November to Remember: W.I.S.H November 2022

Has not been a good excersize or eating week. The kids passed around a stomach thing last week and a headcold this week. I have the headcold now. And I had to pick ds10 up from school with what appeared to be a migraine.

It's ok....will get back on track eventually.
Monday I have the day off so some stuff to do in addition to picking up the greenbeans for Thanksgiving.

Had a fun moment tonight....DD got her augmented speech device last weekend and so far it's mostly being used for asking for snacks but have to start somewhere. But every now and then something comes out that makes us think she really knows what she is talking about more than it seems. DS7 was using a mug from the wdw resort and talking about everything on it (the park icons, hotels, monorail etc) and next thing I know DD is pulling me towards her device and "said" I VACATION. Um....that's new?!?! Then she giggled and ran away.
Happy Friday!!!

I am a so happy we had a dry and half sunny day today for my day off!!

I was able to get all our leaves and dead flowers and such up to the curb for our last leaf pickup which was a relief. I also tested all my outdoor Christmas lights and 50% made it though the winter 🙄 so I order replacements from target and did 1/4 of the lights outside with what was still useable. NOT turning them on yet though!!

Babysitting my middle niece and nephew tonight and man am I tired! We have done crafts, played hide and seek, the floor is lava and tag! Put my nephew to bed at 7 and my niece and I laid down at 8 and she just fell asleep and if I don’t get out of this bed with her I am going to be sound asleep too 😂
I did awful on the quiz! (But it was fun!)

I did very much have a "social Saturday" though, as we were visiting with family all day. 😆 DH's uncle and cousin are staying at his parents' house, and it was nice to see them.

Self-care today was "creating calmer spaces" - DH and I did some organizing and cleaning out of extra stuff.
Got my Disney+ on right now waiting for Elton John! I'd totally forgotten until I checked my email and saw the reminder.

Had cold, clear, crisp weather here all weekend--and last week. Raked dry leaves which is always such a treat compared to the usual soggy ones!

I battled and mostly lost to a cold this week. I went to work, but that's about the only thing I did!
I DVR’ed the 2022 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on HBO Saturday night, and we watched it yesterday. It was awesome. Pat Benatar and Duran Duran were favorites of mine in high school. All of the tributes were amazing. I’m not a country music fan, but I adore Dolly Parton and consider her a hero. She wrote and performed a rock and roll song.
Welcome to Monday-not just any Monday-but the Monday before Thanksgiving!!! Starting a short week for everyone (I hope!) and lots to look forward to with family, friends, food and shopping!!

Are you motivated to stay on track this week with food and fitness? (except for the big thanksgiving meal of course!)

What’s everyone’s plans/schedules for this week? Any traveling? Folks coming to see you?

Let’s make it a great start to a great week!!
Are you motivated to stay on track this week with food and fitness? (except for the big thanksgiving meal of course!)

What’s everyone’s plans/schedules for this week? Any traveling? Folks coming to see you?

I'm trying, but life has been getting in the way of treadmill time lately.

We only go a few miles to DH's mom's house, but oodles of relatives will be descending there! Some are already staying with her, so I have been back and forth visiting, helping out, etc.
Yah for it being Thanksgiving week, but also how the heck did we get here so quickly?

My weight loss has stalled, but I'm totally OK with that and have been expecting it. My focus for the next 10 days (because I get on a plane in 10 days!) is in feeling really really good. That means eating well and getting plenty of walking and yoga in.

As I've mentioned I'm headed to my Sister's for Thanksgiving, which is a 2 1/2 hour drive + a ferry boat ride away. We'll go for a walk on the beach before dinner and the meal itself will be pretty light due to her dietary restrictions. That will serve me well as well. I'll be taking a work call from there Friday morning and then will head home.
I’m honor of Thanksgiving our topic this Tuesday will be….


So tell me-what are you most looking forward to this week? A family classic? A new dish?

I enjoy just about every main and side for Thanksgiving but my favorite part is the part of the stuffing that gets extra brown and crispy!!! My brother in law and I share it because it’s also his favorite!!
Motivation has been non-existant with the kids (and i) not feeling well. And DD ended up getting sick in the bus on the way home today after putting in a rough night. Poor kid gets slammed after every vaccine she gets...doesn't matter what it is treating or preventing. *sigh*
Parent/teacher conferences…11 hour days. I am running on fumes. I have been off track since DD’s birthday. Too much to do. Too many deadlines and too much stress.

Wednesday is a day off instead of the traditional half day. I’m holding on until then.

Looking forward to watching the parade.

Favorite sides: mashed potatoes/stuffing/cranberry sauce/corn in one mouthful. Love the warm rolls.
So far today since I got home I've made myself two graham cracker and frosting sandwiches. I've been wanting these for about a month, so got store bought frosting and am hoping this little craving will now go away! I did not do yoga this morning, because I was awake from about 3:30-5:30. Little tired today!

My favorite side is a green bean casserole we make (mmmm swiss cheese!) and mashed potatoes and gravy. Basically only eat those at Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Favorite Thanksgiving sides... hmmm. As a kid I think my Mom served sides of veggies out of cans or the freezer, like creamed corn and green peas. Oh, and of course the candied yams dumped from the can with marshmallows on top, and the cranberry sauce on the plate still in the can shape with the ridges. My Sister still insists on serving it that way but with her dietary restrictions this year, I made cranberry sauce from scratch, hallelujah for that.

Trying to think of my favorites as an adult. I use Stovetop as my base for the stuffing but fancy it up with apples, dried cranberries, sometimes dried apricots and use apple cider instead of water. We're not having stuffing this year, but I think I may make myself some for next week.

We've finally got rain this morning. I think it is a front moving thru and not something that is going to stick around but it sounds so strange to hear it coming down outside. The 10-day forecast for Orlando now covers the first few days of my trip and it looks really good with low to mid 70's. Woohoo!
DD us feeling better...not 100% but more herself. Between a cold, growing pains and her vaccine I think it was all just a bit too much.

Yesterday DS7 came home with an advent wreath he made in CCD and told us it was Jesus' birthday cake. If that wasn't cute enough tonight DD went to her device and "said" party and then went to the wreath and tried to blow out the candles.

Thanksgiving favorites have always been dependent on whose house we are at. When we had Thanksgiving with my grandparents it was always stuffing. My grandmother's made different stuffing but both were delicious so it didn't matter whose house we were at I was all about the stuffing. Now that we have Thanksgiving with DH's family my favorite is the mashed potatoes...his cousin does a good job with them.
Whoooohoooo Wednesday Friends!!

It was so great to hear everyone’s favorite dishes and memories…It’s funny how we remember very specific details of food even as little kids!!

What is everyone whoooohoooing today??

I am thrilled to be closing out the week and looking forward to time with family, traditions and decorating this weekend!
WOO HOO!!! After endless parent/teacher conferences, I am off school for Thanksgiving break!!!

WOO HOO!!! I have about 4-5 hours of me time. Ordinarily the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is a half day. Parents pick up late, and I’m trying to leave. However, I am home today. I don’t even care that I woke up at 5:30AM. DH will be picking up last minute stuff from the store after he gets out early, and I am a free woman!!!


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