Not Relying on the Cupcakes, Cocktails or Pixie Dust (KICKS IN THE PANTS NEEDED)

Restart Day 8 (January 25)

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 8 miles/Fitbit 10.45 miles or 25,256 steps

I did not set out at the beginning of the day to do 25K steps. It just happened! I DIS friend stepped the challenge up to 21,000 steps during the work day and of course when the gauntlet is thrown down my stubborn streak takes over. I looked at my FitBit and say 23K and said why not make it 25K today! So that is what I did, hoped on the treadmill for a few more minutes

Eating Plan by the Numbers: 1276 calories/14 carbs (4 NET)

What a great day! My macros were almost spot on today! That has not happened all month! Something snapped yesterday and I decided to be very focused. Now maybe the scale will give me a little grace if I continue on this path...official weigh in is February 1 and I am hoping for close to 15 pounds (the 15 pounds that I regained between Thanksgiving and Restarting...the same pounds I have lost a million times the last few months).

Water: 100 ounces

Yay, I got my water in again...I like when my weekdays have a schedule!


Current Exercise Streak: 25 Days in 2016 (31 days since December 26, 2015)
Current Eating Plan Streak: 1 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 1 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)

Wine it's water and grape juice 100% okay. Doesn't lead to dehydration and cramps or anything... :ssst::rotfl:

I know right...I don't see a problem...and cupcake has eggs it in!
Restart Day 9 (January 26)

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 7 miles/Fitbit 9.59 miles or 21.551 steps
Made the goal of 21,000 steps...but I really had to push myself there!

Eating Plan by the Numbers: 1343 calories/36 carbs (32 NET)
So as it always happens, I do great one day and the next I think that gives me the okay to slack the next day. Actually my down fall was the HOT fresh out of the oven cornbread I made for my family to go with their dinner. I could not help myself...I love corn bread. SIGH...tomorrow is a new day. Not awful eating but just more carbs then I know my body can handle. We are coming down to crunch end of the month progress is slow so I am thinking of starting a Fat Fast for a couple of days to rev up my fat burning.

Water: 100 ounces
Yay, I got my water in again...I like when my weekdays have a schedule!


Current Exercise Streak: 26 Days in 2016 (32 days since December 26, 2015)
Current Eating Plan Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 2 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
Restart Day 10 (January 27)

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 7 miles/Fitbit 9.22 miles or 22,399 steps

Made the goal of 21,000 steps, sure helps when I have DVRed something and I can get lost in a program.

Eating Plan by the Numbers: LAZY LAZY LAZY
Ugh, I started the day off so well...and did so well up until the time I got home and then I feel apart. No really bad choices at all but I just decided to skip the logging foods with MYFITNESSPAL which will probably tell me I was awful when in my mind I was good. I have to get on track.

Water: 100 ounces
Yay, I got my water in again...I like when my weekdays have a schedule!


Current Exercise Streak: 27 Days in 2016 (33 days since December 26, 2015)
Current Eating Plan Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 3 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
Trying out a new APP called PACT. You basically get paid to do what you are already doing Logging your food and walking your steps. It sinks directly to MYFITNESSPAL and FITBIT. You start by making a weekly commitment to how many days you plan to exercise (if using FITBIT it is 10,000 steps) and how many days you plan to log your food (set according to MYFITNESSPAL Basic goals of breakfast, lunch and dinner). Then you go about your day doing what you already do. I make sure that I sink with both of my other APPS because if you fail to complete a PACT that you committed too, you get fined $5 (how they get the money to pay you for keeping your commitments). This week was a trail run for me (they actually give you almost 2 weeks the first time to make sure this is what you want to do and understand how it works...and I met my PACTS/commitments every day. So I feel confident that I can do this...after all it is already something I am doing. All money earned will go into my DISNEY PENNY FUND...:rotfl2::thumbsup2 which is what I call all the money making APPS that I am currently using.
That PACT app sounds really interesting ... I have to look into it. Thanks for sharing the info!
Restart Day 11 (January 28)

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 5 miles/Fitbit 9.05miles or 22,418 steps
I walked a lot during the day so thankfully after a very long day at work I did not have to put in a full 6 miles on the treadmill. Hoping that tomorrow night I can stop by the park on my way home...the weather is supposed to be almost early summer like! Which makes me really happy cause I need to get a half marathon (walking of course right now) done on Saturday to keep my muscle memory!

Eating Plan by the Numbers: 1266 calories/17 carbs (10 NET)
Really good day...macros were just about on to string more of these kind of days together for a Streak...and then losing. I did cave last night and allowed myself 1 GS Thin Mint Cookie! Yes, I mean only 1 cookie...not the entire sleeve. My carbs were still under count, so I allowed for a little temptation to get to me.

Water: 60 ounces
It was a busy day full of way I could go to the bathroom that much and my water intake much for building a streak


Current Exercise Streak: 28 Days in 2016 (34 days since December 26, 2015)
Current Eating Plan Streak: 1 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
That PACT app sounds really interesting ... I have to look into it. Thanks for sharing the info!

I figure since I am doing both apps anyway, this might hold me even more accountable to make sure I am logging. Disney Pennies add up!!!
It has been a crazy busy week for me with little time to get online and do anything. I have had a pretty good week eating and a GREAT week exercising.

Yesterday was the OFFICIAL MONTHLY weigh in day...11 pounds!

I know that sounds great for a month...but I peeked a few weeks ago at the scale and the scale has not budged in a few weeks. I have been fighting with these same 1 pounds now for a couple of I had gained them after PHM last February. In all I have about 25 pounds I have been playing with for years that I really need to get past to get into real losing numbers. I am not going to let this weigh in cause me to binge eat or give up. I have to learn to move past the scale. I have had 3 days in a row with week with low cards...last night my carb count was higher than I want but it was not a binge and I made wiser choices with eating just higher in sweet carbs!

On an exercise note last work week I participated in a 25,000 steps a day a challenge. I am happy to report that I made 25,000 steps for 5 days straight. I am so tired. Thursday I really felt like throwing in the towel on Thursday but I pushed through.

Water has plagued me all days were great while others I just got busy and forgot!

As for PACT...I completed my PACT this week both for exercise and for diet...I earned $2.31 towards my Disney trip!


Current Exercise Streak: 36 Days in 2016 (42 days since December 26, 2015)/at least 2 intentional miles per day
Current Eating Plan Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
PACT earnings in 2016: $2.31
This is SUCH a great idea! I know I am much more likely to stick with healthier choices if I have friends cheering me on, so you're inspiring me to get a WISH journal going as well!!

Fellow PCOS-er here (boooo! :() and I can totally relate to how IMPOSSIBLE losing weight seems at times. Have you read up on any of the research about going gluten and dairy-free or supplementing with inositol? I haven't gotten brave enough to fully cut out the gluten or dairy (I live for cheese!) but I'm slowly working up to it. I started the myo-inositol back in November, and while it's too early to tell if it's working on the hormonal regulation front, I CAN tell you that I've lost 20 pounds since I began, with little other change to my diet or exercise regimen.
Hanging Head in Shame.jpg

I have been really struggling lately with a bunch of deep rooted emotional junk that I seriously need to get rid of in my life. I have been yo-yoing with the diet for the last week and this weekend thanks to Valentines Day (and a DH who buys me 1/2 dozen cupcakes from my favorite bakery and and a DD who decides that she wants to go to an Italian place for lunch...we drove down to her college for VDAY to spend some time with her and take her out for lunch) had a total melt down binge fest.

My plans are to

pick up.jpg

to get up, dust myself off and go for a great week instead of getting down and spiraling even more out of control.



I continue to knock out the miles and the steps (which I will update later).
This is SUCH a great idea! I know I am much more likely to stick with healthier choices if I have friends cheering me on, so you're inspiring me to get a WISH journal going as well!!

Not sure how much of an inspiration I am, but thank you! I need you search our your WISH journal and follow along. This is such a lonely battle at times.

Fellow PCOS-er here (boooo! :() and I can totally relate to how IMPOSSIBLE losing weight seems at times. Have you read up on any of the research about going gluten and dairy-free or supplementing with inositol? I haven't gotten brave enough to fully cut out the gluten or dairy (I live for cheese!) but I'm slowly working up to it. I started the myo-inositol back in November, and while it's too early to tell if it's working on the hormonal regulation front, I CAN tell you that I've lost 20 pounds since I began, with little other change to my diet or exercise regimen.

I am really trying to go gluten free...I feel so much better when I do. The dairy thing...while I too have a love affair with cheese. I need to research about inositol. I have really resisted any real forms of medication just because I seem to have all the weird side effects.

Great job on you lose so far...I know that any is a great thing. Keep it up!

Current Exercise Streak: 46 Days in 2016 (52 days since December 26, 2015)/at least 2 intentional miles per day
Current Eating Plan Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 0 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
PACT earnings in 2016: $4.28 (almost a Mickey Bar)
It sucks when life drives you off course. There's really no better way to say it. But you have the right attitude about it - dust yourself off and get back to it. I know you can do this!!

Awesome job getting your exercise in despite everything!
Joining in! Go you for working towards a better you! I'm re-kickstarting my diet post Princess Weekend as there is a bridesmaid dress I need to look good in on May 7th and alterations are at the end of March.
Recap Day 46 (February 15)

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 8 miles/Fitbit 10.51 miles or 26,023 steps
I did not set out at the beginning of the day to do 25K steps. It just happened, thanks to a challenge thrown down trying to keep up with a friend. I am glad that I did do that much because it made my additional eating because I was starving a little less guilty.

Eating Plan by the Numbers: 1478 calories/23 carbs (11 NET)
A decent day I suppose, a little high on the calorie and carb side but still within a workable losing weight range (if I string a few more days together instead of caving to temptation). I have to admit my binge over the weekend really wrecked my battle with hunger...I was starving last night, hence the extra calories...but I made wise choices and made sure I entered the information in MFP BEFORE I put them in my mouth to make sure my choices were allowable.

Water: 100 ounces
Yay, I got my water in!


Current Exercise Streak: 47 Days in 2016 (51 days since December 26, 2015)/at least 2 intentional miles per day
Current Eating Plan Streak: 1 Day(Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 1 Day (Longest in 2016 3 days)
PACT earnings in 2016: $4.28 (almost a Mickey Bar)​
It sucks when life drives you off course. There's really no better way to say it. But you have the right attitude about it - dust yourself off and get back to it. I know you can do this!!

Awesome job getting your exercise in despite everything!

Thanks Sarah...I hate battling with the depression demon. And I have to dust myself off because if I don't I will continue to GAIN GAIN GAIN...and I am tired of looking and feeling this way! The exercise has become the easy part...although remind me that next week when I start training again and add the run/walk/run back in the mix. UGH!

Joining in! Go you for working towards a better you! I'm re-kickstarting my diet post Princess Weekend as there is a bridesmaid dress I need to look good in on May 7th and alterations are at the end of March.

Hi Melissa...glad to have you joining in. I am sure you will look FAB in your bridesmaid dress!
Recap for February 16 (Day 43)

Started off this morning with this great little email from PACT...

Looks like I can now pay for a cocktail at F&W because I have $6.73 in my PACT account in 3 weeks! I love making Disney pennies and not have to worry about cutting into my household budget for my Girl's Only RunDisney Trips! It makes the guilt of leaving my family behind a little less....:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Who am I kidding, after the first trip there has not been guilt since!

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 7.5 miles/Fitbit 10.56 miles or 25,783 steps
The power of this little device and seeing numbers really is a motivation. I had planned to stop between 20-22K steps, but then I realized after I made it to almost 23K that 25K sounds so much better at the end of the day.

Eating Plan by the Numbers: 1415/33 carbs (23 NET)
A little higher all around with the numbers but I also have to keep in focus that I am burning almost 800 every day just with the intentional walking...Fitbit adjustment gave me 1017 calories which means that I only had really had 300 calories yesterday. For Wednesday I am going to work really hard at getting my numbers for Carb below 20 actual, not just net!

Water: 100 ounces
Yay, I got my water in again...and boy did I make lots of runs to the bathroom.

Let's Go Streaking

Current Exercise Streak: 47 Days in 2016 (53 days since December 26, 2015)/at least 2 intentional miles per day
Current Eating Plan Streak: 2 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 2 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
PACT earnings in 2016: $6.73
Pounds Lost: 11 pounds​

10 pounds lost.jpg
Recap for February 17 (Day 44)

Exercise by the Numbers: Intentional 7.5 miles/Fitbit 10.45 miles or 25,908 steps
25K is becoming so normal in my daily routine! I feel guilty when I don't make that many steps.

Eating Plan by the Numbers: 1476/37 carbs (26 NET)
A little higher all around with the numbers, this week I have been SOOOO HUNGRY (which is driving me crazy and probably a result of my weekend binge and then some). I am listening to my body and trying really hard to not eat a lot of carbs put allowing myself more calories. I know if I don't then I am setting myself up for a binge fest later down the road. One naughty is that I bought a package of these new Breakfast Biscuits (Almond Butter) from Nature Valley...that was a mistake. They are too yummy, know that I don't need them nor my family I just dropped the rest of the box in the teachers lounge. SIGH

Water: 100 ounces

Let's Go Streaking

Current Exercise Streak: 48 Days in 2016 (54 days since December 26, 2015)/at least 2 intentional miles per day
Current Eating Plan Streak: 3 Days (Longest in 2016 4 days)
Current Water Streak: 3 Days (Longest in 2016 3 days)
PACT earnings in 2016: $6.73
Pounds Lost: 11 pounds



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