Mistake gender on ultrasound...has this happened to anyone?

I've heard of a few here and there. All of mine were right and it was very obvious even to me what I was having. I had a good guess before I went in for the u/s anyway.

Someone recently showed me her "boy" u/s and I swear it looks like a girl and that boy part is the cord. It doesn't look like a boy u/s to me.
I have a friend from college who was expecting a girl and I received a birth announcement for her son. This was about 6 or so years ago.

Last year a friend was told girl, even at a 36 week ultrasound, and got a surprise when she delivered a boy.

The doctor who came in to do an ultrasound on me this past fall, apologized for being late because she just delivered a girl that was supposed to be a boy named Nathan.

And finally, a girl on another messageboard I am on was having a girl...until a couple months ago, when the ultrasound showed, nope, it was actually a BOY (whom she just delivered a few days ago).

We did not find out, not that my daughter would have let us know anyway even if we had wanted to know, since she was all covered up during the scan they "could have told." I had no clue...sometimes I felt I was having a boy and sometimes I felt it was a girl. Funny thing is, apparently the delivery staff is so used to people knowing already, I had to ask three times if it was boy or girl!
That's what I've heard, too. If they can see the boy parts, they're almost positive it's a boy. (But based on the above stories, even that can be wrong!)

If they can't see the boy parts, they assume it's a girl, but sometimes things can be hidden. My sister's ultrasound techs would only tell her it was "90% likely" that hers were girls. (They both were.)
If the baby is not being bashful and the ultrasound tech knows what he/she is doing, you can get a good enough image of either sex to be 100% certain of the gender. A difficult child and/or a poor tech can significantly reduce those chances.
I can see why he said that. We saw my DD's ultrasound, and let me tell you, she was DEFINITELY a girl. No mistake about that. It looked just like a hamburger in a roll. Now, I can see if the baby is not positioned right to get a good view, but if you can see that hamburger, there is no mistake.

Sometimes, a girls genitals are so swollen, they can look like a boy. I think that may be where some of the mistakes come in...but we had a perfect little hamburger. LOL

From the ultrasound pic I have, the baby's bottom definitely looks like a hamburger. It flashed us pretty good too, so it was a perfect shot. The area looked swollen too.
I guess I am good for a high school educated person. I had 4 kids and not ultrasounds. Right all 4 times. Have had 5 grandkids and 2 were found out with ultrasounds. I knew what they all were before the ultra sound told us. One of my granddaughters has been right with the 3 cousins that are younger than her. She must have inherited my intuition.
I have a 2 yr old son who was a girl till my 32 week. Thank goodness baby r us ha s a good return policy. I had painted my whole world pink by then. Its rare but not impossible. YOu will probably have another ultrasound so ask ur tech to recheck.

So, how'd they tell you? What happened when you found out?
My SIL had that happen. She had TWO ultrasounds and both times they said girl.

I also had a couple people from daycare tell me that happened to them. So it is possible they are wrong, though not probable.
My husband and I just found out we were having a girl. As soon as we started telling people (or should I say people found out from my mother-in-law...lol), I started getting all these stories about the doctor getting the gender wrong. I know there's a chance this can happen. It happened to my MIL for her second child. She found out a week before my BIL was born that he was actually a boy instead of girl, but that was 23 years ago. I'm not appreciating all these gender mistaken stories people are telling me. I'm just wondering how much does this really happen? Who on here has had it happen, especially as of the last few years.

My Mom's neighbor was told that she was having a girl. They bought all pink and she delivered a boy. It definitely happens.
My SIL is pregnant and she read an article that said college educated women have a 70% change of "knowing" what their baby is. High school educated, 50%.

This made me smile. Of course they have a 50% chance. Heck, the mailman or cashier at Dunkin' Donuts has a 50% chance - there are only two options! :rotfl:

Anyway, the "mix up" happened to someone I know. My first year teaching (6 years ago) one of the other teachers was expecting a girl. We had a shower and everything couldn't have been pinker! Luckily, I had bought a neutral gift because sure enough, it was a boy! The little guy is going into 1st grade at my school this year. :) So while I don't think it happens often, it does happen.
From the ultrasound pic I have, the baby's bottom definitely looks like a hamburger. It flashed us pretty good too, so it was a perfect shot. The area looked swollen too.

she will be swollen when born.. just a little FYI

here is a boy shot.. pretty obvious..

My husband and I just found out we were having a girl. As soon as we started telling people (or should I say people found out from my mother-in-law...lol), I started getting all these stories about the doctor getting the gender wrong. I know there's a chance this can happen. It happened to my MIL for her second child. She found out a week before my BIL was born that he was actually a boy instead of girl, but that was 23 years ago. I'm not appreciating all these gender mistaken stories people are telling me. I'm just wondering how much does this really happen? Who on here has had it happen, especially as of the last few years.

My SIL had her baby this past January. At her 20 week appt she was told it was a boy. She then scheduled one of those 4D ultrasounds on a big screen for everyone to come see (yeah, she's a drama queen) and that showed it was a girl (which is what she did have).
My husband and I just found out we were having a girl. As soon as we started telling people (or should I say people found out from my mother-in-law...lol), I started getting all these stories about the doctor getting the gender wrong. I know there's a chance this can happen.

It happens, but it's rare. It depends on how well educated of an U/S tech you get and how good of a machine he or she has. The machine at my OBGYN's cost more than $300,000. When the tech revealed last year I was having my second girl I said "Are you 100% sure?" She said "Only God is 100%." But she then added "This baby's not turning male." :lmao: I'm glad she didn't because I love her to pieces. My baby girl, not the US tech.
This happens more often than you think. It can happen.

It happened to 2 girls I work with. Told one thing at 14 weeks and then another at 20-something weeks... and that is what they ended up having.
It happened to my cousin, but it was a while ago. I think her DS is 10 now. She had 4 ultrasounds. First 3 said girl. We had a shower....everything was pink and ruffles. A week before she delivery she had her 4th ultrasound...BOY! A couple years later she had a little girl and she is actually expecting again!
I had a friend who had a closet full of pretty pink dresses. She delivered a strapping ten pound son and was totally shocked.

From what I understand, if they say "boy", they are more likely to be correct.

I had a friend who had multiple "boy" ultrasounds. They had no reason to doubt that they weren't having a boy. But they had a girl...on Superbowl Sunday. So not only did dad get his superbowl interupted, the boy he planned on was not. All was well though.
Haha you're all making me think I need to pack a pink outfit next week just in case!:rotfl:

DD was definitely a girl. They were super clearly defined girl parts, and I had probably 10+ ultrasounds during my pregnancy. All girl. I had a heck of a pregnancy, omg the morning sickness was awful.

I've been told (and have seen) 100% boy this time around... I didn't want to believe it at 12 weeks that there was a 'boy part', but at 17 and 20 weeks, he's definitely a boy. I think the tech checked at 26 weeks also, still a boy. This pregnancy was SO different that it just HAD to be a boy-- much much easier.

That said, I think I'm still going to pack a dress just in case, though! :lmao:
It happened to me! At 22 weeks I was told it was definitely a girl. Had a wonderful baby shower where I received a TON of pink and frilly outfits, blankets, onesies, accessories, etc.

At 38 weeks I had another ultrasound, and the tech asked if I knew the sex. So...I proudly told her it was a girl. I got the funniest look from her, and then she told me "well, this doesn't look like a girl to me...I'm pretty sure I see boy parts here". My boy was born 3 weeks later.

With my next pregnancy, I told them I didn't want to know. When she was born and they announced it was a girl, I told my husband to go check and make sure :rotfl:
My 12 year old son was identified a girl.

But - to be fair he was a preemie and they were doing a load of ultrasounds - I finally asked about gender (we'd wanted to be surprised but I needed some news that wasn't medical and didn't tell DH what I'd learned). Being accurate about the gender was probably not a priority for her at that point.

And - as it turns out both my DH and I WERE surprised!

I don't think this happens often, but it happened to my neighbor 5 years ago. They were told it was a boy they decorated with a cowboy theme room and on the due date out popped a girl. She made her husband go pick up something pink to put in the room because she was so thrown.

I always give receipts at baby showers or give something gender neutral.


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