My NYC Marathon Training Journal! (Comments welcome)


DIS Veteran
Jul 6, 2010
I running the NYC Marathon Nov 3rd!

Now I just have to train. I’m not a fast runner and don’t think I could ever qualify for Boston until I’m like 80. My dad has run Boston 5 times so I know the hard work that goes into qualifying for that race and because of that, wouldn’t feel right running Boston through a charity. So NY is my Boston. It’s become a bit more magnified, because I’ve been trying to get in forever to run it so I’m a little obsessed with it. :hyper:

Which leads me to why I’m doing this journal ~ I need a good training season to run the race of my life. I was supposed to do Goofy this past Jan., but I got inside my head and psyched myself out. Every night before a long run, I was ready to go but b/w then and when I woke up, I freaked out and thought I couldn’t do it. I let the negative thoughts and doubts take over. I don’t know why; I’ve done a marathon before so I knew/know that I can do 26.2. I did the ½, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth. My hope is that w/ knowing people are going to be reading this, I have to keep on top of training and be accountable, not letting the negative thoughts take over.

A little bit about me ~ I’m 34 and live in CA. I’m a huge baseball fan, Giants, and big college football fan, LSU. I have 2 puppies, well, not really ~ my lab is 12 ½ and a cockapoo who’s 8. I’ve been running for about 7 years; I’ve done a marathon, 20 or so ½s, a couple of 10k’s and 20 5k’s. My PR for the ½ is 2:30.52, but that was a while back and I’ve been slacking a lot the past couple of years, so I’m working a lot on speed this time around. My dream goal for NY would be to get close to 5 hours, but I’m really hoping under 5:30. I signed up for the 20 week training program w/ them; I would’ve done the 16, but I’m doing DDD Labor Day weekend and 20 weeks gives me 11 for DDD. The plan is tailored towards you and your running and comes w/ a virtual coach that you can email about pretty much anything. I like the plan, except the long runs seem a little light for me so I might combine it w/ another plan that I have.

Training officially starts next month, and right now it’s just building cardio and running base back up (it’s been light running since Tink in Jan.) and strength training. I’ve been talking to 1 of the trainers at the gym about the marathon and he told me about endurance strength training, so for the past week that’s what I’ve been doing. What you do is cut what you lift in half, but do 3 sets of 25-50 reps!! It’s crazy how sore I’ve been after my leg workouts ~ the 1st time I could barely walk out of the gym. Next week I’m starting body-weight moves like squats, lunges and plyometrics.

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading and if anyone has comments or suggestions, post away!!
Today's a rest day!

When it comes to races and trips, I get total OCD. :rotfl2: And w/ there being so many runners traveling to NY for the marathon, I had to get an early jump on everything travel related, nice thing is that it's all done already. Here are my plans:

I’m flying out Thursday before the race. It’s a red-eye so I’ll be in NY in the morning for a full day! The best part ~ the flight doesn’t leave until 11pm and it’s in San Jose, so no driving up to SFO. I can leave the house at 9:45 and be there at 10. What’s even better is that I can somewhat still do Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday and love decorating the house. Downside is that b/c I won’t be there to take down the decorations, no decorations, but I’ll still be there to hand out the candy.

I’m staying in Manhattan that way I don’t have to worry race morning or post race about getting to another borough. I booked early and got a “good” deal around $275 a night, this isn’t DL or WDW pricing! It’s crazy how much the hotels increase rates b/c it’s marathon weekend. I’m staying until Tuesday evening so I’ll have a chance to go some sightseeing, which will be fun.

I booked my flight coming home the other day, Jet Blue was having a great sale and they don’t charge for luggage, yay!

As for what I’m doing while I’m there, not really sure yet. There’s a bar called Finnerty’s that I want to go to; it’s a SF Giants bar, so I have to make a stop there! The season will be over by then but hopefully they’ll win the World Series again so we can have a few celebratory shots there. And Tiffany’s… they have commemorative charms for the race. :love: I can’t not go! Other than that, no clue yet, but I’m sure that will change soon.

I'm trying to figure out away to upload my race schedule, hopefully I can figure it out somehow. (If anyone knows, let me know) It's supposed to be on the warm side this weekend, mid 80s, so it will be early, early runs.
Popping in for an update on the past few days.

Saturday was an easy short run. But totally nerded out and went to the library for a couple of hours to finally combine all my weight training exercises and kick out a strength training plan to go along w/ my running schedule.

Sunday, no running but gym. Got in 45 min of cardio, bike for 30 min and stairmaster for 15. After that, it was a leg strength day so I started on the "body-weight" moves and plyometrics. (Still a bit sore today. :goodvibes) I was strength training for almost an hour!! I have never worked out that hard before or been that hungry after the gym as I was. I'm hoping once my body gets used to the new moves, it'll be a tad easier.

Yesterday was an off day.

This morning went to the gym ~ same cardio from Sun, but did arms and back weight training. Not as much weight training as I wanted this morning, but I got there late and had to pick up milk on the way home before work. I'm 50/50 on going to a dance class tonight (combo hip hop and zumba). We'll see how I feel when I get home tonight. I really want to go, but at the same time, I have a run and gym early tomorrow plus 2 races this weekend. Nothing big ~ a color run and 12k, but doing a double day followed by an early morning might be too much for race week.
I had my races this weekend. Color Run was great; Bay to Breakers was not.

Sat morning was the Color Run w/ my younger cousin. It was a blast. It’s a fun run, no timing, which is good b/c it’s nice to have a reminder once in a while to remember to have fun and not always put pressure on a specific time. The course was nice; it was close to downtown and started at HP Pavilion where the Sharks play. They had 7,000 runners and it was the 1st year in SJ which was a phenomenal turn out. There were also a ton of little kids, which is good. They were having a ton of fun, covered head to toe in color. We hung around a bit afterwards w/ the DJ and color party, but heading out pretty soon after b/c I had to head up to the city for my bib.

I dropped off my cousin and wiped off as much color as I could, then drove up to the expo for my bib for Sun. I don’t know if it’s b/c I got up there a bit after it opened so the rush was gone or what, but not only did I find parking right away, I found free parking. In San Francisco!!! :woohoo: How often is that going to happen? The expo was really small, couldn’t have been more than 15 or so vendors. It’s sad, b/c it’s a huge race here that’s been going on forever (102nd this year) and there are a lot of runners (21,000 yesterday). But the upside to a small expo is you can get in and out, I was done in ½ hour.

Got home Sat. afternoon, showered off the color and cleaned the color in the car and got everything ready for Sun. I had everything laid out and just had to get dressed and go.

Dark and early Sun. morning, my alarm went off at 4am. Got dressed, feed the dogs, grabbed my food and left the house. The race is a 12k (7.46 miles) and point to point, b/c of that there aren’t any drop bags like a longer or loop race. This is where my problems started. I was planning on going to the gym after the race, so I just had my sweats and an extra shirt to change at the gym afterwards. I got up to the city around 5:15 and had no problems w/ the garage. The 2nd parking plus of the race was that if you show your bib, it’s only $10!

The weather was sunny, no fog, and warm but not hot. It was great, however when there wasn’t shade along the course, even though it was at your back, you could still feel it beating down on you.

I got into my corral around 6:15 or so and started getting warmed up. I’ve always watched the race on tv and knew it was a fun race, but the start was just as fun. About 20 min before it started, people started flinging tortillas around like Frisbees. The 1st 1/10 of a mile you were running on nothing but tortillas. And the costumes… people are so creative it really blows my mind sometimes. But it seemed like super heros were the fave. My 1 big goal for the race was not to see any naked people. Yes, this is something to wish for when running this race, people really do run/walk the race naked. Sadly, I made it 5 min in my corral before I saw my 1st butt. :eek: They banned it along w/ floats and alcohol a few years back, but some people still do it.

There was a moment of silence for Boston and then we were off. The 1st mile was good, didn’t start off strong which can happen and felt good. However, no sooner than passing the mile marker, I felt the bottom of my feet start to get irritated. I don’t know what it is, but the past couple of years the bottom outside part of my feet get irritated really fast and easily. I used to be able to wear flip flops all day in DL and have no problem, now if I can get to lunch, I’m lucky. And the flip flops w/ little bumps on the sole, forget it. Knowing this, I always glide the bottom of my feet for longer runs. But, b/c there was no bag drop and I was going to the gym afterwards, I put my shoes on in the morning instead of my flip flops and gliding like normal. It kept getting worse and worse as the race went on. It wasn’t soon after mile 1½ that I had to start walking. I was so :furious:. By the time I got to the shuttle after the finish, my whole foot felt squishy and I was worried that when I took my sock off, it would be nothing but blood. Luckily when I got home, it was blood blister. A blister the size of a ½ dollar coin, but at least it didn’t pop.

Aside from being famous for the atmosphere of the race, it’s also famous for the Hayes Street Hill. It’s an 11% grade incline, there’s even a $ prize to whomever gets to the top 1st. I knew this going in and had respect for it, what I didn’t know was that not only is it longer than I thought, but you turn onto Hayes w/ about ⅓ to ½ mile still to go. It’s just there, mocking and taunting you. If you’ve ever seen a picture of crazy hills in SF or have an idea of what 1 would look like, that is what it is. If I could train on this hill every week, I could rock NY like nobody’s business! The upside to going uphill is that usually, there is a downhill. And while it was only a block, it was still a relief to my quads.

After the hill, you go into Golden Gate Park for the rest of the run. You go by a glass observatory that houses flowers, a lake, some buffalo, it’s so pretty. About ½ way into the park, the ocean breeze hits you and it felt so good. At the end of the park you turn onto the Great Highway and finish next to the ocean. I know I’m a beach girl, but really, you couldn’t ask for a better place to finish a race, except for Central Park and Boylston Street.

My official time was 2:04. It was nowhere close to the under the 1:30 I wanted, but w/ my foot as bad as it was, I’ll take it. Aside from the bad run, it was a great race. It was a fun atmosphere, although not 100% for kids, costumes and people are great, and the course is awesome. As much as you may hate the hill, it’s SF and you can’t have a race w/o some hills. There were a lot of spectators having house parties, cheering you on and playing music. There’s also a party atmosphere after the race w/ some booths and music. It was a great race. Definitely adding it to my yearly calendar like the DL races!
So no running yet this week. Kinda of letting my blister toughen up. Monday was an off day and so is tomorrow, although I've had a lot of energy this week so we'll see.

Even though no running, I've been going to the gym still. Tuesday I went to the gym ~ 30 min on the bike and upper body and back weights. I wanted to do more cardio, but my foot was still a little tender. Yesterday was 30 min bike and 10 min stairmaster with leg weights and abs. This morning I got back on the Elliptical for the 1st time since I tore my MCL last summer! :cool1: I don't have any problems with it now and don't feel it running, but I was still a bit leery of it, because it was the 1 machine at the gym I could really feel the tear, especially when I go backwards. I felt it once while I was on there, but that was it! Weights were arms again; and then when I got home I hit the heavy weight bag for some boxing.

And if anyone's a nerd like me, the National Geographic Bee is on Discovery tonight at 7pm. I never know any of the answers, but it's always fun to watch. However, not as fun as the Spelling Bee next week. Oh my god, I can't even tell you how excited I am for that. :hyper: Those kids are so cute and smart as ...!!!
Today is a rest day! :yay:

Saturday I got a short run in, nothing fancy, just nice and easy.

Yesterday was... long. Alarm went off and I did not want to wake up. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep in. I was about to skip my run, but I knew my workout for the gym afterwards and that I wouldn't be able to get one in today. So I got up and went out got it done. It was foggy/cloudy so I went out w/ a pullover on, but by 1/4 mile in, it was off. It was actual humid outside! I got 5 in, but for some reason my Nike+ says 5.6 so I have to recalibrate it I think. And as cheesy as it sounds, you really do feel better after you get out there, you just have to drag your foot out the front door.

Got home and hung out for a bit before heading out to the gym. At the gym, I got in 30 on the bike and 15 on the stairmaster. That was the easy part. I was in the weight room for over an hour trying to kick out my strength training routine; I did body weight stuff, not machines. A lot of squats, step ups, box jumps, that kind of thing. It really isn't a lot of moves, but for some reason it just seems to take a long time, and my legs are still getting used to it I think. I pretty much exhausted my legs yesterday, which is a good thing once in a while to get them ready to be out on the road for a long time. I actually got home and feel asleep on the couch as soon as I layed down. That's never happened before. :rotfl2: The good thing is that my legs aren't bad today. They're heavy and I know I couldn't get a run in, but not really sore.

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!
Today is officially Marathon Opening Day!!! :yay: Everyone not guaranteed an entry or charity running it finds out whether or not they get in today. And yes, I am a dork and got excited for today even though I know I'm already running it. But what's even sadder, is that I was writing out my training schedule to print out (their's doesn't print out right for some reason) and when I got to Week 17, writing out the paces and mileage at what pace, I actually got excited for that as well. :rotfl:

As for maintenance/training the past couple of days, yesterday Iw as at the gym. 30 mins on the bike and 15 min on the elliptical. Strength training was upper body and back.

This morning I got out for a short run. Wasn't fun ~ breaking in my new shoes and that's never fun the 1st run or 2. After that, hit the gym and got in 30 min bike and 15 min stairmaster. Today was a legs and abs day, but legs were on machines so a lot easier than Sunday workouts.

Someone posted a facebook page for the marathon so I got in on that yesterday. They had a plank challenge up for anyone who is/was interested. I finished 1 a couple of weeks ago and this 1 is a little different so I'll give it a shot. You start at 20 sec and end at 5 min. In 30 days!! Here it is if anyone's interested:
Got my official letter/email last night letting me know that I was in! I already knew that, but it's still fun to read. The cool thing was that there was a link where you could add a badge to your fb page. I'm not a big fb person, it's mostly for race pages and a Dis running group and a NY running group, but had to add it. They had a whole bunch of different ones to choose from like I run for a PR, Family, NY, Boston, Life, etc. This is mine:

I love it! :cloud9:

As for this morning, it was horrible. My lab woke me up around 1:45 to go outside, and then I couldn't fall asleep the rest of the night. I dozed a couple of times, but no more than a total of 1/2 hour. I was supposed to get a 5 miler in, but was to exhausted. I went to the gym for my regular workout and was going to do 1/2 hour on the elliptical and then stairs for 15, but got on the elliptical and my legs were absolute lead. I could barely get 10 min in before I had to get off. I hoped on the bike for 30, but it was just bad. Strength training was upper body~ got it all in but it wasn't pretty. I know every workout and run isn't going to be good, but the bad ones just leave you feeling blah the rest of the day. And the 1 time I needed my crush to come into the gym to wake me up w/ all the nervous energy I get when I see him, he didn't show up today. :rotfl2:

But on the upside, the Spelling Bee is tonight!! Super excited!!

Tomorrow is an off day and then Saturday morning is the SJ Giants (the SF Giants minor league team) 5k run. It's supposed to be really hot Sat, around 92 or so, but the race goes off at 7:30 so fingers crossed it's not an early hot and can get it done before it gets warm.
Exactly 5 months from today, I will be all finished. I was thinking about that at the gym, b/c of the time change and the time I was at the gym, I would have been running. I kept trying to picture where I would be as I was on the bike.

But anyways back to the present...

Yesterday was the 5k. It was fun, nice course. It wasn't too hot, but at the end when you turned out of the park back towards the stadium, the last 2/3 of a mile or so, you were on the street and no shade and you could feel the sun coming down. But it was good though, you run into the stadium through center field and end just before 2nd base. The best/cutest part was that they had the Jr. Giants kids out there handing out your medals. So adorable!!

And now, racewise, I'm done until DDD Labor Day weekend. I don't know if I'm more excited about the races or finally going back down to DL! Last year, I had an AP and completely took advantage of it. But when it expired after Tink, I didn't renew it, b/c I knew w/ NY I wouldn't be able to get down there as fast and now DL is playing all these commercials on tv and the radio, it's like they're taunting me. :rotfl: As far as other races, I was really tempted to run the San Francisco 1/2 in a couple of weeks and the SF Giants race in Aug. I really want to do the Giants one b/c you get a Sergio Romo bobblehead that I saw and love and want, but w/ training picking up soon and Disney adding the 10k to Tink, I'm not. Oh well, sometimes you can't run them all. If I ever win the lottery though...:goodvibes

No running this morning. I was planning on a 7 miler before the gym, but last night I was looking at my blister from B2B and noticed some liquid in there from yesterday morning. It didn't/doesn't hurt or feel agitated, and I stuck a pin in there to get some of the liquid out, I just figured better safe than sorry. So instead of a light run on Tuesday, I'll do my 7 then.

At the gym, did my usual bike for 30 and stairs for 15, but did intervals on the stairs. After that, it was body weight strength training. Not as much as last week, was a little nauseaus, but still got a lot in. What's really interesting is that in the 3-4 weeks that I've gone from strength training at the weight I was doing, to endurance strength training and body weight training the difference I can tell in my legs. You'd think that even though the reps are high, you're at a way lower weight and your muscles wouldn't be as defined, but I'm really starting to notice a difference. I also learned today from one of the trainers that I've been talking to, that the stairmaster is more of a muscle builder than I cardio machine. Who knew? I also thought it was a cardio machine. He suggested just sticking to the bike and elliptical and even changing my routines on those to stickly interval training. I usually do the random setting, so I'll play around w/ intervals this week and see how it goes. The upside to that is that it's also a great fat burner!

On a non-me running/bragging note, this weekend was the high school state championship for track and field. My younger cousin, who's like my little brother, qualified as a team in the 4x100, 100 and 200. Friday were the qualifiers and he qualified for the 100 and for the 4x100. Yesterday were the finals and they finished 6th in the 4x100, getting on the podium, and he finished 8th in the 100!!! I was so happy; I don't know how parents do it when their kids are in finals. I was so nervous right before they were supposed to go off and was just staring at my phone waiting for the update. :rotfl2: Now he's off to run at Cal Poly!
So..... really bad running week. :headache: Hopefully it is all out of my system ~ I was so mad at the gym today it wasn't even funny; I left early. Had 2 short runs this week and this morning it was horrible ~ it was like it I had never exercised before. I couldn't get my breath it was just, bad.

But onto happier news, DDD is 12 weeks out starting tomorrow!!! :dumbo: And not only that, I signed up for the GSC in Feb! princess: Plus, I was at Sports Basement today and they had my running shoes on sale for $90 instead of $120 and I had an additional 10% off. So even though I just broke in new ones, I'll need a new pair mid-Sept. Bargain!!! I also stocked up on gu's and chomps for the next month or so and now I'm good to go. If anyone is looking for a new flavor, the Stingers brand came out w/ a cherry cola flavored chomp/chew. Yum!

Fingers crossed for a better running week! Hoping to kick out 22 or so. And even though it's 12 weeks out until DDD, it's my last week as a free girl until Nov. :p
hi there!
i'm doing the nyc marathon too so i'm really enjoying following along.

i just joined the american cancer society in order raise funds and get a bib. did you have guaranteed entry from last year? i'm doing the 9+1 this year so i'll have guaranteed for next year but i'm happy this year to be raising money. it won't be easy but it's for a great cause.

what is your training LR schedule like? i'm doing the galloway training and hope to do some long runs with the ACS folks in central park too.

i did the wdw marathon this year on a gimpy knee and it took me 5:46 but i'm hoping to do closer to 5:00 in november! :)
hi there!
i'm doing the nyc marathon too so i'm really enjoying following along.

i just joined the american cancer society in order raise funds and get a bib. did you have guaranteed entry from last year? i'm doing the 9+1 this year so i'll have guaranteed for next year but i'm happy this year to be raising money. it won't be easy but it's for a great cause.

what is your training LR schedule like? i'm doing the galloway training and hope to do some long runs with the ACS folks in central park too.

i did the wdw marathon this year on a gimpy knee and it took me 5:46 but i'm hoping to do closer to 5:00 in november! :)

Yay!! :yay: Have you run it before? I did have a guaranteed entry, but it was from the 3 no's not that I was supposed to run last year.

I actually finished figuring out my training schedule last night. I signed up for the 20 week training program through them. I liked everything on the schedule but the LRs; it just seemed like they weren't long enough. I've used schedules from before for 1/2's, but their long runs for the full are a bit much so I averaged out the 2. I now have 2 16's, 17,18 and 2 20's. 1 16 and the 17 are week 9 & 10 right before DL and then the other 16, 18 and 20's are Sept/Oct, mixed in w/ shorter weeks and taper.

I would love 5:00!! That's my dream number and the ideal run/race I have in mind. But w/ it being NY and taking it all in along w/ all the people, I'll be happy w/ anything under 5:30. Although the lower the better. :goodvibes

Good luck w/ training!!
Got a short run and gym in today. Run was good, not great, but it's slowly getting back to where it was in the past. And for the 2nd time in as many weeks, I saw people running along my route. I have 2 routes that I use, 1 for short runs and 1 for long runs. In the all the time I've been running my short route, I hardly ever see 1 person every couple of weeks. Today I passed by 4 people!

Gym was short, I have a longer run tomorrow morning. I got in 30 min on the bike, no intervals just the random setting and lower legs. I used the foam roller when I got home b/c of the run tomorrow morning and weights today and you never feel the soreness in your muscles until roll over that wonderful creation. :rotfl2:
Such a great week this week, and much needed going into the start of training. I feel really good now about starting this week. Runs are getting stronger and 2 days in a row, my splits have decreased. Gym's been good, even left with happy exercise endorphins pumping which can always put you in a good mood. Finally started up the plank challenge this week ~ it's crazy how you notice it more when you're not doing the actual plank: weight exercises, walking around, sitting, you're just more aware of it.

Thursday got my emails from NYRR, they put on the race, and you choose whether you want to do a drop bag and your transportation out to the start. I decided to do the no bag check. Fingers crossed it's not raining or crazy cold that day! You get a bag to bring to the start but will have nothing at the end of the race. The upside to that is that you get out of the finish area faster, I've read it will still take about 30 min, but w/ bag check it could be more than an hour. And they'll give you a spiffy blue and orange runners poncho to keep you warm getting back to the hotel. For transportation, you can either take a bus/shuttle or a ferry. I've heard that the ferry is awesome and you get to see the skyline as you go out to Long Island, so I'm going that way.

My closet door and bathroom now look like those crazy stalker women you see in the movies w/ pictures of the person they're obsessed w/ all over their mirrors. :rotfl: I have my schedule, course, course elevation, pretty much article/ad I've saved over the past 2 years covering my closet door, and disney race ads for good measure. Along w/ a bunch of motivation quotes and some in the bathroom for when I'm getting dressed in the morning. That way it's in my face constantly reminding me that I can't give up. Got a little overwhelmed about the race this morning, but I just have to keep telling myself that it's 20 weeks away, and I'm not meant to run 26 right now, I'm building up to it. If I keep that in mind along w/ how big this race is for me and how long I've wanted to run it, I think I'll be okay.

Countdown begins tomorrow!!!
Sorry no reporting this week. It was crazy busy at work this week and didn't have any time to come on and I'm house sitting at my aunt's house and their computer isn't working and no wi-fi. But I'm here now! :goodvibes

1st week was good. Got runs and workouts in. In addition to the plank challenge, someone posted an ab one so doing both of those now. There's one for burpees, but waiting until I finish the other 2, plus burpees are.... kind of evil. I registered for the NY Training program so everyday I get the next day's run emailed to me which is nice. I have it all down on my closet schedule, but still nice to get the email. Plus they give you the weather update for the next day. So special! :rotfl2: What I really like about it is that b/c it's a 20 week program and most marathon schedules are 16, they are treating the 1st 4 weeks kind of like spring training and my coach and I will talk towards the end of the the 4th and adjust the schedule depending on how it goes ie: speeding up/slowing down the intervals or adjusting the mileage. That's kinda cool.

But the best news of the week is that the pool down the street opened up on the weekends!! Got an hour in yesterday, upper back/shoulders are a little sore this morning, b/c I haven't swam since last year. But super stoked it's open again, I love swimming, although have to remember to tan a little bit on my front to even out, otherwise my backside will be nice and dark and my front will be white. :rotfl2:
Today was a short run. I was thrown off by the weather though. It was windy and overcast, so I put on a long sleeve shirt instead of a short one w/ my capris... but got outside and it was humid. Not as bad as WDW marathon weekend this year, but close w/o the heat. The gym was short and got some upper body stuff in. The ab challenge, on the other hand, is getting harder/longer, but that's the point is that it's a challenge. I just have to remember that.

One of the things I really need to work on is my eating. I have to start eating some protein in the morning for breakfast instead of just cheerios. The big problem I have is that I'm such a picky eater, I swear I'm worse than a child! Tonight is chicken enchiladas, so no problem eating a big dinner today. :goodvibes
Got my runs and workouts in this week. It's still early on so it's not too crazy right now. This weekend I have 5 tomorrow and 9 on Sunday w/ the gym. Downside is that it's going to be hot this weekend, so early early runs. But I like to run early, b/c it's so quiet and peaceful it's like there's no one in the world but you.

I found out I got into the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon today too! That race is 2 weeks before NY when I start my taper so that's good. I was joking w/ someone I entered w/ that if I wasn't running NY, I wouldn't have gotten in, but b/c I was running and probably shouldn't enter I would get in. But my run that day calls for 12 so as long as I go easy, it should be fine. Plus I'll get another Tiffany's necklace and it's the 10th anniversary so if it's like Disney races, hopefully some other good stuff. The other nice thing is that it's semi-local so not hotel, I can pop up after work for my bib and sleep in my own bed the night before the race which is always good.

Hope everyone reading has a good weekend!
Hi Kim,
Great job on the runs-the humidity is killing me out here. Would love to do the Nike 1/2 sometime- great bling!

The NY half I have thought about as well-the route is so cool and historic.



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