marcia's journal (comments welcome!)

Wow can you pass some of that inspiration on to me! I, too, feel like I scrutinize every little thing. I'm really trying to stay focused on the exercising but I know that I'm obsessing about the food too. I've made better choices, but then I've made some not so hot choices too. I know deep down what it takes to be healthy and I just need to stick to it and not worry as much.

:grouphug: Hugs to you and your family and the memory of your grandfather.

I hope you have a great Sunday, Marcia!
:wave2: Hi Marcia,
I hope you are thoroughly enjoying a nice relaxing weekend of "Marcia" time ::yes:: ! Only you know in your heart what's right for you and maybe WW isn't it now. Like you said, it was a good thing for a time but now it's adding pressure and you don't need that. We'll all be here for you no matter what, Marcia :hug: . Hope you have a great day :sunny: !

You were one of the first people to offer me encouragement here and I want you to know that many people feel your pain right now. Ultimately, it is up to you decide what is right for your life. We will continue to support you in any way we can.

Remember, it takes rain to have a rainbow!


Dear Marcia,

I feel your pain, girlfriend! I've been in those blue funks before and it is NOT a good time!! :( I'm sending you lots of :hug: !!!

There was a point (maybe a month ago??) when I felt totally overwhelmed. I actually gave up worrying about food for a week. I was mentally exhausted and just couldn't do it anymore. I survived! :D I got to a point where I felt ready to go back to my eating plan in about a week. Have you ever been on a vacation when you were having a lot of fun, but you were ready to go home? Walking back into your own house and sleeping in your own bed just felt so wonderful?? Well, that's how I felt after a week of not worrying about my food. I just wanted the comfort of my food plan and had no problem going back to it, as if it were "home" after a long vacation. It wasn't a drudge or an obsession anymore - just a comfortable habit that I wanted to fall back into.

I don't know if you'll feel that way or not, but I wanted to share my experience with you.

We'll all be here for you, no matter what. :grouphug: Your journal is the place for you to be honest with yourself. It's a safe place to put your thoughts and feelings - even the scary ones and the uncomfortable ones.

About the journals, Marcia.....I really struggle with this one. For a while I felt like I "needed" to get to everyone's journal every day. Not because I "had" to, but because I really wanted to. I love supporting everyone else here and it's hard when I have to accept the limitations of time. The reality is that I have a husband, 2 teenagers, a dog, a home, a full-time job, extended family and friends, the laundry, the cooking, etc, etc. and I can't let these journals interfere with real life. I still agonize over not getting to everyone's journal all the time, and I keep trying to figure out a rotation system so I can do them all over a couple days. If I figure out the answer, I'll let you know. I guess I just wanted to let you know that we are only human and there are only so many hours in the day. Spending 2 or 3 or more hours online every day to do journals is just not practical. It also isn't necessary. There are many of us here and somehow, whoever needs support or celebration gets it - maybe not from all of us, but from enough of us.

Sorry I've babbled on so much. Guess I had a lot to share tonight. :p I hope you are feeling better and enjoying the warmer weather. :sunny:

Hi Marcia! How is your Monday going? I hope your seeing some of this beautiful :sunny: today - somehow it always helps on a Monday!:tongue:
How does your week look? Any break from the OT? I hope so!:rolleyes:
Whatever you do Marcia, Just take good care of you! That is what WISH is all about!::yes:: We are here to support you in any way that you need it. So if you want to moan about too much work, not enough free time, whatever, this is the place. We also want to celebrate with you when you run *gulp* 8 miles in a day. After all, there is NO way I'll EVER do that, so I'll just have to live vicariously through you!:p Basically, what I am saying is, don't lose touch with your WISH buddies, whatever road your life takes you. We will still be here to offer support and encouragement for you. Plus, we need some of your silliness!:crazy:
Hi Marcia! :wave:

I hope that you got to have a relaxing weekend and are now quite refreshing and tackling the dreaded Monday with a vengeance.

Have a great day!

~Angela :wave2:
Hi, Marcia. :wave2: Just coming over to say Happy Tuesday. I hope things are going OK.

:hug: ,
hey you guys :) i know i haven't posted to my own journal in a few days, so that is my number 1 order of business today ::yes::

the weekend...well, it didn't go so well, but i'm over it. i was a tad busy, so i used that as an excuse, oops :rolleyes: . i kinda just ate whatever, and i dind't have a chance to run saturday or sunday! i was busy cleaning out my room saturday because we have company coming next weekend. sunday was a good busy though. me and my dad do fantasy baseball, you know, like yahoo has these leagues? well, ours is done in real life. we go to someone's house an hour away and the draft takes about 5 hours. i'm the only girl, it's lots of fun :). most people would think it's boring because it's mostly just sitting around, but the time flies because you're working on strategy the whole time. we weren't able to do it for the past 2 years because my dad was away on business, so it was really nice to get back to it :bounce:

so i was feeling down about not being able to run, but i got right back on track yesterday. after work, i went home, got changed, then i just grabbed my water pack, and headed out the door. just started going, no set time i wanted, no set distance. i ran up a huuuuge steep hill, thank goodness it was at the beginning of the run! the rest was pretty flat, or downhill, otherwise, i may have died :p . ended up going 6 miles total. good, good.

oh yeah, and i planned to wake up at 5am to watch the yankees opening game this morning, even went to bed at 9:30 last night, but well, my alarm went off and i said no thanks. then my dad came in at 5:20, all excited like a little kid "you coming?? you coming??" sorry dad, i'm too tired! that run wiped me out! oh well. and they lost! i was up in time to see the end. so that's sad. tampa bay? i mean, come on, they're terrible! but at least it's only one game. right back at em tomorrow at 5am...i may try to get up again, we'll see what time i get to bed tonight. it IS american idol night after all :teeth:

so just in case you didn't know, i'm a bigger yankee fan than i am a ranger fan. so baseball takes over my life at around this time of the year :teeth: . i can't wait till opening day at the stadium! i love my yankees :teeth:

okey dokey, my boss doesn't seem to be in work till later today, so as long as no one else dumps work on me, i'm going to have a chance to make it to some more journals this morning :bounce:
I appreciate the welcome and the support!

I posted a couple ww recipes on the (healthy living? pardon my newbieness) recipe index. The baked ziti with artichokes is only 5 points a serving and helps me keep within my point range on those days when I know I'm going to have a dinner problem due to all day snacking. I'm a big snacker, though, and if you haven't tried the ww big fudge bars or chocolate chocolate sundaes, I highly recommend them.

I checked out the first and last days of your journal and I'm inspired by your exercise regimen. I have spend the last 10 years watching a 5K and saying "next year" and this past weekend was the last year, thye're not running it anymore and I never ran it. I hope that's a wake up call to me to help me realize how long I've procrastinated taking up running!

Have a great day!

Look at you Marcia, posting to everyones journal this morning!:p Glad to see you had a chance to get to them.
Go YANKEES!!!!:Pinkbounc :bounce: We are huge Yankee fans too. Too bad they lost this am!:( Well, maybe we can get them tomorrow!:tongue: But I am so psyched that it is baseball season again. I love watching the games!
Glad to see you got your running in yesterday - I know how much you enjoy it! :eek: Don't overdo it though getting back to it - take it slow!
Hope your having a great day today Marcia!:sunny:
:wave2: Hi Marcia,
That run sounds so awesome. I'm so glad you just set out with no plan and really enjoyed it :D . Baseball at 5 am :eek: ?! Sounds like great bonding with your dad, though. My dh does a fantasy football league like the one you described but he won't let me go since no one else's wife gets into football :rolleyes: . I'm glad your dad and you get to go together :D .

Hope you have a great day and enjoy AI tonight. I won't be able to watch since I'll be at a meeting so you'll have to let me know who was good and who stunk ;) ! My current favorite is George. I just love his cute little smile. He makes me smile just watching him :teeth: . I also like Jennifer, Fantasia, and John Peter Lewis. The Frank Sinatra kid can go as well as the two girls from Hawaii.
Hi Marcia! :wave:

The fantasy baseball league sounds like lots of fun. What a great thing to be able to share with your dad. My sister is a big Yankees fan (make that an A-Rod fan), so I'm sure I'll be subjected to lots of baseball talk this season. I actually love the sport, but I can't get DH interested in it at all. Isn't that weird? :crazy:

Hope that you had a relaxing evening in front of the tube! Have a great Wednesday!

~Angela :wave2:
Marcia: Fantasy baseball - not something I go for - but you'd definitely fit in here at FOX Sports. Some of the crew participate in 3 or more leagues.

I understand your frustration about obsessing about food. I get so tired of counting carbs, weighing and measuring and mostly feeling guilty if I eat too much of this or not eat at all. Sometimes I'm just not hungry, so why force myself to eat? But I also fret about going back to "starvation mode".

With your level of activity, I think you're right to not obsess and to just make good choices for a week or two. Then you can set goals and go back to the "letter of the law" when you are ready.

Keep your chin up, girlfriend. And best of luck with the Fantasy league.

Wow, Yankee game, that sounds like so much fun! Makes me think about those foot long hot dogs, mmm. But without the bun for me!:p
disneygoof - thanks for the heads up on the recipes, i'll be sure to check em out! and i'd definitely suggest picking up running if that interests you, i love it!

sharon - yeah, i'm sad they lost, but as you can see, i'm awake now watching the 2nd game. i figure, maybe they lost cause i didn't wake i took one for the team and woke up early today :p . and yay i did get to make it to lots of journals yestday AND run again :teeth:

val - yeah, it was really nice to just say, here i go, and just go :). that's so silly that they don't want you in the football league! i guess i got myself in good with the guys early...i was about 14 when i first started, so i guess it's easier for guys to accept a young girl into the crowd than a fully grown woman...who knows :p

angela - that is so weird that you love baseball and dh doesn't! but i guess it's becoming more common this day and age for women to be the sports fans. good for us :teeth:

laurie - i do worry about the whole starvation mode, but then i realize that i'm having a dunkin donuts muffin this morning for breakfast (had to go out and pick up coffee for me and i got some goodies too :p ), so i think it all evens out, for me at least. i do make sure i have a substantial meal/snack a couple hours before i run to make sure i don't bonk though.

lisa - hehe, i do love my baseball. happy to report i am *not* a fan of hotdogs though. i'm really not a fan of any sports type foods, well, unless you count the ice cream sundaes they have :p

so yeah, as you can see, i got up this morning like i said i would. yeah, and the yankees are losing 1-0 in the first inning! what's up with that?? come on boys, i didn't get up to see a loss :rolleyes:

anyway, yesterday i got in a quick 3 miler after work, didn't want to push too hard since the day before was 6. today should be 4, it'll have to be inside though, since it's raining. bleh, stinky rain. then tomorrow, i'll take a day off since i have to stay late at work. at least i've been getting out of work at 5 all week this week (and will today too), tomorrow is just the requisite "every other thursday" payroll sort/fedex. so i'm prepared for it, even if i'm not thrilled about it :o

so how could i forget about american idol??? i absolutely love george. he's my favorite. i've made the decision :). i thought camille was bad again, along with john peter, and of course, stupid red head weasley john who i hate. i really like jasmine though too. latoya sounded good, so did amy. i am not a fantasia fan, i just can't get over the macy gray sound. oh and jennifer just seems to overdo it for me. i'm forgetting someone...oh goodness, diana! how could i forget her. i like her too ::yes:: . she seems like a great kid who's always having fun :bounce: . so there's my analysis. i'd love to see weasley out of there, but i have a feeling it might be camille tonight. guess we'll see.

alright, i'm going to go enjoy my coffee, lay on the couch, and watch my yankees. have a great day everyone :bounce:
Hi, Marcia :wave2: I was thinking of you today while eating my oatmeal:p . Have a great day.:D

Hi Marcia!
Baseball season has arrived! Which means warmer weather... I hope. Baseball and football are my favorite sports behind gymnastics, which we should be seeing a lot more of soon since this is an Olympic year. Opening day here in Cleveland is on April 12th. In the past, we have had snow... Let's hope that's not the case this year.

It sounds like things are slowing down for you at work. Plus, you are doing a great job getting your running in too!

Hope you have a wonderful day and I hope that the Yankees cooperate and give you a win today! Take care!

Your running is amazing!! Good for you!!

Getting up early to see the Yankees?? Fantasy baseball?? Well, we all have our vices.... :p I'm not a big sports fan. I only follow NASCAR a bit because my DH is a fan and I don't want to be a Sunday afternoon widow. ;) Chalk it up to the things we do for love! ::yes::

Thank goodness work is slowing down a bit and you have some free time to catch your breath!!

I'm back to my alphabetical journals again. It took me a few days to get all caught up but this seems to work well for me. At least I know I'll get around to everyone within 2-3 days.

I hope you have a great Wednesday, Marcia!! :sunny:
Hi Marcia,

Sounds like work is more under control. I hope it stays that way. You are doing a great job with your exercise. Wow.

Now AI. I don't like Fantasia either. I did think she picked a good song for herself though. We voted for Amy and Jennifer. They don't seem to have a huge following. I love George and Latoya. I hope the Weasley gets booted.

Have a good one.
How bout them Yankees?!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :teeth: What a nice way to start my morning!::yes:: Thank goodness they aren't playing anymore 5 AM gameshuh?!:tongue:

AI- Okay Sinatra boy or Camille has GOT to go. Neither one of them deserve to be there. I didn't get to hear George - get this, right as he is about to come on, the cable GOES OUT!!!:mad: Watched the whole show, just said to my husband "George ought to be very good - this is a good type of music for him" and BLAM! snowy screen! AARRGGHH! Someone told me he did very well though.:rolleyes: Jennifer - I don't know something about her just bugs me. I haven't picked my favorite yet, I just know I'm really not into Camille and John Stevens.:crazy:

Glad you got your run in yesterday and took it easy on yourself. ::yes:: Too bad with all this rain you'll have to run inside for awhile. Oh well, at least you do have access to a treadmill.
I'm also happy to hear work is back to a more normal routine for you. I know the last few weeks were pretty tough on you. Its always nice to get back to schedule. ::yes::
Hope the rest of your day goes just as well as this morning did!
:jumping1: YANKEES WIN! YANKEES WIN!!:jumping1:


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