We think that the deck show is amazing, do not miss it.
Both the USO show and the Doctor Strange show are well worth your time.
Take a look at the cruise options, ahead of time. There will be opportunities for meet and greets that you need to schedule. They might include heroes of New York including Spider-Man and Iron Man. In the past, there’s also been a meet and greet opportunity with Groot and either Star Lord or Gamora.
In addition to the meet and greets in the daily navigator, they’re also tend to be quite a few walk rounds. We often found Hawkeye up on the fifth floor – he said he can see better from up there!
We have done three MDAS cruises, each of them has included a talk with a Marvel artist, either a comic artist or someone who has work in the movies.
They will obviously show lots of Marvel movies during your cruise. There were two times where going to the movies was extra special. We went to see Thor Ragnarok, not long after it. It opened. The preview for that was Black Panther. While the trailer was playing we noticed that Black Panther had come into the theater and was watching the preview. As people began to notice he was there. Everybody began to clap and cheer. It’s the only time I ever saw people clapping for a preview. The second special movie was when we saw the premier for Captain Marvel. I really enjoyed that movie, but it was the one that started with the tribute to Stan Lee. Lots of people clapping and cheering at that one too.
I really hope you enjoy the MDAS cruises, they have been some of our favorites.