I agree that GotG is more intense. The pivoting of the ride vehicle also adds another level that can be problematic. Having said that, the only coaster I've had any issues with (one "close call" after getting off) was EE. However, I can blame that on the decision to eat a yogurt parfait and drink a hot chocolate before riding it. I do find the backwards movement of EE to always be a bit disorienting, but it's not too bad (assuming I don't have a full stomach of dairy products at the time). One other time after riding MS (Orange) twice in a row, I had to sit down for about 10 minutes because my mind thought the World was listing about 10 degrees in one direction. No more, double rides on MS (Orange) for me after that.
One bit of advice on rides like GotG, MS (Orange), and others that I find VERY useful is this: Lock your head/eyes facing forward and keep them there as much as possible. Not following this technique results in adding additional axes of motion for your brain to deal with and may cause you to go over the limit. I'm not a "spinning person" and the Teacups will make be deathly sick, but if I resist the urge to turn my head sideways, or look too far away from dead-center, I can handle notorious "protein spill" attractions like MS (Orange), EE, and GotG (knock on wood).