Membership Magic Beyond

Just went to the page. As mentioned first it didn’t work but later on it did.

I’ve also gotten the confirmation email from DVC.
sounds like you just benefitted from an IT glitch
Mine is greyed out and has the account requires attention message
I had a note to call member services, I'm on the phone now and member services is stating they are getting a message to call member services, but they are member services so they're not sure what to do.
There is an IT issue with old resale contracts that qualify for Membership magic(pre 2021)-Blue Card DVC-Y. It is expected to be corrected later today.
Does anyone know if we have to wait until January 12th to start buying the BOGO OTU points or can we start buying them now?
If I use points to redeem for a Sorcerer Pass, I should still have a year from the time of "purchase" to activate, right?
I assume that means when we get around to December 31st we'll be able to get BOGO OTU points for July of the following year then.

Edit: woops should've clarified I was talking about being able to buy OTU points for 2026 up to the last day of 2025.
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And that is definitely within the realm of possibility. They let bookings on resale points qualify owners for Moonlight Magic, so it’s not unprecedented.
I Heard that will be changing. Not sure when because it would take a good deal of resources to manage that. But a CM said that this was in the works for later.
I Heard that will be changing. Not sure when because it would take a good deal of resources to manage that. But a CM said that this was in the works for later.
That would certainly hurt the ones grandfathered in to blue card status on only 25 direct points but took advantage of the savings resale provides.

SSR & OKW owners would actually have to 11 month their reservation for a MM date then I'm guessing if only able to use direct points.

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