My First PTR! Our Family Trip MAY 2010- The Time Has Come! We Leave TODAY!!

ooh i like the lugguage!! :cool1:

:thumbsup2 Thanks!

Me, too!!!

Ours has a few more trips in them, but I'm beginning to eye some, myself...congrats!! :goodvibes

Thank you! Ours was pretty much dying, so luckily I had the perfect excuse to get some new stuff! :cool1:

Subbing! I followed your link from another PTR. We will be there at the same time!!! I keep finding more and more people who will be there that week--it should be a lot of fun! :goodvibes

Love the luggage!

Oh, how awesome! I can't believe how many people will be there around the same time, it should be a blast! :yay:

And thank you! ;)

having different color luggage than normal really helps when picking it up, we found it helps with strollers in the parks too, thats why we have a bright orange one.

Also a good tip, I hadn't even thought about the stroller color! I'll have to see what my sister is planning on, I know they are looking into a lightweight stroller for the trip. :thumbsup2

subbing! i love luggage, i am always wanting to buy more, but unless i take a year long cruise or something, i will never have a reason to use it all! i just bought DS his first suitcase though, which was kinda cool! your trip sounds exciting! i am really trying to talk my parents into joining dvc...

Yay! Yeah, I have been wanting new luggage for a while now, especially something in a distinguishable color! I got to use it when we went to Paso Robles Valentine's Day weekend to make some arrangements for the wedding. I love it! haha. New suitcase for the DS sounds awesome, though. My parents loved the idea of DVC, so it's something we're doing together, makes it easier for everyone. Luckily I'm very close with my parents! :laughing:

Great start to your planning and pre-trip report! Congratulations on your engagement.

Thank you on all counts! ;) :thumbsup2

Incase your counting Kara 71 days till DW.:woohoo:

Time is flying by, isn't it? How's your planning going over there?? :woohoo:

Update: It's been a little while since the last one, between school and wedding stuff, but I'll be updating in a little bit! :thumbsup2
:jumping1: :yay: :dance3: :woohoo: :cheer2: :woohoo: :dance3: :yay: :jumping1:
Since I'm on the west coast, today is still the official 2 MONTH MARK until our trip!! I can't believe it, it's insanely exciting! Time is flying by and soon we'll be playing in the parks and having an awesome time!

As mentioned, school and wedding planning has been eating up a lot of my time. At least the wedding planning is fun most days, and we have our reception venue booked, as well as our photographer, so bonus for actually accomplishing something! :rotfl:

Anyway, we bought our plane tickets on Saturday for all of us, so everyone going on the trip has their tickets now! The only kind of sucky thing was the fact that on our trip back, for the first portion from Orlando to Texas all our seats are scattered. There were 2 seats together, but we'll probably give them to my sister and her fiance since they have the baby. Hoping that maybe we'll be able to fix it once we are on our way back. Our trip there kind of makes up for it, though, because we found a non-stop flight and our travel time is about 4h20m! Now we just have to give our flight information so we can get our luggage tags for Magical Express!

Moving on, pin trading. Bill and I LOVE pin trading. It's one of my favorite things to do because it's a conversation starter and you meet lots of interesting people doing it. Of course, when we first started, we would get a few in the parks to trade for other pins with the CMs. It's like an addiction, though, and pins can get EXPENSIVE, so we had to find alternatives. We still buy a few pins in the parks, but usually just those we want to keep, not traders. We have a Disney Outlet store near us that sells merchandise from the Disney parks, so we keep our eyes open for good deals on pins. Lately they haven't had many good deals, but we'll keep looking. For our trip last May, we bought some online, and we'll probably do that again this year. Just need to figure out how many to get this time around because I was hoping to get a few for my sister as well.We'll figure it out, though, and soon, seeing as we're getting close now!

Also, Cinco de Mayo Meet: I know some of you will be there at the same time I am, will you be going to this? I REALLY wanted to, but we have lunch ADRs at that time, so I won't be able to make it. Sad, because I'd love to meet some fellow DISboarders! Info is HERE if you hadn't seen it yet!

Up Next:
You know, I'm not really sure yet! It's a mystery! ;)
Heh, was just looking it over, should see if we can swing on over... Wonder how long they plan on being there?!

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Very exciting!

Also congrats on hitting your 2month mark. :woohoo: We just hit our 2 day mark! :banana:

I'm excited for my DD to do pin-trading this trip. She'll be ((almost 4)) and I think it's a good way for her to meet new people from all over the world. I'm also going to get my nieces into it as well. I bought a bunch of pins on ebay and will distribute them between the 3 of them. When we go to DTD on thursday I will let them all pick out their own lanyards. I'm SOOOO excited.!!

Anyway, your trip sounds fun. It's great that you get to go with so many people you love and care about. I love how disney always brings people together.

Look forward to more. popcorn::
You might try the Disney Outlet online -- they have pins for $3.99 -- great for trading!! :goodvibes

My DD had begun to pin trade after her first trip to WDW, and now she's kind of luke-warm about it...she'll do it, but as a fairly new teenager, it's not on her list of "must do"s! :sad2:
Hi there!! We will be going at the same time and have cape may cafe scheduled for breakfast on the same day!! How fun. I have never eaten there before but a former cm told me it was great! We also have tony's on the same day but we are doing lunch instead of stuff!! Look forward to hearing more of your plans!

Also not doing beirgarten this time but the food is awesome! I love it
I was just sitting her thinking about how excited I am that Space Mountain will be open for this trip. I got a laugh the other day thinking about the Tea Cups from our trip to DL. :lmao:
yay for 2 months!! When I was waiting for that time...i thought it would never come!! yay for buying tickets...booo for being scattered...but it's okay!! 4 hour trip?!?!? That's great! My trip from Hawaii is 14 hours i believe?? And we have 1 stop in Salt Lake City...which is ok!! Aww...i'm missing the Cinco de Mayo meet by a couple days! It's ok! Can't wait to hear more plans!!
I was just sitting her thinking about how excited I am that Space Mountain will be open for this trip. I got a laugh the other day thinking about the Tea Cups from our trip to DL. :lmao:

I am right there with out about being sooo excited for space mountain being open for this trip!!!

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Very exciting!

Also congrats on hitting your 2month mark. :woohoo: We just hit our 2 day mark! :banana:

I'm excited for my DD to do pin-trading this trip. She'll be ((almost 4)) and I think it's a good way for her to meet new people from all over the world. I'm also going to get my nieces into it as well. I bought a bunch of pins on ebay and will distribute them between the 3 of them. When we go to DTD on thursday I will let them all pick out their own lanyards. I'm SOOOO excited.!!

Anyway, your trip sounds fun. It's great that you get to go with so many people you love and care about. I love how disney always brings people together.

Look forward to more. popcorn::

Pin trading is so addictive, and contagious! We got our friends to join in on the fun, so it's been great!

I do love that I can share my love of Disney with my family, I am really excited about this trip!!

You might try the Disney Outlet online -- they have pins for $3.99 -- great for trading!! :goodvibes

My DD had begun to pin trade after her first trip to WDW, and now she's kind of luke-warm about it...she'll do it, but as a fairly new teenager, it's not on her list of "must do"s! :sad2:

Yeah, I am always on the lookout for more places to get traders!

Aww, I know how that goes. My nephew just got a new girlfriend and now his priorities are all different. haha. I tell him he needs to stop growing up so fast!

Hi there!! We will be going at the same time and have cape may cafe scheduled for breakfast on the same day!! How fun. I have never eaten there before but a former cm told me it was great! We also have tony's on the same day but we are doing lunch instead of stuff!! Look forward to hearing more of your plans!

Also not doing beirgarten this time but the food is awesome! I love it

How cool is that! If you see my ginormous party while you're there, feel free to say hello! Cape May Cafe was one of the places we really enjoyed last year, so decided to do it again! Haven't done Tony's, but I am hoping it's good! Glad to hear Biergarten is good, I am looking forward to trying that one out as well!!

I was just sitting her thinking about how excited I am that Space Mountain will be open for this trip. I got a laugh the other day thinking about the Tea Cups from our trip to DL. :lmao:

I know! I was just talking to Allison about that! I am SO happy Space Mountain will be open this time around! You mean when Bill and Allison just sat there? :lmao: Yeah, that was pretty funny!!

yay for 2 months!! When I was waiting for that time...i thought it would never come!! yay for buying tickets...booo for being scattered...but it's okay!! 4 hour trip?!?!? That's great! My trip from Hawaii is 14 hours i believe?? And we have 1 stop in Salt Lake City...which is ok!! Aww...i'm missing the Cinco de Mayo meet by a couple days! It's ok! Can't wait to hear more plans!!

Yeah, I am really happy that our flight out there is so short! I don't even remember the last time I was able to take a non-stop flight out that way! Yeah, I didn't even think about Cinco de Mayo when I was making our plans, it would have been fun to meet some people while we're out there!

I am right there with out about being sooo excited for space mountain being open for this trip!!!

Yeah!! :cheer2:
So, it's been a while, huh? It's home stretch for school, so it's been keeping me pretty busy! Boo! I wanna focus on Disney!

So, updates? We ordered some pins on Ebay for our trip. We got 100 of them! Technically 50 each, depending on how many we may decide we want to keep! Super excited about that! We don't really have anything in particular we actively collect, it's mostly just whatever strikes our fancy. Though, I suppose I am always on the lookout for Maleficent pins. She's my favorite villain. Anyway, they were shipped already, but we didn't get them yet. I am hoping by tomorrow.

We DID, however, get our Magical Express tags in the mail!! It just made our trip seem all that much more real. I have to ship out the luggage tags for my friends since they came to us, so I will have to make sure I do that ASAP. it should be interesting. Our flight is overnight, so we'll be getting to FL at around 5am! Jeff and Allison will be getting there at around 10am, I believe, so I am not sure how that will work as far as taking the bus over to the resort. Last year we got to the airport at around the same time, so it wasn't an issue. Bill's dad and Linda got their tags sent to them, so that's not an issue, and they won't be getting in until that evening anyway. I guess we'll figure it out!

My niece has been preparing for the trip too! I can't remember if I mentioned it, but her favorite show is Phineas and Ferb! We watch it every day! We've also been watching some other stuff as well, like The Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella, Ducktales, and she loves them all! Here she is watching The Little Mermaid when I was babysitting her one day:


Notice on the left there is her little Squirt plushy that her uncle got for her. She loves it! She's already a Disney fan!

And, just because, here's another one from another time I was babysitting her:


I bought her that onesie in a couple sizes, haha. She's such a cutie pie and I am SUPER excited she's coming with us!

With just a month to go, everyone has been on a diet! We're hoping to counter all those buffets we'll be enjoying for the week! Of course, the boys have been losing more than the girls, go figure. For me, the only thing keeping me going is the fact that eating at Disney will be a like a reward!

With time quickly winding down, we've got to start getting everything together. We'll probably put in our order with Garden Grocer this weekend. I am also hoping to get some shopping done in the next couple of weeks, I am hoping to get everyone a little surprise for the trip. I already got Bill his, but I won't tell what I got here, since he reads this. I also need to get some clothes and maybe shoes for the trip. Anything for an excuse to go shopping!
I was in the middle of writing a few updates on our trip before when Bill got a call from his dad. It seems that His dad's girlfriend's mom was diagnosed three days ago with a brain tumor :sad1:. Obviously things have been crazy over there, and his dad called to let us know they might not be able to come with us on the trip. He said they felt bad because they felt like they would be ruining our trip if they didn't go, but Bill reassured him multiple times that we totally understand and that we'll be keeping them in our prayers.

I have another PTR I am starting, so I will be working on that one instead and will be holding off for now on this one until we hear back from them.
It looks as though Bill's dad and Linda won't be coming with us after all. Linda isn't doing very well, understandably so, and they've been looking into what to do to cancel their flight and they already canceled the dinner reservation they had for the one night they were going to go out by themselves. We'll miss them, of course, but obviously understand that this is best.


On a happier note, today we are 9 days away from vacation time! Can't believe how fast time is flying by now! We've been trying to get as much done as possible between work, school, and studying for upcoming finals:

Park tickets have been bought and arrived last week.
Our Garden Grocer order has been placed and scheduled for delivery on the morning we arrive.
All our pins for pin trading have arrived!
Bought an umbrella yesterday just in case!!
Bought some of the gifts for the people coming on the trip.

Start pulling clothes for the trip.
Get our luggage back out from storage.
Shop for the last minute essentials.
Finish buying the gifts for the rest of our group.
Pack (though I'll probably wait until the last minute as always, no matter how many times I promise myself I'll be better next time:rotfl: !)


My sister bought this stroller for the baby for the trip:

It's lightweight AND a bright color, so hopefully it will be easy to find in the sea of strollers. Never having had to bring a stroller to the park myself, I have no idea what to expect, so we shall see!

Also, because Bilbo is nosy, I can post the gifts he got for the trip as well:

In case it wasn't obvious, he is a big fan of Phineas and Ferb.

As I mentioned, Kiera loves Phineas and Ferb as well, so she will get this:

My dad will get this:

And this was for Bill's dad:

We'll probably just send it to him once we get something for Linda, though.

I also got myself this:

We're going to be going to the Disney Outlet store here in town because they carry merchandise from DL and WDW at a discount, so we'll see if we can find stuff for everyone else. If not, I will most likely just pick up some stuff in the park.

Can't believe we're down to the single digits!
Holy heck it is coming fast! I'm aweful excited! It is sad about Pops and Linda not coming :sad: Hopefully in another two years we can get them out there with us!

Hehe, only 7 more work days and vacation begins. Already told everyone I'm bailing a few hours early.

Oh, and I do like my new shirt and towel! Hope I don't forget one!
Wow I missed last night's post and the cute clothes! I can't believe your trip is only a week away! You must be so excited! I know I would be.


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