News Round Up 2019

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It's still a break after we've had 5 in the last 3.5 years.

It's interesting to me, in that most people don't get MCU'ed out but they do get Star Wars'ed out.

Marvel does a good job diversifying their movies.

Look at guardians and ant man.

Guardians is an epic space Western type.

Ant Man is more of a comedy heist movie.

Superheroes in each, but very different tones.
It's still a break after we've had 5 in the last 3.5 years.

It's interesting to me, in that most people don't get MCU'ed out but they do get Star Wars'ed out.
Kevin Feige is a huge reason.
From what I’ve read, Kevin grew up a huge Marvel comic book fan, and would spend days after school discussing all aspects of Marvel comics with friends. In other words, Kevin knows why the Marvel comics make a great story and isn’t the typical Hollywood-type neutering a story.
I've been expecting this, but I don't like it. I'm happy about the new content coming to Disney+, but nothing beats seeing a SW movie on the big screen.
Yeah... but that only applies if they make good ones...
It's still a break after we've had 5 in the last 3.5 years.

It's interesting to me, in that most people don't get MCU'ed out but they do get Star Wars'ed out.

Something of a different animal. I think people do get MCU'd out, but the storylines have enough variation that you don't have to go to all of them to understand what is happening. Star Wars is different. If you skip a movie in a trilogy, it is hard to understand what is going on. Although, I think that pattern is going to be mostly broken with Episode IX. I think Abrams is going to do a darn good job of pulling the story back the way he envisioned it, and Episode VIII is going to be an awkward outlier with little relevance other than one major character death.

There was absolutely nothing that Episode VIII added that can't be worked around. Rey's parents? Ren lied. No help? It arrived too late. Leia alive? Well... oops. Luke dead... sticking point. The Jedi gone? Eh, lots of them could be floating around in the Unknown Regions. Snoke dead and irrelevant with no backstory? Can be fixed. They brought back Maul. Phasma dead? Maybe not. We just saw her fall. The Resistance down to its last 20 people? Probably not. It's a galaxy of hundreds of trillions.

If Abrams chooses, he can make Rian Johnson's movie completely irrelevant to the arc.

But to your point, if you skip Ant Man, no harm no foul really. Same with Hulk, or Ragnarok. There are some seminal MCU movies that would be hard to miss, but there are plenty you could choose not to see. And they appeal differently. Star Wars is more of the same. Ragnarok and First Avenger are completely different types of movies. That is something MCU has done well. Even the Star Wars stories didn't really create "new". I like them both, yes I've seen Solo 3 times and I think it is quite good, but they are still the same universe, same ideas, same tech, same filmography, etc. MCU doesn't work that way. I love Ragnarok. I love the first GotG. I didn't bother to see Ant Man or Ant Man and Wasp in the theaters. In fact, I don't think I've seen the first one at all. I skipped The Incredible Hulk. Didn't see the first Thor until about 3 years later. Still haven't seen the whole Dark World movie. Totally skipped Iron Man 2. And that's ok. I get MCU fatigue and there are plenty of chances to miss them.
I wonder how good of a job Disney will do in developing apps for all of the major brands of smart TVs. I have an LG and there are some streaming services that I can't use because they haven't developed an app for LG.

Yeah, I gave up on my "smart" TV (Also an LG) a few months after I bought it. Slow and poor app support. Fire Stick or Roku stick.
yeah agreed

and that topic has come up before - why are people ok with 3-4 Marvel movies a year but one a year for Star Wars is too much

I think a lot has to do with the fact the Marvel films focus on different characters and have different tones to them

Also, I think people built up the "new" Star Wars movies in their heads while the MCU was built more organically and people are just able to go along for the ride more

Honestly I don’t think fatigue is the issue at all. We’ve been saturated with Star Wars in pop culture for decades. It’s everywhere and has been for my entire life. People aren’t tired of Star Wars. Solo failed for other reasons, partially being unnecessary, partially the recasting, partially people being angry about 8 still. People are still incredibly excited for Galaxy’s Edge and Star Wars in general. The direction is the issue, not fatigue in my mind.
Honestly I don’t think fatigue is the issue at all. We’ve been saturated with Star Wars in pop culture for decades. It’s everywhere and has been for my entire life. People aren’t tired of Star Wars. Solo failed for other reasons, partially being unnecessary, partially the recasting, partially people being angry about 8 still. People are still incredibly excited for Galaxy’s Edge and Star Wars in general. The direction is the issue, not fatigue in my mind.

I think that is fair and definitely at least part of it ... I will say I am trying to answer I question I don't really identify with as I was not tired of them and saw Solo opening weekend, etc.

I do think the timing of Solo wasn't ideal - partly because it came out not too long after Last Jedi but also because it came out close to other big tentpole movies and people only have so many $ to spend on movies and that combined with some negative backlash from Last Jedi and people not feeling Solo was truly necessary sort of set it up to fail (at least by Star Wars standards)
Couple of questions, not sure if they were answered.

Is the Disney streaming service being launched in Canada as well or only the US?

Will it stream in Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos like Netflix? Or is it crappy regular quality picture and sound?

Edit: I didn't see the dedicated thread, move my post if you want.
Curious about this. At one point it says that it "isn't a demolition of the interior," but later that the building "will be a shell when work is done". Am I missing something, or is that contradictory?
The building itself isn’t going anywhere. The inside is being completely redone.
Couple of questions, not sure if they were answered.

Is the Disney streaming service being launched in Canada as well or only the US?

Will it stream in Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos like Netflix? Or is it crappy regular quality picture and sound?
US is first everyone else will come later.

Unknown on the second part.
Honestly I don’t think fatigue is the issue at all. We’ve been saturated with Star Wars in pop culture for decades. It’s everywhere and has been for my entire life. People aren’t tired of Star Wars. Solo failed for other reasons, partially being unnecessary, partially the recasting, partially people being angry about 8 still. People are still incredibly excited for Galaxy’s Edge and Star Wars in general. The direction is the issue, not fatigue in my mind.
Agree . .it is not Star Wars fatigue. It was purely episode 8.

Episode 8 made it painfully obvious that they didn't have a story arc planned for the next trilogy. It took everything that was built up in VII and tossed it out the window except the characters. Then they just handed over the reins to Rian and said "take it from there" ... starting the story from scratch. Throw in Rian trying to turn Star Wars on its side (by making it "hip" and "unpredictable" and "unconventional") .. it was just a hot mess. There are articles all over about how Rian just took VIII in a different direction from what JJ started in Force Awakens -- that is not how you make a trilogy. You don't just "make it up as you go". You don't need a director who wants to "make it his own" when making a film about an established film franchise and trilogy. I literally felt that the director of VIII was trying to thumb his nose at the fans (starting with the lightsaber toss over the cliff) with some of the writing/plot choices in the movie.

Solo wasn't a bad movie - it was what I expected out of a Star Wars movie - but it came way too soon after the Last Jedi and it thus was doomed for failure among general audiences. If it came out in December .. it probably would have done MUCH better.

As a Star Wars fan .. i am still very excited about Galaxy's Edge and Star Wars TV shows .. etc. Star Wars is more than just the 'base' movies. It's about the universe that was created in those movies .. and the stuff that spawns from that (books, TV shows, theme park attractions, etc.)
Agree . .it is not Star Wars fatigue. It was purely episode 8.

Episode 8 made it painfully obvious that they didn't have a story arc planned for the next trilogy. It took everything that was built up in VII and tossed it out the window except the characters. Then they just handed over the reins to Rian and said "take it from there" ... starting the story from scratch. Throw in Rian trying to turn Star Wars on its side (by making it "hip" and "unpredictable" and "unconventional") .. it was just a hot mess. There are articles all over about how Rian just took VIII in a different direction from what JJ started in Force Awakens -- that is not how you make a trilogy. You don't just "make it up as you go". You don't need a director who wants to "make it his own" when making a film about an established film franchise and trilogy. I literally felt that the director of VIII was trying to thumb his nose at the fans (starting with the lightsaber toss over the cliff) with some of the writing/plot choices in the movie.

I wish Johnson had been given Solo, and Howard had been given Ep 8. Both movies would likely have been much better.
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