Marathon Weekend 2025

I have given up on any new fueling strategy. The chews are just too big, aside from Skratch. I bought regular fruit chews and will incorporate those in with my salt chews and honey packets. The honey packets and salt chews were great at the ten miler last year, and I can eat the fruit chews quickly when I need food in my stomach.
SAFD: This one is hard because I have different things I like about Disney at different times but if I had to pick just one it would be Christmas time. We did Christmas there a few years back and loved it. Up until then we did early December to get the Christmas feel but being there for the actual holiday was really cool. We are planning to do a trip for New Year's this year.

All that being said I have to give my first runner up to the fall for Food and Wine and my second runner up to to spring for Flower and Garden. I love the Epcot festivals.
SAFD: Most seasons at Disney have something positive to recommend them. (Only exception being July/August, that trip was nearly 30 years ago and will never happen again...) But I have to say my favorite time of year now is the Festival of the Arts since I am a massive Broadway fan (as my 4 binders of playbills will attest) and I like the food at this festival more than any other.

The only disappointing thing is that it has never overlapped with marathon weekend that I'm aware of (yet), so I typically have to choose one or the other. And the Disney marathon is my favorite race. Next year I plan to only do Goofy, and stay on the back end through MLK weekend, so I'm very hopeful I catch at least the beginning of the festival.
I have given up on any new fueling strategy. The chews are just too big, aside from Skratch. I bought regular fruit chews and will incorporate those in with my salt chews and honey packets. The honey packets and salt chews were great at the ten miler last year, and I can eat the fruit chews quickly when I need food in my stomach.
I have been trying a new fueling strategy as well. I usually use GU gel packs. In my quest to cut down the amount of weight on my running belt for a marathon, I have been trying Clif bloks. They actually have been working very well as far a energy and re-fueling. The hard part is the chewing them while running. I first tried chewing a whole one when running. Didn't like that. Then I have tried biting it in half and then kind of letting each half melt in my mouth while running. But I am finding that if I just take 10 seconds to stop and chew one down on a quick water break, that seams to be the best approach. I don't like the stopping, but I think it evens out when I slow down to chew/breath. Once I take the 10 second stop to eat one, I pick right back up on a quick pace.
I loooove going at Christmas (minus the insanely high crowds) probably because that's when we took our kids when they were old enough to remember a trip and the Disney magic was real. So yeah. Emotional ties there for sure. I also really enjoyed going in the spring during F&G.

But race weekends, specifically MW, have made "normal" disney trips feel kind of weird, and like something is missing from the trip.
Exactly. The DW's company moved their annual trip to the week after PW and it was.... disconcerting... to be there without a running event. Like an odd form of FOMO even though there wasn't anything to miss out upon.
I have been trying a new fueling strategy as well. I usually use GU gel packs. In my quest to cut down the amount of weight on my running belt for a marathon, I have been trying Clif bloks. They actually have been working very well as far a energy and re-fueling. The hard part is the chewing them while running. I first tried chewing a whole one when running. Didn't like that. Then I have tried biting it in half and then kind of letting each half melt in my mouth while running. But I am finding that if I just take 10 seconds to stop and chew one down on a quick water break, that seams to be the best approach. I don't like the stopping, but I think it evens out when I slow down to chew/breath. Once I take the 10 second stop to eat one, I pick right back up on a quick pace.
I do have to stop and chew, and drink water come to that. I can't do both while running because I risk it going down the wrong pipe. Mostly I"m looking for something I can chew quickly, and apparently I can't chew the big ones quickly. GU chews are smaller, and I've had them in the corrals before and they could work.
I do have to stop and chew, and drink water come to that. I can't do both while running because I risk it going down the wrong pipe. Mostly I"m looking for something I can chew quickly, and apparently I can't chew the big ones quickly. GU chews are smaller, and I've had them in the corrals before and they could work.
Ive been using banana organic chewy banana bites alot recently. its essentially dried and powdered banana (you can also get ones with peanut butter, coconut, or chocolate mixed in). I find that they can be chewed really quickly and provide a nice alternative to gels or traditional chews.
SAFD: You can count me among the "any season I get to go to Disney is a good one" crowd. Lol. Honestly, I don't necessarily have a favorite season to go because I really only started going regularly a couple years ago. I do really enjoy MW because the weather tends to be cooler and because the race atmosphere makes the parks way more exciting for me. But I've also really enjoyed going in early September and for other race weekends. I just love being there and I don't tend to dissect my experiences based on particular seasons.

One thing I am SUPER excited about is that I get to spend my 40th birthday this July at WDW. I have never gotten to spend a birthday at Disney and I cannot wait. I am also excited to take my two partners, neither of whom have been to WDW for decades. I told them to start a walking routine now and to leave any complaining in Dallas because it's going to be 4 days and 3 nights of freaking magic. 🤣
@camaker got me a gingerbread carmel butter cream sandwich cookie from Epcot. Definitely the bomb.

MK is an ice cream sandwich cookie from the ice cream shop.

I don't really have a go to snack at the other two parks. I will snack but i don't have something that is special that i need to get.
I love the ice cream sandwiches! Big enough for two people. Plus you can choose your flavors (otherwise it's three scoops of vanilla, which is also great with the cookies).

Only other place in WDW to get one is Dino-Bites in AK. Hope this treat doesn't go away with the re-theming.

In 2009 there were five places to get this treat. Now only two.
I’m on the Tampa Bay coast and ours don’t usually start kicking up until mid- to late-June. In my house, we call this 2nd Summer.

(1st Summer is April into May, when conditions are similar to actual summers further north. We’re finally warm after a series of winter cold fronts!
2nd Summer is late May through early July - heat is high, rain is low, we start getting cranky, but forget that still to come is…
3rd Summer: what we think is the worst of it but we’re wrong - it never cools down. the heat and humidity just envelope us like a bubble stretching from Gulf to Bay. July through early September. Probably later, but we need to say September to keep going.
4th Summer: late September through whenever we get the frst cold front - could be Sept, could be flipping January - conditions are actually improved, but we’re so beaten down by 3rd Summer, we can’t tell. We begin to say such travesties as, “Maybe 6 months of snow isn’t so bad???” :rotfl2:)
Are you a transplant or a native Floridian? Perhaps it's because my wife and I moved down from New York (in 2002, mind you) and spent seven years in school up in New England, but I don't mind the heat and humidity. I actually enjoy it. We just spend a lot of time in our pool on the weekends.
Are you a transplant or a native Floridian? Perhaps it's because my wife and I moved down from New York (in 2002, mind you) and spent seven years in school up in New England, but I don't mind the heat and humidity. I actually enjoy it. We just spend a lot of time in our pool on the weekends.
Kind of both… transplant from Western NY, but I’ve been a Floridian for 35 years. I can’t honestly say that I enjoy the extreme heat of Florida summer, but I mostly find it tolerable, outside of running in it. Better than 6 months of winter, for sure! I used to spend a. Lot more time at my community pool, since it’s about 20’ from my front door, but the tree that kept the deep ended shaded had to be cut down and now the whole pool and pool deck just bakes.

My son is a Florida native and absolutely despises the heat! His dream is to move to Finland. :rotfl:
Kind of both… transplant from Western NY, but I’ve been a Floridian for 35 years. I can’t honestly say that I enjoy the extreme heat of Florida summer, but I mostly find it tolerable, outside of running in it. Better than 6 months of winter, for sure! I used to spend a. Lot more time at my community pool, since it’s about 20’ from my front door, but the tree that kept the deep ended shaded had to be cut down and now the whole pool and pool deck just bakes.

My son is a Florida native and absolutely despises the heat! His dream is to move to Finland. :rotfl:
I think this shows how the grass always seems greener elsewhere. I live in PA and interviewed for a job in the Orlando area ~3 years ago. The interview was in October. I was so jealous for the summer-like temperatures. Everyone interviewing me was inquiring (and envious) about the leaves changing back home and about the cool fall temperatures.

After 40+ years living in the Northeast, I'd gladly take the oppressive heat. But I can see why someone who has experienced the heat would yearn for the cold.
I think this shows how the grass always seems greener elsewhere. I live in PA and interviewed for a job in the Orlando area ~3 years ago. The interview was in October. I was so jealous for the summer-like temperatures. Everyone interviewing me was inquiring (and envious) about the leaves changing back home and about the cool fall temperatures.

After 40+ years living in the Northeast, I'd gladly take the oppressive heat. But I can see why someone who has experienced the heat would yearn for the cold.
I yearn for a Snowbird retirement! Summers Up North, winters somewhere warm. Or just to move somewhere more temperate year-round. I’ve been back north visiting in January and only needed 15 minutes to remember why I left lol!
My son is a Florida native and absolutely despises the heat! His dream is to move to Finland. :rotfl:
I totally understand this! I only lived in Florida for about 5 years, but I HATED the weather. Yes, the heat was bad, but I also hated that we didn't have actual seasons. I definitely don't mind cold, I love snow, and I love our summers here in Vermont -- mostly in the 80s with low-ish humidity and just enough rain to keep it green. (Hoping to avoid a repeat of last year when we had record rain and flooding!)
I totally understand this! I only lived in Florida for about 5 years, but I HATED the weather. Yes, the heat was bad, but I also hated that we didn't have actual seasons. I definitely don't mind cold, I love snow, and I love our summers here in Vermont -- mostly in the 80s with low-ish humidity and just enough rain to keep it green. (Hoping to avoid a repeat of last year when we had record rain and flooding!)
I lived in Dallas for 8 years. We sort of got seasons, but spring was maybe three weeks (blue bonnet season), and fall maybe the same. I live in Colorado now where we do get seasons, but nothing's flat for running except the track, and spring means wind and snow. I can't win :rotfl2:
I'm looking forward to riding tiana's during marathon weekend and I am trying really hard not see spoilers, but I realized I follow lots of Disney accounts. It's everywhere but looks so awesome!
I’m a spoiler person, it doesn’t really impact my experience of actually going on an attraction for the first time, so I watched a single ride-through to satiate my curiosity. Seems like they’ve done a perfectly cromulent job.

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