Molluscum contagiosum- any success stories? Happy update p. 2

One more comment. My derm said the same spiel about no great treatments, let time heal them, blah blah blah. Spent $250 on that great advice. IDK why they can't recommend stuff like thuja when your only option is basically doing nothing.

A couple of my friends treated MC on their kids. One used apple cider vinegar baths and the other rubbed dirt into the wart's wounds (her doc actually suggested this - it helps the body fight the wart by seeing it as an infection. gross and weird, but makes sense.). Those both worked too. But thuja worked great for us!
our pediatrician said their was nothing you could do for them. She had it behind her knees. He said it would take up to 2 years for it to clear up. What he neglected to tell us was it could potentially get much worse, which it did. She had them all over her arms.

We live 20 miles north of Boston I called Children's Hospital Dermotology dept. She was seen, and went twice, they dabbed a liquid on them, and within two months, they were all gone.

I have no idea what it was he used, but really, why can't every doctor's office carry this stuff, it makes no sense.

That virus is so awful for anyone to have.

Hope you find a solution that works for you.
DD-16 had two on her face. One huge one on her nose was there since last summer and I just thought that it was a recurring pimple. DUH! She finally said "mom, it's been there for almost a year!" Then another one popped up on her chin.

Since she will be taking senior portraits this summer, I chose to spend her to a derm, who froze them off. She had to treat the nose one twice and it worked like a charm! That was just a few weeks ago and the nose one has a slight redness, but the chin one is completely gone.
Thank you SO much for all of the replies! I'm going to get that Thuja ASAP! My poor girl was in tears tonight, worried that she won't be able to wear a bathing suit all summer. She looks horrible. I have to try not to gasp every time I look at her bumps. The doctor gave us Adaplene, and I dab it on her morning and night. I'm not seeing any improvement at all. I think she'll definitely have scarring from where some of them were frozen. Her skin is dark purple in some places. I just feel so sad for her.

Thanks again for your responses.
No. :(

We went through 4 bottles of Thuja. She had them frozen 6 times with zero success. We also tried Tea Tree oil and Adapalene. The only thing any of that did was massively irritate the skin around the molluscum (she looked as though she had been severely burned at one point) and leave the bumps intact. I was almost obsessed with it, doing research online and seeing the bumps in my sleep. We finally decided to give up. The molluscum is not spreading, but no better. Her skin looks better because its not irritated, so the bumps aren't as noticeable now. They just look like skin colored bumps instead of purple welts. Once when I was dabbing on the oil, I counted them. I lost count at 120. :(

I have to say how proud I am of her attitude. At first she was mortified, crying, and wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts in hot weather. But she got over it and has worn a bikini in front of all of her friends. I would not be that brave. I'm hoping they're gone by winter, which will be one year. We're both a lot happier since we stopped obsessing about them.
Your poor DD. One of my 9yo twins battled it for months - under her chin, then spread to a leg. I bought ZynaDerm, which is a homeopathic tx for molluscum, at Walgreens. Within 2 weeks bumps were gone and have been gone or 4 months now.
Here we are, 10 months after we started battling this, and we finally found something that worked. I'm so happy and thankful!

We took almost 6 weeks off from treating her molluscum, for a few reasons. It was causing huge stress between the two of us, nothing we tried was working anyway, we both started back to work and school in September and we had enough on our plates as it was. Well, huge mistake. She had been wearing long sleeves and pants so I never saw her molluscum much since school began. Thankfully they are in areas where they can be covered up. One day I asked her to show me the spots. She said, "ok but don't freak out. They're really bad." When she pulled her pants down, it was truly horrifying. The spots had tripled in both size and number. She was loaded and looked like she had some hideous disease. I was instantly filled with guilt for not being more aggressive and I started to cry. I tried to hide it from her. She confessed that she couldn't even sit on a toilet seat because it was so painful.

We have tried just about everything except apple cider vinegar, so I decided that would be our next course of action. I bought 3 big bottles of the organic stuff , a million band aids, gauze, and tape. Each night we spent about 45 minutes covering her. I would use a dropper to put ACV on a piece of gauze, and then use a bandaid or tape to cover. We both hated and dreaded doing this. It made her skin burn, itch, and be so irritated. She said it made her want to punch someone she was so agitated by the whole thing. Finally after a week of doing this, I started to see some changes. The spots were getting bigger and turning white. After about another week, they started to turn black. The small ones on her arms are actually starting to go away. Praise The Lord!!! Her legs still look like she has chicken pox. They are huge and bloody but starting to scab, which is what we want. I know for certain she will have terrible scars, but that is far easier than those sickening bumps. I am so thrilled that something finally worked for us.

This has been one long, expensive nightmare. I don't even want to know how many hundreds of dollars I spent trying to cure her of this, not to mention the pain and embarrassment she went through. I even put her on a gluten free diet for a few weeks, because it was something I read that could help. That was one of the most expensive parts of it, and funnily enough the hardest part for her. The girl loves her gluten!

Anyway, I had to share my good news. Thanks to all for the advice and commiseration!
Here we are, 10 months after we started battling this, and we finally found something that worked. I'm so happy and thankful!

We took almost 6 weeks off from treating her molluscum, for a few reasons. It was causing huge stress between the two of us, nothing we tried was working anyway, we both started back to work and school in September and we had enough on our plates as it was. Well, huge mistake. She had been wearing long sleeves and pants so I never saw her molluscum much since school began. Thankfully they are in areas where they can be covered up. One day I asked her to show me the spots. She said, "ok but don't freak out. They're really bad." When she pulled her pants down, it was truly horrifying. The spots had tripled in both size and number. She was loaded and looked like she had some hideous disease. I was instantly filled with guilt for not being more aggressive and I started to cry. I tried to hide it from her. She confessed that she couldn't even sit on a toilet seat because it was so painful.

We have tried just about everything except apple cider vinegar, so I decided that would be our next course of action. I bought 3 big bottles of the organic stuff , a million band aids, gauze, and tape. Each night we spent about 45 minutes covering her. I would use a dropper to put ACV on a piece of gauze, and then use a bandaid or tape to cover. We both hated and dreaded doing this. It made her skin burn, itch, and be so irritated. She said it made her want to punch someone she was so agitated by the whole thing. Finally after a week of doing this, I started to see some changes. The spots were getting bigger and turning white. After about another week, they started to turn black. The small ones on her arms are actually starting to go away. Praise The Lord!!! Her legs still look like she has chicken pox. They are huge and bloody but starting to scab, which is what we want. I know for certain she will have terrible scars, but that is far easier than those sickening bumps. I am so thrilled that something finally worked for us.

This has been one long, expensive nightmare. I don't even want to know how many hundreds of dollars I spent trying to cure her of this, not to mention the pain and embarrassment she went through. I even put her on a gluten free diet for a few weeks, because it was something I read that could help. That was one of the most expensive parts of it, and funnily enough the hardest part for her. The girl loves her gluten!

Anyway, I had to share my good news. Thanks to all for the advice and commiseration!

Not sure if it is exactly the same thing, but my DD and DS had something that looked very much like this. Her Dr told me it was in her "gut" as in the ph was off balance, said to chew 2 tums twice a day and this should help. People looked at me like I had 2 heads and that my Dr was crazy. Well it worked. If they come back, try it, it can't hurt them. Hopefully they won't, I know that mine never did.
Here we are, 10 months after we started battling this, and we finally found something that worked. I'm so happy and thankful!

We took almost 6 weeks off from treating her molluscum, for a few reasons. It was causing huge stress between the two of us, nothing we tried was working anyway, we both started back to work and school in September and we had enough on our plates as it was. Well, huge mistake. She had been wearing long sleeves and pants so I never saw her molluscum much since school began. Thankfully they are in areas where they can be covered up. One day I asked her to show me the spots. She said, "ok but don't freak out. They're really bad." When she pulled her pants down, it was truly horrifying. The spots had tripled in both size and number. She was loaded and looked like she had some hideous disease. I was instantly filled with guilt for not being more aggressive and I started to cry. I tried to hide it from her. She confessed that she couldn't even sit on a toilet seat because it was so painful.

We have tried just about everything except apple cider vinegar, so I decided that would be our next course of action. I bought 3 big bottles of the organic stuff , a million band aids, gauze, and tape. Each night we spent about 45 minutes covering her. I would use a dropper to put ACV on a piece of gauze, and then use a bandaid or tape to cover. We both hated and dreaded doing this. It made her skin burn, itch, and be so irritated. She said it made her want to punch someone she was so agitated by the whole thing. Finally after a week of doing this, I started to see some changes. The spots were getting bigger and turning white. After about another week, they started to turn black. The small ones on her arms are actually starting to go away. Praise The Lord!!! Her legs still look like she has chicken pox. They are huge and bloody but starting to scab, which is what we want. I know for certain she will have terrible scars, but that is far easier than those sickening bumps. I am so thrilled that something finally worked for us.

This has been one long, expensive nightmare. I don't even want to know how many hundreds of dollars I spent trying to cure her of this, not to mention the pain and embarrassment she went through. I even put her on a gluten free diet for a few weeks, because it was something I read that could help. That was one of the most expensive parts of it, and funnily enough the hardest part for her. The girl loves her gluten!

Anyway, I had to share my good news. Thanks to all for the advice and commiseration!

One year later and I am still in the "wait and see" mode with my DS3. Unfortunately they have not gone away, in fact they have spread. Are your daughter's gone? Would you recommend ACV for a 3-yr old?
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share this home remedy that allowed me to cure my son's Molluscum Contagiosum in a about a week. First let me say I am not a doctor or nurse and please try at your own risk. This is free info and I am also not promoting any product and everything I'll mention are just generic items you can get anywhere. However this worked for my son and I hope it can be a help to someone else. I've been meaning to do this for a while but kept putting it off.

First let me you what let to me searching for a home remedy. My son was 5 at the time. My wife was bathing him and asked me to come in the bathroom. She showed me a small flesh collored bump on his butt. It was quite tiny at the time. It was round and maybe the diameter of a little smaller than a grain of rice. I thought it might be molluscum contagiosum but wasn't sure. I talked to her about it later and told her I wasn't sure so lets give it a while to see if it goes away. She was also applying tea trea oil and this seemed to have no effect. After maybe a couple weeks we noticed it was getting slightly larger and there was a second much smaller one forming maybe half a centimeter away only slightly larger than a grain of salt or sand.

So at that time we made an appointment with the pediatrician. He immediately confirmed it was molluscum contagiosum and said these things usually just go away on their own. However he applied some antibiotic cream and covered it, sealing it tightly with a bandage. Immediately in my mind just from what I had read about the disease I thought this was wrong but he's a doctor so.... He told me to make sure not to get this area wet and don't remove it for 3 days which was when he set the followup appointment for.

So in three days my son and I went back. And by this time my son is experiencing some pain in this area. He removed the bandage and to my shock, the entire area he had covered with the bandage and cream (about 2" squared) was full of bumps and these bumps were 3 or 4 times larger and really looked disgusting. I almost cried and I'm a man. I felt I had really let my son down. Then the doctor said "Oh now that looks much better!" I was like "What? Are you kidding? It looks 100 times worse!" I honestly wanted to punch him because that showed me he didn't remember or care about my son at all. Of course I didn't but I was obviously upset and he tried to sweet talk me and say its ok.. let's set another appointment and we can try another treatment blah blah. I refused because at this point I had lost all faith in him. I took my son home and showed my wife trying not to upset my son too much and she was shocked too.

The Cure
Anyway, now to how I was able to cure my son of this. Didn't read this anywhere. It just came to me. As soon as we got home I took him in the bathroom. I took a couple of the round cotton makeup pads that my wife had and cleaned the area with water with a couple and dried with another couple (throwing them away as I go) I then soaked another one in bleach I thoroughly soaked the entire area with bleach and threw that away. Let it sit about 30 sec to a minute. I then took another 4 or 5 and soaked them in water and cleaned the area well being sure all the bleach is gone (bleach is caustic to the skin). Next I soaked another two or three cotton pads with alcohol and applied it to the area. I fanned it dry and then I took another 2 or 3 and applied 3% hydrogen peroxide, which I left on. Once finish I covered it with a large bandage that has the sticky part on only two sides so it protected the area but air could still circulate underneath.

This was around maybe 2 or 3pm and by bedtime you could already see a slight difference. So I did it once again after his shower. The next morning there was already a really significant difference. The bumps had shrunken a lot and started to dry up. So I continued doing this 2 times a day. Before school and after his shower. By the second day most of the bumps had gotten really dry except I noticed some had like that waxy appearance people say molluscum is known for. So I started rubbing with the pads to apply some friction to penetrate this protective coat. Not too hard though. On the third and fourth day they were pretty much all getting really dry and at some point rubbing them there was a tiny bit of blood. I mean really tiny like a couple dots...but by about day 5 or 6 it was probably 90% gone and by 8 or 9 days completely gone. Even after there were no more bumps I continued to do this for a few more days just to kill anything that may have been microscopically living under the surface. Also about half way through the area started getting more red so I started dilluting the bleach about 5 to 1 with water and only applying it once a day while still doing the alcohol and hydrogen peroxide twice. I probably would go through about 20 of those make up pads with each application. They come in packs of like 200 and are about 1 1/2" wide. I was very careful to throw them directly away and not to let them touch any other surfaces and even holding them in a way that I don't make any skin to skin contact with that area.

About half way through when we were seeing the results my son said "Dad you're like a doctor" (I am not) but that really warmed my heart especially after seeing how bad it had gotten.

The other important thing was I had to really talk to my son and tell him its verry important he not scratch this area. I know its going to itch a lot but if you scratch you can spread it to the rest of your body or to the rest of the family. He understood and did his best not to.

That's it. It's been about 7 or 8 months and it never came back. I hope this can be a blessing to someone who is suffering with this. All the best.
I tried sooo many things and what finally worded is a perscription from our dermatologist: Imiquimod. Hundreds of spots completely gone within two weeks. I hawked her skin and there was a new spot a few weeks later. I put on more Imiquimod and it disappeared in like two days. No more spots ever again. It's been two years.


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