Marathon Weekend 2026

Social media and influencers. I get it though. That is essentially their "job". Just from reading the comments on different social media channels, I had a feeling there was going to be an increased amount of people trying to register. But for us non influencers, it is kind of cool to post your accomplishment of finishing a run at Disney World. I post my pics on my IG and I always try to record video of running down Main Street and post that on my story. In a nutshell, FOMO. I really do believe that is what has caused this boom. Heck, I was having it weeks up to registration and that is why I went the charity route.
Agree, running is incredibly popular on social media right now. The lotteries for Chicago and New York saw huge year over year increases the last few years, so doesn't surprise me that Disney is also experiencing high demand. I can't even count how many videos I saw the last few days of people starting their running journey (from nothing) this month, since they got into the Disney marathon or Dopey.
I love going to the greenway to run in order to have a run setting away from traffic. And sometimes I'm annoyed at all the other people on the greenway. OTOH, I'm also happy to see so many people getting off their butts and running, walking, or riding their bikes. DItto for the races. I hate that it is so much harder to get into them of late, but OTOH gotta love all the people getting into running and sharing in the enjoyment. So it is a 2-sided coin.
Social media and influencers. I get it though. That is essentially their "job". Just from reading the comments on different social media channels, I had a feeling there was going to be an increased amount of people trying to register. But for us non influencers, it is kind of cool to post your accomplishment of finishing a run at Disney World. I post my pics on my IG and I always try to record video of running down Main Street and post that on my story. In a nutshell, FOMO. I really do believe that is what has caused this boom. Heck, I was having it weeks up to registration and that is why I went the charity route.
Meanwhile, I recently changed all my social media running photo settings to “Only Me.” :rotfl: I’m definitely well on my way to becoming a hermit who’s only seen running by the 5 other runners I regularly see on my route lol!
I can't even count how many videos I saw the last few days of people starting their running journey (from nothing) this month, since they got into the Disney marathon or Dopey.
This phenomenon has always boggled me. I’m a later in life runner myself and admittedly not exactly the consummate athlete, but it took me a few years before I even entertained the idea of running Dopey.

I mean listen, I’m rooting for everyone who signs up. I just couldn’t personally imagine starting with Dopey when I’d never run so much as a 5K. I can remember wanting to die the first time I attempted to run a single mile without stopping when I was new at this. A marathon was a pipe dream back then, to say nothing of running one as the fourth leg of a 48.6 mile challenge.
This phenomenon has always boggled me. I’m a later in life runner myself and admittedly not exactly the consummate athlete, but it took me a few years before I even entertained the idea of running Dopey.

I mean listen, I’m rooting for everyone who signs up. I just couldn’t personally imagine starting with Dopey when I’d never run so much as a 5K. I can remember wanting to die the first time I attempted to run a single mile without stopping when I was new at this. A marathon was a pipe dream back then, to say nothing of running one as the fourth leg of a 48.6 mile challenge.
"A man's got to know his limitations" - Dirty Harry

Sometimes a person needs to discover their limits - Mr Incr3dible's Corollary
Sometimes a person needs to discover their limits - Mr Incr3dible's Corollary
Indeed. And there is something to be said for aiming high. Go big or go home as it were.

Dopey became a goal of mine once I’d banked a few halfs. My philosophy on it was that I didn’t want to go through all the prep only to be crushed if I got swept, so I needed to feel reasonably confident of success before I committed mentally and financially.

But hey, that’s just what worked for me. My hat is off to every fellow runner out there and I’m rooting for them all. May none of us ever see a balloon lady.
as selfish as it sounds I wish runDisney would offer some sort of loyalty access to people who have done years and years of races but dont happen to be perfect or part of the club. i am super stressed about future signups and like above, i also had to rely on a friend even 12+ windows open myself. if i had waited i would have still made it cause a couple went live in time to beat the sellout but im worried for next year
I wish runDisney would offer some sort of loyalty access to people who have done years and years of races
I have that same thought myself but my gut is that would probably be too imbalanced against potential first timers.

But there’s gotta be a better way. I mean, I know there are pros and cons to a lottery method but isn’t that essentially what current state is anyway?
I have that same thought myself but my gut is that would probably be too imbalanced against potential first timers.

But there’s gotta be a better way. I mean, I know there are pros and cons to a lottery method but isn’t that essentially what current state is anyway?
yeah this is essentially a lottery. i dont recall if we had a true queue before, when was the place for registration, but the current system definitely is random already.

btw, I gotta stop talking about and gushing about Doing the Dopey to other runners...we dont need any more people trying to become Dopey. I kid, but not really. i just wish theyd add more spots. heck make the races start at 2 am and stagger people and you can fit more. its not like I'm still asleep at that time because im usually too nervous to sleep well anyway.
I have that same thought myself but my gut is that would probably be too imbalanced against potential first timers.

But there’s gotta be a better way. I mean, I know there are pros and cons to a lottery method but isn’t that essentially what current state is anyway?
A lottery scares me unless there’s some type of “loyalty program” as suggested above. At least right now with the help of this board most of us get in to what we want. With a pure lottery a lot of us would get completely shutout. Just look at NYC, Chicago and others with a lottery. Don’t give rD ideas.

A lottery scares me unless there’s some type of “loyalty program” as suggested above. At least right now with the help of this board most of us get in to what we want. With a pure lottery a lot of us would get completely shutout. Just look at NYC, Chicago and others with a lottery. Don’t give rD ideas.

I hope they don’t turn to a lottery based registration. As stressful as registration is, at least we still have some control of our runDisney fate (multiple devices, shared links, registering others, etc).

I felt similarly when the virtual queue started for the expo merch. As much as we hated the resellers showing up bright and early, at least we had control of when we got in line…
yeah this is essentially a lottery.

I saw someone really mad on FB a couple years ago after getting shut out on registration day. They kept yelling about wanting a lottery system or something other than what we have now. But the general consensus was why does rD need a lottery? They'd have to develop a whole brand new registration system, and make virtually 0 extra revenue from it. As long as rD sells out every race, they have no incentive to change anything. Yeah, that sucks for us, but it's their bottom line that they are worried about the most.
yeah this is essentially a lottery. i dont recall if we had a true queue before, when was the place for registration, but the current system definitely is random already.

btw, I gotta stop talking about and gushing about Doing the Dopey to other runners...we dont need any more people trying to become Dopey. I kid, but not really. i just wish theyd add more spots. heck make the races start at 2 am and stagger people and you can fit more. its not like I'm still asleep at that time because im usually too nervous to sleep well anyway.
It's a lottery... but at least you can control the number of tickets you have
This phenomenon has always boggled me. I’m a later in life runner myself and admittedly not exactly the consummate athlete, but it took me a few years before I even entertained the idea of running Dopey.

I mean listen, I’m rooting for everyone who signs up. I just couldn’t personally imagine starting with Dopey when I’d never run so much as a 5K. I can remember wanting to die the first time I attempted to run a single mile without stopping when I was new at this. A marathon was a pipe dream back then, to say nothing of running one as the fourth leg of a 48.6 mile challenge.
Someone on the RD reddit asked if it was advisable to sign up for Dopey after they "speedwalked" a 10k. Someone basically replied absolutely not and they said "what about Goofy?" :upsidedow

Started running intermittently in college, then stopped, restarted, and I remember days were a mile alone was a struggle. Did my first half in 2015 and yes it took years before I was ready to commit to a full (2019, Chicago). My opinion on the matter is that you have to go through the half before you can decide if you're ready for a full and I'd recommend a half as a year one goal and then year 2 go for the full if you're ready for the commitment.
Someone on the RD reddit asked if it was advisable to sign up for Dopey after they "speedwalked" a 10k. Someone basically replied absolutely not and they said "what about Goofy?" :upsidedow

Started running intermittently in college, then stopped, restarted, and I remember days were a mile alone was a struggle. Did my first half in 2015 and yes it took years before I was ready to commit to a full (2019, Chicago). My opinion on the matter is that you have to go through the half before you can decide if you're ready for a full and I'd recommend a half as a year one goal and then year 2 go for the full if you're ready for the commitment.
so what you are saying is you weren't Dopey enough to do Dopey?

thats where we are different...i signed up for Dopey before i ran my first 10k. i said go big or go home. I'm a take-charge kind of guy. I am basically a super man living with mere mortals. Wait, no, I am just 100% certifiable and I just like Dopey as a character and I wanted to prove myself. And i think i was chasing a girl...they make us do stupid things.

Now every damn Dopey marathon race i tell myself this is a stupid thing I am doing. Until, of course, I reach the finish line and get my 6 freaking honking shiny new medals and again I become a god among men, and women.
Someone on the RD reddit asked if it was advisable to sign up for Dopey after they "speedwalked" a 10k. Someone basically replied absolutely not and they said "what about Goofy?" :upsidedow

Started running intermittently in college, then stopped, restarted, and I remember days were a mile alone was a struggle. Did my first half in 2015 and yes it took years before I was ready to commit to a full (2019, Chicago). My opinion on the matter is that you have to go through the half before you can decide if you're ready for a full and I'd recommend a half as a year one goal and then year 2 go for the full if you're ready for the commitment.
I went up a distance per year - 5k in 2022, 10k in 2023, half in 2024, full in 2025 - and sometimes I worry I did a full too fast!
Someone on the RD reddit asked if it was advisable to sign up for Dopey after they "speedwalked" a 10k. Someone basically replied absolutely not and they said "what about Goofy?" :upsidedow

Started running intermittently in college, then stopped, restarted, and I remember days were a mile alone was a struggle. Did my first half in 2015 and yes it took years before I was ready to commit to a full (2019, Chicago). My opinion on the matter is that you have to go through the half before you can decide if you're ready for a full and I'd recommend a half as a year one goal and then year 2 go for the full if you're ready for the commitment.
Agree with all this. I’ve done a number of 10ks and halfs for a few years before even considering committing to my first full this fall (Chicago). I signed up for Dopey this time thinking that if I’m built up to marathon distance, I’ll be at my best fitness to attempt Dopey and not get swept.

I’ve felt awful after running just one HM in the past, and doing Dumbo last year (10k + HM), I started to feel it in the HM even with an easy 10k. I cannot imagine how miserable I’d be doing Dopey if it was one of my first things I tried in my running journey, but cheers to those who do use that as motivation and succeed.
This phenomenon has always boggled me. I’m a later in life runner myself and admittedly not exactly the consummate athlete, but it took me a few years before I even entertained the idea of running Dopey.

I mean listen, I’m rooting for everyone who signs up. I just couldn’t personally imagine starting with Dopey when I’d never run so much as a 5K. I can remember wanting to die the first time I attempted to run a single mile without stopping when I was new at this. A marathon was a pipe dream back then, to say nothing of running one as the fourth leg of a 48.6 mile challenge.

There was an article last year in the New York Times about the popularity of marathons, and the quote was that the distance “went from being something for fanatics to the Everyman’s Everest.” I think it’s a great analogy, because most people shouldn’t climb Everest, and a lot of the people signing up shouldn’t run a marathon. I would love to know how many DNS’s there are from people getting swept up in the hype without having a solid running base, not training, and then not even showing up to the race. I’m not trying to gate keep, but this is a race where Pheidippides collapsed and died after being the first person to complete it. People shouldn’t let the carefully edited fake world of social media influencers override the common sense that maybe Dopey shouldn’t be the first bite at distance running. Part of me wonders if Disney is all for this, since they keep the money but don’t have to accommodate hundreds (if not more) of no-shows, which is why they don’t publish DNS/DNF like other races.
Part of me wonders if Disney is all for this, s

At the same time, Disney races are some of the most expensive runs in the world. When it comes to races where you have to find your own way there, and find our own place to sleep, this is the most expensive set of races. This 5k costs more than some marathons I've seen! And these races have some of the strictest in-race cutoffs around, period. Those people 220 yards behind the balloon ladies are totally vicious!

Do I want people to learn how to run marathons? Of course! But do I think WDW is the first place you should try your first organized distance run? Oh goodness no.

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