Meme's skinny jeans journal

Day 10:Pinkbounc

s-slices or mozz&pros w/ mustard
d-spare ribs w/ atking bbq sauce, gr beans, salad
S-mock danish, pretty good

On to day 10 breakfast.
b-3 egg whites, 1 cheese, 3 bacon, low carb kethcup, coffee w/cream
l-tuna w/mayo, cheese, hot peppers
s-mini sausages w/mustard
d-steak, salad w/bacon bits & cheese 3cheese ranch dressing(YUM)
s-low carb pb cups

No exercise unless shopping at the mall counts
MeMe, you're doing so great on your menus!! You go, girl!!
Isn't that a madonna song? any hoo -

b- 3 egg whites w/ cream chees & lox, low carb ketchup
l-little bit tuna w/mayo, dried beef w/chive cc, bite of carbolite chocolate bar
s-prov cheese
d- low carb pasta keto brand w/ butter & 1/2 cup ragu & sprinkle of parm - yuck!! had maybe 1/4 of it. Tastes like cardboard w/ sauce-double yuck. But at that price I'm going to eat it:p

My italian aunts are turning over in their graves-sorry!

No exercise again unless shopping counts had to hit Kohls today-what a sale. My dh has a great new wardrobe for our trip and ds has great clothes for next summer.

Well summer is gone and did not fit into that suit I bought last summer, why do we do that??? we women are crazy. I did it again and bought a pair of shorts a size smaller. Well here's hoping. I'd toast to it but I don't need the carbs:p
I did exercise last nite, wahoo!!! We went for a short walk, at least it was something & I did abs & stretching.

B-3 egg whites, 1 sl cheese & 3 sausage, low carb ketchup, coffee w/cream

Got up early, boy it is dark. I feel for those kids going back to school. It's tough getting up so early. Did the WATP and abs & stretching. Feels good:D

I plan to go down this week so I will focus and not cheat. I've made it to the double digits. Still can't squeeze thighs into those skinny jeans but gonna keep tryin:p
Hey, MeMe, you and that clippie are looking good! Glad to hear you were up early exercising. I'll be up at 5:15 tomorrow to get DD off to school--I'll be thinking about you WATP. Go for it!:Pinkbounc
Almost through another day, I'm debating on how to treat myself(carb free) when I make it to 14.

s-sl cheese & dr. beef
l-small salad, egg salad & tuna salad w/ chicken, bl cheese dressing
s- 1/2 atkins bar
d-3 hot dogs, sauerkraut w/ low carb ketchup, 2 sl cheese

Feeling tired but good. Thinking about exercise for tomorrow???

Hey Lulu, welcome home. I see you had a good time:p Well I'm glad your back. Hit that treadmill hard first thing after dd goes to school. I'll be checking.
Almost there:Pinkbounc

B-low carb shake, coffee w/ cream
L-Cheese steak no roll, had small amount of sauce on it, little bit pep & onion
D-sharp cheese & pep w/ 1 low carb cracker & mustard

No exercise yet feels like a long day. Ds is still a little sick & quite the whiner.
MeMe, you're behaving so well!! Your menus look good, but are you sure you're eating enough? Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're staying the course - onward and downward!

By the way, what treat did you pick for magical day 14 - TWO WHOLE WEEKS!! Hope it's something good - that's quite an accomplishment!!
I feel great! 14 days free, wahoooooo:Pinkbounc

S- ?/ can't seem to remember but on the plan

did abs & stretching

Thanks Doreen, yes I'm eating enough my stomach is not growling and I feel great.

Woke up and did WATP 3/4 of it and abs.
B-4 sausage & low carb roll w/ cr ch coffee w/cream
L-small amount of cole slaw, slices turkey br & hot pep cheese

I don't know what I'll be treating myself with but I'll let you know.
Hello MeMe! I'm glad to see you're still doing well. I know I've been away for a while, but the situation at work was so bad, I didn't have any time to post and by the time I got home, all I wanted to do was crash.

So you finally passed the 14 day mark? I bet you're feeling pretty good right now. Have you noticed that you don't think about food as much? What a great feeling. You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work!

I'm so tired, but I just wanted to let you ladies know that I'm still around and I'm hanging in there with you all. Nighty-night.
I'm up to 15 and yesterday I almost didn't make it. I was salivating for pizza but I decided I wanted to feel & look better than that 1(ok3) slices would have tasted:p

d-2 1/2 hot dogs w/ low carb ketchup & small salad
s-atkins morning bar (it was night but I figured nobody would notice) & eas raspberry fizz drink(0carbs)

was only able to do abs, stretching & hand weights this am, will try to do cardio later today.

Treating myself to pedicure today and maybe a new pair of shoes:D

Thanks for the words Castillo Mom - sorry your so tired, I'm sending you some of my energy :wave:
Yay, MeMe:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
You are the Healthy Living Woman for today! You must look and feel amazing! Enjoy your pedicure and keep leading the good life. 15 days and counting. . .
Made it though I had 1 tortilla chip at the mexican rest. But how many carbs can be in 1?? Swear just 1, amazing how my will power is right on track. Where is the power coming from?? I bet it's from all of your encouragement, so thanks;)

b-1 sl atkins toast w/cream cheese & lox (yum), coffee w/ cream
l-chick& steak fajitas no tortillas(lunch portion)
d-dried beef w/ cream cheese & little bit bl cheese
s- chicken & a few pieces of broccoli

had the pedicure- how nice my toes look and went next door & bought a new workout outfit (no shoes) So I have to say I am proud of myself. :Pinkbounc

I'm still afraid to get on the scale, why is that???
Hi MeMe,
Sounds like you're doing great! What a beautiful weekend here in Bucks County. Congratulations on your clippie. With the way you're sticking to your diet and exercise, the next one should be coming your way soon. I wish I had your motivation for exercise. What a struggle!
Great job, Meme!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

You must feel so great to have made it so many days without cheating...and I don't think one chip counts for anything!!! I admire you for being able to only have one!!! :eek:
I couldn't, I don't think! :(

I know it's been difficult passing up some of the wonderful things that are out there, but remember they are evil...EVIL I say!!! Imagine if you were on a low-fat diet all the restrictions you would have??? I keep telling myself that...I enjoy the foods we get to have and still lose weight! :bounce:

You might not have stepped on the scale..but how are your clothes fitting? I am ready to throw the scale out the window, but I have learned it's definitely not all about the weight because I work out every darn day and am eating right...and the scale is moving painfully slow, but I KNOW I'm getting smaller AND healthier, so don't be afraid, just be proud of what you're doing every single day!!!

Have a great weekend!

Karen :smooth:
MeMe, you metioned something that's so important. When you're doing a food lifestyle change, you really need to make time to pamper yourself. It's not always easy, especially when you have a family. But keep taking that time out for yourself, you deserve it! Now if I could only follow my own advice. Maybe I'll follow suit and make an appointment for tomorrow to get my toesies done. Have a great weekend MeMe!

P.S. Thanks for that extra energy you sent me, I feel much better today.:p
MeMe, you're amazing, I'm telling you. One chip?!?! That's fantastic! I know that feeling about the scale, but you know what? It doesn't really matter what the darn thing says--you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and don't need a number to validate the wonderful success you're having.

My helpful phrase for my upcoming week of success is going to be: "midgees are only for kids." Thanks for that!:D

Getting excited about the cruise? I don't know about you, but I sure need a vacation!
Made it through to another day. But may have had too many carbs, had a couple of drinks at b-day party. Boy I have a headache and its TOM:mad: Fell so yucky today and can't back back to sleep.

b-atkins am bar, coffee w/cream
l-chburger no bun and small amount of turkey salad
s-coffee w/cream part of low carb bar
d-(at party) salad, pre dressed w/ balsalmic ving, slices of beef premarinated, shrimp wrapped in prosc, diet coke & rum, 2 cosmos & few slices cheese & pep

No exercise but walked & pushed ds around a flea market for couple of hours

Well onward & downward today will be better I hope:D
MeMe, you're doing great! You may have had more carbs at the party than you're used to, but you still made better choices than most of the people there who loaded up on TONS of carby stuff!

Just stick with it. You're doing all the right things! Have you taken your measurements? On low-carb, sometimes the inches are melting even when the scale stays the same. I bet your clothes are fitting better.

Hope you're feeling better soon!!


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