Marathon Weekend 2025

Physically speaking there isn't a huge difference between Hanson's EB and LR pace. So doing a couple of miles at LR instead of EB isn't going to hurt you really at all. If you did a few miles (like 20-30 min or less) at MP, it won't matter much either. As @Zutroy mentioned, there are several training plans that have intensity runs the week of the race as well. For example, you might have done a 10 mile (120 min) MP run 10-12 days out from the race, but it isn't crazy to do like a 3 x 1 mile MP on the Mon/Tues before the race. Not saying you should, but that there are successful training plans that do it that way. Just keep in mind that a short 30-60 min run may not yield a similar effect as the whole HM/M will. But everyone's different in their tolerance and experience in the cold/heat and what they wear. So better to check and get some minimal learned experience and maybe minimally disrupt the taper, than it is to go in with zero knowledge and possibly hamper the race experience in my view. I'd also focus on your hands/head, and particularly what happens if that clothing gets slightly wet from spilled water consumption.
Thank you for your help. I was using the 5K to guide my 10 day taper, so my last SOS was the 6 x 1M this last Monday. The plan calls for an Easy 8M on Saturday, so I think that I'll wait until the sun is rising in order to get some of the high 40's temps but with some sunlight in an attempt to replicate marathon day conditions (my self-admittedly wacky race plan is to get to MK by 6:00 and slow down and get to DAK at 7:30). I'll do the first 3 miles at MP, then 3 miles at LR and cooldown with 2 miles at Easy pace. I completely agree that there is a vast difference between 3 miles and the full 26.2, but I feel the need to have some information.

This leads to an interesting question which will absolutely depend upon the individual it better to be slightly overheated or uncomfortably cold during a race?
Saturday overnight into Sunday for the marathon gets wacky. I'm seeing anywhere from 32 to 50 right now for the temperature range at the start.
It's generally always a wait-and-see approach when dealing with Florida weather, but that is a huge variance for the marathon. You'd be freezing if you dress for 50s and it's only 32, but you'd similarly be roasting if you dress for low 30's and it starts in the 50's. It should go without saying, but it's EXTREMELY important to check the temperature before getting dressed on Sunday. I could easily see myself grabbing whatever I laid out the night before and regretting my clothing choice at the corral.
Also if we're sharing info. Here's some general etiquette on how to handle wheels if you spot us on both safety and how to assist if you wish and if the wheels takes it:

1. If you pass us on an uphill. Please remember you will be passed on the downhill unless there's a huge gap. If you know is a wheels are coming please just try to keep off to the side were opposite from. Because we try to hug the side to prevent collisions. That doesn't always work because people intentionally or not will ignore us.

Yes wheels have brakes. No we do not come to sudden stops. One of my friends last year ended up in a hospital because of being cutoff (not malicious in that case. Because I've had that happen before) and ending up with so many injuries from it. The brakes will trim our speed but once we reach a certain incline were going to be coming down fast no matter how much we brake.

(Which was why I had to check with Revel if I was allowed to attempt it. I am. But probably none of the steeper ones. So White Mountain it is!)

2. Which brings me to my next point. If you use headphones. Pleae do not turn them up all the way. Yes even if they are bone conduction. There is more then enough ambient noise that combined with your music you will not hear us.

3. If you see us struggling. Please ask before you do anything to assist. Some wheels do not want assistance at all. Some of us do. Sometimes the inclines are too steep for all us us to make it up no matter what. But regardless please, please ask. Heck sometimes we might not need help at one point but will later.

This is less of an issue with my handcycle. But I've had people accidentally tip my chair when they grab the wrong spot in a well meaning attempt to help me. We know our physics than you do. We can direct you where to grab to push for better assistance.

4. Both pushrim and handcycles turn like trucks. Pushrims can turn better because they can pick up their front wheel and hop it over. But its still not the best and still takes room. We cannot do that in a handcycle. If we need to make a sharp turn we are either going to need a hand (and this is one of those cases where asking for help would be appreciated.) Or we have to take our foot out of our stirrup and do a 30 point k turn until we're turned enough to make it through the turn.

5. Related to that. Due to the difficulty of turns I'm planning to try and ask CMs if I can wait a few minutes and then get the photo for any that require me to go up the course to turn around and get in line. If you see a wheel doing this please don't assume we're cutting. We're doing what we can with our limited mobility. Not everyone stops for photos. But some of us do. And we do have to get creative.

6. Also on things that can help us without pushing us. If you see a runner and they aren't hearing us and you can hear us. Please try to get the runners attention. I can turn if need be. I am really good at finding holes. But its a lot easier if people heed the call of 'wheels on your 'insert relevant side here'.

7. Not applicable for me but for Duos (person pushing a person in a chair rig. These are not the pushrim chairs. I might go dig out a photo of the one time I did duo) and occasional ambulatory athletes. Sometimes you'll see runners packed together. If you see them marked as an AWD please go around and not through them. Ambulatories can have any number of reasons for sticking together. (for me it was balance issues for a friend it was to prevent dislocation. Because for those who don't know there is a disorder out there that this becomes a high concern for. And there's a number of them who do these events.) We're not trying to be course hogs were trying to do whats safest for us. Because especially with ambulatories who have vision and thus are there for mobility. A simple bump from you could be race ending for us.

8. Last thing we might need for help. Sometimes we might not be struggling to get uphill but the downhill is a concern. So if you ask you might be asked to go in front of us to help make a hole. I know this probably sounds weird off the hill speed lecture. But if someones making a hole I will be planning and being careful with my speed. This is usually for situations where especially I'm worried about being cut off and having nowhere to go. Because say if you cut me off suddenly in the castle for a jump photo. You're going to end up with a wheel in your heel.

This is not me threatening, this is not me being mean.

This is a matter of fact. You stop suddenly in a place where I don't have enough room to get out of it safely? Then there's going to be a wheel in your heel. Especially in the castle its physically impossible to do something if I'm suddenly cut off. Because either I go straight and we're both in for a bad time. Or I try to make a physically impossible turn. And not only potentially take myself out.

But at least three or four people with it. (Are devices are usually around 6-7 feet from one end to the other. We are not small.)

We've been asking WDW for Bike Guides for years now for this very reason. Unfortuantely nothing has ever happened. And the only people who get guides are the leads. DL stepped up big time to the request and assigned us each individual guides starting with Halloween. Based on a convo with the woman who normally is my bike guide during Disneyland races this is a matter of a volunteer issue. Which idk how you even go about getting that.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I think I covered everything major.
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Do you know if you can return an item that was pre-ordered once you pick it up at the Expo? I ordered a lounge fly but I'm not sure I want it after all!
I have only pre-ordered at the 2024 DL half, and was told then there are no returns. I was able to sell the jacket online to someone I met up with in person there. I also had a CM take pity on me when I realized I had forgotten the receipt for another item I wanted to return to a store, and got merchandise credit.
This leads to an interesting question which will absolutely depend upon the individual it better to be slightly overheated or uncomfortably cold during a race?

I think the Saturday plan sound good, because you're replicating what you're planning on doing on race day. Which is race faster to start and then slow down. Which is going to mean you might feel overdressed during the hard running, but you're going to get colder after generating a bunch of heat and sweat when you slow down. While not exactly the same, it's akin to when my runners have a WU/CD in very cold temps. I always warn them to consider cutting the CD short because once you're not running as hard, then you can get cold really quick because of the moisture generated and reduced body heat. You might consider running with a light jacket that you don't wear when running quick, and then put it on once you slow down and may need additional layers.
hi everyone, just caught up on 50+ pages of the group... have been having such a weird training cycle this year and haven't felt physically or emotionally connected to the whole experience (and I mean experience, we all know it's not just a race!). It was so good to *feel* back in it a little bit, even if my body doesn't agree. Last year's training went super well and I had awful, new hip pain during the marathon that caught me off guard. I had a great DL half the next week, took it easy after that, and had a planned two month break in the spring from jaw surgery that I was hoping would help. My return to running has felt harder than I expected though and my knee arthritis plus sporadic hip issues the past few weeks have had me really questioning what is realistic for race day (10k and full). Normally I would be thrilled for the weather forecast- running in anything under 45 feels great to me and I'm in shorts and a tank at most of those temps. I'm used to running continuously though and know walking in those temps is not going to work- I get freezing in anything below 80 🤦‍♀️ So lots of thinking to do still! And weather obsessing, though not for packing at least- I have winter parkas planned as a throwaways no matter what the start temps are. I have this other weather dilemma: do I try to move my flight up from Tuesday morning to Sunday with the snow my area might get, and doesn't handle well, on Monday? Any other DC-area folks concerned about travel?

To catch up on a random part of previous conversations: the new stuff I'm doing this year is Space 220 dinner on Friday and Tusker House brunch on Monday. It's also my first race weekend as an AP, so it adds a dimension of flexibility that I've never had before. Plus I have photopass spots available for each race- message me if you would like one. I'm really quite sad about considering the parks in a winter jacket though 😭

Hoping to get some excitement for next week back now! 🤞🤞
It's super informal and people just kind of drop in and out of the area we meet at. I hope you stop by at least one morning and say Hi though!

I'm guessing it was autocorrect.
Yeah and I realized it was informal. I just thought for some reason (and I think maybe you guys used to? Or I'm mixing you up with another meetup. Either is possible) that y'all meet after 4. Which is cutting it to close to chute loading time. We only have a certain window to get in and get to the start before it closes. So they can move up A behind us.
Yep, autocorrect and I didn't even think twice about it as I know Edna but not Eda. Sorry about that! But the costume is really just to give folks something to look for at the meetup or on the course, and as you said, your awesome wheels will be far more recognizable! That said, I'll update the file for posterity and any further updates we may need to put out.
Yeah admittedly if I drop by the meetups I won't be dragging my handcycle over. So recognizing before the start will be based on the costume. Still thanks for correcting it.
:rotfl2: Just saw that Sunday night popped up as available for the same room category we have booked for Monday-Thursday. And now I'm trying to convince him to leave at day earlier than we had planned.
Thanks for posting about this. I actually had been trying to add a last minute reservation to my hotel. And everytime I checked it was booked up. After you posted this I went back to check and see if my resort had rooms available for the night. And yep!
I have been watching three of four weather apps and they all seemed to be trending upwards. As long as that winter storm stays north, I think we are going to end up with some pretty pleasant weather for the marathon.
Not the best indicator for temps but I've found Mikes Weather Page to be a good indicator of accurate weather. They don't usually do temp approximations but they've been talking about the possibility of the snow and the increasing/decreasing likelihood it will happen.
Do you know if you can return an item that was pre-ordered once you pick it up at the Expo? I ordered a lounge fly but I'm not sure I want it after all!
They usually don't let you. Which is why I won't preorder clothes merch unless I'm confident in the size/don't mind it running big. That being said if you decide you don't want it feel free to DM me. I'll take it. (can pay via Venmo or Paypal). Though I'll need to know by Wednesday since I try to avoid multiple trips to the expo unless I need to.
Getting excited for my first RunDisney race (10k)!

Spectator question - we are staying at Beach Club so my husband plans to grab his coffee, walk downstairs, and cheer me on as I run by. He also wants to meet me at the finish. So you think he can grab an Uber and get to the Epcot finish? It will probably take me about 30-35 min to get to the 10K finish from Beach Club. TIA!
Getting excited for my first RunDisney race (10k)!

Spectator question - we are staying at Beach Club so my husband plans to grab his coffee, walk downstairs, and cheer me on as I run by. He also wants to meet me at the finish. So you think he can grab an Uber and get to the Epcot finish? It will probably take me about 30-35 min to get to the 10K finish from Beach Club. TIA!
I think that might be an issue with the road closures but I'm honestly not familiar enough with Beach Club to say for sure. But I think there's no way for them to get through before the roads open up. The bus system takes a back exit out of the Epcot lot that an Uber Driver wouldn't be able to get to.

Depending on your timing he might be able to get in eventually since some of the closures lift at 7. But if you're in an early corral you're probably going to get back before it clears.
>> Do you know if you can return an item that was pre-ordered once you pick it up at the Expo? I ordered a lounge fly but I'm not sure I want it after all!

Can you get a lounge lizard to eat the lounge fly? Asking for a friend…

>> is it better to be slightly overheated or uncomfortably cold during a race?

Easier to peel off a layer later in the race than to wind up cold and not warming up. As you say, it depends on the runner and the race. I’ve had races where I was chilly in the corral, but did so knowing that the rising sun and the running were going to have me warm shortly after race start. And the nice thing about the rD races (and others) is knowing you can take something for warmth in the corral and discard it at race start or when you warm up.

>> and haven't felt physically or emotionally connected to the whole experience

Sorry to hear about the ailments, best wishes that you finish OK. Part of my posting on here of late is trying to stay connected mentally and emotionally until such time as I can resume training in earnest.

>> I'm really quite sad about considering the parks in a winter jacket though

I don’t want a winter jacket, but after years of nearly every visit being in sweltering weather (even the spring and fall visits), a winter visit requiring a sweatshirt was quite the novelty. That said, with my visits now being primarily MW, it has become my new normal. My spring time visit to Lakeland has more than enough sweltering as it is….

>> take your race day shoes and gear in your carry on.

This! My first race, I used the Disney Magical express and my luggage was AWOL until appx 10:30 PM. It finally arrived, but until then I was a nervous wreck, at first wondering if I needed to purchase a whole new running wardrobe, including shoes, and then later really getting nervous when I checked for my luggage (still not there) and the expo was closed!

The luggage finally appeared, and I was able to lay out my gear for the 2 am wakeup, but had some uneasy feeling in the meantime. As for walking to the bus stop from the back of the All Star resort, I still remember the stillness of the night, no one speaking, just the gentle scuffle and occasional crunch of footsteps on gravel as we all silently made our way to the bus.

Since then, I’ve only flown for running for the one Princess half and the MCM, but you better believe the essentials were in my carry-on.
Getting excited for my first RunDisney race (10k)!

Spectator question - we are staying at Beach Club so my husband plans to grab his coffee, walk downstairs, and cheer me on as I run by. He also wants to meet me at the finish. So you think he can grab an Uber and get to the Epcot finish? It will probably take me about 30-35 min to get to the 10K finish from Beach Club. TIA!
It will be pretty tight - if he can get an Uber immediately, he will still have to be dropped off after navigating a modified entrance road (not fully open - typically just one lane of traffic or one of traffic and one for busses) then go through security and walk around the other side of the parking to the finish line.
Getting excited for my first RunDisney race (10k)!

Spectator question - we are staying at Beach Club so my husband plans to grab his coffee, walk downstairs, and cheer me on as I run by. He also wants to meet me at the finish. So you think he can grab an Uber and get to the Epcot finish? It will probably take me about 30-35 min to get to the 10K finish from Beach Club. TIA!

From a theoretical logistical standpoint, it is possible for an Uber to pick up at Beach Club and drop off at the EPCOT race area. The road closures here show it as possible with modified roads.

Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 1.35.42 PM.png

This Youtube video I found from the 2024 Wine and Dine 10k (which has the same course) shows a runner passing by vehicles in both of the above blue marked modified areas.

This confirms it's possible for vehicle both to arrive and leave during the race.

Now, getting past the theoretical, is whether it's actually practically possible. The walk from the BC crescent lake area to the front of the resort takes 5ish min. The maps don't show the drop off location for ride share, but I'm guessing around the Hei Hei area, or in the "Resort Bus" area. Under normal conditions, it looks like the trip time is estimated to be 10-12 min via car from BC to EPCOT. Then your DH needs to go through security as well. The walk from drop off to security is roughly 5 min. Security is an unknown at this time, but say 3 min. Then walk to actual finish line is 5-10 min depending on whether it's the pre-finish line area, or the actual finish line. So if your DH had an Uber literally waiting for him the moment he passed you at BC, then you're looking at:

5 min walk BC view to Uber
10 min ride from BC to EPCOT
5 min walk from drop off to security
3 min security
7 min walk to finish line

= 30 min

That leaves almost no margin for error. So I would say your DH is in an either or situation given your pace estimate. If you run slower than your 13 min/mile estimated pace, then you slightly increase the odds of this being doable.
I can definitely relate to the packing stress. I'm so glad I'm 'only' doing the marathon as bringing a 20-month-old to Disney (plus entertaining her on the flight) is no joke. We aren't leaving until next Friday but I'm already getting stuff ready to go. We need stuff in the carry-on(s) to entertain and feed her, so we'll see how much of my running stuff I'm able to fit in. I'm glad she has her own ticket so we can bring several carry-on bags!!
I had no recollection of the 2023 half being cold - in my mind it had been a warm weekend. I just went back and looked at pictures and I was wearing running pants and a second layer under my rDisney long sleeve shirt. I think I only used a mylar blanket int he corrals. I'd be happy with similar temps this year.
Yes, they were warning about heat the next day for the full marathon. Florida weather is unpredictable.
Wasn't there a weird thing last MW also where they were handing out cooling towels for the early finishers, and then mylar for the later finishers? So weird.
I’m not sure about MW. But I swear I remember this happening at one of my races so either Princess or the DL Half, I think Princes. I think it was either the 10 or the half. Because I remember talking to someone about it after. Best guess is they were on autopilot and didn’t realize they needed to be giving the opposite thing happening
Wasn't there a weird thing last MW also where they were handing out cooling towels for the early finishers, and then mylar for the later finishers? So weird.

I think it was the opposite. I finished the marathon around 8:30, and it was in the low 50s and felt colder because of the rain that started around mile 19. I got Mylar but no cooling towel. When I came back to the finish line around 11 they were handing out cooling towels. I remember this and I was disappointed that I didn’t get one because they were the newer, thicker towels. Luckily, I had a friend who finished grab an extra one for me.

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