Marathon Weekend 2025

Dude, Cow Tales are my entire childhood. Where did you grow up? We had these ALL THE TIME growing up in WV.
I grew up in San Diego, but I often joke that my parents worked hard to claw their way from their white trash upbringing into middle class respectability.

To this day, I eat a shocking amount of foods like spam and ramen, that I grew up on just because we couldn't afford more. One of my favorite snacks is a brick of ramen, all crumbled up with the seasoning packet poured over it. I eat it like popcorn. In fact, I just finished half a bag a few minutes ago! (Only half a bag, because my 2- and 5-year-old kids caught me, and begged me for some of mine.)

Cow Tales: The food of (white trash) champions!
SAFD: I have a weird stomach on race day so I try to stick with Tailwind and some real food like PB crackers. Sometimes a stroop waffle. A pain to carry but whatever.

Pre-race? I like a big lunch. I still have memories of eating the pot roast with mashed potatoes at Liberty Tree Tavern before the 2019 marathon (Dopey). It was heavenly.
I will echo the importance of figuring out how to fuel in the days leading up to the race, especially at Disney where certain foods can really upset your stomach if you aren't used to them.
Yes! I will echo that statement from last years experience! LOL. No fancy dinners the night before. The plan this year is keep it simple. Some pizza, pasta, and a Mickey pretzel.
SAFD: I’m never much help on the topic of fueling - I’ve got a cast iron stomach and could theoretically use anything. I opt for gels because they’re easy - and GU comes in the smallest package, so that’s my preference if I’m running far and need to carry a bunch.

ETA: I thought of something I can contribute! Always bring a little more fuel than you think you’ll need, especially if you tend toward low blood sugar. I’ve experienced a few delayed races, as well as a few I took WAY longer to finish than planned, and ran out of fuel. Now, I always carry one extra gel on top of what I know I’ll need, so I have a spare. Also good in case one gets dropped.
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Another tip for SAFD: Disney tends to have fuel on the course for the half and full,, BUT they're Sports Beans. If you haven't fueled with Sports Beans, don't chance it. I know they used to offer gels, but I haven't done a half in over 10 years. I do remember running through the fueling station and needing to be careful to not slip on the used GU packets because runners just dropped them on the road and not in the trash.
Another tip for SAFD: Disney tends to have fuel on the course for the half and full,, BUT they're Sports Beans. If you haven't fueled with Sports Beans, don't chance it. I know they used to offer gels, but I haven't done a half in over 10 years. I do remember running through the fueling station and needing to be careful to not slip on the used GU packets because runners just dropped them on the road and not in the trash.
Runners drop the beans and wrappers on the road as well and I can't decide which is worse, slipping on GU or beans.
Question about multiple marathons. Curious if anyone has experience with this. I ran my first in 2022 and have done the same marathon since. I only run the one a year. I have greatly improved my time and want to keep improving.

Since I’m signed up for the Dopey, I don’t think I will have time to recover and be “race” ready by the time this marathon is in March 2025. I plan to run the races in Dopey fairly easy since I want to enjoy the time there.

But I’m having FOMO about not being there and not hitting another PR. Which would be better: a fall marathon in November 2024 that I “race”and then take it easy for Dopey or do an easy Dopey and sign up for a March or April 2025 one to “race” or even wait til the fall of 2025 to do another marathon?

I have always just ran for fun so running races is new to me. But hitting a PR each time has really been motiving to me. I appreciate your comments and any advice.
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Question about multiple marathons. Curious if anyone has experience with this. I ran my first in 2022 and have done the same marathon since. I only run the one a year. I have greatly improved my time and want to keep improving.

Since I’m signed up for the Dopey, I don’t think I will have time to recover and be “race” ready by the time this marathon is in March 2025. I plan to run the races in Dopey fairly easy since I want to enjoy the time there.

But I’m having FOMO about not being there and not hitting another PR. Which would be better: a fall marathon in November 2024 that I “race”and then take it easy for Dopey or do an easy Dopey and sign up for a March or April 2025 one to “race” or even wait til the fall of 2025 to do another marathon?

I have always just ran for fun so running races is new to me. But hitting a PR each time has really been motiving to me. I appreciate your comments and any advice.
I think this really depends on you. How long does it normally take before you feel recovered enough from a marathon to start training seriously again?

I find that even if I wasn't racing, it takes about four weeks after a marathon for running to feel normal to me again, and at least six weeks before I want to start doing actual workouts, which will inevitably be terrible for the first couple of weeks of real training. So I would not be able to put two marathons so close together. But some people seem to be able to manage it...somehow 🤷‍♀️😅

You can also race distances other than a marathon 😂 If you did a 10K or HM during your Dopey build, you could still get your PR if all goes well, and recovery wouldn't take nearly as long.
How long does it normally take before you feel recovered enough from a marathon to start training seriously again?
I give myself 2 weeks no running. (Should be longer I know) Then 2-4 weeks easy running. I get spring fever so I have to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. I don’t start training for my 10 mile labor race til June so April and May are just trying to do some base training with some speed work thrown in the mix.

In a normal year without Dopey, I feel like I could train to race another marathon in the fall. At least that’s what my backup plan was if I couldn’t get into MW.

Also, I’ve got to get my marathon time down. I’m chasing a unicorn! 🦄 🏃🏼‍♀️ I’ll be in the 3:40 range next 5 years and then 3:50. I ran a 4:16 this year. It will take work but I think I could get pretty close once I get to 45. Big dream I know!
Question about multiple marathons. Curious if anyone has experience with this. I ran my first in 2022 and have done the same marathon since. I only run the one a year. I have greatly improved my time and want to keep improving.

Since I’m signed up for the Dopey, I don’t think I will have time to recover and be “race” ready by the time this marathon is in March 2025. I plan to run the races in Dopey fairly easy since I want to enjoy the time there.

But I’m having FOMO about not being there and not hitting another PR. Which would be better: a fall marathon in November 2024 that I “race”and then take it easy for Dopey or do an easy Dopey and sign up for a March or April 2025 one to “race” or even wait til the fall of 2025 to do another marathon?

I have always just ran for fun so running races is new to me. But hitting a PR each time has really been motiving to me. I appreciate your comments and any advice.
My suggestion would be to look for a November marathon to race and shoot for a PR, then taking Dopey easy. By taking this route you have time to put in a full training cycle to be in peak condition for the November PR attempt. You've then got a bit of time to recover and get back into a bit of training to get ready for Dopey, which you can then run as easily as your body dictates. This also gives you the benefit of relatively light bridging training through the holidays, which can be a training challenge in and of themselves.

If you go the Dopey first route, you're going to hit your training peak during the holiday season and then use that peak for an easy run at Dopey. After Dopey, you'll be faced with your recovery time before you can get back into "rebuild" mode for the March race. Assuming a mid-March race, let's assume there's ~8-9 weeks between Dopey and the PR attempt. Estimate 2 weeks to recover from Dopey and 2 weeks to taper, and you're left with only 4-5 weeks of productive training time to reach PR fitness. I think that's a big ask.

Recommendation: Race hard in November and take four well-deserved victory laps in January.
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@camaker 😁 Thanks for this! I appreciate your input. I know Dopey is a lot itself so I’m still weighing this option. I just didn’t want to take a whole year off of no marathon where I’m pushing myself. I’m looking at the Richmond marathon in November so I would need to start training soon. I’m supposed to be doing a 10 miler Labor Day but I could push that to my B race.
SAFD: I recall this topic from when I was lurking around the runD threads leading up to Dopey/Marathon #1 in 2023 and sort of being spooked by the endless variety of options and strategies. Everyone here seemed to have super dialed in plans/really know what they were talking about and my history with past runD halfs was mainly just a bagel on the bus and whatever was on the course without even thinking twice about it. 😶 One of those you don't know what you don't know deals I guess.

After some tinkering and big time over-thinking (and ordering way too many brands I'd see people mention around here) what works for me is Huma Gels every 4'ish miles or so for long runs. No caffeine but if it's a really long run I'll bring one or two with caffeine for later in the miles. I'll usually put Huma electrolyte mix in one of my water bottles - sometimes towards the end of a run I just don't want any more gels but the electrolyte mix is a tasty pick-me-up instead of the last gel. Other than that, I also realized what works for me is to keep it simple - grab some Huma gels, fill my water bottle(s), go - much more than that and I don't really know what I'm doing/too many things to keep track of.

One thing I picked up from someone around here (sorry, I don't remember who!) which I guess is pretty obvious/common running advice but may be worth repeating - nothing new race day morning. In real life I run first thing and don't eat before hand unless a long run. At Disney with the early wake ups and length of time waiting I do feel the need to eat - I used to have a bagel, banana, and parking lot coffee - which I now realize caused unwanted outcomes. So now I keep it to a banana and peanut butter cliff bar - two things I know are solid on my stomach, and that tends to work much better for me.

I do like this topic now that I have more reps with races/longer distances, it's not as anxiety-inducing as before! lol.
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Beginner here, so take the comments with a grain of salt, so far it has worked well:

Race day, I have OldFashioned oatmeal left overnight soaked into soy milk with almonds. This is before leaving the room at 230am. Then 25-30mins before start I use a quarter of a honey stinger waffle.
Then I use those waffles every 45 mins or so.

Hydration: I drink half glass with LiquidIV sugar free before leaving the room; I bring water bottles in my belt (8oz) with Skratch mix.

A banana right after and protein meal upon arrival to the hotel. No carb loading night before so far….

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