the runners on and thought OMG , these guys just did about 25 miles...they are almost home...some were smiling and laughing...most were grudging through it and some looked in pain.
One guy stood out to me though...a fellow who wore a Tinkerbelle outfit complete with wand...he was laughing at the crowds cheering him on and he was waving and shouting 'thankyou, that means a lot' to people for helping him through it...I wanted to be that guy! He made it look fun...even though I knew it wasn't
Later that same year I signed up for the Goofy.

I was terrified at what I had done but was now forced to train for something I have NEVER done (a full) AND combine it with a I signed up for as many half marathons within a certain radius as I could that year to get the body used to it.

I will say though, I did go to a proper running store. I was fitted for sneakers by use of a treadmill and then trying on many pairs of thing is this...if they feel GREAT as soon as I put them on, they work. If there is even a moments doubt, they wont.

So sneakers is a huge part of sore least not till its over.

I did do the Goofy last year...I was fine with it until mile 21 (which I have written about MANY times on here) I did finish the race. I got my medal, I did it and now I am signed up for the Dopey.

You would be surprised at what you can do that you think you cannot.

Yes you need to prep your body physically for it but mentally for it too in a major way. You know at the start line what you are doing...26.2 the way I broke it down was VERY mile at a time.

Going back to the half in this long winded was great! It was the first of many half marathons I would do over the last few years and now after a half marathon I am fine...I am not sore (most of the time). I can sit and stand no problem.

So when you are finished with your half...wear your medal around all day that day! It is fun to chat with people about it. You might inspire a person or two to do it next year when they hear your story!
bumbershoot said:
Such great points! And I have problems finding shoes as well. I want to start a website for shoe "twins", so that those of us with a 7 right foot and 8 left foot could find people with an 8 right foot and 7 left, so we could swap! And don't get me started on my right foot and "custom" orthotics. :)

Bling is good. :) I was thinking last night "maybe 10Ks should be my thing", but then I realized that the good bling really starts with Halfs. :)


In case it didn't come through, what you said is absolutely behind all of my thoughts. I mean, it was hidden by the OUCH last night, but yes, it's so impressive. My brother has run the Marine Corps marathon, and that's amazing to me.

Aw sniffle sniffle! So nice! And great points. :)

My joints feel much more human and connected today. Index toes are still questioning why I hate them so much though. Back 2 years and 85 pounds ago, I thought my big toes were the longest toes, but about halfway through the weight loss I discovered that the index toes were! So weird that extra weight hid that. So now they are the ones that hit my shoes first and they think I hate them. :upsidedow

There are lots of things here i want to address- like congrats On your journey and weightless and everything. But I am In a rush and just wanted to mention that I also have index toe problems with shoes and even though my properly fitting mizunos feel great, I still get bruised toes sometimes from them (especially when doing a lot of hill work). I also have a pair of addidas energy boost and they do not bother my toes at ALL! Must be something with their tech fit material, which is odd bc the shoe fits more snuggly (weird description). You may want to check a pair out. I love them!
There are lots of things here i want to address- like congrats On your journey and weightless and everything. But I am In a rush and just wanted to mention that I also have index toe problems with shoes and even though my properly fitting mizunos feel great, I still get bruised toes sometimes from them (especially when doing a lot of hill work). I also have a pair of addidas energy boost and they do not bother my toes at ALL! Must be something with their tech fit material, which is odd bc the shoe fits more snuggly (weird description). You may want to check a pair out. I love them!

Those are the EXACT shoe I wear! I was wearing Brooks before but they discontinued what I liked. I had to find another shoe so I was at a Running Store in Boston and they recommended the Engery Boost. Love them. I bought a few pairs of them because it seems when I like something, they discontinue them. I have seen somewhere that that shoe is going to be extinct.

They are VERY soft so they are not for everyone though and I even wear them with an insole that was made for my foot...I love them.

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