October 2020 WISH Challenge - A Bunch of Hocus Pocus

My WooHoo for today - DD1 texted me today and said she was in town getting her hair cut and asked it I wanted to go to lunch! Um, yes! She lives about an hour away, but still uses the same person to cut her hair, so I got a nice surprise visit!
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This is a week where I really need to search. Yesterday was a very overwhelming day. School is just a lot and it keeps changing. Soooo...time to look for the positives.

Woohoo - I’ve been drinking 100oz of water or more each day
Woohoo - I came across a Christian To Do List post on Instagram that I found encouraging.
Woohoo - My daughter got to play a few minutes in the varsity game today.
Woohoo - I got my flu shot today.
Wahoo in 12 hours I'll be almost to the dentist to fix the tooth that broke last night. It's a bit jaggedy but bearable. What I'm finding extremely irritating is the beating my tongue is taking scraping against it! wah wah wah

wahoo tonight I cooked bacon and had too many pieces, but it was oh so good

wahoo just now I chose two fig newtons as a snack instead of two nilla wafers

wahoo at work I've almost recycled all the papers left behind by students in March!
~ Thankful Thursday ~

I was on such a roll with tying these to the movie but I got nothing today! So let's just spread some grateful vibes around!

Today, I'm thankful for the way my DS looks at me. We make eye contact and he's always full of smiles and it just makes my heart feel so happy
Hello all,

Woohoo - last night I had a good night sleep and a LONG one! The twins were at overnight school camp - DS19 and I had early dinner, I climbed into bed to watch tv and feel asleep around 7.30pm, I slept through until 3am (nature called) fell back to sleep easily and slept through until 7.30pm. I have been to the office each day this week and I am not used to it after WFH for so long lol. I will be back to WFH tomorrow and it will continue to be a mix this term..

Woohoo - I have been watching a nutritionist on youtube - she talks alot about Keto eating without getting all caught up in how complex some people make it - she calls it Keto without the Crazy. I watched a couple of episodes tonight while cooking dinner that just really lifted my mood - The first was talking about sticking to an eating plan being hard - and she was like yes it's hard, so what - don't have to high expectations - and to just keep trying - day by day. Second one was how she hates the word 'ONLY' as in I only lost 3 pounds, I only made it 3 days without sugar - she reminded me to celebrate small victories and not to diminish the effort with negative self talk all the time.
I am thankful that I finished a big task at work today - it has taken me a week to get it done and I so glad it is DONE! It meant being in the office every day which - I have not done since a couple of weeks in March before Covid restrictions kicked in here - It was kind of nice to feel 'normal' in the office but I am happy to be WFH again tomorrow :)
I am thankful things went so smoothly yesterday. There was only one issue in the part of the project my team handled and we resolved it in about 15 minutes. Almost perfect: we always seem to get sooo close but never quite all the way there. But my thought is 'stuff is going to happen, it really isn't the stuff that matters, it's what you do about the stuff' - and we handled the stuff well. Now we have three locations to do next week, then.... vacation!

I feel like I should do something celebratory this weekend, something I haven't been doing... not sure what that will be yet. Oh, I do have my rescheduled massage on Sunday.
Had a good time today celebrating my baby turning 13. We went and spent the money my mother in law gave DH to get a gift for her at a small lego store. There were two other customers in when we walked in but they left almost immediately and two employees working. She picked out a minecraft sheep farm set which was right at the amount she had to spend from Grandma and Grandpa. Afterwards we stopped by the store so DH could run in and pick up some cupcakes and a small container of ice cream which we took over to DH's parents' house and had a small party. Mother in law had a small decoration that said happy birthday in a vase on the table and we just kept everything low key. She got to open a gift from us and show the grandparents what she got from them as well as open another small gift from them and her card. We will have a small party with my parents and possibly my sister if her schedule allows it on Saturday evening sometime. She will get to open her gift from my parents, my sister, and a 2nd gift from us along with if DH can find something a card from us. She doesn't really care much about cards now so I might just sneak it into things later when this is all over and I can go to the stores more.

Wearing a mask is difficult for me especially since I have actually blacked out. Luckily both times either my DH or 15 year old was with me and were able to steady me and get me outside where I could remove the mask and breath. I have tried doing practicing but it is a no go. Technically according to the mask mandate in my state because I have a medical condition that makes wearing a mask impossible I don't have to wear one. However we have a county health officer here that is just stay home and is encouraging people to be maskholes and call the county health office to report businesses that are allowing people to not wear a mask. I just found out that if our numbers do not go down by the end of the month that the county health officer is going to put resturants, churches, ect back to 25% capacity which a number of resturants have stated will essentially close their doors for good. Yes the number of cases are high when you look at just the numbers but when you look at them as a percentage of the population (not even taking into account the number of people from at least 4 neighboring counties who commute here daily for work) we are actually on the lower end in the state.

I have been doing curbside pickup, sending my DH or 15 year old into the store to get items, using drivethru, services, and ordering online with delivery to my door. Really not liking that we no longer have our regular ups driver because she alway put out packages at the door off the driveway even though that one is not at the front of the house and just to the open side of the door. The ones we have now put it sometimes at that door anywhere on the deck usually where I have to step outside, or at the actual front door which we don't use except to let the cats out.
Ok maybe a little bit more but due to ground settlement and having to put blocks under to keep it up and level with the house we are going to need to get another set of steps built. DH has not gotten around to doing that. Plus you would think people would figure out we don't use that door with 2 large planters right in front of the deck opening. That is on the list of things that I need DH to get done that he is procrastinating at doing. At this rate maybe someday I will have the funds to not only get enough material for the steps but money to purchage enough material to make a larger multilevel deck in the front and to hire someone to build it for me. There are spots from when we had the house built 12 years ago and built the dirt up so that water would drain away from the house especially if we ended up with a heavy snowfall winter and heavy spring rains about the time we were getting the runoff from the snowmelt.
That way we wouldn't have to worry as much about groundwater getting into the basement and causing flooding. A wet private road/driveway is a lot easier to deal with especially since it is gravel. Those spots the grass never really grew in though the russian thisle sure in creation has.
I have a non chemical solution that I need to mix up and send my 15 year old or just go outmyself and spray the spots in the yard and the garden area once we get everything harvested.
I’m thankful for my job. It is causing me a lot of stress lately and even more is about to start on Monday when all my students come in live plus I’m getting 4 more students. And tonight’s school board meeting is most likely going to pile on even more stress. But even with all the stress, I’m thankful for my job. I know there are people who have been laid off and searching for jobs for months. And without my job, we wouldn’t be able to live in our house or go on vacations. So I keep reminding myself through all the stress that I am thankful for my job!
I'm thankful that tomorrow I'm working from home and get to drink tea with breakfast!

I'm thankul I got my tooth fixed and it's no longer poking my tongue or making me jump when I drink something! So I'm thankful I have insurance and I'm thankful DH has a lovely job to pay for the insurance and my out of pocket tiny expense that ended the pain/annoyance. Last night DH was sweet and suggested we search for the wax the boys used for their braces to put on my tooth. I knew where it would be (if we still had it), but a child was asleep in that room and there were too many toys between me and the closet to search. I survived. :tiptoe:

I had a bit of a mixed day - got 2 walks in - eating wasn't too bad through the day but ended it with take-away :( But I am not going to dwell - tomorrow will be meal planning and shopping :) I have a clear workout plan from my physiotherapist this afternoon - so feel like next week could be more on target:) Looking forward to a rest and re-set this weekend and one more painting project - one last bedside table to paint.
~ Free for All Friday ~

It's Friday and for some of us it's also a 3 day weekend! Happy dance for that! I made my way back into ONEderland this morning :love: Finally!! Down 38.5lbs since birth, have another 30 to go (give or take 5) to get back to where I want to be.

Tomorrow, my MIL is taking my baby for a few hours. So I will have time to pick up the house, maybe clean a bit, but also get to work on refinishing a dresser that I bought! $20 for a 5 drawer dresser. Right now I am using one of those plastic stackables that I took with me to college 10 years ago lol. Mama is excited to have dresser space!
I am so glad it is Friday. I didn't get much of a work out in yesterday. I started walking on the treadmill but started to feel sick. I had heartburn really bad last night. Tums was not helping so I had to take something stronger. It took awhile for that to kick in. I will make up my time this weekend.

On a brighter note, it is my 16th wedding anniversary. I forgot when I first got up. It always take me a minute to realize the day. Not sure we will do anything. We talked about picking up food and going to a park to eat but it is a bit chilly here right now. Friends of ours were going to quarantine for 2 weeks and then take the kids for the weekend but we took a rain check until after DD's surgery. We are just really trying to stay away from people so we don't get sick and have to cancel the surgery. Then we will quarantine for the 2 weeks after just incase we picked something up at the hospital.

I have put together a few small Halloween baskets together to give to my sisters family, my brothers family, my mom and step-dad and 4 of my closest friends. All are filled with candy. They are have kids (except my parents) so it is a bit more for the kids but the parents can eat some of the candy too. No one knows I am doing this so it will be a surprise. I only have 4 of the baskets right now. I am waiting for the others to be delivered. Hopefully I get them soon. I am putting a special one together for my parents. My mom has celiac so she can only have certain candies and my step-dad loved Dove chocolates. So I got them Dove chocolate, York peppermint patties and Reece's peanut butter cups. Everyone else is just getting an assortment of Halloween candy. I can't wait to drop them off. I am just going to drop them on the porches so we stay away from everyone but it will still be fun.
I too am so grateful it is Friday. I got a lot done yesterday to get ready for the deployments next week, so I'm feeling like we are in good shape... knock on wood.

Still haven't decided what 'special' thing I'm going to do over the weekend. The pumpkin patch at the farm on my country-loop drive is open, both Saturday and Sunday are going to be rainy but a little traipsing around in a muddy pumpkin patch isn't a bad thing. A day trip over to Port Townsend in the rain wouldn't be a bad thing either. I started following a "Friends of Fort Warden" group on IG and they recently posted pictures from some trails I didn't even know existed. I could stop in Bainbridge on the way back and take the other ferry from there, to mix it up a bit. Hmmm... options.

Here is an interesting article on Hocus Pocus, focussed on the houses/set:

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Happy it's Friday! I was actually off today because DD2 was getting her wisdom teeth taken out. She's 22 and much older than my other 2 kids to get them taken out, but the dentist / ortho had never mentioned it for her until recently. Anyway, I took off to take her and get her home. Everything went fine with it and she's in her room sleeping now. It did take awhile to get her prescriptions from Walgreens - apparently it is flu shot day today at our local Walgreens and the pharmacist give the shots as well as filling the prescriptions? I think that what they said anyway. Other than that, the day went well. My other 2 kids both called out of the blue today which was nice too!


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