No Day But Today-A Third Installment of TigerCheer2009's Progress so Come On In!

Hi Jen
Sounds like you have a busy week ahead!
Even though i dont understand half of it! :)
dont know what state testing is, or cold stone & daily queen!!
Good luck with the cheerleading tryouts :)
Hey Tracey! State testing is where you do standardized tests for a week (test books so you prove what you know). Cold Stone is a place with "hard" ice cream like you get in a carton but mixed with whatever you want on a really cold slab of marble. Daily Queen is my summer job! Sorry about that! :hug:

Today was the first day of all of that. It wasn't bad-my feet hurt. My shoes are 1/2 size too small because there are no size 10 black flats to be found ANYWHERE! Tomorrow I'm bringing my flip flops and a camisole to wear under my stuff.

Gotta do homework...catch you all later!

B: 1 cup cheerios, 1 slice toast with a tbsp peanut butter
L: 2 hamburgers
D: sloppy joe, 5 nasty chips (too salty and oily), 6 baby carrots
Looks like you're doing GREAT on food with everything you have going on.

Hope testing goes well for you. Bekah did her standardized testing last week. ICK!

Can't wait to hear about the play!

Have a GREAT rest of the week!
Thanks for clearing that up Jen,
cold stone sounds yummy :)
Its amazing that we speak the same language but so many things are different!!!! Very interesting though :)
Good luck with the testing, what kinda stuff do they test you on??
Hey Tracey! They have 5 different tests to see EVERYTHING you have quite possibly ever learned. Monday was reading, Tuesday was math, today was writing, tomorrow is science, and Friday is history. These tests determine if I graduate or not. :confused3 The only one I'm really worried about is math. That's my achilles heel. The writing test today was easy! We had ten multiple choice, one short answer and two extended response (I'm a great writer).

Hi Julie and Bekah! I hate standardized testing with a passion like no other.

Today was good eating wise. Breakfast was 2 slices whole-wheat and white toast (it's a nifty combo that I love), 1 TBSP peanut butter and 1/3 cup cheerios.

L: School spaghetti (blech) and a stuffed breadstick

D: 2 hot chicken sandwiches, grapes, apples, and a lettuce salad.

Exercise: just running the show!

The play is going well...REALLY well. Some pranksters had to be inappropriate though and we all got reamed at. :( Some people drive me crazy! I have also been assigned the role of "help people get costumes on girl" and "girl who rounds up the elementary children". This means I get to be the bad guy, which I don't like being, but we played Simon Says in the hall today and it was pretty fun.

Homework time. :( Have a great day!
Hi Jen
I hate maths too!!
I work in a school & had to support in a higher yr group (11 yr olds - i usually work with 8 yr olds!) & they did maths, i gave me a headache!!!! I cant believe what they have to know at that age!!!
I'm sure you've done well, last one tomorrow :)
Testing week is officially done! Our first showing of the play is DONE! (Yeah!) My ice cream place opens Monday! Yay! I didn't have the best eating week this week and I STILL lost! I'm officially down 10 pounds as of today.

TOM came last night. Boo.

The play went really well, except there's a somewhat shaky platform we have to cross to get on and off stage. In the first scene of the second act we have to get off stage in total darkness. I put my toes under the platform (because I couldn't see) and stepped right on top!!! OUCH! Then the other girl beside me stepped on. DOUBLE OUCH! Then we both tripped over the thrones that are oh so close to the exit. It was fun though and I'll miss it when it's gone.

Hey Tracey! Sorry I haven't been checking in lately-the madhouse is coming to a close. Math frustrates me but it sounds like you did it okay.
Congrats on 10 pounds GONE!!

Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.

Are you working very many hours during school, or is it only open on weekend til summer?

Have a great week next week. Anxious to hear about the rest of the play!

When is your spring break?
Hi Jen
Tom arrived for me too on Friday :(
Congrats on your 10 lb total loss, i wish the scale would work for me :(
ok i need to see a smile now.... :)
Glad you enjoyed the play it sounds fun.. apart from the toe thing!! :)
Glad the testing is over with :)
Hi, Jen! Sorry I've been MIA, but I have been thinking of you alot! Congratulations on hitting that 10 pound marker! :woohoo: You should be so proud of yourself! Sounds like you are having fun with the play, notwithstanding any tiny technical glitches! ;)
Keep up the great work!
Hello all!

Cam, it's good to hear from you again. It's been busy here too.

Thanks, Tracey!

Thanks, Julie! I don't work that often during school (closing at 9 3x a week... 20 hrs total which isn't bad because there's an AWFUL lot of down time to do homework after cleaning). Spring break for us is April 6-15.

The play went very very well. No people, real or otherwise, were harmed that time around. It's kind of sad knowing that it's over, but I have cheerleading tryouts to look forward to this week (and deadlines...OH those deadlines!). This was the best production yet, or so we've been told by practically everyone in town! :goodvibes

TOM makes me a VERY snacky person...I think I'm going to have to find the duct tape to make it through the week! I'll eat a decent breakfast, but by lunch I'm starving and I'll have an okay lunch (like 1 ham steak on 2 buns and a baked potato or spaghetti with marinara and carrots and turkey) and then I'll NEED to have a snack around 3 or so and then dinner and the snacking after that. Once the weekend is over, I'll be okay. I'm in the house too much and around food too much! Does anybody else get really snacky?

Today I consumed 1763 calories :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:
1 cup cheerios with milk
2 slices PB toast
Split Ham sandwiches (1 ham steak on 2 buns)
2 baked potatoes with cheese
1 cup chili (we went to a chili cookoff for school, and I tried but not finished most of them)
2 hot dogs

On the bright side I did walk for 20 minutes (from the fire hall where the cook off was to a friend's house and then back to the fire hall) and another 14 minutes (7 minutes to and from church youth group).

Water has been pretty good too :) so I'm excited about that!

Tomorrow will be better because the school kitchens are off limits to grazers like me! I think we need to go shopping again...our local grocery store closed this weekend :(

Lots of hugs-I'm off to finish the assigned reading for tomorrow...Of Mice and Men.
Ok, I have to ask, How big is the town you live in??? No grocery store now???? Wow! That would drive me NUTS!! But I grew up in a town w/ no store of any kind, so I understand.

Glad the play went well!

I'll be praying the Cheerleading GURUS get their act together & realize they will REALLY be missing something SPECIAL if they pass you up!

Have a GREAT week!
Hey Julie! Thanks for the prayers. As of now, I'm feeling a little achy but I missed that feeling. I'm also a little shaky-feeling but confident. The girls coming up have experience (gymnastics since they were 2, competitive cheer) out the ying-yang...but none of them can make a poster like I can! I already started on mine.

Our town is not big enough to make it on the top 10 for school delay closings (the top 10 biggest schools), but we aren't tiny. There's about 3500 people in town. We REALLY miss our store! We have a phenominal library, a flagship (?) elementary school, a high grocery school, a movie theatre, a bowling alley, McDonalds, Arby's (the newest place), a Chinese food place, 2 pizza shops, fire/police/town hall, and a dollar store.

B: 2 eggs, scrambled, with 3 slices Healthy Choice turkey
L: "pork fritter" and fries
S: Campbells Chicken and Stars soup at hand, 2 bananas
D: Chicken McGrill, no mayo and Apple Dippers, no caramel

We started learning the dance today, and I like it so far. That being said, we learned the first fourth of it today! There's more but the advisor hasn't decided on an ending yet.

Tomorrow is busy-school blood drive, practice, yearbook stuff (oh that yearbook stuff!) and Cheer Parents Meeting.

I should get to bed. I'm dog-tired.
Hi Jen
I get snacky during TOM too!
Then again i get snacky anytime!! ;)
Good luck with the cheerleading stuff :)
Oh. My. Gosh. I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in utter shock right now-JV!!!!

Sorry I haven't been on in a while-our internet has been screwy!

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

That is wonderful news that you made the squad!! :woohoo: :yay: :banana: :cool1: :thumbsup2
I am SO PROUD of you, Jen!!!!


TigerCheer is BACK!!!!!!!!

(I knew someone would finally come to their senses and realize what they were missing!!)

CELEBRATE this weekend!!!
Thanks SO SO SO much for the support! I appreciate it!

Sorry I wasn't on yesterday-it feels like 1000 days have passed in the span of 3. I was at Kalahari Indoor Waterpark yesterday and walked many stairs and swallowed enough chlorine water to last a lifetime.

Breakfast yesterday: 2 slices PB toast
Snack1 yesterday: lemon biscotti (wasn't incredibly tasty-too sugary-but I paid an overpriced amount for it, so by goodness, I'd finish it)
Lunch: 1 ginormous pizza slice with 3 napkins worth of grease off it, split french fries, water
Snack2: fruit cup (I found this when I went to lunch! I had some fries as a snack before [split! :)] but this was the best 3.99 I paid that day-lots of good pineapple, grapes and melon) and 5 Dip'N'Dots (not 5 cups, 5 smally itty bitty ice cream pearls. I can get what I want in flavors I want at work for 50% off or free.)
Dinner: Wendy's Frescata Club Sandwich, small fry, bottled water

I didn't drink as much as I should have (unless we're counting chlorinated water up the nose) but it was very fun! I walked a ton of stairs-you basically walk to anything you want to go to there.

Breakfast today: 1 slice PB toast, 1/2 apple
Snack 1: 1/2 apple, 2 slices pepperoni pizza.

No WI yesterday-we had to get up and leave really early on a weekend and I wasn't even thinking. Oh, well!

That leaves me with a question, though. I read on "" (the lead cheerleading uniform company, but that site has a ton of other info on sports nutrition) that an active teenage girl should be eating 2,200 calories/day and include LOTS of whole grains, good veggies, and dairy. I'm GOING to be an active teenage girl. What amount of calories should I be taking in for maximum health potential? I'm going to go to to check out a few things.

Hugs to all of you-I'm going to change out of my church clothes, practice my jumps, and look up some things (not quite in that order).
Congratulations Jen :cool1: :banana: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3:
The water park sounded lots of fun too :)
What is
Hey! :)

I learned about (not .com, sorry) in my Nutrition and Wellness class. It's the new revamped Food Pyramid and it gives you a guideline as to how many calories/fats/amounts of foods you should eat a day. For me, a teenage 5 foot 4 inch female who is active less than 30 minutes per day, I should eat 6 ounces of grains, 2.5 cups of vegetables, 1.5 cups of fruit, 3 cups of milk, and 5 ounces of protein a day.


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