Next big "upsell" - 7 Hour Star Wars Guided Tour

JTA isn't hard to sign up for now? I remember back when we did it, it was a pain in the neck. But that was a while back.
Hi Arwen! ~ They've doubled the capacity so there are 30 Younglings per session and 15 sessions per day.

People who need a specific session need to arrive early for the best choices. And with lighted Sabers, many choose the last show of the day.
JTA isn't hard to sign up for now? I remember back when we did it, it was a pain in the neck. But that was a while back.
No, it's not bad. When they remodeled it, what was it, late last year, they doubled the number of kids to participate and increased the number of shows per day. There are still some days where they are gone in about an hour but they are rare. Usually they have them well on in to late morning. Heck, on our day last weekend (Thanksgiving weekend) we did the show at 10:30 and they were still signing kids up
You still want to get there early if you want your pick of show times and not give up your entire morning but it isn't the struggle it used to be, not by far. And they give you a FP for your time now, which is quite nice.
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During our Labor Day trip, younger DD was trying to decide if she was interested in JTA or not. We didn't get to HS anywhere close to RD (probably around noon), and we did our FPs first. At 4:00 or so, she decided she was interested in JTA. I told her it would be all gone, but we wandered over to the sign up, and they still had spots available. However, it was the day of our SW dessert party, and the open times would have been a conflict. We put her on the SB list for an earlier show, but then she changed her mind and didn't want to do it after all, so we didn't find out if a spot would have been available for her or not. It certainly wasn't a busy day, but I was shocked that there were still open spaces that late in the afternoon.
I was already planning to do the desert party, and my DS5 wants to do Jedi training. I wouldn't normally pick CS for dinner, but for the other choices in HS we can live with it. With those, along with skipping lines for Star Tours, meet and greets, and reserved areas for the two shows, I am definitely planning to book for our trip in March.
So I have to say, I think it's one of the more reasonably priced upsells they've offered. The dessert party and meal are the bulk of the cost, you're only paying $31 for the convenience factor of being able to do the Star Wars stuff without a wait. I am curious how it will work for JTA: do you still have to go early and stand in line to sign up? If so, that reduces it's value a bit. But, if the package comes with a pre-set guaranteed spot, that's a whole different ball game. We love Star Wars here, and already planned on doing ALL of the SW offerings, except the meals due to our budget constraints. But, if we had the money for meals, I could see us doing this, especially if it means being able to skip the long JTA sign up process.
So I have to say, I think it's one of the more reasonably priced upsells they've offered. The dessert party and meal are the bulk of the cost, you're only paying $31 for the convenience factor of being able to do the Star Wars stuff without a wait. I am curious how it will work for JTA: do you still have to go early and stand in line to sign up? If so, that reduces it's value a bit. But, if the package comes with a pre-set guaranteed spot, that's a whole different ball game. We love Star Wars here, and already planned on doing ALL of the SW offerings, except the meals due to our budget constraints. But, if we had the money for meals, I could see us doing this, especially if it means being able to skip the long JTA sign up process.
Just a guess . .but since it is a "tour" .. it seems like that everyone the tour would be in a specific jedi training (say the spot right before dinner or something). I would guess it is a pre-guaranteed spot ..otherwise why even mention it in the description.
Just a guess . .but since it is a "tour" .. it seems like that everyone the tour would be in a specific jedi training (say the spot right before dinner or something). I would guess it is a pre-guaranteed spot ..otherwise why even mention it in the description.
Yeah, no way does the JTA sign up included in the tour mean those guests have to stand in line with everyone else to sign up. No idea if they'll put all kids in the same show or let you pick your show but I'm going to say for sure you won't have to stand in line to sign up
We signed up last weekend and our FP covered all rides but for TSMM. Written right there on the bottom of it
Someone else also posted their FP from JTA said the same thing.
Must have been a recent change. We were there 11/23 and we used it for TSM. It didn't have any limitations.
I'm still waiting for dates to be released for March. Even when I called the phone number, the CM said nothing is available for my dates. I guess they're testing it for two months?? I would like to hear a review from anyone who has experienced this tour also.
I'm still waiting for dates to be released for March. Even when I called the phone number, the CM said nothing is available for my dates. I guess they're testing it for two months?? I would like to hear a review from anyone who has experienced this tour also.
This has been discussed n the SW Thread and I believe @The Sunrise Student has booked the tour. @yuliln3 can confirm if others have booked it.


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