Need to make some big changes

I don't understand craving foods that make you sick. Is it the forbidden factor? I don't feel particularly well after eating eggs or apples. both are migraine triggers for me. Consequently, the idea of eating either is very unappealing to me.
With all due respect, your post appears to be negative. You don't have to understand. The point of these blogs is to support each other. If that was not your intention, I apologize. I am experiencing many medical issues and the salty food/gluten cravings are medically based, per my physician. If you have not had to simultaneously cut over 100 items from your diet, please don't judge. I don't have much I can eat and there are only 3-4 items that are difficult to give up. I am doing quite well otherwise. It sounds like you only have two items to deal with.
Back to a happier note: I saw my dietitian today and she was sooo supportive and positive! She is very pleased about my water intake, the fact that I have cut caffeine considerably, am taking the various supplements she recommended, added the foods she wanted me to add, and have followed her protein/fat intake recommendations. I explained the difficulty I have with cheating with nuts, bread and peanut butter and the difficulty of finding good diet options on the cruise. Cheating is not every day by any means but need to totally stop. She agrees with my physician that my adrenal fatigue leads to serious salt cravings, thus the PB toast and nuts. I just have to grind through. She also reinforced the fact that I have successfully eliminated all of the other items I am sensitive to. All totaled there are over 100 foods, spices and additives I can't have and nearly all have been cut out of my diet. She also complimented me about my overall healthy lifestyle, exercise routine and comforted me about the weight fluctuations. Apparently, fluctuations are not unheard of when there are hormonal issues at first. She reminded me that hormonal issues also trigger appetite. I knew this but still it helped make me feel ok. She reminded me that even when I swell up, I'm in a very healthy BMI zone. I needed this affirmation so much because it is hard to eliminate most of the basic proteins, ie veggies and all nuts, that I previously relied on for my protein needs. Protein powder now meets most of my protein needs, but is not anywhere as effective as nuts and my favorite veggies at making me feel satiated. I'm doing well this week though and will continue to work hard at this.
All totaled there are over 100 foods, spices and additives I can't have and nearly all have been cut out of my diet.

That would be *really* hard. I'm glad you had a good visit with your dietitian. I love how supportive and positive she sounds. You're doing great Kriii!! :thumbsup2
Super duper hungry last night, so I polished off a LOT of fruit and chickpeas! The pink lady apples are soooo delicious! Am proud of myself for sticking to healthy foods during my chow fest. I am getting more patient with myself regarding the hunger attacks, because I do know logically that they are hormonal based and are truly not my fault. Middle age body changes are not kind to women! It really doesn't seem fair that the hormone responsible for being hungry goes crazy and the one responsible for feeling satiated goes on vacation! Exceeded my calories BIG time the past two days, but definitely met the other health and fitness goals I set for myself daily. I'll need to really watch the calories through the weekend. Finishing up my much anticipated morning coffee, working out then off to tackle a busy day! Have a good day!
Back to a happier note: I saw my dietitian today and she was sooo supportive and positive! She is very pleased about my water intake, the fact that I have cut caffeine considerably, am taking the various supplements she recommended, added the foods she wanted me to add, and have followed her protein/fat intake recommendations. I explained the difficulty I have with cheating with nuts, bread and peanut butter and the difficulty of finding good diet options on the cruise. Cheating is not every day by any means but need to totally stop. She agrees with my physician that my adrenal fatigue leads to serious salt cravings, thus the PB toast and nuts. I just have to grind through. She also reinforced the fact that I have successfully eliminated all of the other items I am sensitive to. All totaled there are over 100 foods, spices and additives I can't have and nearly all have been cut out of my diet. She also complimented me about my overall healthy lifestyle, exercise routine and comforted me about the weight fluctuations. Apparently, fluctuations are not unheard of when there are hormonal issues at first. She reminded me that hormonal issues also trigger appetite. I knew this but still it helped make me feel ok. She reminded me that even when I swell up, I'm in a very healthy BMI zone. I needed this affirmation so much because it is hard to eliminate most of the basic proteins, ie veggies and all nuts, that I previously relied on for my protein needs. Protein powder now meets most of my protein needs, but is not anywhere as effective as nuts and my favorite veggies at making me feel satiated. I'm doing well this week though and will continue to work hard at this.

So glad for the positive affirmations! You don't have an easy road and I'm so happy you have a supportive team!
Well, I'm back from vacation and updating my blog. There is good, bad and ugly to report but I do have a plan!

The good: I have been feeling significantly better physically so I know that most of my medical issues are resolving. I saw my doctor the day before we left and got some good medical news. My hormone levels and adrenals are slowly improving, but need I further dietary, medication and supplement changes (not a surprise). I maintained my morning workout routine except for two days when is just was not feasible. One of the days I was at Magic Kingdom and walked about 8 miles, so I did get exercise. I let my body rest the following day to avoid any muscle over use injuries so I don't feel bad about skipping that day's workout. I didn't meet my walking goal every day but I did meet it when it was feasible to do so. I also maintained my caffeine limitations, which is a really big accomplishment for a caffeine lover like myself. I also made sure to drink enough water to equal half of my body weight in ounces. I am pretty happy about those things.

The bad: The cravings for salty foods, ie nuts and my beloved peanut butter, will not likely cease until my adrenals are fully functional and this will take quite a bit of time. Apparently salt cravings are typical with people having depleted adrenal glands. I need to exert will power in the meantime! My intake of fats and proteins is too low and is causing my body to not absorp the fat soluble vitamins properly and possibly adding to the cravings. Plus, stupid menopausal hormone changes are still affecting my appetite. The news about the fats and proteins are not a surprise because the good fats and proteins I was previously eating are mostly banned while I am on the elimination diet. This was a concern of mine and a key reason that I consulted a dietician so I am not beating myself up for this. My leaky gut syndrome issues are still pretty problematic and will really take a long time to resolve.

The ugly: Food! I was on a cruise most of the trip and the vegan options were quite limited, not necessarily low calorie, and contained ingredients I'm sensitive to. Most days, I did my best during the day munching on fruits and veggies but ended up so hungry by the end of the day that I really overindulged in the bad stuff. I gave in to the salty nut cravings a LOT! I also ate way too much at MK, especially Dole whips! They are vegan but do contain foods I'm sensitive to. Salt makes me swell up quite a bit and I blew up like a balloon. Hopefully much of the weight I gained is water but I'm sure that there are at least 5 pounds of weight gain that need to come off the old fashioned way. I have a small frame and weight always goes to my tummy so it is particularly obvious.

The Plan: Resume my normal eating and exercise pattern, add two new supplements and one new medication to my diet, add the five foods that were recommended for increase of proteins and fats, keep a good attitude, not beat myself up over the weight gain and move on. The weight should come off within a month or less I think if I am good. Fortunately, most of my clothes are not overly tight but I would like for all of them to be comfortable by the time I return to work next month. I also need to be good because I had some new clothes delivered while I was gone and am looking forward to wearing them! I did resume the normal eating yesterday, and am already feeling better. I will also keep blogging because it does keep me accountable. Happy Sunday everyone!

Just saw that I totally missed the return from vacation! It sounds like you had a marvelous trip and that the small setbacks that always come with traveling are quickly reversing. Now I want a Dole Whip!
Just checking in after a really busy but great weekend. I had a little brainstorm yesterday, when I realized that there is unused storage in the house. I had DH lock up the the tempting food and viola! Problem solved! Only DH knows the combination. He is very sweet being willing to keep the yummies under lock and key. I actually feel sooo much less stressed knowing that I won't be able to cheat! I also came to the acceptance that the way my body functioned previously is just not going to happen anymore and I need to stop feeling bad about changes that are not in my control. Middle age happens and it impacts women' bodies. Could be worse things to happen. I need to adapt and move on, not mourn how things used to work. Otherwise, my exercise is on track, dietary changes in place and I am feeling much better physically overall than I've felt in a long time. I am determined to do this!
I had insomnia overnight and was totally happy drinking decaf tea and reading. Locking up the the peanut butter and bread is very freeing! I don't have to worry about fighting temptation because there is no way that my husband is going to tell me the lock combination! I am going to heal this leaky gut and maybe can enjoy some of my favorite veggies and nuts again!
I had insomnia overnight and was totally happy drinking decaf tea and reading. Locking up the the peanut butter and bread is very freeing! I don't have to worry about fighting temptation because there is no way that my husband is going to tell me the lock combination! I am going to heal this leaky gut and maybe can enjoy some of my favorite veggies and nuts again!

I'm so glad that the secret closet lock is working so well for you. It would make me absolutely nutso and my poor husband would get no rest until I knew the combo. But I believe that secrets exist for me to crack them!
I think the reason it will work for me is that it takes the pressure off of relying on will power. My husband absolutely won't let me know the combination and I am really ok with that. I am considering returning to taking sleep aids. I have been trying to address insomnia naturally, since I am taking so many supplements and medicines. If I can't get the insomnia under control soon, I will have to resume the Z-Quil so that I have the rest needed to get up early for work when I return later this month.
Day went pretty well except that my back is quite sore from my workout. Hopefully rest overnight will help, but if not I will take a day off the workout tomorrow and just walk. My will power is solid overall, but when I'm tempted the lock keeps me out of trouble! I have promised myself a pair of new booties after I accomplish this goal and they are all picked out. I'm also encouraging myself by thinking of the long term. I will have to stay off of the gluten and grains for life, so that the leaky gut does not reoccur, but after I heal I can then hopefully reintroduce most of the other things that I am doing without. It will be worth it. I will feel so much better.
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So glad to lock is working! New booties make me think of winter and I just can't wait for the first cool snap of fall....
Not as sore today, but I did alter the workout a bit so that my lower back would get a break. My back is feeling better tonight. Stressful day because of worrying about some health and personal issues that family and friends are going through plus spending time today offering support. I will go to bed early tonight. Still on track with the elimination diet and very motivated to heal my leaky gut. I should feel so much better.
Thank you :) I did sleep through the night last night and it was awesome! I ditched the OTC sleep aid and switched back to Melatonin plus have been trying to wear myself out more during the day. Got busy today and forgot about the water so I am drinking it like crazy before I go to bed! Good day on the elimination diet front.
Sleep eluded me last night and was up early pinning favorite fashions as a way to pass the time and motivate myself to stick with the elimination diet. I think clothes and shoe shopping make me feel less deprived. Ordered a few pair of booties, tried on the new dresses I ordered and was happy with the fit. Still saving the "special" pair of booties for when I complete the elimination phase of the diet. Having company today, so need to grocery shop this morning and finish tidying up the house. I didn't cheat overnight, but did drool a bit looking at my husband's bananas in the fruit bowl. I do miss my fruits and veggies! I was tempted have eaten allowable food I really didn't need. Made myself drink decaf herbal tea instead, since it would have been boredom eating anyways. I kind of have to watch the calories since the same weight has shifted towards my middle since menopause. It makes me gain so much more easily. That extra stomach weight isn't good health wise in the long run. I am seeing some improvements in my leaky gut symptoms lately. Very thankful! Random thoughts today! Happy weekend fellow Wishers!
I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel better! It will all be worth it in the end.

Happy weekend!
Checking in after a weekend of fun and general busyness! Enjoyed hosting company on Saturday night! My guests always like my oatmeal cookies, so I made the cookies and sent the leftovers home with them. I used to eat a cookie every Saturday night and I do miss them! I compensated by allowing myself to drink coffee after dinner. So wonderful! I totally miss being a caffeine addict but actually feel better without drinking so much of it. Still keeping up with exercise, steps, water intake, and minimizing caffeine to 3 cups of coffee in the morning pretty faithfully. Have been increasing therapy for sore muscles in my lower back and modifying my workout to avoid lower back strain. Need to watch the calories more, since some days I do eat too much and I can't drop it as fast as I used to when I was younger. Going back to work in four weeks and decided to start working on losing the 5 pounds I have gained since summer. Some of my clothes are tighter in the tummy than I would like. Not going to change any foods, just cut the portions. This limits me to about 1,200-1,500 calories per day. Have been doing some shopping which motivates me to keep to the fitness and diet plan., plus so darn fun! Feeling energized and tackling a lot or organizational projects. Coming more to peace with the fact that some of the foods, specifically glutens, I won't be able to eat ever again if I hope to heal and maintain my gut. Missing the peanut butter a lot less. Researched breads I can make that fit my limits and found some, as long as I substitute chia seeds for xanthum gum. I am an awful cook and baker so this should be interesting! Happy Monday fellow bloggers!


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