Misson: Space, Orange or Green?

Orange made me realize how people die on rides. I was not a fan...green was ok but still not a big fan. If you are prone to motion sickness, I would NOT do orange!
IMHO, Green is fine unless you have claustrophobia as it's super close quarters but it doesn't spin at all. I would not go on Orange if I had motion sickness nor would I put a 7-year old on it alone (technically, the 7-year old can ride it alone, but orange is intense). Personally, I would just go on the green side with the whole family!
There are two aspects that get people; the spinning and the claustrophobia. My wife won't even do green but she's REALLY claustrophobic. Try Green, if that goes well, take Daramamine and give Orange a go.
Key points;
  • DON'T look around! Look streight forward and focus on the screen - MAYBE the tasks, but it you don't push the buttons nothing happens so ignore them if you think looking away from the screen will cause you problems. Even the strongest stomachs will churn if you start looking around at your riding partners
  • BREATHE! Seems simple but you'd be surprised
  • Count - this is a trick I learned surfing. In the water if you get held under and think you'll run out of air, you count so you see you are only under for 5-10 seconds. Anyone can hold their breath for 10 seconds under any condition. Same here - when the G-forces ramp up and you think you can't handle it, start counting. Each g-force scene last just a few seconds - don't freak out, count, relax, and it will be over before you know it.
Green is fun- it’s not spinning or anything but it’s fine for just about anyone who doesn’t have motion sickness. It’s about as “spinny” to me as Star Tours. Orange is not fun for me- it’s ok but I can see how it can make some people sick.
IMHO, Green is fine unless you have claustrophobia as it's super close quarters but it doesn't spin at all. I would not go on Orange if I had motion sickness nor would I put a 7-year old on it alone (technically, the 7-year old can ride it alone, but orange is intense). Personally, I would just go on the green side with the whole family!
Thanks. Ya, he's either riding with one of us or we're all doing green. Based on these responses, it looks like we'll all be doing green!
I’ve never suffered from motion sickness and Orange was one and done for me! Never again. It was very intense.
Do green first and see how that goes. I get motion sick and am fine on green. Orange is hit or miss for me. I can usually do it once but not right after a meal or on a hot day. I always look straight ahead and breathe. It has messed me up before but so can the tea cups because my kids like to spin. It all depends on what you can tolerate.
I don’t get motion sick and love orange but if you want a compare - this is about the closest thing I have found to the sensations from my days flying for the Navy (20 years ago) without strapping on an aircraft...
Green is fine for me, and my husband who is very prone to motion sickness with spinning (tea cups are a hard no). It's not particularly exciting though, from an adult perspective.
I only did it once, never plan to do Orange again. The G-force is like someone sitting on your chest and while I rarely get motion sick, I almost did on this one. Definitely ended up doing a softer ride/experience (Figment) after to give my stomach time to stop doing flip flops.
I had on a scopolamine patch when I did the orange side.... was nauseous for a few hours afterwards anyway. And that wasn’t even the worst part... the claustrophobia was horrible! I never even knew I was claustrophobic before that ride!!!
I don't generally get motion sickness and didn't feel great after the last time I rode Orange (back in 2011 or so, I think)-- I've done Green only my past few trips.

No issues with claustrophobia or motion simulators at all (Green is fine, as are Star Tours and Smuggler's Run), but the centrifuge on Orange made me feel spinny for a while after I rode it (despite keeping my head and eyes straight forward the whole time). The g-forces are neat, but don't add enough to the experience to be worth feeling woozy afterwards (I do wish they had kept the same film for both sides, though).
I had on a scopolamine patch when I did the orange side.... was nauseous for a few hours afterwards anyway. And that wasn’t even the worst part... the claustrophobia was horrible! I never even knew I was claustrophobic before that ride!!!
Thank you for the patch info!
There are two aspects that get people; the spinning and the claustrophobia. My wife won't even do green but she's REALLY claustrophobic. Try Green, if that goes well, take Daramamine and give Orange a go.
Key points;
  • DON'T look around! Look streight forward and focus on the screen - MAYBE the tasks, but it you don't push the buttons nothing happens so ignore them if you think looking away from the screen will cause you problems. Even the strongest stomachs will churn if you start looking around at your riding partners
  • BREATHE! Seems simple but you'd be surprised
  • Count - this is a trick I learned surfing. In the water if you get held under and think you'll run out of air, you count so you see you are only under for 5-10 seconds. Anyone can hold their breath for 10 seconds under any condition. Same here - when the G-forces ramp up and you think you can't handle it, start counting. Each g-force scene last just a few seconds - don't freak out, count, relax, and it will be over before you know it.

LMAO! It's supposed to be a fun experience! Seriously, those are all great suggestions but I'd rather not risk getting that sick again. First time riding it I did Green and thought it was easy. Did Orange later the same day. Can honestly say I was never so sick in my entire life from a ride.
I say neither, it's really enclosed even on the green side. Ended up having to keep looking up. Really not claustrophobic but that gets me, never again
My wife & I went on this ride during our trip a few weeks back. We both did the orange side and neither one of us received motion sickness. I actually came off the ride hoping it would be MORE intense that it actually was, and got off the attraction feeling a bit letdown. My wife thought the attraction was just okay, but her first comment was that it was not worth the wait time (and we even had FP+'s). Aside from the g-forces, we thought the graphics were pretty dated. Felt like we were flying thru a Nintendo 64 game (not realistic at all). Last of all, I'm not a germophobe.. but the joystick & buttons felt greasy and there were finger smudges all over the screens. I miss the old Horizons dark ride attraction that used to occupy this building. In my opinion you can definitely find better usage of your time in Epcot, skip Mission Space.
If you are "very prone" to motion sickness, but really want to try it... do it last. Green is okay, but it's really just pushing buttons and such.
Orange gives you G forces and is really an experience. Our kids (7,9,11) love it. We like it. The grandparents were one and done, but honestly, it was more about claustrophobia than anything.

The instrument panel has to be just a foot or so from you so you can reach controls while experiencing G's.
Click the link for an in use image
I'm not prone to motion sickness and even I hesitate to go back on (got a bit of a headache after getting off orange)
my family always rides orange, but I will say the last couple times I’ve felt just a little off when I got off. I’ve found rides like that don’t do well on an empty stomach or dehydrated.


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