NOW is the time! It's MINE & I AM WORTH IT! (friends welcome to tag along!!)

Way to go on your weight loss!!!:cheer2:

I hope the therapy helps your DD feel better. :wizard:

I'm sorry you didn't get much sleep. I hope you get lots of sleep tonight!:goodvibes

Congrats on getting the 5 surveys!!:banana:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:hug:
Awesome job on the weight loss! :goodvibes

On a more sullen note I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. We went through it last April and it was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. The trip is exactly what you need to lift your spirits so I'm happy it's just around the corner for you.
Julie -- So glad DD thinks the therapy will help. I must have been really out of touch when you originally wrote about that accident. How tragic. I am so sorry DD got hurt. Congratulations on the WI and how exciting to know how close your trip is. :banana: I hope the next couple weeks aren't so crazy that you start your vacation exhausted. :hug:
Julie, that therapy sounds really promising. I am saying prayers and keeping my fingers crossed!

That is great ds is throwing himself a party, good for him!

Taking out suitcases is always a good sign that something fun is around the corner.

I hope you get some sleep and CONGRATULATIONS on that 2.6 pound loss. You are doing so well, send some of that determination you have up I-25 towards me!
WI yesterday down 1.6...good, but still frustrating as it wasn't where is should have been. But, good old TOM decided to make a spotty appearance for a couple of days after 11.5 months of nothing, so I know my body has been out of whack. Combine that with lack of sleep and I"m surprised I lost at all! Guess I have to start recounting now....bummer! 5.6 lbs to go to make my goal with 2 WI's left. 1 next Thurs, then the following Tues morning before I leave. I think I will probably sleep all the way to FL as llittle sleep as I am getting.

I'm making sure I get in my steps, and have a calorie burn/deficit of at least 1500/day, am not cheating, doing 200 crunches/day, so I am doing all I can. Either the scale will cooperate or it won't.

My current 'mileage' is at 44.07 so far for the month & 477.83 for the year. I think I'm walking myself shorter :scared1: Goal before I go is to hit 500 miles which shouldn't be a problem. And my speed is increasing again....I seem to keep a pretty consistent 13/14 min pace even up the big hills around here. I'm sure my mileage will diminish some as the trip gets closer as I just have too much to do, but I am trying.

Busy week here as usual. DS21 started summer school - 6 hours a day 5 days/week + 1 online class he is half done with. Means I have to be up @ 6 to make sure he is up. Oh well....gets me out walking before it is too hot.
Trying to clean house & get ready for his party tomorrow night, then Sunday he has a blackjack table reserved for 11p.m., so will have to go there with him for at least awhile. No sleep this weekend is my forecast. oh well...

Still haven't gotten to really start packing for the trip or getting stuff done that needs to get done.

DD had her 2nd therapy session. While she hasn't admitted it, I think it is slowly working. Another next Thurs, then backing off a bit to see if everything continues to be looser.

Got labs done. Chol. is 161, LDL 88, HDL 57, Trigly. 82, so doing ok. Still waiting in the RX to come in the mail, but should make it before I leave.

DS20 has my car as he had to drive to campus today & it gets much better mileage than his vette. DD is at work, & I should be out doing his party & birthday shopping, but instead, I needed a breather to DIS, try on some clothes & hopefully get some things done here. It will make tomorrow even busier, but oh well.....

I'm planning to go to the 3rd area of neighborhood garage sales tomorrow early (40 so far advertised), then do the party errands, clean & do laundry. Exciting, huh?

Off to try on some more clothes & get a few things done. Have a great weekend everyone!
Congrats on the weight loss, Julie!!!!:cheer2:

Sending lots of :wizard::wizard::wizard: your way to help you with your pre-Florida to do list. Just think....You'll be on vacation soon!:banana:

I hope you're having a nice weekend.:hug:
Julie, good luck with the party and getting ready for your trip! You'll get it done just like you always do.

That sounds postive on dd's pain front. I am still praying!

So sorry about TOM, I am 12 months and counting and would be very bummed in your shoes. I hope its an isolated incident! Never thought I'd be so excited to be a dried up old lady ya know?;)
Julie-I hope you're having a good week and taking care of yourself. When do you leave for vacation?
Wow! These last 2 weeks have FLOWN & been ridiculously busy. But, I leave at 2:45 tomorrow, go to Kansas City, then to Tampa ...get in att 9:45 p.m. FIVE LONG HOURS!!!

Weight is BAD! I am hovering between 160 & 163. I can't get below. I'm hoping for 160 tomorrow & to drop below while at my DSis. UGH!!! And, the last 5 days, I haven't recorded food....just too busy....

On a positive note, my MILEAGE is at 513.52..... 102.72 ahead towards my yearly goal of 750. I'm hoping to get in about 4.5 EARLY in the morning.....Sashi & I both need it!

And now for the news.....(NO, I'm NOT pregnant!) But DD is ENGAGED!!!! DBF came over on Saturday w/ a diamond & talked to DH. Then asked her on Sunday. I'm ok with it as they both realize they can't get married til they can afford it & that school is a BIG issue. But hers is paid for completely & he has all tuition paid, so that is a start. I figure 2 yrs. And I do really like him. I"ll fill you in more on the AMAZING funny stuff my DH said, did.

DD should be home from work soon & I need sleep (it has been VERY scarce lately). I'll be on more while in FL than when I'm here, I'm sure....hope all is well with everyone!
Woohoo Julie!!!!:woohoo::yay: Your trip is here!:banana: I'm so excited for you!:cool1:

Congrats to your DD and her fiance!:bride:

Safe travels, my friend!:hug:
Julie, have a wonderful trip!

And congratulations on your dd, I know how much you like her boyfriend. A wedding to plan now!

I am interested to see what dad had to say about his little girl getting married!

Have fun and see you when you get back.:)
I'm in FLORIDA!!!!!!!

Flight here was SO not fun! I turned down $300 credit and a refund of my fare for that flight as I really didn't want DSis & her DD's to have to wait til 11:05 to pick me up, but I really wanted $440. flight leaving ABQ was 25 min late boarding. Then we sat at the gate for almost an hour while they removed a 'belligerent passenger' from the flight. Then there was a microburst that grounded all flights for a bit. bumpy the ENTIRE way to KC and they never turned off the seatbelt sign. Landed in KC about 1.5 hours late & sat on the runway for 30 min due to backups at gates because of severe storms. Flight from KC to Tampa was also bumpy except for about the last 20 min. To top it off, we landed in Tampa at 11:28....14 min after the flight that I would have been on if I had taken the $440! OUCH!!!!

But, I am here!! Just kind of hanging out & enjoying being with everyone. DSis is working today & 1 DNiece & her girls are at Clearwater Hilton for the weekend for her DH meetings. So, I went to a library show on pirates with DNiece1 & her 2 DD's - 2 & 3.5. Horrid show, so DNiece left & DD3.5 & I were to follow in a couple minutes. We stood up, got in the aisle with backs to the stage & DD3.5 turns around and in a VERY LOUD whispery voice puts a finger to her lips & SHOUTS to me...."SHHHH!! We are SNEAKING OUT!!" I about died laughing!!! She is an amazingly funny and precocious 3.5 y.o!

Just walked DSis 2 dogs 1 mile each & decided to sit on the 'puter' a bit.

I think I should NEVER come to FL again.....after spotting over 4th weekend. TOM appeared in full force today after being MIA for just over 1 yr. At least not a week from now on my birthday! Seems TOM appears EVERY TIME I come to FL! GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

So, back to the engagement story.....

DH reaction to DBF was " I won't stand in your way....and thanks for asking, I was too chicken" and he got up & walked back to lie on the bed & watch TV. Got up a bit later & told DBF that he needed to talk to me first so I didn't "freak out" - I was doing coupon shopping at WalMart while this was transpiring.

So, I am leaving WM and DH texts me to ask when I will be home. (we were supposed to go to Casino w/ DS21 & friends @ 4:30 & I was late). I get home & DH, DS21 & friends help me unload. While unloading DH whispers "Dorian (DBF) is here" - DUH! His car is here & he practically lives here as he now lives w/ grandma 45 min- 1 hr away. So, I finallyu throw something in microwave & head to the bathroom & DH says 'when you are done you need to go down & talk to D" My thought was "Who threw him out now?"

Get down stairs where D is playing games & he tells me & shows me ring which is fine with me..... D spends the night in the office as he works til 3:30 a.m. When I come back upstairs DH says " I hope she lets him down gently" to which I responded ' not a chance she won't say yes. You would have to be blind and stupid to not have seen this coming'. His reply....well, I kind of did, but I figured in 6 - 8 YEARS!"

sunday DBF & DD18 are getting ready to go out to a movie & then dinner & DBF comes in kitchen laughing & whispers " DH gave me $$.....what should I do with it?" My response, of course, was KEEP IT!! Then a bit later, I am in office & DH comes in & says "do you suppose it would make any difference if she realized her children will have flat feet & big ears?" (DBF does have perfectly flat feet but ears are NOT big....but he wears a pony tail)

So all day Sunday while they are gone, every time my phone rings or I am on the computer, DH is 'hovering', wondering if it is DD. Finally, he apparently heard the car pull in as he hightails it into the garage & opens it & goes out to meet them. DD quickly maneuvers around to the front door & comes in that way, then shyly comes into the kitchen where I am cutting coupons & DH is now standing. She already knows we know & shyly shows her ring. DH then HUGGED them both! :scared1: He doesn't hug ANYONE....even me! We all about fell over! He immediately had to call his DSis who lives <1 mile away & was upset she didn't answer. Finally got her on phone & had to rush right over so they could show her. Pretty funny!

off to maybe get a short nap before DSis gets off work. It is cloudy & raining now from Bonnie & I LOVE the rain!

More later....hope everyone has a great weekend....WI on Tuesday was 160.8 BOO! HISS!!!! But I guess TOM would probably explain my lack of loss....oh well.......
A great engagement story, Julie! :goodvibes It sounds like your DH was surprised and then excited about the engagement. Have they set a date yet?

I'm sorry to hear about your flight to Florida. I'm so glad to hear that you're there safely! :hug:I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!! :wizard:
No date, but they are realistic about money. I would guess summer 2012.

Having fun in FL doing not much of anything. Feel like @##$%%!! TOM is apparently making up for 12 months of nothing. I will probably go thru 12 months of tampons, too! GRRRRRR!!!!!!!! This had better be at least under control by the cruise!!!

Today going to the outlet mall in Ellenton. DSis needs crocs & maybe ANOTHER Coach!

Exercise has been nearly non-existent. Food has been ok.
Julie, too funny about TOM in Florida, maybe when you get into the tropics your ovaries sense the change in humidity and go into overdrive! I hope this is the last hurrah on that front.

Very cute engagement story, especially the part where dh hugged! I think he did very well, dads seldom cope well when their little girls get engaged but he did!

Have a wonderful cruise, can't wait to hear all about it!
Sitting in a dark, quiet hotel room in Orlando waiting for DD to get up so we can 'get going' & go to Krispy Kreme for birthday donuts & then off to Cape tomorrow!!

Shopping yesterday was so-so. DD found a bunch, me, nothing....but oh, well......sometimes, most times, hard to find 'cute' for short, chunky, older people..... hopefully more later....if not, I will catch up when Im back!
:bday: to you!

:bday: to you!

:bday: dear Julie!

:bday: to you! :hug:

I hope you have a WONDERFUL day, my friend and an AMAZING time on your cruise!:hug:
Happy birthday Julie!!! We're 1 day apart-mine is tomorrow.

Have a wonderful time on your cruise!!!! They are just so much fun. Take lots of pictures to share with us.

Make sure you pamper yourself with a little deserve it!
Home and back to reality.....unfortunately!

Never did get my Krispy Kreme's on my birthday, but oh well.....I didn't need them, anyway.

7/30 - left Orlando around noon, drove to PtC, met DSis & got pedicures, checked into hotel & ate at Grills near the port. Walked the hotel area a few times, walked to McDonald's & had ice cream & went to bed.

7/31 - up early, walked 2.2 down to beach/park area & to get breakfast at McD's after. Got to PtC at about 10:15 and were checked in & on the ship before 11. Dream is truly beautiful and HUGE, but the consensus is bigger is not necessarily better. After being on Dream, I'm not so sure I really want to go on Oasis anymore, and we were in each port with Oasis....almost 10k people on 2 ships is a bunch!

8/1 - Nassau.....really hasn't changed much in the 20 yrs since I've been there. Did TONS of walking & not much else. Decided on no beach excursions this trip.

8/2 - Sea Day - I did a Spinning Class and LOVED it! I wish there was one near me as I think I could get addicted easily. Played on the water slides, & spent way too much time in the casino - DD LOVED the slots!

8/3 - St Thomas......TONS of walking and shopping. DSis finally gave up & went back to the ship. DH, DD & I climbed the 233 steps to Blackbeard's castle (not a castle & blackbeard was never there....????) DH & DBil did 'Chef's Table' this night & said it was worth the $75 each they food they'd ever had anywhere, eaten in the galley & all the wine they wanted for 4 hours. Again, DD, DSis & I spent quality time with the slots.

8/4 - St. Maarten - Another beautiful island. Here we rode horses & then after changing out of wet clothes (horses in ocean), shopped until 10 min before needing to be back on ship. Got a charm for my Pandora bracelet(birthday gift) - which apparently are like Apple computers & the same price everywhere. DH & DD both got watches & I got a Phillip Stein watch....I resisted the urge to buy the all ORANGE one to match my bug and opted for black.

8/5 & 6 were sea days again & we pretty much layed around & did not much of anything. DD got sucked in to the machine where the quarters drop & fall off the ledge & sat at one for more than 6 hours playing on $20 and ended up with 2 luggage tags, a dice and a bundle of 25 $1 bills.

All in all, I got WAY too little sleep - up around 6 each morning, but staying out til about 2 a.m. with DD. Ate WAY too much food, but didn't take a single elevator all week. Woke up Tues morning with what I thought were allergy/sinus problems. By Friday morning miserable & coughing, & I still have it. DD is about 2 days behind me in symptoms. NOT fun, but at least I didn't get more hives!!

TOM left on time, but I was spotting again a couple days ago (mid cycle) so I'm certain that I'm not done yet.....GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

I managed to gain only 3.6 in 3 weeks, so I'm not too overly upset, but slightly disappointed. I think I will rejoin WW either this week or next as I really want to make lifetime and get there by Christmas. I know you have to be a member at least 6 weeks & I still have an OLD Dr's note saying I should weigh 150, which is 14 lbs away. I'm shooting for 135 or less.

I'm VERY slowly getting caught up. Only about 3 more loads of laundry, still need to go to grocery, etc, but also trying to catch up on sleep.

School starts for DS21 & DD18 on 23rd, so lots to get done before then. Dogs & house survived my absence.

I have tons of pics, but still haven't figured out how to post them on here. I will have them on FB later today, though.

Hope all is well with everyone. I'll catch up soon!! Missed you!!


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