Odd parking structure issue, Buzz info and park report


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Something odd I’ve noticed ever since the parks reopened is that the CMs at the parking booths nearly insist that they give me a receipt. I neither want nor need one. I've been to DL ≈ 200 times and have never once needed one for any reason. It also costs precious seconds as they print and then give it to me. I told the CM at the booth this morning that I didn’t want it and began to drive off. He shouted something at me and even began to step out of his booth, as if to force it upon me. Now: perhaps they’re required to give us a receipt. But we’re not obliged to accept it. By all means, offer it. But if a guest declines, why force it on him or her? This has happened several times over the past few months. Any thoughts, theories or insights? Perhaps it's needed for reentry? Maybe. But as a seasoned guest (perhaps suggested by my Magic Key), I know what I do need and what I don't. In short, I'm happy to assume the risk that I won't need it again later.

Crowds were relatively light this morning. At the gates shortly before the park opened I met a nice couple from one of my old neighborhoods in Chicago (East Lakeview). In fact, they live a few doors west of where a friend used to live. They were very nice and I gave them a Twix. I often bring chocolate for CMs with whom I’m acquainted and it's usually accepted gratefully. We were also first on PP. It hasn't been open at 8:00 several times over the past few weeks. I've noticed it two or three times myself over the past several weeks and it also happened to a friend on Thursday.

Here’s something new. I scored 2,097,000 on Buzz Lightyear this morning. That’s the highlight score I’ve earned since they placed a cap on them four or five years ago. We've always thought that once you exceeded 2,096,000, scores then reset and you start over from zero so we've always made a point not to exceed that (which isn't always easy or, indeed, possible). Apparently 2,097,000 is the maximum (or close to it). It happens to me just about once per park visit and it's always frustrating. Anyway, I never thought I'd see a score of 2,097,000 so I've attached the pic below. That was a pleasant surprise as was meeting the couple from Chicago.

I've got park maps if anyone would like a set. Simply send me your address and I'll drop them in the mail for you.

Park pics!

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That is an insane score, some day I will decipher the tricks of getting more than 1.5mil haha
The requirement of mandatory giving out of receipts is often as a way to keep the employees that are handling cash accountable.

You also may know you won't need if but they don't know you know and let's face it...there are a lot of not that bright people out there that don't even realize why they might need it so everyone gets one.

It's their job...knowing its coming just take the receipt and don't cause a scene for the poor cast member...especially as a regular.
The requirement of mandatory giving out of receipts is often as a way to keep the employees that are handling cash accountable.
I get that. But I can also refuse it.

It's their job...knowing its coming just take the receipt and don't cause a scene for the poor cast member...especially as a regular.
When I tell a CM that I don't want my receipt and I move to leave, their shouting and coming after me is the only scene being caused. Their choice. Not mine. I realize it's not a big deal but it's a minor annoyance with which I'd rather do without. They may have to issue one. But surely I'm not the only guest to decline it.
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When I tell a CM that I don't want my receipt and I move to leave, their shouting and coming after me is the only scene being caused. Their choice. Not mine. I realize it's not a big deal but it's a minor annoyance with which I'd rather do without. They may have to issue one. But surely I'm not to only one to refuse it.

They could speed up the process by turning some lanes into FasTrak lanes where they just read you CalTrans transponder and bill your account. I was at the Tampa airport and many of the parking exit lanes were SunPass only.
Does it really take that long to get a receipt? Just take it and trash it on your way in. It's NOT that big of a deal.

If you feel it takes a few seconds away from whatever you're running to, leave your house earlier.
Some people are concerned about potential adverse health effects from handling receipts printed on thermal paper, which is most receipts these days. The risk is significant, mainly for the cashier who must handle them all of the time. Interestingly, the effects of the chemicals are heightened wen the cashier uses hand sanitizer, meaning the chemical absorption is substantially greater.

Edited to add: you can do an internet search and find studies on this issue. I'm going to include a snip from one of them about recommendations for consumers:
To minimize exposure, consumers should:
• Avoid getting printed receipts or choose an electronic receipt option.
• If you take a receipt, fold it printed side in. The backside is typically not coated.
• Consider keeping a flat bag or envelope in your backpack or purse in which to place receipts. BPA and BPS readily rub off onto items in your purse or wallet.
• Do not hand receipts to babies or children.
• Wash hands after handling receipts (Minnesota PCA n.d.).
• Put receipts into the trash instead of recycling to reduce contamination in recycled paper products.
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2 to the 20th power is 2,097,151. So that is the maximum value you could get with their score program. If you get 1 more it will roll over to zero again.
Now: perhaps they’re required to give us a receipt. But we’re not obliged to accept it. By all means, offer it. But if a guest declines, why force it on him or her? This has happened several times over the past few months. Any thoughts, theories or insights? Perhaps it's needed for reentry? Maybe. But as a seasoned guest (perhaps suggested by my Magic Key), I know what I do need and what I don't. In short, I'm happy to assume the risk that I won't need it again later.
First of all, glad to see you back! Some folks were getting worried in another thread!

As to the receipts, I haven’t had it at the parking structure, but I have occasionally had CMs at the market kiosks (fruit, pickles, drinks, etc) insist — and I mean INSIST — that I take a receipt from them. I always figured it’s some kind of policy, but 90% of the time they either ask if I want a receipt, or just throw it away when I tell them I don’t need one. So I don’t know why some are so adamant and others aren’t.

I always get a laugh out of it because it makes me think of this:
They have always given a card or now generic paper receipt. Prior could mark on it where you parked and was more of a souvenir quality item. The receipt is for if you leave the parking facility, it gives you reentry without having to pay again. Sure if you are a dream key holder, a receipt doesn’t mean much with the free parking. I find the scan in and receiving a receipt to be very quick.
If you refuse the receipt how do the supervisors knows that?
Surely they must realize that it's a possibility. Moreover, it's not my responsibility to guess at internal policies and then react to what I or others presume them to be. They offered. I refused. If that's a serious problem for them, then perhaps they should modify their procedures so that guests aren't left to guess at policy and CMs can't be suspected of theft.
Does it really take that long to get a receipt? Just take it and trash it on your way in. It's NOT that big of a deal.
No, it's not a big deal. Just as it isn't if I refuse it. Certainly it's not a good reason to shout at guests. I only mentioned it because of the way CMs have reacted. It's not the delay that bothers me or that I've noticed.

If you feel it takes a few seconds away from whatever you're running to, leave your house earlier.
Again, it's not a big deal. Just as it isn't if I refuse it. Perhaps CMs should get up earlier and yell at their spouses, partners or pets if they feel they need to shout at someone or something ;-).
2 to the 20th power is 2,097,151. So that is the maximum value you could get with their score program. If you get 1 more it will roll over to zero again.
2 to the 20th is 1,048,576. 2 to the 21st is 2,097,152 :-). But perhaps it is something along those lines.

Incidentally, there didn't used to be a score cap. It seems that it was introduced about five years ago. I recall people earning scores in the three-millions and more. I've always presumed that Disney added the cap so that if someone comes out and sees their score of 24,000 (or whatever) stacked up against something like 3,500,000, they might feel that they've done poorly. Moreover, if you've scored 2,097,000, you'll be in first place. Is there really much difference between a first place of 2M and 3M? Not really. The only reason that it's irksome is because it's very easy to exceed 2,097,151 (or whatever it is) and lose all of your points (since scores above 1M don't display on the cruisers). It happens to me about once per visit. Friends and I often joke that it's like working a 90-hour week and expecting a huge, overtime-heavy paycheck. When you open it, however, it's a lot less than expected. When you ask, you're told that the company doesn't pay for overtime. So often I'll come to the photo kiosk and see a score that I expect to be around 2,000,000 and it's only 14,000.
First of all, glad to see you back! Some folks were getting worried in another thread!
Thank you. I hadn't heard about that. Presumably because I was sick? Maybe some were concerned that Disney sent their secret police to my house in the middle of the night to question me about my repeated refusals (they have video eveidence and countless witnesses) to accept a receipt at the parking structure ;-).

As to the receipts, I haven’t had it at the parking structure, but I have occasionally had CMs at the market kiosks (fruit, pickles, drinks, etc) insist — and I mean INSIST — that I take a receipt from them. I always figured it’s some kind of policy, but 90% of the time they either ask if I want a receipt, or just throw it away when I tell them I don’t need one. So I don’t know why some are so adamant and others aren’t.
Exactly. They can ask, I can refuse. No reason to argue about it. They're only empowered to ask. They can't make us take one, regardless of what their internal policies are. Again, I only raised this issue because it's happened a few times and I don't understand why they're so insistent... to the point that they're shouting at me.
You know, as a lifelong bureaucrat who had to deal with all kinds of "What on Earth?" rules and laws I finally figured that for every 'silly' rule or law there was someone, somewhere who made a stink about something that then resulted in a rule or law that all thereafter had to abide by.

So what that means is that sometime, someone made a stink about NOT getting a receipt (probably after they left and legitimately tried to return and were turned away), or someone tried to get in the structure without paying by insisting the CM 'never gave me a receipt, so you have to let me in'. Either way, a stink was raised and hey presto! a rule was made.

You may not want the receipt, but chances are the CM will get a talking to if you don't take it. Yes I know it's not the CM's fault you didn't take it and it may be a random chance that a lead sees it, but that has very little to do with the actual result to the CM of your not taking it.


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