I first met the friend with whom I did the half at an rD race in 2012. We spent the entire half complaining about how much has changed for the worse since then. We still love a Disney race for the things that make it a Disney race: the parks, the characters, the entertainment, the support. But we were puzzled by feeling like Disney doesn’t really want us there; like we’re part of a huge inconvenience, rather than being celebrated. We spent a lot of stupid energy trying to determine if it’s just us - are we not appreciative enough? Are our expectations too high? Are we just old and in the way? I’ve left my last two rD race weekends feeling a whole lot of less-than instead of a whole lot of accomplished. Reading the last page or so of comments here has been very therapeutic, so thanks go to those who’ve posted. Because I really do not think it’s me: I really do think things have changed and the details are subtle - earlier start times, longer walks, pay-to-play, higher costs, more crowding - but stack up into something more impactful. Part of me really wants to do more rD races, and part of me thinks I’m an idiot to keep paying for experiences that don’t really feel that great.