No it is not ok to Breast Feed ...

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I would really rather see NICE FIRM ONES without a baby attached.

But yes it is "natural", plenty of "natural" activities that we dont want to see while on vacation.
I would really rather see NICE FIRM ONES without a baby attached.

But yes it is "natural", plenty of "natural" activities that we dont want to see while on vacation.

then dont look :thumbsup2 :rolleyes1
Hmm, I just got back from Disney. This time I saw no one breast feeding not that it bothers me. I breastfed both my kids. I would rather see that than some of the other sites.

Also I didn't see any sick people. I am glad I missed that.
I just think it's courteous to not show a **** in public, i don't think that's too much to ask. Also, covering it up with a blanket is very common! I don't know why you said toliet stall... I didn't say anything about a bathroom.:confused3

The comment about the bathroom comes from your statement that you don't want to see people nurse in public. The only options for nursing moms who don't want to use a bottle would be to not leave home or nurse in the bathroom. As for using a blanket, it's really easier said than done. Many babies hate it. Here in Chicago, in the cold climate, it's warm and snuggly. But in Florida...ew. Think about it. Imagine trying to eat at a table, where the table is heated to 98 degrees and we drape a flannel over your head and meal, creating a cozy tent for you. Only it's blazing hot outside. Most nursing moms aren't trying to offend you, they're just trying to feed the baby.
Trust me I dont.

And If you really believe the "seen one seen them all" line, I have links for you... And just remember that it is 100% natural:thumbsup2

What some are big some are small some have rings.. but guess what they are all still breasts.. and some are not so "natural" even those are still breasts. I dont think I've never said the word breast so many times in my life
i have ****s.
i've seen ****s.
****s don't upset me.
(though it does crack me up that ****s is censored :rolleyes:)

seeing a mother breast-feeding is possibly the least offensive thing i see all day.

i think people need other things to worry about.

everyone has nipples. i don't see why we should get so upset to see a woman feeding her child. if a man walks around shirtless, no one gets up in arms. just because a baby is attached to hers, thats cause to freak out?:confused3
Sort of OT, but the "embarrassing" the kids thought reminded me of some pix I saw last spring. I was looking through some political blogs and found one about Senator Clinton's office opening somewhere around ,IIRC, SF. The Code Pink ladies came to make a negative statement, which included removing their shirts and going topless. These ladies were all middle-aged with typical older lady, gravity-challenged breasts, except for one of the ladies who had breasts that would give strong men nightmares. Security escorted them outside, but they then continued to stand around topless in front of Sen. Clinton's office w/ protest signs. As a parent, I would hate to have to explain the reasoning for why one would choose to bear their breasts in public. And, Yes, I understand protesting, but taking your shirt off seems rather infantile.

I had terrible problems trying to BF my DD, so kudos to those that are successful.
I breastfed both my kids and I get that when they're hungry, they need to eat but when I was in public I covered up. Mostly because I didn't want everyone seeing my stuff and also out of consideration to other people. Yeah, it's the most natural thing in the world and what your ****s were intended for but not everyone wants to see it. Just because you have a baby and you nurse doesn't mean the world suddenly revolves around feeding time.

To add a little perspective for those who have no problem with letting it all hang out and show a little nip to innocent bystanders, would you also be comfortable walking through a room butt naked with your teenage son sitting there or if he did it in front of you? Probably not.

It's not a sexual thing or a hang-up. It's just a matter of not wanting to see someone else's private parts and being considerate of someone else's boundaries in public. Absolutely nothing wrong with nursing in public and nothing wrong with strangers not wanting to see everything. It takes all of two seconds to throw a receiving blanket over your shoulder and it's that easy to solve the issue.
I breastfed both my kids and I get that when they're hungry, they need to eat but when I was in public I covered up. Mostly because I didn't want everyone seeing my stuff and also out of consideration to other people. Yeah, it's the most natural thing in the world and what your ****s were intended for but not everyone wants to see it. Just because you have a baby and you nurse doesn't mean the world suddenly revolves around feeding time.

To add a little perspective for those who have no problem with letting it all hang out and show a little nip to innocent bystanders, would you also be comfortable walking through a room butt naked with your teenage son sitting there or if he did it in front of you? Probably not.

It's not a sexual thing or a hang-up. It's just a matter of not wanting to see someone else's private parts and being considerate of someone else's boundaries in public. Absolutely nothing wrong with nursing in public and nothing wrong with strangers not wanting to see everything. It takes all of two seconds to throw a receiving blanket over your shoulder and it's that easy to solve the issue.

but I don't nurse buck naked.. my breasts are out.. if my teen son walked around with no shirt on it wouldn't be a problem why is it such a problem if I did the same thing? He has breasts.. I have breasts... mine are bigger.. they are NOT sexual object.. they are objects that are sexualized... and on that note I should probably go to bed and stop talking about breasts :rotfl: And no I wont be walking around topless in front of my teen son.. Do I do it now? yes.. does it bother him? Nope he makes fun of me for having ****ies :rolleyes1
But the problem is that in our society female breasts are viewed as sexual objects. For what it's worth, I don't care to see shirtless men walking around either. I refuse to shop in A&F or Hollister because they seem to think it is perfectly okay to try to sell me clothes by putting shirtless models outside of their foul smelling stores.

Like it or not, in our society breasts are considered something to be covered up. For some it is because they are simply uncomfortable with it. For others it can be a religious thing. I guess I don't see why the two sides can't compromise. You can breast feed in public, but at least try to have a little discretion about it. That's all I ask.

To be honest, I have never noticed a woman breast feeding in public, although I'm sure I have seen plenty of women do it- it just didn't register at the time.
I think what the OP is trying to say, and she'll correct me if I'm wrong, is that there are places where exposing your breasts are allowed and accepted, however, public places in America is not one of them currently.

Nudist camps, nude beaches, private places all ok. Public places in America where exposing ones self (male or female) is generally considered a crime, means you shouldn't be completely exposing a breast either simply because there is a child attached to it. Breastfeeding done modestly is accepted. Its the completely exposing when unnecessary is what is frowned upon.

Currently in America, its not accepted based on the exposure laws we have. Perhaps fully exposing to breastfeed is more accepted in other countries, but not here. (Epcot does not count as other countries btw. ;) )

OP, if that is what you were trying to get across, then I guess I understood it.

Me, who lives next to an exhibitionist. Cops said he can do what he wants in his home, BUT when he starts doing it where other people can see him, like standing at the front door, THEN it becomes a problem. That's why we was arrested for doing it at work too. lol Not accepted currently.

When my SIL was breastfeeding & would just whip it out in front of everyone, even her own mother asked her to PLEASE stop doing that. I was sooooo grateful for her saying something.
but I don't nurse buck naked.. my breasts are out.. if my teen son walked around with no shirt on it wouldn't be a problem why is it such a problem if I did the same thing? He has breasts.. I have breasts... mine are bigger.. they are NOT sexual object.. they are objects that are sexualized... and on that note I should probably go to bed and stop talking about breasts :rotfl: And no I wont be walking around topless in front of my teen son.. Do I do it now? yes.. does it bother him? Nope he makes fun of me for having ****ies :rolleyes1

And I guarantee you that in a few years that adorable baby boy that you are nursing now WILL NOT want to see any part of your breasts even though they are not sexual objects and by the very same token there are lots of strangers out there that don't want to see them either and there's nothing wrong with people that don't want to see a mother use her breast for the true purpose that it was intended. That's all I'm saying. ;)

Heck for what it's worth I'm all for covering up man-****s in public too. :rotfl:
Gosh as a nursing mom (I swear I never thought I would say that I Formula Fed my first 3)

I saw your mention of that yesterday and I just want to tell you that I am SO impressed with that. It is truly awesome and amazing! I don't know why you didn't with the first three, but gol I don't care, I just think it's cool that you tried or decided or whatever'd, and that you're nursing this guy! :hug:

Another benefit of nursing I guess is that it doesn't faze my kids to see it in public,lol. I nursed all 3 of mine til they were ready to wean.

Ayep. I'm the oldest of 5, though there are two moms involved. My mom nursed me to 4 and my brother until 2 (when he self-weaned, and then I was forcibly weaned). My stepmom nursed her two boys to 2 years old, when each of them self-weaned, and then 10 years later nursed her daughter to almost 5 years old. NONE of us has issues with breasts. Interestingly, I've noticed that my brothers all date (and full brother has been married for 14 years) smaller chested women; they just don't seem to be objects that are droolworthy (unless you're teething, LOL) to them, it's a total non-issue for them.

I breastfed DD for about four months. I never did BFIP. I just wasn't comfortable with it.

It makes sense that you never got to it; you were so new when you stopped. I think it took me around 6 months to finally get comfy dealing with his head, my clothes, my body, etc, to where I could even THINK about comfortably nursing in public, and I'm a die-hard nurser. So you were still new at it, as was your baby, so it makes sense you never got comfy with being in public.

NO Problem with the breast feeding I swear I know it is natural but why do you need your whole breast out . Can you do it with just the nipple and lets say 1/2 a b**b?
I dont know I didnt breast feed but I see other moms doing it with something over them even just a blanket would do .

NOT everyone can do it. Although I sometimes absolutely had to nurse in public, I never liked it, because my chest was SO much bigger than the little dude's head for so long. The girls got so big while pg and then I think doubled once the milk was there, and E was absolutely voracious and solely on his schedule, so they were ridiculously large. And he was extremely active and aware, and liked looking around, so he would pop on and off many times. He also would get really hot, and still does, and would rip off anything that he felt was making him too hot, including hats and any blankets that might have been nearby. After a couple times of being TOTALLY exposed, I realized I was going to have to do things differently.

I also realized that nursing bras and shirts are not what they are cracked up to be, and was willing to leave them behind. The combo of having to take DOWN the cup and pull up and over the shirt slit was just an exposure waiting to happen. I finally realized that a normal, no-underwire, bra and a loose shirt would expose much less. Though that meant nothing if he suddenly decided that my shirt was just too close to his nose, and if his hand was faster than mine (and it often was).

I do know that there are some women who simply do not care, and I don't understand that, but if it's how they nurse, I don't want to put a blanket over their baby. That would very likely freak out the baby. And then it's an even bigger problem.

Anyway, although many women can successfully use blankets or H-word-for-breast Hiders and whatnot, and many women remain a relatively normal size, others of us have babies with thoughts that are different than ours are, and you combine that with having a large chest, and you've got full exposure possibilities.

I dont think I've never said the word breast so many times in my life

Welcome to the world of nursing. :goodvibes

I breastfed both my kids and I get that when they're hungry, they need to eat but when I was in public I covered up.

To add a little perspective for those who have no problem with letting it all hang out and show a little nip to innocent bystanders, would you also be comfortable walking through a room butt naked with your teenage son sitting there or if he did it in front of you? Probably not.

It's not a sexual thing or a hang-up. It's just a matter of not wanting to see someone else's private parts and being considerate of someone else's boundaries in public. Absolutely nothing wrong with nursing in public and nothing wrong with strangers not wanting to see everything. It takes all of two seconds to throw a receiving blanket over your shoulder and it's that easy to solve the issue.

You are very lucky that your body and your baby cooperated with the covering up. Mine wouldn't, and most occasions when I tried a blanket resulted in more full exposure than the times that I didn't try to cover him.

My half brothers were pre-teens when their full sister was born. She nursed until she was almost 5. So they were teens for all of that time. And walking into a nursing session was an absolute NON issue. Absolutely no big deal. They got to see what they are MEANT for, they weren't raised with them being "private" and something to not see.

And yes it is a hang up. It really is. If you are seeing a baby's feeding mechanism as something that needs to be covered up *while the baby is using it*, it's a hang up.

For the record, I really disliked nursing in public! Since DS was so long and strong from the very beginning, and b/c my top was rather out of control, it was just a confusing, difficult mess for me, LOL. If we went somewhere, I would nurse at home before we left, nurse once we got where we were going while in the car at the parking lot, do our shopping or whatever as quick as possible, and usually had to nurse again in the car before we got going. And more often than not, when we got home, too. I did quite a bit to NOT nurse in public.

The one time I did that I really remember, my dad was visiting. I was trying to be discreet but I couldn't even get us positioned in the restaurant booth, let alone figure out how to keep things covered. I said "I'm just going to go to the bathroom", and my dad, the lactivist, nearly shouted "no daughter of mine will feed her baby in the bathroom! If he'd just stopped there it would have been very unhelpful, but instead he grabbed a chair, settled it, with the back facing the restaurant, and made me a little nest. It was wonderful. My dad has had his problems and issues and wasn't a great person and still isn't to my stepmom and my half brothers, but at that moment he was my absolute hero.

But I'll tell you, next time I went out to eat and DS got hungry, I flat out told my hubby that I was going to go stand in the bathroom (not sit, ew, no sitting!) and nurse him, and it was totally fine.

The other thing I never could do was nurse in a sling! There was a recent picture of Mayim Bialik (Blossom, if I'm spelling her name totally wrong) with her baby in an Ergo, and I didn't get the meaning of the caption until I realized the baby was nursing and you just couldn't see anything. HA! Not me. I tried and tried and could never do it. Oh well!
Just MHO- it's gross ladies to show your ta ta s in public-have a little dignity. NO one wants to see that! I tried the breast feeding thing; no go for me-I wasn't meant to be milked like a cow.:eek: That is precisely why there are the baby care centers and rest/nursing rooms- please use them and don't force your b*****s on the rest of us. :laughing:
It is perfectly natural for a child to be nursing. That is what nature designed the breast for. It is other people's hang-ups if they regard the breast sexually and seeing a child nursing offends them.

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::

and could somebody please pass the margaritas. There hasn't been a good breast feeding blanket vs no blanket thread in a long time.

Vegas lays odds on 10 pages before it is locked.

Hmmm. You might be being generous with ten. But so far it isn't too vicious. I didn't know breast feeding threads popped up and got vicious on non-baby boards. Seen plenty of them on baby boards...shall we start the cloth diapering one next? Or maybe the circumcision one? popcorn::

I wish it was a flash I mean the full breast hanging into her lap with the baby latched on her whole breast was out of the shirt.

As far as the opening of a can of worms . This is what I think and this is what I chose to write about . It is 11:00 pm and the parks are closed , I own DVC so my internet is free so its not like it is costing me anything to post what I think and I am nto taking time out of my vacation to "open a can of worms"

If a lady just has her whole breast out without a kid on it what do you think people would say ?

It is not about looking at it sexually it is about looking at it period . We have taught the kids that thier body is thiers and is not for others to see or touch .
I really dont have a problem with people who do it right there in an attraction as long as everyone elses kids do not have to see the whole thing . Now when my nephew was 3 and he kept staring at a lady who was nursing and I told him not to that it was rude bucause that is the kind of milk her baby needed to eat . He knows about breast feeding he just didnt think she knew her whole B**bie was showing he thought he was doing her a favor by asking me to tell her " you know maybe you could just tell her lady to lady Aunt Boo"

I think they'd think they were at a Dead concert. Especially if the women were using the shirts they were no longer wearing to dunk in coolers of ice water and swing over their heads to make a nice cool mist. Which, by the way, doesn't seem to be very effective at cooling down the male concert-goers. Oh wait. Dead's dead. Never mind then, carry on. :laughing:

I breastfed three, and two years was the minimum among them. My first was a winter baby, and didn't mind a blanket over her head. The second two were born in August and weren't having anything to do with the blanket. Sorry, but when my baby is hungry he/she gets fed. I was as discreet as possible, but there's no way my baby is eating in a restroom stall or under a sweltering blanket tent. :confused3
I would rather see the back of a babies head nursing any day over the who whos and butt cheeks hanging out all over the place. Oh- and let's not forget to mention the buttcrack hanging out of the back of super lowrise jeans. That's a cute look!:rolleyes: I can say that I have seen more of people's bodies in their "alleged" clothes than I have ever seen of somebody who was nursing. I also love the look of somebody squished in a pair of white leggings so tight that they are nearly transparent. Yep, you can see that at almost every mall in America. So I don't get what the big deal is about a baby nursing. You see 10x more on people when they are shopping.
Just MHO- it's gross ladies to show your ta ta s in public-have a little dignity. NO one wants to see that! I tried the breast feeding thing; no go for me-I wasn't meant to be milked like a cow.:eek: That is precisely why there are the baby care centers and rest/nursing rooms- please use them and don't force your b*****s on the rest of us. :laughing:

Hmmm. You might be being generous with ten. But so far it isn't too vicious. I didn't know breast feeding threads popped up and got vicious on non-baby boards. Seen plenty of them on baby boards...shall we start the cloth diapering one next? Or maybe the circumcision one? popcorn::

I would rather see the back of a babies head nursing any day over the who whos and butt cheeks hanging out all over the place. Oh- and let's not forget to mention the buttcrack hanging out of the back of super lowrise jeans. That's a cute look!:rolleyes: I can say that I have seen more of people's bodies in their "alleged" clothes than I have ever seen of somebody who was nursing. I also love the look of somebody squished in a pair of white leggings so tight that they are nearly transparent. Yep, you can see that at almost every mall in America. So I don't get what the big deal is about a baby nursing. You see 10x more on people when they are shopping.

:lmao: :thumbsup2 Amen sistah.
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