My family of 4's first trip to Disney- May 17-24**completed 11/10**

Thanks for taking the time to write this. I'm sorry for your loss. And I'm glad you were able to make such good memories for your kiddos - who are adorable btw. I'll be back to read more!
Thanks for taking the time to write this. I'm sorry for your loss. And I'm glad you were able to make such good memories for your kiddos - who are adorable btw. I'll be back to read more!

Thank you! I couldn't decide at first if I was going to write one or not. But I figured it would be a great way to relive the trip. Plus I read alot of reviews before going. And I know they helped me so hopefully my review will help someone else.

Your kids are just adorable! Those are some priceless photos with the characters!

I agree with you regarding Crystal Palace's food. We never saw all the characters and waited entirely too long for our bill. I'm not sure I'll return there considering there are better options in character meals.


We were lucky and saw all of the characters. The character interaction is what made the meal for us. The food was just blah. I think the only thing my kids ate were mac and cheese. Our waiter was ok, but of course all he had to do was bring us drinks and our bill. I just couldn't make myself tip him $20 for that. I know some people will frown upon that :( I ended up doing $10. We do two more character meals during our trip! And they both had better food choices.
I figured I'd sneak this live update in!

As some of you may have noticed in my signature, I'm going back to Disney in less than 3 weeks. I have alot of mixed emotions about it. This is how this came about....

There is a training course in Orlando and it's in conjunction with a trade show. My boss and I decided that this was really a course we needed to attend. My boss decided to take advantage of it and take his youngest son to Disney. Our course is actually by seaworld. He said if I wanted to bring my family along he would get me a bigger hotel room. Well I did the research and for the flights and park tickets it was gonna be about $2000. And that didn't include food. We leave on a Sunday, I will be in training all day Monday, half a day Tuesday and half a day Wednesday. Then we fly out Wednesday evening. My DH and I decided that was too much money to spend for the small amount of time we'd get to enjoy ourselves. I tried to get my DH, Nanny or BFF to come but no one wanted to tag along just to be by themselves most of the trip. I told my boss that I didn't need a room in Disney to just get me one close to the conference. Well he ended up booking his families room at AOA and me one at POP. Plus got me 2 day park tickets!

I am in a way very excited because MNSSHP is the Sunday we arrive (yes I got tickets!) and Food and Wines fest is also going on. In another way I feel extremely guilty for going without my kids. Especially since we've only been once and I know they would love the Halloween party. Olivia and I actually watched the live stream of the parade and fireworks that the DIS did the other night. She loved it and was waving at all the characters. It kind of broke my heart knowing that I was going to see it in person. I know lots of people do Disney solo but I guess for me I've always thought of it as a family place. I'm sure the alone time will do me some good, and that I will end up having a good time. My boss actually said I could tag along with them. It's going to be him, his wife, 10 year old handicap son, and his MIL. But I feel like I would be intruding on his family time.

My current plan is.. We land around noon. I'll head to MK around 4 and stay til after the fireworks. Monday we are in class til 4:30 so I might just head to DTD for dinner or something. Tuesday after class I'm going to go to Epcot for food and wine fest. Then Wednesday I'm thinking about going to Hollywood studios. You will find out later in my review why I feel like I need more time in this park! (Originally we were going to be in class til lunch timeon Wednesday so I wasn't going to go to a park this day. My original plan was to do HS as soon I we got there Sunday and then make my way to MK for the party. But my boss has decided we may not go to class that day! Which is fine by me!!)

I'm trying to stay positive. I told the kids the other day that when I go out of town for work that I might see Mickey. I told them if they are good I will see if Mickey can give me a surprise to bring home to them.

I am open to any suggestions/advice on going solo. Also any suggestions on where to eat at DTD solo.
First off, I'm so sorry about the loss of your mother. You made the exact decision I would have made, too.

Your kiddos are adorable and you can tell they found the magic in Disney immediatly.

Looking forward to following along. Great first day!

And, I have no advice about the solo trip - I've never done. You will LOVE Food and Wine Festival. So much good food and drinks. I loved the pierogi at the Polish booth, but my family is from Poland so I love that kind of food.
The plan for Day 2: Head to Magic Kingdom then we had ADR at T-Rex for 6:30

When we are at home as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning Olivia gets up. Not in Disney! I was up before everyone else. I got up, got dressed and set the kids cloths out. Everyone was still asleep.

(side note... Olivia's face will look red in the next day or so's pics. She is not sunburnt. She is allergic to sunscreen. We found one brand that worked last year, but for some reason broke her out this year. I also think some of it was her being around us and us touching her with the sunscreen we had on)

I couldn't wait any longer so I started getting everyone up and ready.
Once we got to MK the plan was to see the other side of the park that we never made it to the day before. Our first stop was to see the man himself...Mickey!! The line wasn't too bad. I think the time posted was 15minutes. We were next to go in and Olivia leans over and tells me she has to potty. I asked her if she could hold it. She said yes and took me literally. We got some interesting pics. And this trend continued on through the day.

Next stop was Haunted Mansion. Before going in I talked to Olivia about what to expect. I told her it would be dark and there were Ghost, but that they were friendly ghost. I asked her if she wanted to go on it and she said yes. The ride was basically a walk on. When we got on and started going we realized our speaker was broken so we couldn't hear anything they said. Which was a real bummer. Both the kids did fine and really liked the ride. Their favorite part was at the end when the ghost took my head!

Lane was then ready to get on some big rides so we started to make our way to splash mountain!!

I just realized that all my pics didn't upload into photobucket :( So I'll end this update here.

Up next: we get detoured...twice, before making it to splash mountain.
Once we left the haunted mansion we were headed towards splash mountain but ran into chip and Dale first.

The photographer here was great and we have lots of pics with them.

After our Chip and Dale meeting my husband spotted the country bear show and wanted to go in. Up to this point he hadn't made many request so of course we went it. Even in the planning process if I asked his opinion of something he would just say "whatever you want". We only waited about 10 minutes for the show to start. And there was a pressed penny machine so of course we did that.

I had read on the DIS about putting the money in M&M containers so we did that and It worked great. The kids loved finding new penny machines.

The show was cute and we all enjoyed it.

Then we were finally headed to splash mountain. If you remember I'm not a big ride person. I thought my DH would ride with Lane. But he insisted I go. He knew I was nervous and I think he found it amusing! lol!!

The posted wait time was 20minutes, but it didn't seem like it was that long. There was a couple behind us in line with two young girls. Their youngest was 3 and tall enough to get on. Olivia is very tiny for her age and didn't even come close.
I tried to enjoy the whole ride, but all I could think about was when was the big drop coming.....

I know it looks like Lane is crying in the pic, but he wasn't. He loved it!!

From there John and Lane were off to BTM. While Olivia and I waited there was a photographer that was trying to get Olivia to blow up the dynamite, but she didn't understand what he wanted her to do. And even once it "blew up" she didn't see it. He was a really nice guy and was trying but it just wasn't happening.

Olivia and I headed to the bridge to see if we could spot John and Lane. It seemed like we waited forever! Olivia was tired of being in the stroller and she was hot. I was worried about being in direct sunlight since I was unable to put sunscreen on her. We finally spotted them!!

Lane was excited and ready to do it again! We had got parent swap passes so him and I could go on again. We decided to have a potty break first. Close to the bathroom we saw Jesse and Woody. Olivia wanted to wait and see them and Lane wanted to ride BTM again. So we split up. I was kinda upset that Lane wasn't gonna meet them, but he didn't seem to mind. I actually really liked BTMRR!! I tried to get Lane to hold his hands in the air, but he wouldn't! He had a death grip on the bar. I held my hands up the whole time and screamed!!

Once we got off we headed back to meet up with John and Olivia. I was happy to see that they were still in line. John said Jesse and woody took a break so it was a small hold up.

We were getting hungry so we headed to Pecos Bills. I got the Taco Salad and really liked it.
When we came out of lunch it was drizzling. We were gonna head back to the hotel, but passed pirates of the caribean and decided to go in. When we came out it was pouring!!! We had put the rain cover on stroller before going in but it didn't seem to matter much. We decided to brave the down poor and make a run for it. The kids thought it was great that they got to "play" in the rain. We were soaked!! It started to slack off so the kids and I went on the magic carpet ride. Of course as soon as it started it got heavy again!

On the way out they kids spotted the Mickey balloons. I usually would be completely against $20 for two balloons but since we were at Disney I was ok with it.

This is while we were waiting on the bus to arrive.

We headed back to the room to dry off and rest before dinner at T-rex.

really good updates, and i liked the picture where she was holding it with mickey very funny.

i have never asked how much those balloons were thanks for letting me know...i guess you could also justify that it was for really 4 balloons. :thumbsup2
really good updates, and i liked the picture where she was holding it with mickey very funny.

i have never asked how much those balloons were thanks for letting me know...i guess you could also justify that it was for really 4 balloons. :thumbsup2

The bad thing was we didn't take into acct that we would only be able to enjoy them for a few days. They were the really thick balloons so when we left on Friday they looked just like they did when we bought them. The kids were very upset when we told them they could not take them on the plane with us. I had suggested we find a family checking in and bless them with them. But my DH thought that he could let the air out and keep the mickey balloon intact then we could hang them on the kids wall when we got home. Well needless to say they ended up in the trash :(
First off, I'm so sorry about the loss of your mother. You made the exact decision I would have made, too.

Your kiddos are adorable and you can tell they found the magic in Disney immediatly.

Looking forward to following along. Great first day!

And, I have no advice about the solo trip - I've never done. You will LOVE Food and Wine Festival. So much good food and drinks. I loved the pierogi at the Polish booth, but my family is from Poland so I love that kind of food.

Thank you!

I'm really looking forward to Food and Wine. My DH is kind of a picky eater and won't try new things. So I'm looking forward to be able to try whatever I want.
that stinks, so i take it that they ended up popping completely when he tried to deflate them.
After we dried off and got some rest it was time to head to T-rex for dinner. This was the only reservation that I needed the help of my TA to get. There was nothing open online at all. My TA was able to get us 6:30 reservations. It was still drizzling a little when we got on the bus. We got down there about 6 and were told that they could only check us in 20 minutes before our reservation time. So we went inside and let the kids play.

When it was time I checked us in. Once we were checked in it didn't take long before they called us.

The setting was really neat and the kids really enjoyed it. The dinosaurs come "alive" every 15 minutes.

I honestly can't remember exactly what we ordered, but I know I got a pasta dish and DH got chicken and ribs. DH really enjoyed what he got. Then we got a really cool dessert.

After dinner we headed to the Lego store. My Nanny had given the kids some money for Easter and I saved it for them. On the plane I let them know that I brought it and they could spend it on whatever they wanted. Lane wanted Legos! On our way there we ran into this guy...

The lego store was really neat!

Both kids ended up picking out some Legos.

We had the waterparks and more tickets so we decided to go to Disney Quest. We took our time and made a few stops along the way.

There was a tattoo booth that we stopped at. When I agreed to let the kids get one I thought it was one of those airbrush ones that would last a while. I was wrong! We paid a lot for temp tattoos!

I wanted to ride the hot air balloon but we never made it there.

We stopped and listen to a band play. They were really good and Olivia enjoyed dancing.

We finally made it to Disney Quest! When we went in the lady said they closed in an hour. Which was perfect timing for us. She said the stuff for smaller kids was on the top floor. We made our way up there but there really wasn't one thing that kept the kids occupied. We wondered around and found where you put on headgear and collect gems as a team. Olivia was too short and didn't like the headgear, but the lady was great and let her sit like she was playing. While we played I could hear her go over to her and hold her head gear in front of her so she could see. Then we did a raft thing. You sit on a boat and a big pillow blows up under you and you have to paddle to complete your mission. At first Olivia was scared but ended up being ok. And the last thing we did was the pirates mission. We did it as a family and had to shoot the pirates. I liked this one the best! If we had to pay separately we most likely not go back here until our kids are older.

We headed back to the bus and decided to stop at Goofy's candy store.

We got this wonderful treat plus a few other things. We used our snack credits. This was a rice Krispy treat that you got to pick what they dipped it in and what toppings you put on it.

Then we headed to the bus stop and enjoyed some of our treats while we waited for the bus.

It was late when we got back. We got cleaned up and crashed for the night. Tomorrow would be Epcot.
I'm loving your TR!!!

I'm also a Louisiana gal!!

Sorry to hear about your mom but I am sure that she would love to know that you used the money to make memories.

As for your solo trip and a restaurant at DTD, I would pick Wolfgang Puck Express if it were me. I LOVE their rotisserie chicken with mashed potatoes dinner.
I'm loving your TR!!!

I'm also a Louisiana gal!!

Sorry to hear about your mom but I am sure that she would love to know that you used the money to make memories.

As for your solo trip and a restaurant at DTD, I would pick Wolfgang Puck Express if it were me. I LOVE their rotisserie chicken with mashed potatoes dinner.

Thank you!

I've heard really good things about Wolfgang Puck. I'm definitely leaning towards it as my DTD meal choice.
I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted an update :( Life has been busy! Since I posted my last update I've gone on my business/solo trip. I won't go into details in this TR but here is a list of things I experienced this trip that I didn't on our first:

Mickey's Not so Scary Halloween Party
Space Mountain
Enchanted Tales with Belle
Food and Wine Fest
My first live concert at Epcot
Caption EO
Portobello in DTD
Le Cellier (yummy!)
Beauty and the Beast live
Backlot tour
Fast pass plus
Magic Bands

Oh yeah!! I also experienced trying to check in while all the computers were down. It took over an hour!

Overall it was a great trip!
Day 3 and we were headed to Epcot. Once we got in and of course took a couple photopass pics we headed over to soarin'.

I ran in and got us fastpasses. I read on the DIS that we would need to get them early or they'd run out. I was very glad we did. We then headed over to finding Nemo.

There was no wait and we all really enjoyed this ride. It was very cute! It's setup just like the little mermaid ride in MK is. Once we finished there we went to the talking with crush show. When we walked in they were directing the kids to sit on the floor in the front. The kids went and sat down and I tried to stand up against the wall where I could see them, but was told I had to sit down. Well by this point the only seats left were the very last row. I was definitely nervous about not being able to see the kids and I wasn't sure how'd they do either. Well as soon as the show started we saw Lane coming up the side holding Olivia hand as she has tears just running down her face. She came sat with us and Lane went back in the front. The show was really really cute! All the adults in the room enjoyed it just as much as the kids did.
From there we looked around the little aquarium.
We headed out and John said that his head was starting to hurt. He thought maybe it was because he didn't eat breakfast. So we decided to grab an early lunch. My husband is picky about what he will and won't eat so it took us a little while to decide where to eat. I think we ended up at sunshine seasons. While we ate my DH wasn't feeling any better. He said his head was really bothering him. I told him I didn't mind if he went back to the room to rest. He said he'd try and stick it out.
It was then time for our fastpasses to soarin'. DH and DS went first and Olivia and I hung out and looked through all the pics on my phone we had taken thus far and people watched. It seemed like we sat for a while but it probably wasn't that long. Once they were done we swapped and I went with Lane. By the time we were done DH decided he couldn't stick it out any longer. It was about 12:30 so we decided that he would go rest and meet up with us again before our 5:30 dinner reservations.
The kids and I headed over to living with the land.

Once done there we headed to a circle of life. It wasn't what I was expecting, but it was nice to sit for about 20minutes.
From there the kids and I went to get FP's for Test Track. I was hoping when DH got back that he would be feeling better and we could do parent swap so DS could enjoy it twice. From there we walked back over and rode figment. There was no wait and I think only one other family on the ride with us. I had no idea what to expect since I'd hadn't seen anything about it or any review before we left. It was very cute and the kids really enjoyed it. It was very colorful!

Then it was time to make our way to world showcase

As soon as we walked into world showcase we saw Duffy. I honestly had no idea who Duffy was. The kids wanted to stop and see him and get pics so we got in line. While we were in line we read the duffy story. There were only about 5 or 6 people ahead of us in line and there was a PP photographer with him. As soon as it was our turn he left :( but it was ok cause I got some good pics.

I snapped this quick pic before we headed to Mexico.

I had read on the DIS that there was a cute boat ride inside so we headed in. They seemed to be having some technical difficulty because we were having a hard time hearing what they were saying. They also kept saying that everyone needed to stay seated. I'm not sure what was going on, but it was still a nice quiet ride.
It was looking a little over cast when we came out, but Donald was still out greeting people!

From there we just strolled around. We stopped to play the drums...

It wasn't looking too good...

It was about time for John to meet us so I called him and told him where we were. I found a place to park the stroller and found shelter inside via Napoli just before the bottom fell out. DH made it just in time! He still wasn't feeling great.
DS was so excited to see a salad on the kids menu

DD enjoyed some fruit

The pizza here is different from anything I've ever had, but I really enjoyed it. DH didn't enjoy it as much. I think it was because he wasn't good. Our waiter was great and I would definitely recommend this place. When we left DH wanted to go back to the room and since we skipped naps DD was getting grouchy. She went back to the room with DH with the promise of being able to play with her new legos!
When we came out the rain had stopped and there was a beautiful rainbow!

I had read on the DIS about pick a pearl in Japan. One of my sales reps had given me a gift card right before we left and I decided I wanted to use it to do that. So DS and I found our way to Japan.

I let DS pick the oyster that he wanted. He really enjoyed the ceremony and I loved the way they involved us in it. He picked a rare double pearl!!

He was VERY excited!!

I picked a beautiful necklace setting

This is one of my favorite memories of Disney. Everytime I wear it he says "mommy that's the necklace I picked out for you."

After my necklace was done it was time for our Test track FP. We actually had to jog to get there. Lane was a little confused about the creating of the car. He thought that the car that we created would be the car we'd ride in! I noticed that a lot of people's computers were locking up and they weren't able to create their car.

From there we ran over and got a great spot for the firework show. Once it was over we were so tired. Lane even said he wished I would have kept the stroller so he didn't have to walk! He fell asleep on the way back to the room.

Tomorrow... Hollywood studios....Does DH feel better?



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