Meet me at the Snuggly Duckling! A June 2018 TR. UPDATED 3/8

I think we may have stayed in a room close to yours as I remember it was sooooo far away from the lobby and we walked for ages to get there but we loved seeing the animals!

The long walk is the only bad thing about the room. I suppose though with all the walking we do in the parks what are a few more steps when we get back to the resort.

Nice that you got the solar gel and the mouthwash as part of your toiletry package. I have not seen that before!

We were first introduced to the solar gel on our Disney cruise and really liked it so it and the mouthwash were a nice addition. Interesting to note though is that while they replenished the shampoo/conditioner/soap they never replenished the solar gel or mouthwash.

Also not visible in the picture and something else I have never seen in the toiletry package was a shower cap and a little kit with cotton swaps, gauze, and a little nail file.
Just got back in the swing of the boards and I'm joining in! I'll have to catch up soon, but I am so excited for this report!! It was really fun following along on instagram!
As you can probably tell by my greeting I stayed at the beautiful Animal Kingdom Lodge on this trip.

No place better :cloud9:

(my dad hates Disney)

Does not compute!

helping a friend plan their own family vacation.

I love helping people plan their own trips so much. Wish that could be my career!

(mom snores and I can't sleep through that racket)

Oh man my dad snores too and I have to use earplugs as well!

The one bad thing about leaving a day early is it means leaving our sweet kitties alone an extra day.

The hardest part of vacationing by far!


What a beautiful baby!

BABY! Suitcases are the best beds

This is maybe the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Anyways, finally it was time to board and Mom and I were in boarding group 1 as I had upgraded our seats to "westjet plus". It meant that we had more legroom, no middle seat, full meal on the plane, any beverages that we wanted including alcoholic and we got to board first.

This sounds well worth it!

Yep, we got a cruise line bus instead of the regular Magical Express.

Same for us! AT least not regular Mears.
Not only were we upgraded but we were given the exact same room we had stayed in last time! Amazing!

Wow! What are the odds of that?!
I guess that letter you sent made the difference; I feel like your room goes to show a CM took the time to read it and try to give you guys the opportunity to recapture the magic you experience on your last visit.

She said to hold on one second and she would try something so she typed away at her computer and then told me to try again and voila, it worked. What a relief! That was a tense few minutes.

That sounds stressful! Glad it all worked out in the end.

It does look like you had a lot of animals near your balcony, that's awesome!!
That wallpaper above the sinks is great.
Just got back in the swing of the boards and I'm joining in! I'll have to catch up soon, but I am so excited for this report!! It was really fun following along on instagram!

Welcome back!

I love helping people plan their own trips so much. Wish that could be my career!

I know! It is so much fun but it can also be frustrating when they don't take my advice seriously and then end up not having a very magical trip. Can't say I didn't warn them! If only being a full-time Disney planner paid the bills. :laughing:

Same for us! AT least not regular Mears.

The way I figured it, a Disney bus is a Disney bus. So long as it got me to WDW and had Mickey slapped on the side of it. ;)

Wow! What are the odds of that?!
I guess that letter you sent made the difference; I feel like your room goes to show a CM took the time to read it and try to give you guys the opportunity to recapture the magic you experience on your last visit.

I know! We were so lucky and it does go to show that if you are polite and not demanding the cast members will try and make your trip the best it can be. I had never made a room request on any of my previous trips but I had subscribed to touring plans before this trip so I figured I may as well try out their room request fax service and I am so glad that I did!

That sounds stressful! Glad it all worked out in the end.

It was so stressful. I honestly don't know what we would have done. Travelling internationally we really are at the mercy of our credit card. I guess that is where getting a package works out better than booking room only as then at least you have to pay off the hotel before you arrive so no check-in day surprises with the machine and card not liking each other! :laughing:
Love the view from the room and in the room. I guess I have not seen the refurbished rooms...but can't say that I have looked for the rooms in a while. Can't wait to hear about Disney Springs.
Room 3596 Check, Check. You just gave away a nice secret.

Laguardia in NYC in the DELTA terminal has upgraded to all those charging stations.
But sadly we fly Southwest-and it is still a hell hole, but hopefully in 5 years, the upgrading will be done in NYC.

Looking forward to hearing what you say about Disney Springs. The bus is the way to get there now.
Love the view from the room and in the room. I guess I have not seen the refurbished rooms...but can't say that I have looked for the rooms in a while. Can't wait to hear about Disney Springs.

I don't think they have done anything to the AKL rooms in awhile. I do know that starting the end of the summer they are going around and doing a light room refurb. I've heard they are taking away the tall heavy tv stand/dresser and putting in something that better utilizes the space. Will be interesting to see.

Room 3596 Check, Check. You just gave away a nice secret.

Laguardia in NYC in the DELTA terminal has upgraded to all those charging stations.
But sadly we fly Southwest-and it is still a hell hole, but hopefully in 5 years, the upgrading will be done in NYC.

Looking forward to hearing what you say about Disney Springs. The bus is the way to get there now.

I don't know how much of a secret I gave away. :laughing: I think most people are not so crazy as me and would not want to walk to the furthest end of the resort for their room. It is a great room though if you can look past the distance.

Yes, there are some areas of Pearson in Toronto that have not been upgraded yet. We had to walk by a bunch of them on the way to our gate and I was fearful we would be stuck in one of the old uncomfortable outdated gates.
June 11 - Arrival Day

Our first bus ride of the trip was successful as we didn't have to wait too long and the bus was fairly empty. I thought maybe this Disney transportation thing might not be too bad...

As the bus made its way to Disney Springs it started to rain. Looks like we made the right decision holding off on the pool!

It pretty much rained off and on the whole time we were at Disney Springs. We would get 30 minutes of sun and then rain and then sun and then rain. It never rained too hard though, just light showers.

Our first order of business when we got to Disney Springs was finding Guest Services. We had purchased discounted Canadian Resident tickets and we had to provide proof of residency to have them activated. I had read here on the boards that the best place to do this was at Disney Springs as the lines at the parks can get really long.

Well, when I looked at the map on my phone there was nothing labeled as "guest services" but there was a building called the "Disney Springs Welcome Centre" and it was near D-Luxe Burger which is where I had been told guest services was so I figured the "Welcome Centre" was where we needed to go.

Here is a picture for anybody else that is in search of guest services at Disney Springs.

You can't miss it as it is one of the first things you see when you walk in after getting dropped off by the bus at the Town Centre entrance.

We were in luck yet again and they were not busy so we did not need to take a number and wait as I had read in the past but instead we were greeted at the door and helped right away. We showed the cast member my passport and Mom's Permanent Resident card and we were good to go.

The Welcome Centre is actually a pretty nice building and it has some cozy seating areas and a water station. A good place to beat the heat or escape the rain while at Disney Springs.

Mom and I did not have any set goals for this excursion to Disney Springs. We figured we would just wander around and check things out. We had a morning visit planned for later in the trip so this would be a good chance to check out the merchandise so we would know what to be on the lookout for when we returned.

It amazes me what a transformation Downtown Disney/Disney Springs has undergone. It was unrecognizable until we got into the old Marketplace section.

One place I had my eye out for was Amorette's Patisserie. I had seen an item on the Disney Food Blog that I really wanted to try and figured it would be a great way to start the trip.

I looked at the map and we were wandering in the right direction as it is right next to World of Disney.

It was not busy inside and I was able to be served right away as I knew what I wanted to get.

So all the blog posts that I read called this drink the "Millennial Pink Celebration Toast" but it was not listed as that in the store. It was just listed as Iron Horse Fairy Tale Celebration Cuvee. I also had to get the adorable Mickey Mousse which was almost too pretty to eat. Mom didn't want anything but she did try a bite of my treat and a sip of my drink.

The Minnie Mouse on top of the drink was white chocolate and very good. The sparkling wine was good as well. The Mickey Mousse had a subtle flavour to it. I thought it was good and not too sweet, fairly light. Mom didn't really care for it.

Next we went to World of Disney which was packed to the gills. It didn't help that half the store was missing! I was very confused when we went through a few rooms and that was it. Where did the rest of the store go? Well, when we exited we saw that the other half of the store is down for refurbishment. Anybody know what they are doing?

We didn't spend much time in World of Disney as I just couldn't handle the crowds, it was not enjoyable in there.

I decided to grab Starbucks at that point. They had Incredibles themed drinks so I decided to get the Invisible Violet which was their Berry Hibiscus Refresher with raspberry syrup and coconut milk.

I was bad and didn't take a picture, it was purple. :laughing: It was pretty tasty though!

I think we went into the co-op next where I tried on some of the dresses. I was torn between the Magic Kingdom dress and the Small World dress. I liked them both but I decided not to get anything that day. The dresses were over $100 each so I really wanted to think about it and not make an impulse buy which is a shocker for me as I am the queen of impulse shopping.

Here is the Small World dress

I didn't take a picture of the Magic Kingdom dress for some reason.

I also saw this Mary Poppins Dooney which I loved but resisted.

Mom was so proud of me for not spending hundreds of dollars within hours of arriving at Disney. :laughing:

In another store, but I can't remember which one, I saw these purse ornaments. They were so cute! There were so many and they were all themed after a character. I posted them to Facebook and my friends told me I should buy all of them and have a purse themed tree. I am well known for having a handbag addiction. :rolleyes1

Shockingly, I didn't buy any of these either. I just put them on my mental checklist of things to consider.

We wandered around some more, went in Basin but decided yet again to hold off on purchases until Saturday when we would be back and it would be less busy.

We ducked into the Christmas store as it was raining and when we exited I saw this woman walking with an older man who looked so familiar. She smiled and waved like I should know her but I just couldn't place her. It was the strangest moment. I think she could tell from my confused look that I couldn't figure out who she was so she reminded me, it was the lady we had been talking to in the Toronto airport before our flight. The one whose parents work for NASA. I felt so silly and embarrassed that I didn't remember her. There was something off with me that day and my memory. Remember how I couldn't even recall the movie I watched on the plane? So odd. I am going to chalk it up to sleep deprivation...

Mom and I were getting hungry so it was time to seek out dinner. We decided to stick with our original plan which was Blaze Pizza. We wandered in what I thought was the general direction and it was but I had to consult the map to get us all the way there. It was starting to cloud over again.

Blaze Pizza - It was busy! It was loud! I found it challenging to place my order due to how loud it was in there. Once we had both placed our orders we had to find somewhere to sit. All the indoor seating was taken so we had to look outside which made me nervous considering the weather that evening. Luckily we were able to grab a table that was under cover so it turned out better to eat outside, not as loud.

Mom ordered the White Top Pizza - white cream sauce, mozzarella, bacon, garlic, oregano and arugula

and I ordered the Make Your Own with pepperoni, bacon, mushroom, black olives and basil.

Both pizzas were delicious and very filling!

I also ordered their Agua Fresca to drink and tried the passionfruit flavour, it was also really good!

After dinner we decided we had had enough. We were getting pretty tired and so we decided to head back to the hotel. I had made fastpasses for us that evening at Animal Kingdom but there was just no way we had the energy to attempt a park.

So back to the hotel we went with no purchases! I must have been really out of it that day. :laughing:

We wandered down by the pool

and over to the savanna overlook

The savanna overlook by the pool is supposed to have night vision googles out and Mom and I talked about going there to check it out one night but that never happened. Next time!

We were back in the room around 7:30 so we decided to turn on the tv. It was Monday night so we could watch trashy tv until we fell asleep. The Bachelorette was on that night. Well, the tv wouldn't turn on???? The lights on the remote were flashing so it wasn't a battery problem so must be a tv problem. Well, it wasn't plugged in. I had to shine my phone flashlight behind that giant tv stand/dresser to see that sure enough, the tv was unplugged. Why it was unplugged or how it became unplugged is a mystery. There was no way I was going to attempt to move that dresser, not to mention I shouldn't have to, so I called up maintenance to come and fix our problem.

While I waited for maintenance I went out to the balcony and saw these guys chasing each other around.

Maintenance showed up pretty quickly and got everything sorted and we were able to watch the crazy antics on the Bachelorette. I feel a little ashamed that I spent my first night in Disney watching tv but we were tired. Better to go to bed early and have energy to start the next day off on a well rested foot, right?

Coming Up: We dine with an adventurous bunch
Well, when we exited we saw that the other half of the store is down for refurbishment. Anybody know what they are doing?

I hope they get done soon! I miss World of Disney I think they're making it roomier and more modern looking. They unveiled a portion of it today, and it looks more in line with the way other things in DS are decorated, and there's more space to move about because it was always so crowded in there.
World of Disney is always crowded on a regular basis, closing down sections for refurbishment made it so much worse! I don't blame you for leaving the place quickly.

Those dresses at the Co Op are gorgeous but not cheap.

I love the Incredibles themed Starbucks drinks! Some of them sounded pretty good, too.

I don't blame you for skipping AK and making it an easy night. Disney can be exhausting and it's better to rest when you can; you wanted to be fresh for your first park day!
Enjoying the start of your trip! The last time I was at WDW (May 2016) we left the day that the new Disney Springs opened, so I have yet to see it! Maybe next year!
Enjoying your trip report so far! Sounds like it has the makings of a great one. I love those dresses too, but I would never have occasion to wear one. I do, however, have the Mary Poppins Dooney & Bourke wallet, and it was one of the best things I've ever bought. I love it.
I occasionally feel guilty when i watch TV on vacation, but sometimes you just need to rest and distraction can be good!
Of course there was the time in Mexico that I had to spend all day in my room due to bad sunburn and I binge watched the Kardashians because it was the only thing playing in English, but that is a different story...
I hope they get done soon! I miss World of Disney I think they're making it roomier and more modern looking. They unveiled a portion of it today, and it looks more in line with the way other things in DS are decorated, and there's more space to move about because it was always so crowded in there.

Ahh, I hope that is what they are doing. WoD was always so crowded so it would be nicer if it was a bit roomier.

World of Disney is always crowded on a regular basis, closing down sections for refurbishment made it so much worse! I don't blame you for leaving the place quickly.

Those dresses at the Co Op are gorgeous but not cheap.

I love the Incredibles themed Starbucks drinks! Some of them sounded pretty good, too.

I don't blame you for skipping AK and making it an easy night. Disney can be exhausting and it's better to rest when you can; you wanted to be fresh for your first park day!

I loved the Co-op dresses; one of my struggles with spending the money is if I would ever wear one outside of Disney.
Enjoying the start of your trip! The last time I was at WDW (May 2016) we left the day that the new Disney Springs opened, so I have yet to see it! Maybe next year!

Be prepared for it it to be totally different!

Off to a great start! nothing wrong with watching TV on vacation!

:laughing: It just felt so wrong laying around in bed watching tv when I could've been on a safari. But you are right, there is nothing wrong with watching tv on vacation.
Enjoying your trip report so far! Sounds like it has the makings of a great one. I love those dresses too, but I would never have occasion to wear one. I do, however, have the Mary Poppins Dooney & Bourke wallet, and it was one of the best things I've ever bought. I love it.

Yes, my debate with the dresses was would I wear them outside of the parks.

I love the Disney Dooney's. I bought a Sketch bag several years ago and it still regularly makes it into my purse rotation.

I occasionally feel guilty when i watch TV on vacation, but sometimes you just need to rest and distraction can be good!
Of course there was the time in Mexico that I had to spend all day in my room due to bad sunburn and I binge watched the Kardashians because it was the only thing playing in English, but that is a different story...

:laughing: Oh dear. Reminds me of when my knee was injured in Banff so I spent all day in the trailer watching Modern Family while my family was out hiking the mountains.
We love the room, 3596. There are almost always a ton of animals outside the room and it is in a nice quiet corner and is very private. It is not a connecting room so noise from the only neighbouring room is minimal. It is on the same side of the hotel as the pool, restaurants and bus stops. The only downside of this room? It is all the way at the end of Zebra Trail, literally the furthest point from the lobby. The trek to the room is worth it for us though because as I said, we love this room!
It sounds like an awesome room! With amazing views! Maybe I need to try writing out more in my room request; I think last time I just used whatever Touring Plans sent over. Though this time I'll be in a standard studio villa in Jambo House and there's only like 15 of them with 4 having savanna views and the rest having a pool view!

We are not sure why the animals like to hang out in this area so much but there always seemed to be a ton in comparison to the views we saw from the windows along the Zebra Trail hallway showcasing the rest of the savanna.
Maybe that's where they get fed?

I just love the wallpaper in the sink area.

Oh I know! Whenever I was getting ready in the bathroom I would just stare at all the details!

The Mickey Mousse had a subtle flavour to it. I thought it was good and not too sweet, fairly light. Mom didn't really care for it.
I liked it too. Very yummy!

Next we went to World of Disney which was packed to the gills. It didn't help that half the store was missing! I was very confused when we went through a few rooms and that was it. Where did the rest of the store go? Well, when we exited we saw that the other half of the store is down for refurbishment. Anybody know what they are doing?
They just reopened it and I am not a fan. Looks like a big brick warehouse now without the fantasy theming. Not Disney enough!

I think we went into the co-op next where I tried on some of the dresses. I was torn between the Magic Kingdom dress and the Small World dress. I liked them both but I decided not to get anything that day. The dresses were over $100 each so I really wanted to think about it and not make an impulse buy which is a shocker for me as I am the queen of impulse shopping.
I ended up getting the Magic Kingdom dress (the blue one, right)? I love it - it has pockets which are amazingly convenient!

Maintenance showed up pretty quickly and got everything sorted and we were able to watch the crazy antics on the Bachelorette. I feel a little ashamed that I spent my first night in Disney watching tv but we were tired. Better to go to bed early and have energy to start the next day off on a well rested foot, right?
I agree, better to rest than push yourself too hard at the beginning!
One of our favorites is Blaze, very good pizza for a great price

I am always so tired on our first day, I often feel like a dazed tourist:rotfl:


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