Married, no kids right NOW thread!

I'm so excited to find this thread! My hubby and I are 30 and 32, (yes, I'm the older one lol), and we've been married for 5 1/2 years now. I've really been feeling the pressure from everyone to have a baby, but still am unsure if we are ready. We really do want kids, but have wanted to travel and enjoy being a couple. Now we are feeling like it's soon time to start since we recently just bought our first home. Do any of you ever get that feeling that you want kids, but you have a small part of you longing to stay in a "honeymooner" stage? I know that it's selfish, but I am going to miss riding the Disney Mountains and staying out as late as we want in the parks, etc. Also nice is when they announce that they need a party of 2 for a ride, that we can go ahead of others and ride. lol Love those Disney perks!

I know what you mean! As soon as we got back to the states and we'd only been married a year by that time everyone and their grandma asked us when were going to have kids. I was not ready. I'm still not a 100% sure I'm ready yet either. We've only been married for 3 years so it's kind of like I still want to enjoy just DH and myself not have a baby but at the same time I'm like year I could totally have a kid right now. So I know what you mean. I want to stay in "Honeymoon" stage but then I want a baby. So I just say....we'll come off the pill and see what happens. Haha!
I'm so excited to find this thread! My hubby and I are 30 and 32, (yes, I'm the older one lol), and we've been married for 5 1/2 years now. I've really been feeling the pressure from everyone to have a baby, but still am unsure if we are ready. We really do want kids, but have wanted to travel and enjoy being a couple. Now we are feeling like it's soon time to start since we recently just bought our first home. Do any of you ever get that feeling that you want kids, but you have a small part of you longing to stay in a "honeymooner" stage? I know that it's selfish, but I am going to miss riding the Disney Mountains and staying out as late as we want in the parks, etc. Also nice is when they announce that they need a party of 2 for a ride, that we can go ahead of others and ride. lol Love those Disney perks!

DH and I are in a similar position. We also enjoy traveling and being spontaneous in our daily lives. I agree, we feel a bit selfish too, although I don't think we should be! Just like Imagineer said, we plan on doing traveling with the kiddos as well, it's just nice doing things as a couple for awhile. We've been married three years this June and bought our home two years ago, so our families are definitely asking a lot of questions about grandkids!
I saw my dx today. I was given two options for my fibroids: surgery or lupron.

Surgery is not covered by my insurance, but Lupron is. It is a 3 month injectible which brings on menopause to shrink the fibroids.

Once I am done with the shots, we are going to look into ttc. If something works, that's great. If not, we'll have to go from there.

Gabbie (Anna, the Travel Writer)
Hello everyone! I'm new to this part of the boards. We've been together 4 years, and were married at WDW just this past January. I'm 35 and he is 40 and we're hoping to start trying for a baby in the new year. Right now, we're just enjoying each other and planning weekend trip in August for my birthday and another in October for the Epcot food & wine festival/MNSSHP. Have to use those annual passes!
Hello everyone! I'm new to this part of the boards. We've been together 4 years, and were married at WDW just this past January. I'm 35 and he is 40 and we're hoping to start trying for a baby in the new year. Right now, we're just enjoying each other and planning weekend trip in August for my birthday and another in October for the Epcot food & wine festival/MNSSHP. Have to use those annual passes!

Hello everyone! I'm new to this part of the boards. We've been together 4 years, and were married at WDW just this past January. I'm 35 and he is 40 and we're hoping to start trying for a baby in the new year. Right now, we're just enjoying each other and planning weekend trip in August for my birthday and another in October for the Epcot food & wine festival/MNSSHP. Have to use those annual passes!


We just came back from WDW today! The trip was too short and I already miss the Mouse. I am also very happy to report that my DH (who was a disney skeptic) was pleasantly surprised and had more fun than he anticipated. He even said that he can see this as a place he'd go again in the future! :yay: Thanks to everyone who gave advice prior to our trip. It helped! :)
This thread took off and died very quickly!! Apologies for not keeping up with a bit side tracked due to the summer and such. Now...just looking forward to our upcoming trip in 20 days!! :cool1:

Not sure if I mentioned it before but it's our last hurrah trip before trying to have a baby :lovestruc so should be fun!! I can only hope we don't have a ton of problems trying to conceive...but I guess we'll just wait and see. I am going to be SO side tracked looking at baby things though :cutie:

Hope things are well for all of you! Anyone else going to be there the first week of Oct?
Hi, I was excited to find this thread. DH and I are 28, have been married 4 years and together for 10. I saw a thread on here for "childless by choice" which we are for NOW but I can't say we never want children, just aren't interested at this point.

Luckily, we are both Disney obsessed and go whenever we can. I always joke I knew he was "the one" was when I learned his family goes to Disney once a year-yeah, that was the clincher. :rotfl:

Anyway, it is nice to meet you all!
Hi, I was excited to find this thread. DH and I are 28, have been married 4 years and together for 10. I saw a thread on here for "childless by choice" which we are for NOW but I can't say we never want children, just aren't interested at this point.

Luckily, we are both Disney obsessed and go whenever we can. I always joke I knew he was "the one" was when I learned his family goes to Disney once a year-yeah, that was the clincher. :rotfl:

Anyway, it is nice to meet you all!

Hi kmrein!! Glad to have you on the boards - where are you guys from?? You guys sound pretty simiar to us, though I think we're going to start trying after this upcoming trip (13 days til WDW!!) :lovestruc

You're very lucky to have a DH who loves Disney!! Mine is just sort of coming around now, though he def loves it every time we go. Just the other night I was talking about our upcoming trip (incessantly, he says) and he commented that he's now accepted this as who I am. :cool1: Which means less convincing him that I just HAVE to go back. Sometime soon I think we'll be in the once-per-year club but we'll have to buy into DVC first for that to happen (which, he's okay with too...:goodvibes)
I am 30, FH ALMOST DH :lovestruc is 34.

Getting married this november, and honeymooning in december! Can't wait! :banana:

Hoping to start a family in 2012....Not quite ready to do that yet... I guess we are still a little selfish. IF anyone is in the world from the 3rd- 17th of december, and wants to meet up for a cocktail, drop a line! :laundy:
I am 30, FH ALMOST DH :lovestruc is 34.

Getting married this november, and honeymooning in december! Can't wait! :banana:

Hoping to start a family in 2012....Not quite ready to do that yet... I guess we are still a little selfish. IF anyone is in the world from the 3rd- 17th of december, and wants to meet up for a cocktail, drop a line! :laundy:

Aww CONGRATS!! That's awesome. What a wonderful time to go, too!! We spent our Disneymoon during the first week of December (back in 2007). It was so great - that and early October are our favorite times to go. Hope you have a wonderful wedding & dmoon. :goodvibes
The DW and I have been married for 4 years. I'm 32 and she's currently 27. We plan to have kids one day but, as others have said, right now we're being selfish and just enjoying ourselves. We've been to a Disney resort once a year since we've been married, including our honeymoon trip, and we love it! We have no qualms about busting up in a character meal and taking tons of pics of ourselves with the characters, or riding the "kiddie" rides, or anything like that.
My wife's favorite things about WDW are the resorts (we try a different one every time), World Showcase, and the dining.
I'm really only there for the Haunted Mansion, but I love it all dearly, especially the history and vision behind the place.
Hi, Imagineer5, thanks for the welcome! We are from Milwaukee, WI. (About a 25 hour drive to WDW... )

We have been looking at the VC, too. It'll probably be awhile but I think it is definitely in our future.

Since my DH and I are both completely obsessed when it comes to Disney, our latest challenge has been trying to convince my parents to join us on an upcoming trip. We are for sure planning one with my younger sister in Nov 2011 (sister will be 21 at that point) and would LOVE to have my parents join us, but my dad is a total skeptic about going back (he's been on two family trips when my sister and I were young). We're slowly working on him (one of my plans is to tell him all about the awesome food we'll be eating, I think that'll work well). I am hoping, like your DH, that once he actually gets down there he will quickly realize that "error of his ways," LOL.
The DW and I have been married for 4 years. I'm 32 and she's currently 27. We plan to have kids one day but, as others have said, right now we're being selfish and just enjoying ourselves. We've been to a Disney resort once a year since we've been married, including our honeymoon trip, and we love it! We have no qualms about busting up in a character meal and taking tons of pics of ourselves with the characters, or riding the "kiddie" rides, or anything like that.
My wife's favorite things about WDW are the resorts (we try a different one every time), World Showcase, and the dining.
I'm really only there for the Haunted Mansion, but I love it all dearly, especially the history and vision behind the place.

Hi!! Looks like we'll be down there at the same time!! How long are you going to be at the World?? Our dates are 9/30-10/10.

That's so great you've tried different resorts each time - so which have you stayed at?? I've only stayed at the YC & CBR, but adding BCV & AKV this trip. The dining is def awesome, we're trying out the DxDP this time since we love TS restaurants, esp the signature ones. HM is great!! And it's definitely a magical place to remember the history of the Disney company and how it all came about! Love it! :wizard:

Hi, Imagineer5, thanks for the welcome! We are from Milwaukee, WI. (About a 25 hour drive to WDW... )

We have been looking at the VC, too. It'll probably be awhile but I think it is definitely in our future.

Since my DH and I are both completely obsessed when it comes to Disney, our latest challenge has been trying to convince my parents to join us on an upcoming trip. We are for sure planning one with my younger sister in Nov 2011 (sister will be 21 at that point) and would LOVE to have my parents join us, but my dad is a total skeptic about going back (he's been on two family trips when my sister and I were young). We're slowly working on him (one of my plans is to tell him all about the awesome food we'll be eating, I think that'll work well). I am hoping, like your DH, that once he actually gets down there he will quickly realize that "error of his ways," LOL.

Aw that's so nice that you guys are trying to get your families involved in the Disney obsession!! :goodvibes Neither of ours are EVER going to love it, though I can see having one set of parents with us when we have kids. They'd probably go for them, but not for us which is fine by me since I don't want anyone else there to worry about anyway!! I already worry too much about DH's happiness during the trip. :laughing: The dining would def win over DH's parents though, and my mom *might* be coming around bc at every chance I get I mention how great Disney is w/ food intolerances as she has celiac disease (no gluten for her). It is nice you have a sister to go with though. I literally know NO ONE who loves Disney like I do. Closest would be DH, and that's a huge ways away from my enjoyment. Oh well.. that's why I have the DIS!!

Speaking of which, anyone in the MA area on here? It'd be awesome to meet some local couples our age who also love the DIS!
Aww CONGRATS!! That's awesome. What a wonderful time to go, too!! We spent our Disneymoon during the first week of December (back in 2007). It was so great - that and early October are our favorite times to go. Hope you have a wonderful wedding & dmoon. :goodvibes

Thank you!!!!!
Hi!! Looks like we'll be down there at the same time!! How long are you going to be at the World?? Our dates are 9/30-10/10.

That's so great you've tried different resorts each time - so which have you stayed at?? I've only stayed at the YC & CBR, but adding BCV & AKV this trip. The dining is def awesome, we're trying out the DxDP this time since we love TS restaurants, esp the signature ones. HM is great!! And it's definitely a magical place to remember the history of the Disney company and how it all came about! Love it! :wizard:

We'll be down from the 1st of October through the 8th, attending MNSSHP on one of those nights. After that we're driving down to the Keys! I've never been there, but the wife has and she loves it. We're gonna relax and do some fishing and outdoorsy kind of stuff. Should be fun...

This time we're gonna stay at the Poly, but so far we've stayed at the Wilderness Lodge (our honeymoon), Pop Century, Boardwalk Inn, and the Disneyland Hotel in CA. We're really excited about this coming trip b/c my wife loves Polynesian and Hawaiian stuff, so she's always wanted to stay at the Polynesian Village.
Hi, I was excited to find this thread. DH and I are 28, have been married 4 years and together for 10. I saw a thread on here for "childless by choice" which we are for NOW but I can't say we never want children, just aren't interested at this point.

Luckily, we are both Disney obsessed and go whenever we can. I always joke I knew he was "the one" was when I learned his family goes to Disney once a year-yeah, that was the clincher. :rotfl:

Anyway, it is nice to meet you all!

I'm getting married in a few days and so far we are planning on remaining childless by choice. I'm 31 and have never felt that "biological tick" but enjoy kids, fiance is 26 and says he's happy either way.

However, not everyone understands our lifestyle choice and I've been recently told by one of his sisters that we're selfish for not having kids.

I can't make up my mind on whether or not I want to do a character breakfast. Part of me is pretty nervous that I'll feel really out of place and awkward, the other part of me wants to experience Disney as much as I can.
We'll be down from the 1st of October through the 8th, attending MNSSHP on one of those nights. After that we're driving down to the Keys! I've never been there, but the wife has and she loves it. We're gonna relax and do some fishing and outdoorsy kind of stuff. Should be fun...

This time we're gonna stay at the Poly, but so far we've stayed at the Wilderness Lodge (our honeymoon), Pop Century, Boardwalk Inn, and the Disneyland Hotel in CA. We're really excited about this coming trip b/c my wife loves Polynesian and Hawaiian stuff, so she's always wanted to stay at the Polynesian Village.

Wow the Keys should be gorgeous! Never been either, def on my to-do list but WDW keeps getting in the way! :rotfl:

I'm getting married in a few days and so far we are planning on remaining childless by choice. I'm 31 and have never felt that "biological tick" but enjoy kids, fiance is 26 and says he's happy either way.

However, not everyone understands our lifestyle choice and I've been recently told by one of his sisters that we're selfish for not having kids.

I can't make up my mind on whether or not I want to do a character breakfast. Part of me is pretty nervous that I'll feel really out of place and awkward, the other part of me wants to experience Disney as much as I can.

Wow congrats on the upcoming wedding!!! When's your next trip to WDW? DO the character meals, definitely! Don't worry about feeling out of place, there's certainly a lot of children but lots of adults too!! DH & I are doing CP, CRT, Ohana...hmm I think that's it for character meals. I've never felt out of place though :goodvibes
ChiCat, My husband and I had a breakfast date at Chef Mickeys a few years ago and we had a BLAST. It's actually a really nice memory I have from that trip. I didn't feel out of place and the characters certainly didn't makes us feel strange for not having kids in our group - they still stopped at our table just like at everyone else's. I don't remember for sure but I am about 90% certain we weren't the only childless adults there. If it's something you think you might enjoy, GO FOR IT!
ChiCat, My husband and I had a breakfast date at Chef Mickeys a few years ago and we had a BLAST. It's actually a really nice memory I have from that trip. I didn't feel out of place and the characters certainly didn't makes us feel strange for not having kids in our group - they still stopped at our table just like at everyone else's. I don't remember for sure but I am about 90% certain we weren't the only childless adults there. If it's something you think you might enjoy, GO FOR IT!

Indeed, well said!
The DW and I love the character meals and do at least one every trip! We've never felt out of place at all! This is mostly due to two things:

#1. You're never going to see any of these people again for the rest of your life, so why worry about what they think???

#2. The CMs always make us feel VERY welcome and appreciated. This includes the characters.

I say, if you think you might like it, try it out and to heck with any and all naysayers! :banana:

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