My dashboard is a mess, I need help.

Couple of ways:
  1. Look for the little "How are my Vacation Points taken?" link (screenshot below) as you go through the modification process but well before you make any 'changes'. It'll open up a modal with a breakdown of the comings/goings of the points.
  2. Essentially rebook the entire thing via Modify, there's a breakdown after booking.
View attachment 947024
Thank you! I completely missed this
this is what the point activity link looks like. You can only access it from the booking confirmation page.
Missing from the top is the reservation number and contract number that the points came from.
Does this help?
ETA this is from my phone.
Yes it does! Thank you :)
My husband made me a spreadsheet but it was just so confusing to me and I stopped looking at it.
Here's a screenshot from my 'future planning' tab of some of my prior stays and 7 of my contracts (max I could fit in the window width, even at 75% zoom)
This is impressive. It can be count as a part-time job.

Ideally, I would log transactions of contract-#points-UY-used/refunded, and then use formula to summarize.
But like everybody says, it can easily be forgotten, especially when done on the phone. I recently track stuff using the Note on the phone with checkbox/checkbullet, just to record the latest status - how many points remaining in each UY in each membership. Check the box when a UY is fully used.
okayyyy I may now be in the you need one use year and one membership camp.

I evidently borrowed twice and now I need to figure out a way to be sure those get used. I borrowed on my CCV which is no big deal. But I completely forgot i had temporarily used VGC points waiting for my new Aulani to load to book a WDW property. Then in a last minute 11 month booking scramble I forgot about that and I borrowed my next UY VGC and my last trip for this UY to VGC is already booked with banked points. :sad: These are such valuable points and Im going to be so bitter with myself using them at AKV!
comb through all of the activity per contract.
This is what I do. I won't go into the modify screen for fear that just my mere presence in there if my computer glitches or the Disney system glitches will be cause for saying anything bad that happened is related to me being in that area! I find it safer and stress free to just look for the last 5 digits of the reservation number in my contracts.
This is what I do. I won't go into the modify screen for fear that just my mere presence in there if my computer glitches or the Disney system glitches will be cause for saying anything bad that happened is related to me being in that area! I find it safer and stress free to just look for the last 5 digits of the reservation number in my contracts.
I actually had a glitch, got the the 7 dwarves. Was scared!
Turns out I banked points not borrowed to make that VGC reservation whew!! Edit: nope I flubbed up!! I have 58 banked points that need to be used. We were able to move them around but it went to a reservation I have a high possibility of not being to make it that month. So I will likely have to rent out the reservation :o I am loud vocal anti confirmed reservation rental person on these boards.

But I borrowed 18 CCV points but still had 18 left current UY. My head is spinning. For sure wont add anymore UY and will do a better job of tracking this on my own.
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okayyyy I may now be in the you need one use year and one membership camp.

I evidently borrowed twice and now I need to figure out a way to be sure those get used. I borrowed on my CCV which is no big deal. But I completely forgot i had temporarily used VGC points waiting for my new Aulani to load to book a WDW property. Then in a last minute 11 month booking scramble I forgot about that and I borrowed my next UY VGC and my last trip for this UY to VGC is already booked with banked points. :sad: These are such valuable points and Im going to be so bitter with myself using them at AKV!
Welcome to Team “Don’t Make Something More Complex Than It Needs To Be”
Yeah, what's crazy is that you can waitlist something at 7 months with points you don't really want used in one membership. Then if it comes through you can transfer points to yourself in that use year/membership and modify in the transferred points releasing the original points
This is way over my head
Lol its not really that bad.

Membership/Use year 1: both waitlists are being used, but you have extra points you would be willing to use elsewhere if you had another waitlist

Membership/Use year 2: points you want to use eventually, and waitlist open.

Make a waitlist at 7 months in Membership 2, then if it comes through transfer the points from membership 1 that you want to use, and modify the booking in membership 2 to use those points
The only positive I'm jealous of you multi use years people is the additional waitlists you can request. It's not enough to overcome simplicity for the next 45 years though.
You could get additional waitlists with same UY if different memberships.

We bought resale as a couple, then included the kids names when buying direct, which made it a separate membership number. Extra waitlists weren’t part of the plan but I’ll take it! We added them so they have blue card even if we aren’t traveling together.
Lol its not really that bad.

Membership/Use year 1: both waitlists are being used, but you have extra points you would be willing to use elsewhere if you had another waitlist

Membership/Use year 2: points you want to use eventually, and waitlist open.

Make a waitlist at 7 months in Membership 2, then if it comes through transfer the points from membership 1 that you want to use, and modify the booking in membership 2 to use those points
Ahh okay I see. Interesting idea I hadn’t thought of.
+1 to going through your reservations and using Modify to find how your points are currently used.

More longterm, I'll advocate for spreadsheets. Everyone has their own approaches here!

While I do have spreadsheet tabs for each contract to track more of a financial aspect (which has basic usage data), I don't love them for 'what's the state of my points' type of tracking.

I also have a 'Stays' tab that lets me track, in a single tab, all the usage across all contracts. But it's more focused on enabling analysis of how points are used (room type, home resort vs. not, rack rates at various resorts for the same dates, etc.). Still not great for 'what's the state of my points' type of tracking.

I also have a 'future planning' tab that lets me map out usage for multiple years ahead, making sure I don't run out or let points expire. It has a condensed version of the Stays tab (as it's important to know the history to build off of) plus per-contract points availability.

As I also have many contracts, this 'future planning' tab ended up being my best version of a condensed view of where points went in the past, what points are available 'now', and what points will be available in the future. This is my go-to tab for 'what's the state of my points' type of tracking.

Here's a screenshot from my 'future planning' tab of some of my prior stays and 7 of my contracts (max I could fit in the window width, even at 75% zoom):

Other than the color coded cells in the middle, it has basically no formulas and I find pretty easy to maintain once you get your baseline built. Building the baseline might be a chore, though...
Any chance you have a spreadsheet example for “savings” vs rack rate?

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