MAW Trip of a Lifetime....1st time to WDW! -Beach Update!

Kaleb's transplant is on Tuesday, so I've been trying to get things ready for it. Since we are almost 4 hours from the hospital, we have been trying to juggle our farm and other kids. There aren't too many people who will or can watch a farm in our area any more since everything is moving away from small family farms to large ones. My mom will be caring for our other two. My nephew will be taking care of the chickens and dog, but the cattle will have to fend for themselves at the creek. I am thankful to those people who have offered help and mostly to God who has worked out many of the details that no one else could.

I think in regards to Disney, we'll plan on eating counterservice for most of our meals. Free dining will be over but I can't justify $20+/per person meals everyday for 5 people. Thank you all for recommending ADR's. I think there are probably some good counterservice places, and we'll be playing those by ear. I do plan on using the Wish lounges as much as possible. I may try to get tickets to Medeival Times. I have enoyed my trips to the one in CA in High School and think the kids would enjoy the horses and knights. This might work well since they give the Wish child's admit free and everyone else 50% off.

Thank you all for the great boards to read and for your help and I look forward to reading more and learning more from you all. Thanks
Medieval times is great with kids! I loved it when I was younger.

And try Cosmic Rays in the Magic Kingdom as one of your counter service!~ It was great. Huge portions you can def share. I think you have to go to dif lines for dif items- but we went in one line and got chicken and hamburgers, so I am not sure on that one. :confused3 But it was yummy and not expensive for our family of 5.

Good lunch with the transplant. You're one of my hero mommies! A mommy that has gone above and beyond for your kiddo- just as a good mommy should! :hug: I will pray for you guys to do great and have the speediest recoveries ever!! :flower3: And also that the cows do ok in your absence! :lmao:
Kalebs transplant was postponed due to a Peritoneal infection. I am not sure what we are going to be doing yet in regards to the transplant and our MAW trip. By God's grace things will work out. :)
I'm so sorry to hear about the postponement! You're right, though, everything will work out -- it just takes a lot of faith. Hang in there!
I can't recall who it was, but I definitely recall a couple of families having to reschedule, some at the last minute. They understand medical things cannot be helped, and it's the whole reason you qualify for a wish anyway.
:eek:Hi everybody, my son's kidney transplant was postponed until Sept, so we are having to move our trip to later next year (We live on a ranch in NE and getting away in the winter is nigh impossible). I was wondering... we can go in the spring around easter---April 18-24 or we would have to wait until next Sept or Oct.... easter is late this year and I was wondering how much spring break would affect this trip. Has anyone gone under these circumstances? I believe most college spring breaks will be earlier, but high schools and lower would be around easter. Any advice? I really would prefer to avoid huge crowds and I know Sept/Oct are some of the lowest.
:eek:Hi everybody, my son's kidney transplant was postponed until Sept, so we are having to move our trip to later next year (We live on a ranch in NE and getting away in the winter is nigh impossible). I was wondering... we can go in the spring around easter---April 18-24 or we would have to wait until next Sept or Oct.... easter is late this year and I was wondering how much spring break would affect this trip. Has anyone gone under these circumstances? I believe most college spring breaks will be earlier, but high schools and lower would be around easter. Any advice? I really would prefer to avoid huge crowds and I know Sept/Oct are some of the lowest.

I'm so sorry that the transplant has to be delayed, I would think but i could be wrong that even during spring break persay that while yes airports would be busy that disney itself may not be overly so because of kids vacations being scattered throughout the country , and as far as the college kids go, they usually flock to the coast/ miami etc so i wouldnt think that would be much of an issue ? Just my thoughts on it somewhere on the net i found a timeline that gives the busy times vs lower population times of disney, if i can find it again i will post you the link. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and i hope all stays well for you guys while waiting for transplant. :grouphug:
Thank you for replying. If you find the schedule I would be greatful. I'm leaning towards the spring, those dates are my two other childrens and husbands birthdays (his is on easter) and think it would be fun to celebrate bdays in th parks!
I have seen the cute things that the BIG GIVErs have gifted and when I saw this on Etsy.( it was 50% off), I got it, couldn't pass up $9. I think my little girl is so cute in it and she loves it soooo much!




My boys both love their plush penguin named DUCKY... here is a photo of DUCKY

:eek:Hi everybody, my son's kidney transplant was postponed until Sept, so we are having to move our trip to later next year (We live on a ranch in NE and getting away in the winter is nigh impossible). I was wondering... we can go in the spring around easter---April 18-24 or we would have to wait until next Sept or Oct.... easter is late this year and I was wondering how much spring break would affect this trip. Has anyone gone under these circumstances? I believe most college spring breaks will be earlier, but high schools and lower would be around easter. Any advice? I really would prefer to avoid huge crowds and I know Sept/Oct are some of the lowest.

The crowds are definitely higher around Easter. If I had a choice between the 2, I would pick the Sept/Oct timeframe. My prayers are with your family.
I have seen the cute things that the BIG GIVErs have gifted and when I saw this on Etsy.( it was 50% off), I got it, couldn't pass up $9. I think my little girl is so cute in it and she loves it soooo much!




My boys both love their plush penguin named DUCKY... here is a photo of DUCKY


That's such a cute dress and not a bad price.
I agree! Very cute dress, and great price!!! :goodvibes

And as far as the trip goes- Easter is one of the busiest times of the year, but I would think with your GAC it would be doable. Ask your kiddo- does he want a birthday trip, but it will be super crowded and hot; or does he want a non-birthday trip, but potentially with the Halloween party and less crowded and not as hot? A birthday trip sounds cool, but so does Halloween! Could you ask him what he would prefer or is that not an option. I kinda forgot how old your kiddo is.... oops.... or even ask yourself, lol!
It's fun to have a little girl to dress up!

Thanks for the thoughts. I'll have to ask him what he thinks. I don't like going when you can's see for a sea of people. I went to Disneyland on the 4th once, on Christas once, and learned quickly that I didn't enjoy being there those days.

Sometimes I get frustrated at the tie that binds us to the ranch, it's a tight one, but I wouldn't bring my children up anywhere else. It's a good place, and it has taken me time to adjust from city to country, but there aren't the worries here that I grew up with in CA. I look forward to our trip be it whenever, that my children will be able to enjoy it with the best health we can muster, and with the wonder of childhood whose eyes shine new light into our lives.
I'm so sorry Kaleb's transplant has been pushed back. I'm sure you are anxious for it to be over with.

October is a perfect time to go to WDW. We always do Oct/Nov trips. The weather is usually very mild, but you can still swim, and it's not crowded at all.
We went to DL on NY Day one year and it was great! People were apparently too hungover to make it to the park that day. :lmao:

Phoebe's Wish Trip was in late April. I requested the dates because I wanted to avoid Easter. Apparently there were still some school breaks to deal with, but it was not crazy, shoulder to shoulder crowds. With a little rain, or a lot, the parks were mostly empty. :rotfl:
Hi Brooke.. I've just read about you and your family. Sorry that the surgery was postponed and hence the trip.. I know next September is sooo long away but I think having the smaller crowds might be more enjoyable. Also if you go in the middle of September you will have a chance to goto MNSSHP! That being said.... you have the GAC which will help you bypass most ride lines. So if you do decide to go during a busier time, you will still enjoy yourself. :goodvibes

I'll be following your report. :surfweb:

With a little rain, or a lot, the parks were mostly empty. :rotfl:

:scared1::scared1: Very true!!!! :lmao:
Hi friends,I just wanted to leave a brief update. It's been a hile since I posted... thing have been busy like most of yours! Kaleb's transplant was postponed a second time to Oct.5th. Right when we were supposed to go to WDW! We've been having trouble with his catheter andwith peritonitis. But we are glad it will be here soon. I hope everyone's trip planning is going well.
We were blessed by a ministry towards children on dialysis and having a kidney transplant with two beautiful hand-crocheted afghans. Each square was cropcheted by a different perons, and the whole thing was assembled by another person.


Kaleb is shown here holding his afghan.


Here he is with mine! They sent me one! I was totally surprised. We will be using them before and after the surgery next week.

Then maybe we can begin replanning our DW trip! I think they'll go with us too!

I thought these would be nice to share. Thanks.
We went to DL on NY Day one year and it was great! People were apparently too hungover to make it to the park that day. :lmao:

Phoebe's Wish Trip was in late April. I requested the dates because I wanted to avoid Easter. Apparently there were still some school breaks to deal with, but it was not crazy, shoulder to shoulder crowds. With a little rain, or a lot, the parks were mostly empty. :rotfl:

Lol - we have been to WDW on NY day too!!! Its a fun day to go and hardly crowded in the am at all!!!

We were there on Daniels Wish Trip at the same time as Phoebe!! It was kind of hot for us during that time! Althought if you like to swim, we did lots of that!!! The days that Daniel was too fatigued to come into the park with us we thought it was tooo crowded! When he was with us, he was able to take us to the front of the line though!!:wizard:

Love the Blankets!! Praying for you all as the transplant comes up!!!


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