National Days to celebrate - updated now 2024 - May 20-31, June 1-9

Mon Sept 13
Hug & High 5 Day, Peanut Day, Pet Memorial Day, National Blame Someone Else Day, Kids Take Over the Kitchen, Bald is Beautiful Day
Tues Sept 14
Cream Filled Donut Day , Eat a Hoagie Day, Live Creative Day, Ants on a Log
Wed Sept 15
Cheese Toast Day, Crème de Menthe Day, Double Cheeseburger Day, Greenpeace Day, Linguine Day, Online Learning Day, Get Ready Day,
Thur Sept 16
Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Play-Doh , Collect Rocks, Guac Day
Fri Sept 17
Apple Dumpling Day, Monte Cristo Day
Sat Sept 18
Cheeseburger Day, Tradesmen Day, Dance Day (3rd Sat), Batman Day
Sun Sept 19
Big Whopper Liar, Butterscotch Pudding Day, CleanUp Day, Talk Like a Pirate
Looks like it's hamburger week coming up. Me personally, I'm going for the raisin bread day. We all need to say hi to our favourite bald person here on DIS on Monday!
My day is Tuesday - Cream filled donut day. At work I always used to bring the coffee break gang chocolate covered cream filled donuts once a month as a treat. Still miss those people now that we are all retired. I will need to send them a picture of a cream filled donut just to tease them. I need to check if my donut shop still has them. Haven't been there in quite a while. I have lots of other days this week to celebrate as well. Tonight we had TV dinners for our meal - glad we only do it once a year because they are not the same type of treat as when we were kids. I think next year we will skip them or just have a Stouffers meal instead.
Mon Sept 20
Fried Rice Day, Pepperoni Pizza Day, Punch Day, String Cheese Day
Tues Sept 21
Chai Day, New York Day, Pecan Cookie Day
Wed Sept 22
Autumn Equinox, Car Free Day, Centenarians’s Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, Girls’ Night in Day, Ice Cream Cone Day, Legwear Day, White Chocolate Day,
McHappy Day, Hobbit Day
Thur Sept 23
Great American Pot Pie Day, Snack Stick Day, Dogs in Politics , Checkers Day
Fri Sept 24
Cherries Jubilee Day, Punctuation Day, Hug a Vegetarian Day
Sat Sept 25
Comic Book Day, Lobster Day, One-Hit Wonder Day, Ghost Hunting Day, Save Your Photos Day, Cooking Day, Quesadilla Day, Singles Day
Sun Sept 26
Dumpling Day, Pancake Day,
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I forgot to add a day that wasn't on my list when I created back beginning of September.
Wed September 22nd is McHappy Day at McDonalds. On McHappy Day, McDonald’s® donates a portion of all menu items sold in its restaurants to Ronald McDonald Houses and other children’s charities across the country. I will be having McDonalds that day.
Mon Sept 27
Chocolate Milk Day, Corned Beef Hash Day, Crush a Can Day, Scarf Day, National No Excuses Day
Tue Sept 28
Drink Beer Day, Good Neighbour Day, Strawberry Cream Pie Day , Ask a Stupid Question Day
Wed Sept 29
Coffee Day, National Starbucks Day, Confucius Day, Broadway Musicals Day
Thur Sept 30
Chewing Gum Day, Hot Mulled Cider Day, Love People Day, Mud Pack Day
I'm ready for Wednesday Starbucks Day!
Even though I've had my gallbladder removed I still am not going to try the Pumpkin spice latte (nope never again) ,,,I'll stick to a nice Protein Box and a English Breakfast Tea.

1632601292252.png ,,, maybe a slice of banana bread to help wash the tea down.
You might need to resort to the squirt bottle as well .. it works for cats :P

:D LOL We have a senior cat who seems to be in her second kittenhood/ninth life in some respects....constantly on the island, chairs at the island and table (we had overcome that a long time ago), eating my DD's challah bread, drinking out of cups left out.... and she has never eaten people food! I finally got a squirt bottle. I'd say its working, but last night I accidentally left my stool out, and she used it to vault to the counter. But she hasn't been on the table for a couple of days. :rotfl:
Fri Oct 1
Hair Day, Homemade Cookies Day, Day of Older Persons, World Smile Day, International World Coffee ☕ Day
Sat Oct 2
Body Language Day, Fried Scallops, Name Your Car Day, Frugal Fun Day
Sun Oct 3
Boyfriend Day, Techies Day, Mean Girl Day
Mon Oct 4
Golf Lover’s Day, Taco Day, Vodka Day, Cinnamon Roll Day, World Animal Day, Consignment Day
Tue Oct 5
Apple Betty Day, Do Something Nice Day, Get Funky Day, Eat Fruit at Work Day
Wed Oct 6
Mad Hatter Day, Noodle Day, Orange Wine Day, Plus Size Appreciation Day, Coffee With a Cop Day Pumpkin Seed Day,
Thur Oct 7
Frappe Day, Inner Beauty Day, LED Light Day, Bald & Free, Chocolate Pretzel Day
Fri Oct 8
Fluffernutter Day, Pierogi Day, National Hero Day, World Egg Day
Sat Oct 9
Moldy Cheese Day, Leif Erikson Day, Motorcycle Ride Day, I Love Yarn Day
Sun Oct 10
Angel Food Cake Day, Cake Decorating Day, Curves Day, Handbag Day, Walk to a Park Day, National Metric Day, World Porridge Day
Next weeks days.
Mon Oct 11
International Day of the Girl Child, Sausage Pizza Day, It’s My Party Day , Thanksgiving Day, Kick Butt Day, You Go Girl Day
Tue Oct 12
Farmers Day, Freethought Day, Gumbo Day, , Pulled Pork Day, Moment of Frustration Day, Curves Day, World Arthritis Day
Wed Oct 13
No Bra Day, Train Your Brain Day, Yorkshire Pudding Day, M&M’s Day (the candy), International Skeptics Day, Bring your Teddy Bear to Work Day , Fossil Day
Thur Oct 14
Be Bald and Free Day, Dessert Day,
Fri Oct 15
Cheese Curd Day, Grouch Day, I Love Lucy Day, White Cane Safety Day, Mushroom Day, Information Overload Day National , Mamogram Day, Sewing Lovers Day
Sat Oct 16
Department Store Day, Dictionary Day, Global Cat Day, Liqueur Day, World Food Day, Sweetest Day, Learn a Word Day
Sun Oct 17
Mulligan Day, Wear Something Gaudy


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