Need help - MASSIVE amounts of weight to lose

Hey Sistahs!

Well I got my Wii fit last night and of course I had to try it out. I LOVE :love: it! It did weigh me in a few pounds heavier than I really am but oh well! I love that is changes your mii to resemble your BMI. I think that will help out want to get my mii smaller and in doing so I will get smaller. It is awesome and I kicked some but doing the hula hoops. I think I had a 160 rotations. I feel it was definetly worth the money.

Carol - Congrats on the loss! That is wonderful news! Keep up the great work!

Keep it up Sistah! We can all do this!

Have a great day!

Ok, 2 positive reviews of the Wii Fit, I'm feeling the peer pressure now. :rotfl2:
That is cool that the Mii resembles your BMI. I think that it would definitely motivate me to try and get a smaller Mii.

Madhouse Mum - You asked how long it has taken me to lose 37 pounds and the answer is 6 1/2 months. I started on Halloween Day (yes, I'm a masochist). So I've survived Thanksgiving, Christmas, a trip to Disney, which included my 15th wedding anniversary, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Apple Blossom (a local festival and a very big deal). You can see that my weight loss is slow, but I've made peace with that and am enjoying not having any of those extra 37 pounds around.

I think I'll take the family out for Subway tonight since I sooooo don't feel like cooking.

OK, I hope someone is out there reading and will come on over and cheer me up. Last week, I had a really good weigh in and lost 2.2 lbs. Yesterday, I gained 3 lbs. :furious: I know I had said in my last entry that I had made peace with losing weight slowly, but for the past 2 months, it's been more like lose slowly for a few weeks, gain it all back in one week, lose slowly for a few more weeks, gain it all back in one week....You get the picture. I'm still happy that I've lost 34 pounds, even though last week it was 37 lbs., but I'm getting frustrated with my recent lack of progress. Do you think this is my body's way of plateauing? If so, does anyone have any ideas for breaking through?

I've started exercising 4 times a week (this is my 3rd week) and I'm being very good about journaling my food. Right now, I've convinced myself to just keep slogging on, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

Carol, let me say I can totally relate! It doesn't matter what I do, I lose very slowly. Then one bad day and BAM! It all comes back. It is very frustrating and I don't know what to do about it. It takes forever to lose it again.
Carol, I feel you girl! :hug: That is what I am going through too! Try changing up your exercise routine a little and see if that helps. When I started running a little bit during my walk I noticed that I started burning more calories and I dropped 3lbs. Of course I slacked a little on the running and those 3lbs came right back on but I guess doing the Wii Fit and walking has helped me lose those 3 again.

Good luck and stick with it! You are doing a great job!
DisneyDreamin' and Lalaroo - Thanks for the encouragment. I'm getting close to "the most weight I ever lost" which was 39 lbs. I really want to get to 50 lbs. lost by my year anniversary on Oct. 31st. I told myself at the beginning of my current weight loss odyssey that I would be happy averaging a pound a week and when I look back, I see that I'm still averaging slightly over a pound a week even with my current slowdown. So I'll just take it one day at a time and keep my eye on the prize. How 'bout that for some good cliches! :rotfl2:

Hi Sistahs!!

Haven't been on in a while-we came home from vacation and promptly got sick:sick: I have been slacking off on both diet and exercise, which is a problem since I am running a 5k tomorrow. I will be fine but don't know what kind of time I will finish in. Finishing should be enough, but I tend to push myself a bit and want to do my best.

Starting Sunday, June 1, I am back on the wagon. Totally committed. I have set up a schedule of goals that are attainable and not overwhelming.

Goal #1-155 lbs by Labor Day.
Goal #2-135 lbs by Thanksgiving
Goal #3-115 lbs by Feb 1, 2009, 2 years from when I started my weight loss journey.

I am starting at 175, having gained back 10 lbs from my lowest weight. My clothes are starting to get snug again, and I really don't like it.

I think I have been avoiding the board because I am ashamed of myself, gaining back the 10 pounds plus just "losing it" and not in a good way.

I haven't been able to get a Wii Fit yet, hoping they come in again soon! I also have to get back to the gym to do weight training.

Wish me luck and I hope everyone else is doing well-keep posting so that we can all be encouraged by our successes.
Hi Ladies!!

I have read over half of the thread and have decided to join you band wagon, if I'm accepted of course. I've been dealing with being obese for the past 8 years now & am about to go crazy. I'm 30, size 22/24, and am a compulsive eater. I now way 110 lbs more than I did 8 years ago. Hungry or not I'll just start munching away, and if I'm under stress, nervouse, etc etc...well it gets worse. Doctor mentioned over a week ago that i needed to diet & exercise and I started and have lost a bit over 2lbs. Well.... I also just found out on Thursday that I have a tumor in my right ovary and will have to have surgery to get the ovary completely removed. I've started eating and I'll stop myself... I see you guys give each other alot of support and would love to be part of the group.
Good Morning all!

It's a beautiful day here in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, but I don't think I'll enjoy it too much because I have a cold. No one in our family has really gotten sick since our trip to Disney in Jan (which is a whole 'nother story), so I guess I'm due.

After last week's disappointing weigh-in, I backed off of tracking and exercising a bit to give myself a chance to regroup. I enjoyed some new veggie recipes and didn't go overboard at all. In fact, it was nice to feel like I was in control of my eating without counting every little point. But, I know to continue losing, I need to track and exercise, so today I'm right back on the wagon.

I really do have a new attitude this time around. I have finally come to the point where I really believe that this is a lifestyle change and that I will ALWAYS have to be careful about what I eat. I also believe this is true for most people, whether they are thin or overweight. I think the thin ones are just better at accepting it and finding other ways to cope. Last Wednesday, I let myself feel really miserable for hours about my gain and it was actually very helpful. I didn't start stuffing food into my mouth to make myself "feel better" because I knew that wouldn't help me in the long run. I just sat and wallowed in my pitiful state until slowly, I just started to feel better. I think that's why I was able to eat very healthfully for the next few days even though I wasn't tracking. I just wanted to put good stuff into my body instead of junk (Confession: Girl Scout Thin Mints were eaten and thouroughly enjoyed as well).

Vern - How did the 5K go? I'm so in awe of people who can do that. I think I'd eventually like to try one. And you know that the rest of us can so totally relate to the weight gain. The good part is that it's only 10 lbs and you're ready to recommit before you gain anymore. I think you're goals sound great.

Adaygaby - Welcome to the group. I have a bad habit of posting for awhile and then disappearing, but I'm trying to be more consistent about visiting this thread. I think it's really helpful when I can read about other people's successes (and setbacks). Good Luck with your surgery and come back to talk to us soon.
Good Morning all!

It's a beautiful day here in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, but I don't think I'll enjoy it too much because I have a cold. No one in our family has really gotten sick since our trip to Disney in Jan (which is a whole 'nother story), so I guess I'm due.

After last week's disappointing weigh-in, I backed off of tracking and exercising a bit to give myself a chance to regroup. I enjoyed some new veggie recipes and didn't go overboard at all. In fact, it was nice to feel like I was in control of my eating without counting every little point. But, I know to continue losing, I need to track and exercise, so today I'm right back on the wagon.

I really do have a new attitude this time around. I have finally come to the point where I really believe that this is a lifestyle change and that I will ALWAYS have to be careful about what I eat. I also believe this is true for most people, whether they are thin or overweight. I think the thin ones are just better at accepting it and finding other ways to cope. Last Wednesday, I let myself feel really miserable for hours about my gain and it was actually very helpful. I didn't start stuffing food into my mouth to make myself "feel better" because I knew that wouldn't help me in the long run. I just sat and wallowed in my pitiful state until slowly, I just started to feel better. I think that's why I was able to eat very healthfully for the next few days even though I wasn't tracking. I just wanted to put good stuff into my body instead of junk (Confession: Girl Scout Thin Mints were eaten and thouroughly enjoyed as well).

Vern - How did the 5K go? I'm so in awe of people who can do that. I think I'd eventually like to try one. And you know that the rest of us can so totally relate to the weight gain. The good part is that it's only 10 lbs and you're ready to recommit before you gain anymore. I think you're goals sound great.

Adaygaby - Welcome to the group. I have a bad habit of posting for awhile and then disappearing, but I'm trying to be more consistent about visiting this thread. I think it's really helpful when I can read about other people's successes (and setbacks). Good Luck with your surgery and come back to talk to us soon.

Carol-I hear ya on the kinda letting go and refocusing you are doing. Thin Mints are therapeutic BTW::yes:: :rotfl: I think for us gals who have so much to lose that it gets overwhelming and after a while you just "crack". You feel like you can't do it anymore. But how you handle that part is what makes the difference. You made the choice to not go back to old habits, but to look towards your goal and adapt a bit. That is why we will have success -not going back to our old ways.

On the 5k front, I did well finishing in 34:20 by my watch, 35:29 official time (getting to the start line takes at least a minute with 3400 women running). I was happy that it was faster than my last race, but not quite as fast as I would have liked. But that is okay, as at least I was out there doing it. A 97 year old lady from Maine walked it in an hour and 15 minutes. So that there should be some motivation for us all. If a lady who is almost 100 can do it, so can we. The only race you cant finish is the one you don't start.

Welcome Adaygaby!!! :hug: We are always looking for more Sistahs to join the fray, jump right in, the waters fine (and calorie free!!). Good luck with the surgery for the ovary. Once you are back on your feet, get em movin!! Even if it is slow and short, it is still something. Keep coming back here-tell us what is going on-we are here for you.

To all my other Sistahs-hope you are well doing keeping on with your new lifestyles. Post up and let us know how you are doing!
Good morning everyone!

I had my weigh in this morning and I dropped off 1.8 lbs of the 3 that I gained last week. We talked about sustaining motivation at the WW meeting today which was a great topic for me. I've decided to set a lofty (for me) goal of getting to 199 lbs by the end of summer. I have a weigh in on Aug. 27th which is also the kids first day back to school so that's my date to make this goal. I need to lose 16.2 lbs. to get there and it's exactly 12 weeks from today. The last time I was 199 was for a few brief days when my twins were about 3 months old. They are turning 7 this month!

Right before I got pregnant was the last time that I had a really sustained weight loss. I was down to 178 when I got pregnant. I would love to be 180 when we go to Disney in late January.

So there are my next two goals. Let's all have a rock'n summer and post some great losses!

Good for you Carol!!! I am sure you can lose that 16.2 pounds and get to 199 by the end of August. And I KNOW that you can get to 180 by the time you go on your trip.

As part of my new goals (as previously outlined) I have decided NOT to weigh myself until 9/1, which is Labor Day. I weighed on 6/1, and am not going to get on that scale until then. It may sound crazy, but I am thinking that if I don't know how much I have lost, I have to keep thinking that I am "behind" and push myself harder. I'll see how it works. I thought about asking DH to look at the scale on 7/1 and only answer yes or no as to a range that I am in. But I think I will stick with no weighing until Sept. I started back to my exercise and eating plan on Monday, and I am feeling a bit better already. Tomorrow I am headed to the gym for weights and running. I am taking a new tack with strength training-free weights and body resistance exercises like pushups, lunges, squats. I am ready to go to the Big Boy Room at the gym and get pumped. Dh's cousin is a trainer at a Y in Mass, and I am hoping that the next time he comes home to visit I can drag him with me to show me some more exercises.

Keep movin and groovin ladies!!!
Good Morning all!

Not much to report here. I've been trying to follow the WW Healthy Guidelines a little more closely, so I started to take a multivitamin every day. I also made a promise to myself to go to the Farmer's Market every Saturday to get fresh local veggies. So tomorrow, I'll drag DD6 out of bed to come with me and leave the boys (DS6 and DH) home to fend for themselves. My daughter is a very healthy eater and loves seeing all the fresh produce. If I had any kind of a green thumb at all, I would plant a garden for her to play in. She just loves getting dirt under her fingernails and has some very close relationships with bugs. :rotfl:

Vern - I don't know if I could stay off the scale for a few months. I start to get in trouble because I get the attitude that if I don't see a higher number on the scale then it doesn't exist, even if tight pants are telling me otherwise! I understand where you're coming from though, sometimes we just have to try something different to keep us going on our weight loss journeys.

Hope everyone has a great day. I have to run out and return some items and buy a birthday present for my son's friend. After my errands, I'm going to celebrate the start of the weekend with a large Diet Limeade from Sonic. We just got our first Sonic in the area a few months ago and I just love being able to get a Diet Limeade whenever I want to. It's the little things that make me happy.

hi everyone

hope you are all ok and doing well.
i have been soo off track lately, but back on with a 3lb loss this week:banana: i am taking each day one at a time as i have a long way to go,
i know i say this after falling off course but i really need to do this, hope to hear from you all soon
x x x

I had my weigh in this morning and I lost a pound. Now I only have .2 to go to get off the last of that weird 3 lb gain from a few weeks ago. Only 3.2 lbs until I get to 40lbs lost, which will be a personal best for me!

This week, I'm tossing around the idea of going Core for a week or two. It's really very hard for me to follow since I'm all about the carbs, but by the same token, I really need to get a handle on my carb intake to help control my PCOS. I just read a book called the Insulin Resistance Diet. The author proposed using a Link-Balance system where you balance your carbs and proteins at every meal to help lessen the insulin spike after eating. It was a very interesting read and I liked the fact that they didn't cut out carbs completely, but emphasized whole grains and whole fruits and limiting the grams of carbs that you eat at each meal. I could definitely work it into the WW Core plan and it would help me to get in more lean protein and veggies.

Madhouse Mum-Congrats on your 3lb loss! It's so easy to get off track, but so nice when you get back on the wagon! I've been putzing around with the same few pounds for a couple of months, but at least I haven't gone off the deep end! Stick with it and you'll be happy that you did.

Well, I'm off to re-read about the Core plan. Then I have to take cupcakes into school for my son's birthday (which is not until June 24th, but school is over next Monday). Lucky for me, one thing that I hate is icing and these cupcakes are smothered in it. :cool1:
Hi! I'm new to this board but not the DIS. DH and I have a lot of weight to lose. He's pushing 400 lbs and has psoriatic arthritis which he has to give himself injections for and I'm 258. Recently, I've been having trouble with diabetes type 2 and have been getting more and more infections and other problems b/c of the changes in blood sugar. I used to do weight watchers but don't have the money to go to meetings. I was thinking about buying one of the kits online and start fresh with it. I have the original little kit from when they first started the points program but thought the updated one would be good to start fresh with. Is this a good idea? Should I get the premium kit or just the basic? I'm really lost as to what to do and I'm tired of being sick all the time.
Welcome SnowWtch !:welcome:

My DB has Type 2 Diabetes and my endocrinologist is very concerned about me developing this disease since I already have PCOS (and the insulin resistance that goes along with it.) Recently, I've read a few good books about controlling your blood sugar and insulin response. They were The Insulin Resistance Diet and The New Glucose Revolution for PCOS (there is also a version specifically for Diabetics). I learned some new and helpful things and am putting them into practice now.

I love WW and go to the meetings and I also use the online tools. I would recommend doing the online version if you can't afford meetings right now. However, talk to your Doctor. Many times, insurance will pay for Weight Watchers meetings if your doctor thinks it is medically necessary. My insurance paid for Weight Watchers meetings for quite a long time before I got pregnant with my twins. I find that the meetings really keep me on track and accountable.

The one thing to keep in mind with WW is that you can go very carb heavy and still be within your daily points. This didn't affect me at first, but after awhile, my weight loss stalled. That's when I decided that I really have to tailor the plan for my specific issue of Insulin Resistance. It's an ongoing procedure and I'm sure I'll have missteps along the way, but this thread is always good for a pick-me-up when I'm having a hard time.

Come back and visit with us often.

hi everyone

how are you all?

welcome snow witch x :)

guess what ive lost my first stone and im on cloud 9:yay: :yay:
wow what a feeling :dance3:
speak to you all soon

x x x
Hey Sistahs!

Sorry I have been MIA for a while! Life has been crazy!

I got all my ADR's made for my December trip! Plus I arrange a surprise for my mom while we are having dinner at the Coral Reef. Shh don't tell her but I arranged for a diver to have a happy birthday sign for her and a personalized menu!

About two weeks ago I had to have both of my dogs put to sleep because of increasing health problems and that has really put a damper on things for me. I really miss them! I did emotionally eat for a few days but I got right back on track.

I have continued to do good with my exercise. I am walking pretty much everyday and trying to fit in a round of tennis in on the weekends. My work is doing a 10,000 step challenge and we just started week 5. My team has won the last 2 weeks plus we won the first quarter prize :cool1:

Congrats to everyone on their losses and getting back on track!

Welcome to adaygaby and snowwtch! Good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this and you are worth it!

Have a great day sistahs! I promise I will check in more often!

Hi everyone,

Today was my weigh in and I lost .6 again. I think I'm pretty happy about that.:goodvibes When I looked at my little weigh in book, I saw that I've been see-sawing back and forth for over a month with 2 pounds. But, today, I was able to wear a cute little t-shirt that I bought over 2 years ago. It is an XL, as in not from the plus size department. Woo Hoo!!!! :cool1:

I think the key for me during this time has been my dogged determination to go to my WW meetings. I have a great leader and lots of people who have lost a lot of weight attend, so I always come out inspired and ready to tackle another week. This is a huge change from the past when I would skip a meeting if I thought I had gained. Now really, where did that get me? About 100 lbs overweight as I lost a little, stalled, quit, gained and rejoined, time after time. As of this week, I have been faithfully attending WW for 8 months. When I think of where I might be today if I hadn't done WW for those months, it makes me shudder. I'm looking forward to the next 8 months or 8 years. It really doesn't matter to me anymore how long it takes to get to goal, just as long as I'm continuing the journey.

LaLaroo - I'm so sorry to hear about your dogs. Losing a pet is so tough, especially when we have to make the decision to end a life. I had to put my cat down a few years ago, and even though I knew it was the right thing to do, it was so hard. congrats on getting back on track so quickly.

Madhouse mum - Congrats on losing a stone. Can you convert that to pounds for me? I know it's a significant number, over 10lbs., right?

Hope everyone has a great 4th of July.



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