Hmm. Do you mean that you can use transferred direct or grandfathered points from another member to pay for something like the sorcerer's pass or other exchanges like cruises etc? I know you can use OTUP for the sorcerer's pass but I don't know if I have seen transferred points mentioned.
Or do you just mean combining points that a member has in different use years being used for those things?
An owner like me who can now borrow my points to help pay for the AP, so it gives me a lot more flexibility.
I can see the family who buys APs every other year, and who has multiple UYS, be strategic to buy more than one.
Owners have been allowed to transfer banked points between our membership, but never holding or borrowed points
So, if I can now take some of my extra points from next year and borrow them it means I have an easier way to get enough points.
The more people use points for things other than
DVC rooms the more rooms DVC gets to rent which increases the breakage income for them.
Given that it said additional transfers can be used for exhanges, think of extended families who might all want to use points for say a cruise, now it appears they could combine more points in one membership to do it.
I do know that I can use my own transferred points to use for the AP since I am eligible to buy it.
So, there would be certainly nothing stopping an owner getting eligible points to use, because they are DVC Y, and then use their own points for bookings.
It’s not going to allow someone who isn’t DVC Y from getting the AP, but there are ways to make it work strategically.
I won’t get into cynical ways that could be done to fly under the radar. But this new flexibility might have owners using points in ways they didn’t.
As I mentioned, how cool would it be if cruises became less points.
If they did, it might stop an owner from renting and just paying cash…a common response here…and just end up exchanging via Disney.
Could end up as a a win for DVC since now they get the rooms to rent…and owners see fewer rentals happening from owners…but could end up seeing more rentals on Disney side of things.