NASCAR Fans - Pick Your Top 5 for Lowes Motorspeedway

I agree Tori! Jr. & Vickers need their heads examined or the butts kicked, on of the two! :confused3 The cautions were unbelieveable! :sad2: I felt sorry for Bobbi too! I was hoping he could pull it off. I felt bad for Mikey also during his interview, did you see Buffy? She looked at upset, can't say I blame her.

Jeff does have some bad luck with tracks biting him, doesn't he? What are the odds of that one?
It was just a night of :confused3 !
What was up Jr's butt last night bumping into Mikey? :confused3 He knows better then that!! I might support Jr, but I DO NOT support those kinds of actions!!

Boy was I cussing him out after he bumped Mikey.

I felt bad for Mikey also during his interview, did you see Buffy? She looked upset, can't say I blame her.

I dont' blame her either!!! If I would have been Mikey I would have been asking Jr over the radio what the H%!! he was doing. If Jr was married I would like to think his wife would be asking him the samething, cause I know I would have been. There is no way you do that to a team mate, I don't care WHAT your last name is!!

Hopfully for the next race Jr will get his head on straight!! :sad2:
Carl Edwards was vying for the bonehead award as well -- just happened that Jarrett was able to gather it up and go on (though obviously not too pleased with Edwards judging by the... ahhh... incidental contact during the following caution).

Ugly race all around but man, who would've bet that Gordon would have the track come apart on him twice in his career -- to say nothing of twice in two years.
jrydberg said:
Carl Edwards was vying for the bonehead award as well --

Even nice guys are boneheads once in awhile!
Looks like I will have an impressive 25.6 for this week. That should land me at the bottom of the list. As I watched Jr. punt Mikey, I just sat there in stunned silence. I was hoping that the replays would reveal another cause but it just kept getting worse and worse.

Gordon getting bit by the track (again) didn't help Humpy's chances of keeping the All Star race either. Man, I still can't believe that both of those DEI guys were in the top 10 when Jr. wrecked the 15 car! It's Dover this week. I might head down for the race if I have nothing else to do.

By the way, the 99 car better install a bigger rear view mirror this week. I have a feeling that the 88 might just make a special delivery to one of his rear quarter panels!

Adam aka Big Dude
Big Dude said:
Gordon getting bit by the track (again) didn't help Humpy's chances of keeping the All Star race either. Adam aka Big Dude

Time for it to move to an ISC track!!!!
Sorry this took so long, no excuse except laziness ;)

Congrats again to Jimmie Johnson and Chad - awesome job!
Congrats to this week's winner - Kikipug. Nice choices.

This is one of our worst weeks ever and it seems appropriate that it's for one worst races of the year. On to Dover and hopefully a better race ;)

1. Kikipug ***** 12.8
2. J'sM ***** 14
3. Fire14 ***** 14.4
4. Bellacam ***** 14.8
tie.. Mickimouth ***** 14.8
5. TheMysterymachine ** 15.6
6. 2beMarried ***** 16.2
7. JRYDBERG ***** 17
tie..Momof2OH ***** 17
8. Princessariel *** 17.8
9. ToriLammy ***** 18.4
10. Micol ***** 18.6
11. Vald1977 ***** 19
12. Intenseblue98 ***** 19.2
tie.. NCBelle ***** 19.2
13. DukeStreetKing ** 19.6
14. Brer Papa ***** 19.8
15. WDWLvr ***** 20
16. Avdeane ***** 20.8
17. Gdulaney ***** 21
tie ..XABearX ***** 21
18. ILoveDale3 ***** 21.2
tie..Kaylajr ***** 21.2
19. Muushka ***** 22.2
tie..Shoes99 ***** 22.2
20. Tinkerbell1967 *** 22.8
21. Thelittlemermaid ** 23.2
22. Babytigger99 *** 23.6
23. Firesgrumpy ***** 25.2
24. Big Dude ***** 25.6
tie..NC Beast ***** 25.6
25. J'sM Son Jay ***** 26
26. WendyZ ***** 27

Wow... how did that happen... this is the first time that I put NO thought into it, and literally put down the first 5 names that popped into my head...
Congrats kikipug!

You have inspired me to begin picking my list your way! :teeth:
Great picks kikipug!!! Congrats!!

I knew I'd be low on the totem pole this week!! Hopefully next race will be better!!
Congrats Kikipug :)
I expected to be at the bottom of the barrel this week. I can't believe I tied for 4th. :rotfl2:
Congrats Kikipug!!! Nice job!!!! :cool1:

I went from 5th, last week, to 21st this week. :sad2:

From what I read on, sounds like Jr might get a "good chewing out" by Eury. I sure hope he puts Jr in his place!
kikipug said:

Wow... how did that happen... this is the first time that I put NO thought into it, and literally put down the first 5 names that popped into my head...

Me too...came in 5th! I did it by telepathy.
Congrats to kiki!
:cheer2: Congrats Kikipug! Nice Job!! :cheer2:

On the next note....I'M LAST AGAIN! Aaaggghhh!!! This is not going well!!! :confused3 If I have to end up last, Jr. better get his but chewed out GOOD!!!! ;) :teeth:


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