My fairy Godmother can't make it!!!


May 27, 2000
Due to prior commitments the weekend of the princess ball, mom and I cannot make the one day trip to WDW even though I will be on vacation that week--we will be attending a convention. I have a fairy Godmother who lives in Orlando but, has a vacation that week as well and is going back home to see the family for vacation. Is there anyone who would be willing to get all the pins including the lanyard pin and all goodies along with it (maybe they have a child or friend who would normally not go or pay for) and I would pay in advance for the entire set. I would also be willing to pay the $25 fee for their set as well. PLMK as soon as possible for anyone who might be willing so that I may get the money to you. I would really appreciate anyone who could do this.

If no one can is there someone who would be willing to get at least one set of the pins so mom and I could split them.

Please email me at

I thank all for reading/considering/offering in advance. I hope you'll forgive my begging.

Thanks again

dawn g


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