Mega-Con? Mega People! Mom and Daughter travel again! 1/30-2/5, Link to new TR 5/12*

Love your plans.
Totally agree it stinks and makes no sense that you have to make park reservations especially when you can go to another park anytime now. Hateful!
Yacht and beach club are my all time favourite resorts and we do dander in to Epcot most mornings for a Les Halles breakfast. Doesn’t seem fair that you can’t😡
Fab photo of you all and wow, your mum looks amazing! You’d never think she is anywhere close to 90! Hope she has a fabulous birthday 🎉🎉🎉
We loved POFQ a million years ago when we stayed there, it is a beautiful resort.

Your pictures are all lovely, and I did laugh when I read you`d never had honey all time favourite salad dressing and sauce to cook chicken in, I never think someone might not have tried it, but glad you liked it.

Those rum drinks looked amazing!!!! Right up my street.

I love the picture of your family too, Andy and Kait look so happy and your mum looks wonderful and you look just like her!!! My mum will be 89 next month and already thinking about her 90th lol.....

Looking forward to more!!
Thank you! Andi’s hair was driving me crazy this trip, it was long and in her eyes all the time. She got a haircut and I like it shorter! Here she is with Kait
Such a cute picture of the two of them!
Today was my 60 day mark! I made a few ADRs. It was tough because my younger sister is ultra healthy and eats like a bird 🦅 a very little bird! So I didn’t reserve too many things!
You made some great choices though. Fewer ADRs gives you flexibility for popping into a lounge.
I want to get a Savor the Savannah tour for us and I can’t book this yet! I’m excited for my third time on this! I love it that much. Donna is excited to do it again as well. I think Helen will like this more than a dessert party at MK, in which she wouldn’t eat much of anything there.
Love, love, love Savour the Savannah! I know you will all have a fantastic time.
Tuesday, MK, I made a Tony’s ADR for noon. I hope to get a patio table for FoF viewing. We can get the scrumptious garlic bread and parmigiana fondue. There is also several salads and a soup option.
Nothing better than lunch on the patio for parade viewing!
Wednesday, Epcot, F&G treats, MK for evening extra hours with a Skipper Canteen ADR at 6:30pm. We will watch HEA in the back of the castle.
The house salad at Skippers is great. They have a great soup too, I think it's carrot ginger? Watching HEA from the back of the castle lines you up perfectly for Peter Pan's Flight afterwards. :)
Friday, Epcot, F&G treats and Narcossees at 8:15 to watch HEA and have one fancy dinner. I have never been here! Tell me your thoughts!
I've only been to Narcoosees twice; once on our first trip with the boys in 2009 and then on a date night dinner with Bill in 2016. I really enjoyed it both times. I love the scallops there and of course the almond crusted cheesecake is to die for!
Let me tell you, I do not like the fact that I have to make Park Reservations still as an AP holder. It makes me really angry 😡 Donna and Helen don’t have to make any reservations! I don’t get it! I stay onsite and live out of state, ugh!
That is SO unfair!!!!! If you are staying onsite you should not have to make reservations. Disney needs to change that policy.
Here we are with our brother John and my mom! She turns 90 in March!
That is such a beautiful family photo. Your mom looks amazing, you would never think she is almost 90!
Let me tell you, I do not like the fact that I have to make Park Reservations still as an AP holder. It makes me really angry 😡 Donna and Helen don’t have to make any reservations! I don’t get it! I stay onsite and live out of state, ugh!
I agree with you. We are AP holders from out of state and only stay in a WDW resort during our trips. AP holders staying in a WDW resort shouldn't have to make park reservations.
We are staying at The Beach Club so who wouldn’t want to walk into Epcot for a pastry from La Halles!! I’m restricted 🚫 No croissant for me! I could make my park reservations for Epcot everyday but it is the principal! Who else feels this way! Let me know your thoughts!
I feel your pain on this one. We stay at the BC or YC a lot and not being able to walk into Epcot anytime we want has truly changed our way of doing Disney. It had taken away the perk of being in an Epcot resort. And it had made it impossible to hop into Epcot for lunch. We haven't been able to fully enjoy any of the festivals because of the park hopping restrictions. I'm glad that they have removed the 2pm restriction but not at all happy about the stupid park reservation rule remaining in effect.
Today was my 60 day mark! I made a few ADRs.

Whoo-hoo for another trip! And HOORAY for Disney Dining Day - I love ADR day. :love:

I’m thrilled technology cooperated (for once) and allowed you to book everything you wanted.

I have never been here! Tell me your thoughts!

Narcoosee’s is EXCELLENT - I’ve been there twice and loved it both times. It would be my first choice signature to book for my upcoming trip, but we’re concentrating on character meals instead due to our two young kids.

Their menu has changed a bit since I’ve been there (and they’ve renovated the restaurant - it looks beautiful!), but I think anything you’d pick would be delicious. They’re known for their seafood, so I’d recommend that if you’re a seafood fan. Their Almond Crusted Cheesecake (their signature dessert) is tasty and so is their cheese board. The view on the surrounding porch is lovely, especially for the Electric Water Pageant. I hope you love it!

Donna and Helen don’t have to make any reservations! I don’t get it! I stay onsite and live out of state, ugh!

It is bizarre they don’t allow annual pass holders staying in a Disney resort to bypass the reservation requirement - obviously you’re likely to visit the parks if you’re staying in a resort?

May I ask, did MDE still recommend your sisters choose park reservations despite their date-based tickets? I bought our date-based tickets from Undercover Tourist and my step-by-step guide in MDE recommended I make park reservations after I entered my ticket information… what? I hate to make park reservations if I don’t have to (and I shouldn’t need to!) but I also don’t want to be stopped when we enter a park.
Love your plans.
Totally agree it stinks and makes no sense that you have to make park reservations especially when you can go to another park anytime now. Hateful!
Yacht and beach club are my all time favourite resorts and we do dander in to Epcot most mornings for a Les Halles breakfast. Doesn’t seem fair that you can’t😡
Fab photo of you all and wow, your mum looks amazing! You’d never think she is anywhere close to 90! Hope she has a fabulous birthday 🎉🎉🎉
I just don’t understand why the highest cost AP that we have to buy because we don’t live in Florida has the stupid restrictions of the park reservations I remember years ago staying at YC and BCV and I would wonder in to Epcot each morning and look around France and head back to the resort I loved it! It is a huge perk to staying at these resorts!
My mom thanks you! She does look really good and she is a little fashionista :rotfl:
We loved POFQ a million years ago when we stayed there, it is a beautiful resort.

Your pictures are all lovely, and I did laugh when I read you`d never had honey all time favourite salad dressing and sauce to cook chicken in, I never think someone might not have tried it, but glad you liked it.

Those rum drinks looked amazing!!!! Right up my street.

I love the picture of your family too, Andy and Kait look so happy and your mum looks wonderful and you look just like her!!! My mum will be 89 next month and already thinking about her 90th lol.....

Looking forward to more!!
I do love POFQ, it is small enough and I love the boat to Disney Springs!
I never thought I would like honey mustard for some dumb reason and yummy I love it!
The drinks are really yummy and such a nice chill lounge right in AK
Thank you! It is hard to believe my mom will be 90! She loves clothes and has a ton of different shoes and handbags 😄 I take after her I guess since I love all those things!
Such a cute picture of the two of them!
It is. They always send me pictures before their date night! They walk to restaurants and breweries close to their house a couple times a week!
You made some great choices though. Fewer ADRs gives you flexibility for popping into a lounge.
I think it will be the right mix of a few sit downs and we will definitely eat and drink at several lounges!
Love, love, love Savour the Savannah! I know you will all have a fantastic time.
I do too I am really excited about that and I have done it 3x
Nothing better than lunch on the patio for parade viewing!
Yes! We had such a great lunch, I hope to repeat that. Helen has never seen FoF
The house salad at Skippers is great. They have a great soup too, I think it's carrot ginger? Watching HEA from the back of the castle lines you up perfectly for Peter Pan's Flight afterwards.
Thanks for the recommendations Helen will love that! I have only eaten there once in 2018
I've only been to Narcoosees twice; once on our first trip with the boys in 2009 and then on a date night dinner with Bill in 2016. I really enjoyed it both times. I love the scallops there and of course the almond crusted cheesecake is to die for!
I thought this would be a good choice since it would be new for all of us! I have heard good things about the food and special cheesecake yummy 😋
That is SO unfair!!!!! If you are staying onsite you should not have to make reservations. Disney needs to change that policy.
I don’t get it! I hope they remove this soon!
That is such a beautiful family photo. Your mom looks amazing, you would never think she is almost 90!
Thank you!
I agree with you. We are AP holders from out of state and only stay in a WDW resort during our trips. AP holders staying in a WDW resort shouldn't have to make park reservations.
I stinks! You know exactly what I am talking about, Do you think they will stop this soon. I can see if you have the lower level passes
I feel your pain on this one. We stay at the BC or YC a lot and not being able to walk into Epcot anytime we want has truly changed our way of doing Disney. It had taken away the perk of being in an Epcot resort. And it had made it impossible to hop into Epcot for lunch. We haven't been able to fully enjoy any of the festivals because of the park hopping restrictions. I'm glad that they have removed the 2pm restriction but not at all happy about the stupid park reservation rule remaining in effect.
This is very true and does lessen the spontaneity of popping in Epcot when staying at these resorts. We loved staying at YC for years because we could walk in Epcot at anytime! I hope they change this rule soon!
Whoo-hoo for another trip! And HOORAY for Disney Dining Day - I love ADR day. :love:

I’m thrilled technology cooperated (for once) and allowed you to book everything you wanted.
It was a very easy ADR morning for me. I did notice many of the harder to get reservations were still available
Narcoosee’s is EXCELLENT - I’ve been there twice and loved it both times. It would be my first choice signature to book for my upcoming trip, but we’re concentrating on character meals instead due to our two young kids.
Thank you for the review and suggestions! I will definitely be getting seafood and we will probably split the cheesecake yummy 🤤
It is bizarre they don’t allow annual pass holders staying in a Disney resort to bypass the reservation requirement - obviously you’re likely to visit the parks if you’re staying in a resort?
It is a dumb rule and doesn’t make sense at all!
May I ask, did MDE still recommend your sisters choose park reservations despite their date-based tickets? I bought our date-based tickets from Undercover Tourist and my step-by-step guide in MDE recommended I make park reservations after I entered my ticket information… what?
That is interesting because I bought my sister’s tickets from Undercover tourist and when I linked to MDE for them it didn’t suggest making park reservations for them. In fact my name was the only one showing up for the dumb park reservations! I also bought Andi and Kait tickets from UCT and linked to our September reservation and no mention of making park reservations. It shouldn’t even be prompting you because you don’t need to make any! That is weird and likely some type of error on Disney’s part. I bet the step by step guide isn’t updated I wouldn’t worry about it because date based tickets don’t need reservations period!
Wow have you all seen the crowds at Disney this past week?

I can't comment on WDW, but I was at DL and DCA today and it was freakin' NUTS! I was amazed at how many people were there on family vacations on a Thursday in February. Leap year day too!

After the show, I was checking the MDE and Rise was down, oh no!

Oh, no! But that happens a lot to Rise in CA, I'm sure it does there too.

It was time for TSM. Andi loves this ride. She would rather ride this than Slinky Dog.

I love the ride too, but since I can do it almost every time I visit the park in CA, I would rather ride slinky dog.

Andi had best in our vehicle and I got my normal 130,000 and ranked Beaver once again!

I'm always a beaver too. 😢 When Su-Lynn and Steve were here at the beginning of the month, I rode it once with each of them. They both gave me pointers on things to aim for, new things to unlock and yet still I rarely break the 150,000 barrier to get pus....a cat.

I was not a fan the first few times I rode it! It has grown on me! I keep my feet firmly planted and it doesn’t freak me out as much!

I love the Tower of Terror in DHS. That said, Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout, is one of my favorites rides in DCA. Our TOT was not so great. None of that traveling through the Twilight Zone part, so I'm glad they rethemed it. I can't wait to ride it in April!

I didn’t even realize how much it was until I got the refund. $50.00 for the two of us, yikes! 😱 Rise is really expensive.

WOW! That's a good chunk of change! I certainly wouldn't pay that, since I can ride it in California almost whenever I want, I would just have to wait in the line. Then again I could purchase it too, but I'd probably wait in the line before I paid good hard cash for a ride. I get on it often enough.

Today was my 60 day mark! I made a few ADRs. It was tough because my younger sister is ultra healthy and eats like a bird 🦅 a very little bird! So I didn’t reserve too many things!

Yay for making reservations! We did that about a month ago. Didn't make too many either. We went super fancy and got the Queen Victoria Room at Victoria and Albert's.

Chiming in on Narcoosee's.....I've always liked it. I've only been there with Fran and we always used to split entrees at dinner. I remember ordering Caesar salad, Lobster Bisque and a whole lobster for dinner, and it working out to be the perfect amount. We even had room to split a dessert between us. She could also eat more than me.

Now Jill is my travel buddy. We will probably go back there sometime, we both enjoy fancy food, and can't eat at V&A's every trip. I'm sure you'll have a blast with your sister!
Yay for making reservations! We did that about a month ago. Didn't make too many either. We went super fancy and got the Queen Victoria Room at Victoria and Albert's.
Very nice! I've dined in the main dining room at V&A's twice and really enjoyed it. We hope to get the Queen Victoria room next time we go.
I could make my park reservations for Epcot everyday but it is the principal! Who else feels this way! Let me know your thoughts!
Yes! So annoying. If you have a resort reservation, you should not have to make a park reservation. I can understand if you are not staying on property. The billion dollar disney computer reservation system probably can't handle it sadly.
Epcot how could you?

After a very brief break, it was time to head to Epcot.

Our priorities this evening are GotG, SE, Moana, LwtL, and Epcot at night.

We had decided the Festival of Arts food booths would be saved for the next day. The booths did not have hardly any vegetarian or chicken dishes, so not a priority for us.

We would decide on a dinner somewhere at Epcot or in the area. This would be on the fly, no idea where yet.

It is easy to use Genie+ at Epcot when Test Track, Frozen, and Remy are not a priority.

We took the bus and had a very short wait and a rather empty one!

Another great reason to love FQ, like CSR, the resort is close to all the parks. It is a nice short bus ride everywhere.

Andi was excited to visit her favorite park and see all the changes. What a treat to tour with most all construction walls down.
I made a SE Genie+ for right now! We had a wonderful ride on a favorite of ours.

I was excited to show Andi the Walt Statue and the Celebration area! We walked around the area, taking it all in. My daughter did something that made my heart sing 🎶 She took hold of my hand and said I love you 💕 This made me very happy! It just shows how much our trips and Walt Disney means to us! We have always been very close but Andi is a little stingy at times showing affection so this was awesome! If we had it my way, we would be hugging and holding hands the whole trip! 😂

We decided to wait until the next morning to get pictures with Walt because it was getting dark.

I had made a Soarin FP for now. We headed to the land pavilion. Andi was excited to see Soarin over California. Call me nostalgic but I love this version. It is old? yes! and the technology isn’t the best but it is the one we love 💕

We didn’t smell the oranges as much this time, still an enjoyable ride.

I made a LwtL FP for right after Soarin. Another favorite of ours!

I noticed on MDE that GotG was down! Noooo! This was not good. With our limited park days, two major attractions, which we paid for, down! Ugh 😑

I made a FP for Nemo next and we headed to the Seas. Our GotG time was fast approaching and such a bummer it was down. Our plan was to keep enjoying Epcot at night and hope the ride would come back up soon.
We spent some time in The Seas after Nemo. We love spending time in here. The manatees were sleeping 😴 We some sea turtles, sharks, and stingrays. The smaller room with Mr Eel was busy. We just took a quick peek in there.

We did Figment next with no wait. The park was busy but not crazy crowds. No Mega people here, yet!

It was now after 7pm and still no Guardians! We headed to Moana and it was busy in there. We took our time walking through. It was hard to do some of the interactive areas because of the amount of people. We were fine with just slowly walking through and trying a few things when able. Here is a blurry picture of Andi making the water climb!
Andi liked the area but since she is water averse haha 😂 it wasn’t her favorite. For those who have been reading my reports for awhile, you may remember Andi hates getting wet! She won’t ride Frozen anymore because her butt got wet one time. Really Andi?? :confused3
We made it to the Tefiti area and there was a PP photographer. The line wasn’t long and I thought it would be a cool picture.
We even got a magic shot! I don’t know what it is but we never seem to get these anymore. Do you have to ask now??
We were both getting hungry and wondered if we should eat and hope GotG came back up, or should we ask for our money back again!

SE light show going on in the background!
I was looking at MDE for dining options and we both wanted Wine Bar George. There was a 9:00pm reservation so I took it.

We decided to ride SE one more time and if GotG remained down after our ride, I would ask for a refund.

Well, the ride was still down and it was after 8pm. The CM at one of the guest services umbrellas refunded my money. It was sad 😞 but in reality there wasn’t much hope the ride would be back up before park closing at 9pm.

We headed to the rideshare area and took a Lyft to DS. Omg 😱 our driver thought he was in the Indy 500. He took curves without slowing down, yikes 😳 We arrived quickly!

It was about 8:30pm and we decided to see if we could get into WBG a little early. The hostess took my cell number, however, she didn’t think it would be any earlier than 9:00.

We decided to check out the cookie bar at Summer House. No line here, the Gideon’s line looked quite long.

I had heard good reviews for The Lemon cookie and chocolate chip. I bought a sea salt chocolate chip, lemon, and a fudge bomb for Andi. They were very good about allergies and the cookies are in a separate area. They don’t pull them out of the case in front of you. The peanut and nut cookies are not near the non nut 🥜 cookies.

These are big cookies and $2.00 per cookie less than Gideons.

We went in a candle shop across the way and I bought the Clover World melts, smell is like walking into the BC and GF resorts. I also bought vanilla sandlewood scent.

We didn’t try the cookies yet because they packaged them really nice. The cookies were delicious when we tried them! Lemon was my favorite ❤️ Andi saved the fudge bomb for her and Kait to share.

We got our text for our table right at 9pm.

Our table was in the upper level and there was only a few tables occupied at this time of day.

I had the house Sangria and Andi had the Dole Whip Frozcato.
We chose the Crispy Mac & Cheese Bites:
tomato nage / pecorino

heirloom tomatoes / fresh corn / local sourdough
Cauliflower Buds:
Thai chili / cipollini onion / miso soubise / crispy shallot

We consumed the Mac and cheese balls right away so no picture. The cauliflower flavors were delicious but I could not get a good photo, it looked like a blob, take my word if you like roasted cauliflower get this, yum!

The Burrata is the creamiest I have ever had and the heirloom tomatoes are amazing. The bread to soak it all up with delicious!

We enjoyed everything and our drinks hit the spot. We finished before 10pm and went to the rideshare area and took a Lyft back to the resort.

We had a wonderful evening despite Guardians being down.

Our plan was DHS in the morning.

“Who doesn’t love spending time with Chewbacca?”

Yikes, that's some really unfortunate luck. Both headline attractions being down on the same day. On one hand, it's nice that they refunded you the money for both. On the other, that puts a damper on your enthusiasm.
Your dinner at Wine Bar George sounded lovely. Even if you had to zoom there with a crazy lyft driver. :eek:
I can't comment on WDW, but I was at DL and DCA today and it was freakin' NUTS! I was amazed at how many people were there on family vacations on a Thursday in February. Leap year day too!
Wow no quiet times anymore
Oh, no! But that happens a lot to Rise in CA, I'm sure it does there too.
Yeah It was a bummer but I have seen it down a lot lately
I love the ride too, but since I can do it almost every time I visit the park in CA, I would rather ride slinky dog.
Andi loves it so much. I do too but like SDD as well!
I'm always a beaver too. 😢 When Su-Lynn and Steve were here at the beginning of the month, I rode it once with each of them. They both gave me pointers on things to aim for, new things to unlock and yet still I rarely break the 150,000 barrier to get pus....a cat.
I read about how to increase your score and I still can’t get past that level, ugh!
I love the Tower of Terror in DHS. That said, Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout, is one of my favorites rides in DCA. Our TOT was not so great. None of that traveling through the Twilight Zone part, so I'm glad they rethemed it. I can't wait to ride it in April!
I really like the ride now! The queue is amazing
WOW! That's a good chunk of change! I certainly wouldn't pay that, since I can ride it in California almost whenever I want, I would just have to wait in the line. Then again I could purchase it too, but I'd probably wait in the line before I paid good hard cash for a ride. I get on it often enough.
Costly but we don’t like long lines so usually worth it at least once on each trip!
Yay for making reservations! We did that about a month ago. Didn't make too many either. We went super fancy and got the Queen Victoria Room at Victoria and Albert's.
Wow V&A sounds amazing. It will be fun to hear your review!
Chiming in on Narcoosee's.....I've always liked it. I've only been there with Fran and we always used to split entrees at dinner. I remember ordering Caesar salad, Lobster Bisque and a whole lobster for dinner, and it working out to be the perfect amount. We even had room to split a dessert between us. She could also eat more than me.
Thanks for the review! I see us splitting 2 entrees between the 3 of us!
Thanks so much for posting! I enjoyed reading this! :)
You are welcome! Thank you for joining in! :welcome: :banana:
Yes! So annoying. If you have a resort reservation, you should not have to make a park reservation. I can understand if you are not staying on property. The billion dollar disney computer reservation system probably can't handle it sadly.
It is very irritating 😠 Very true about the Disney IT and computer system!
Yikes, that's some really unfortunate luck. Both headline attractions being down on the same day. On one hand, it's nice that they refunded you the money for both. On the other, that puts a damper on your enthusiasm.
Your dinner at Wine Bar George sounded lovely. Even if you had to zoom there with a crazy lyft driver. :eek:
It was bad luck this day. Andi kept checking just for fun and right up to 9pm GotG was still down so we made the right choice.
I’m thankful we got our money back and the plus was delicious small plates at WBG


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