LuvLuvLuv's Memories TR Starts Pg 73 - Honeymoon Day 6.1

I've read through your whole pj and you are amazingly entertaining! I feel like i'm right there with you! Totally wanting a castle punch now, though I have absolutely NO idea what I would use it for.

Voting for the earrings on the top right :wizard:
Thanks for all the responses!! I was so excited! I'm back to work today, feeling much (not quite 100% yet) better. Of course since I was gone a few days, there's mounds of stuff on my desk, in my email, and I really don't feel like doing any of it :rotfl: So here I am :cutie:

Love the dress, and OMG I've been looking for that castle punch everywhere! Where did you get it?

I like the first earrings.

I got the Castle Punch at the World of Disney in Downtown Disney!!

Deena, your dress is beautiful! After looking at the earring choices, I'd be having a hard time, too. Any ideas on a necklace to match them to? Maybe a tiara?

Thank You! I'm thinking of going without a necklace since I want really long earrings, but I am on a hunt for the perfect rhinestone headband!! I have one in mind that I've seen online, I just need to do a bit more research!

I LOVE the dress!! And the shoes! Amazing. As for earrings, I like the bottom left ones--- but they're all lovely.

Feel better soon!

Thank you! Thank you!!

Found your PJ today and sat down and read through all 8 pages! I have laughed, cried and enjoyed reading through; I'm jumping on your PJ - looking forward to your updates! Hope your feeling better pixiedust:

Awww! Thanks for joining in!! I'm feeling much better, Thanks!!

I love your dress! And I vote for the first pair of earrings! :thumbsup2

I love the first pair too :) DF, not so much---I told him to keep watching football :rotfl2:

I like the earrings on the top left!

:) I love them too!! I think I like the top right for the rehearsal. The longer ones look good with my shorter hair because they peek out underneath :)

I've read through your whole pj and you are amazingly entertaining! I feel like i'm right there with you! Totally wanting a castle punch now, though I have absolutely NO idea what I would use it for.

Voting for the earrings on the top right :wizard:

Thanks for reading along!! I'm glad I can entertain someone... I'm here to please, lol!!! DF plays with the castle and mickey punch all the time. I find little castles and mickey heads on my coffee table a lot, lol. I'm not sure what I'm going to use them for either :goodvibes

I vote for the earrings on the top left as well! Theyre gorgeous! :lovestruc

Yay! Thanks!! Now since I'm an earring freak, I will probably just continue to keep buying more :laughing: --- but when I saw those, I did stop and think how perfect they are. They're pretty light too.


So good news! February starts tomorrow!! I have 46 days till I arrive in Disney!! I got DF's Valentine's Day present this week. He's wanted a big face watch and I found him a pretty sweet one on sale, then an extra 30% off, then my store discount :) $195 watch for $58.25 SCORE!!! We won't tell him. He's getting my Vera Bradley Hipster, Jewelry Box and Curling Iron cover in Baroque for me :) He said I can order it on Friday :banana: I normally carry the mini hipster when we go, but since my step-mom goes to the parks commando... I needed a little extra room for traveling with her, lol!! Well I'm going to try and dig thru this crate-o-mail and see if I can get through at least half before lunch. Thanks for everyone's opinions and kind words :) Always appreciated!!

Have a great day!!
So tomorrow we will be 21 months away! That seems like For-Ev-Ver (drag that out like the little boy on The Sandlot, lol)

I've been kinda of in a blur from being sick and haven't been online a whole bunch, but I felt the need to update. I do feel much better now! I was catching up on FB last night when I read that a girl I used to work with got engaged 2 weeks ago, and their date is March 5... this year. Yeesh! I've been engaged for months and I still have 21 months to go? Blah. I think the thought that I'm hanging on to my second job until the wedding is where my stress is coming from. I'm tired of working 2 jobs, and when I was out sick last week, it was like heaven (except for the high fever part) to be able to spend time at home with my little dog and just relax. (I pretty much banished DF from the house in fear that he'd get the flu) I'm also tired of spending money. I'm so over it. As much as we both want to go in November, I just feel like that money would be better use toward the wedding--but we both really want to go--I may put a cap on it and see if we can rent points on the cheap and not really spend too much. Ugh. I need to get on the savings bandwagon...and I just can't seem to get started. If only I could find a check for $35,000 made out to my name--life would be easier.

So how do brides who are far away from their date like me cope with this time? I have the whole thing mapped in my head from top to bottom, every item needed is listed on a spreadsheet. I can't get half the items until our day is nailed down... and I'm really not doing too much DIY. I really would like to try and fly instead of driving and pack way less. Not sure how that is going to work out... but I'm afraid I won't have a groom if we're locked up in a car for 12 hours together :rotfl2: Plus, if gas prices keep rising--driving my Equinox will cost more than 2 plane tickets and luggage fees. It's the minor details that bother me the most. I just feel like I could have this thing rocking and rea

I sent an email to Bill letting him know of a few of our additions and subtractions--and basically just checking in on our date. I'll let you know when I hear back :)

I've been a bad DisBride and haven't been reading PJs lately. Maybe I'll catch up one night after work this weekend.

So we leave 6 weeks from today. I'm getting excited, my stepmom is excited and despite the fact that I told her that the AA Disney dresses were like a sick joke on me... she wanted me to make the appointment so she could see them and be the judge at the showcase. I did like the Snow White. If by chance she loved it and wanted to swipe her card... I'm not sure I would have the strength to say no... even though it's not my vision. I'm doubting that would happen--but hey! you never know!

DF is still griping about the fact that we're not staying at BLT in May. I'm ready to knock him out about it. Part of me hope the waitlist comes thru so he's happy... but my wallet would rather keep (or not have to come up with :cutie:) the extra $658. It sounds like a small figure until you're working with a crazy lipstick lady who can't make up her mind for an hour, you have 67 shades of apricot on your hand and wrist, then she complains that lipstick used to be $3 instead of $30, and that she would have to "wear" it around and she would be back. I'll never see her again and I only got paid $15 after taxes for that hour of my life I'll never get back. That's 44 crazy lipstick ladies that I have to deal with if BLT comes thru--44 too many in my opinion. If I see a disheveled lady with crazy in her eye--I tell the girls I'm going to break and I'll be back :laughing:

Well I guess I really didn't have much to say! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!! Yay February!!
So tomorrow we will be 21 months away! That seems like For-Ev-Ver (drag that out like the little boy on The Sandlot, lol)

That made me laugh! :lmao: Such a great movie!

Sorry to hear about getting sick! It seems like everyone has something these days, and I am sure working two jobs doesn't help! I haven't gotten sick yet... but that's because I am job hunting, and spend most of my day indoors!

I am right there with on you the thrifty savings wagon, it has been killing me not to impulsively buy stuff like I normally do...

I can barely wait 9 months... let alone 22 months for my wedding! I would go crazy!! I don't have any advice, except keep yourself busy (which you obviously are!)

Haha too funny about the incident- the guy is probably wondering why he isn't getting any calls!! :rotfl2:

Happy February! :love:
So tomorrow we will be 21 months away! That seems like For-Ev-Ver (drag that out like the little boy on The Sandlot, lol)

So how do brides who are far away from their date like me cope with this time?

I agree that planning seems to take forever. :goodvibes

I started my PJ at 24 months, but I've been seriously planning this puppy since 2008 when DF bought the ring. I started passing the time by obsessing over/being picky about decor and selecting flowers for my DIY floral (I'm making all of it).

I also read just about ever PJ in existence that had my locations. It takes a lot of time, but it's really helpful to see if someone else tried the same thing. And, you can pick up some tricks, too!
Girl you crack me up! I just love your sense of humor!! Try and stay busy and time will end up seems like yesterday I was getting engaged and planning a wedding over 2 years away and now Im at 9 months...ay caramba! It will start to I think its different everyone. (Not really sure how much that helped...:confused3) Keep your head up, those 44 lipstick ladies could also pay for a confetti cannon! ;) Ooooooh yeaaaahhh!!!
Hello Hello!

So I've come to tell you how much NOTHING I have going on with my wedding, lol! Well there were a few things, but they didn't pan out. So here's my update.

I asked my 2nd job to give me the weekend off (everyone is supposed to get a weekend off--unless your name is Deena) so I could go to PA and try the dress I think I'm set on for my aunt and stepmom. They gave me Sunday and Monday off... but scheduled me 6-9pm on Saturday night. :confused3 Really? The shops up there are closed on Sundays, and they both work on President's Day--so that didn't work out. I'll be cleaning Sunday and Monday instead.

On the flip side of that--I got a lovely email from a lady who's opening a Plus-Size bridal salon in May in my area. She can't carry Maggie dresses because Bridal and Formal have a 50 mile contract in the area. I really don't want to go back there because I may smack that little girl from last time. Although she isn't carrying Maggie's... I may go take a peek when it opens. I felt really at peace with her--and I won't feel like an overstuffed sausage in the samples. Even if I lose the weight... my chest will always be plus sized and I'll need a bigger dress. It won't hurt to look. Maybe she'll have something super blingy :) Or maybe I'll find a weekend to go to Pittsburgh to order it from a Maggie dealer there. ((It won't be on my 10 year reunion weekend... I replied "my regrets" :lmao: I'd rather sit in Stitch's Great Escape all day and smell chili dogs))

Funny story #1: A few weeks ago I thought my iPhone was acting up and I'd need a new one... but then I fixed it. Well Dave shattered his and I cracked mine up the back all within days of each other. We ordered 2 new iPhone 3gs' to replace them which was much cheaper than buying 2 new 4's. We wanted to wait till the 5 came out... but our luck doesn't roll that way.

Funny story #2: My stepmom texted me and advised me she was bringing disposable sheets and pajamas because she didn't want bedbugs. :sad2: Crazy Pants. So I'm picturing paper sheets and hospital like disposable shorts and gown, lol.... when I'm sure she means old stuff she can throw away--but still :laughing: I answered back asking if she was going to bring a disposable mattress, and how would it fit in the overhead. She didn't think that was so funny and tried to state her case. I told her she was more likely to get bugs from the guy next to her on the plane then from a deluxe disney resort. She said, "Ew." :rotfl2:

It's very apparent she hasn't been there in a long time. She asked if we were going to Pleasure Island for a drink :rotfl: I was like... well... I don't think. I don't even know when we'd have time for all that... but I was thinking about putting a bottle of wine in my checked baggage. Has anyone done this without disaster?? Should I bring disposable wine glasses, or drink out of the hotel glasses, lol? Or should we be super classy and drink straight from the bottle in the paper bag?? :laughing: I did tell her about the slushies in EPCOT.

I think I'm going to change the title of my PJ somehow because if you google our names together it pops right up and is a breeding ground for family/friend stalkers. This is my haven and I'd like to keep it that way. So if you see it changed... that's why.

Because I will probably do a mini TR from the showcase... here's a mini Pre-TR itinerary:

Friday: Arrive at Kidani, go get AP, lunch at Chefs de France, EPCOT, dinner at Yachtsman, finish the evening at the Magic Kingdom.

Saturday: Breakfast at Kona, Bridal Showcase, Panel of Experts, Lunch at G-Flo Cafe, Dress Fitting, Shopping at the G-Flo, Back to the resort, maybe swim, maybe chill, Dinner at Ohana, EPCOT Dessert Party, Stop at the Boardwalk Bakery, Downtown Disney to finish the evening.

Sunday: Breakfast in the room (from the Boardwalk Bakery), Running of the Bulls at Hollywood Studios, Hollywood Studios until lunch at Mama Melrose, leave for Animal Kingdom, Leave Animal Kingdom to the resort to prepare for dinner, Dinner at the Cali Grill, Extra Magic Hours till 2am at Magic Kingdom.

Monday: Get checked in for airlines, bags with bellhop, later breakfast at Cape May Cafe, Downtown Disney until we have to be back at the resort to catch the bus for the airport.

See.. packed. I'm not a commando tourist and I'm gonna go nuts. I have narrowed down to must see and hope-to-see attractions. 29 days to go!! Yippee!!
BOO! Deena deserves weekends too!!! :mad:

The second story...with your mom and the bed bugs sounds just like me and my momma. OMG. :lmao:

Also, your schedule looks full but fun! Hooray for less than a month away! :thumbsup2
OH OH!! I forgot to tell you about my sneaky plan!! That was one of the main reasons I started writing this morning, lol.

So the majority of my family wants to stay offsite because it's cheaper. I'm not having this. Soooooooooooo! In March, we have the Deluxe Dining Plan. I'm going to save every last receipt and total everything up against what I paid for it. I'm going to show her how much 2 people saved, and that the money they can save on food can weigh out the savings on an offsite place. I know from previous week long trips that just David and I have saved over $650/700 on each. I'm also hoping she likes the convenience of the busses and Magical Express. I really think I can use this Dining Plan thing to my advantage. :wizard:
I'm at work and was so happy to see an update! I'm so jealous of your trip..I really wanted to go to that dessert party. That story about the bed bugs is hilarious lol..but you can tell her I just got back and didn't bring any bugs with me. I also changed the name of my PJ because Greg did find it by googling "Greg Wendy Disney wedding"...I haven't posted anything on my dress choices here, but I'm more nervous of our guests finding it! I think it takes awhile for google to update though as the old title still shows up.

And as far as passing the time...I'm pretty much just reading PJs and wedding blogs constantly. Someone recently asked what my hobbies were and all I do lately is read about weddings! Maybe we can both take up a new hobby to pass the time together. I know that once the 16 month mark hits I'm going to be scrambling to do the things I was pushing off until then..of course!
Hii! I followed you over from my PJ, I'm a little late to join but hey better late than never! =]

I will say I must tell you I LOVE Maggie dresses, ha. I am partial because I am a Maggie Bride myself.. but idk they just make you feel GORGEOUS in them. And I LOVE the one that you're looking at! I've actually tried it on myself! hehe. It is a pretty one. And I think it's perfect for you and you'd look stunning! Especially with those accessories! hehe.

I was tempted to try on the Disney dresses to because well, they're Disney! But they don't FEEL like a wedding gown to me?? Yanno?? Idk, but at least I know someone agrees haha. =]

BTW, I LOVE your hair color! It's something I've been trying to get forever! Do you mind me asking what color it is! hah. ;D

Can't wait to see more!
BOO! Deena deserves weekends too!!! :mad:

The second story...with your mom and the bed bugs sounds just like me and my momma. OMG. :lmao:

Also, your schedule looks full but fun! Hooray for less than a month away! :thumbsup2

She's just getting worse the more she gets excited, lol. She asked if she should pack a turtleneck :confused3 wth? No--you're going to Florida! I know it'll be chilly at night... but a hoodie will suffice. Yeesh! She's not talking about a fashionable one either... she's talking about putting a fold over turtleneck underneath a t-shirt. Just like we did when I was in elementary school! :laughing:

So funny story add on :) My stepmom is a waitress and a couple I went to school with were in last night and she was telling them about the trip (they're engaged) and how I was telling her what kind of clothes to pack. Jared asked her if she was taking turtlenecks :rotfl2: He didn't even know about our conversation (haven't talked to him in ages)... just how she's been wearing them since we were little, lol. So he texted me after all this went down and I was driving. I could have wrecked my car laughing. :laughing: First it was weird to have a text from someone you only say Merry Christmas to once per year...and it wasn't Christmas. At least it wasn't just me!! I think she got the hint once he said that, lol. Oh... and he was the total prankster and personality king so in no way did he try to insult her... it was all jokes--always has been :goodvibes

I'm at work and was so happy to see an update! I'm so jealous of your trip..I really wanted to go to that dessert party. That story about the bed bugs is hilarious lol..but you can tell her I just got back and didn't bring any bugs with me. I also changed the name of my PJ because Greg did find it by googling "Greg Wendy Disney wedding"...I haven't posted anything on my dress choices here, but I'm more nervous of our guests finding it! I think it takes awhile for google to update though as the old title still shows up.

And as far as passing the time...I'm pretty much just reading PJs and wedding blogs constantly. Someone recently asked what my hobbies were and all I do lately is read about weddings! Maybe we can both take up a new hobby to pass the time together. I know that once the 16 month mark hits I'm going to be scrambling to do the things I was pushing off until then..of course!

Pshhh... everyone keeps asking me how my wedding is coming along. I'm like... welp... slow? I do need to try to do a few things here and there so I don't scramble. I'm a total scrambler. We do need a hobby. I've been trying to hang out on other boards too. I'm pretty much a food extraordinare... hence my size... so I feel pretty confidant giving advice on the restaurant board :lmao: I could finish my dining report from November, start one for March and May?? That could keep me busy. You should do a full TR from your cruise!!! Yay!!

Hii! I followed you over from my PJ, I'm a little late to join but hey better late than never! =]

I will say I must tell you I LOVE Maggie dresses, ha. I am partial because I am a Maggie Bride myself.. but idk they just make you feel GORGEOUS in them. And I LOVE the one that you're looking at! I've actually tried it on myself! hehe. It is a pretty one. And I think it's perfect for you and you'd look stunning! Especially with those accessories! hehe.

I was tempted to try on the Disney dresses to because well, they're Disney! But they don't FEEL like a wedding gown to me?? Yanno?? Idk, but at least I know someone agrees haha. =]

BTW, I LOVE your hair color! It's something I've been trying to get forever! Do you mind me asking what color it is! hah. ;D

Can't wait to see more!

Thanks for joining in!! The day I tried the Disney dresses on, I felt like I was prom gown shopping. I wanted to love them... but up against the Maggie dresses they were... well... cheap looking on me for comparable prices :(

So my hair... in that picture... is Natural Instincts Coffee Creme :cutie: Currently as of a couple weeks ago it is Cherry Creme... and I have a box of Chocolate Creme on reserve, lol. That's why I like Semi-Permenant color... I have decision making issues.


Well I have a short work weekend... for once! I only go in Saturday night and then have Sunday and Monday OFF! I can't wait to clean, and pack, and do laundry!! Oh laundry! I'm so far behind and have no clean clothes :( I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm wearing maternity pants today because I thought clean maternity pants were better than dirty non-maternity pants. I wouldn't admit this to anyone else, but thought at least someone would laugh :confused3 They feel weird, but very comfortable... I may pack them for the plane ride :laughing: Hmmmm....

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!!
Thanks for joining in!! The day I tried the Disney dresses on, I felt like I was prom gown shopping. I wanted to love them... but up against the Maggie dresses they were... well... cheap looking on me for comparable prices :(

So my hair... in that picture... is Natural Instincts Coffee Creme :cutie: Currently as of a couple weeks ago it is Cherry Creme... and I have a box of Chocolate Creme on reserve, lol. That's why I like Semi-Permenant color... I have decision making issues.

I use Natural Instincts, too! Egyptian Plum here. :cool1: I also love the semi-permanant color, plus it smells the best out of all the boxed dye I've tried. :rotfl2:

I'm excited because I'm going to a Maggie trunk show next weekend (yeah, I'm counting the days)! I read about how much everyone loves their Maggie dress and I hope I can find something I like in my budget.
Ooooo MindyJoy you have to let us know as to which girl you fall in love with! There is just SOMETHING about Maggie dresses.. that when you put one on it's indescribable! =]

And thanks for the hair color! hehe. I may have to go find myself some! I'm so indecisive with my hair too.. it's always a different color! But for our e shots in Spring I want it to be chocolate with bright red highlights! hehe. So I've been trying to find the perfect chocolate color! =]
Funny story #2: My stepmom texted me and advised me she was bringing disposable sheets and pajamas because she didn't want bedbugs. :sad2: Crazy Pants. So I'm picturing paper sheets and hospital like disposable shorts and gown, lol.... when I'm sure she means old stuff she can throw away--but still :laughing: I answered back asking if she was going to bring a disposable mattress, and how would it fit in the overhead. She didn't think that was so funny and tried to state her case. I told her she was more likely to get bugs from the guy next to her on the plane then from a deluxe disney resort. She said, "Ew." :rotfl2:

Should I bring disposable wine glasses, or drink out of the hotel glasses, lol? Or should we be super classy and drink straight from the bottle in the paper bag?? :laughing: I did tell her about the slushies in EPCOT.

I think I'm going to change the title of my PJ somehow because if you google our names together it pops right up and is a breeding ground for family/friend stalkers. This is my haven and I'd like to keep it that way. So if you see it changed... that's why.

HAHA too funny about your step-mom!! :lmao:

I say to drink straight from the bottle in the bag... lol... you can say you are going green and trying to save little plastic cups and help the environment! :rotfl:

ALSO... TY sooo much for posting about the google search!! I never even thought of that!! Of course DF knows better than to go searching anywhere... but I searched our names together, and BAM third hit on google!! :scared1: SO I changed the title of my PJ as well to our nicknames... WHEW.. thanks for the heads up girl!! :worship:
Hello Hello!

It's very apparent she hasn't been there in a long time. She asked if we were going to Pleasure Island for a drink :rotfl: I was like... well... I don't think. I don't even know when we'd have time for all that... but I was thinking about putting a bottle of wine in my checked baggage. Has anyone done this without disaster?? Should I bring disposable wine glasses, or drink out of the hotel glasses, lol? Or should we be super classy and drink straight from the bottle in the paper bag?? :laughing: I did tell her about the slushies in EPCOT.

Straight from the bottle!! haha!! DF calls this BTF (bottle to the face)
He's so classy... :rotfl2:
Well I've been having bad thoughts. Last night I asked Dave a questions, and told him I want the answer by March 1. I figured I should let you guys in on what's going on, lol.

Lately my second job has been really screwing me over. In March they scheduled me 11-9 every Saturday, except the one I'm in WDW... and the full time girls are all scheduled 10-1 or 10-2 because they have "dinner parties" or things to do. UMMM... lets share those sweet schedules because maybe I have something to do. We're also only supposed to be scheduled 1 or 2 at the most Sundays per month. I'm on EVERY Sunday except the one I'm in WDW. I'm supposed to be 4 days per week... and I'm 5 or 6 on all the weeks. 6 days and crappy hours??? I have to get out of there. I cry on my way to there, and as soon as I get in the car coming home--I'm tired and they treat me like their fill-in... not a pro-stylist that used to be the manager who's been there for 5 years.

So maybe I'm just tired, but I really don't think I can do this for another year and eight months. Money is consuming my life and it's so exhausting. I want to enjoy time with Dave, who recently went to 2nd shift. I get home at 9:30, I stay up so I can see him when he gets home at 11, we eat dinner (at 11:00pm which is why we're fat), I go to bed and he watches TV till he falls asleep. He still works the bar on the weekends... so Sunday night is the only time I see him. I want to spend time with him... but with the extra jobs for wedding money... it's getting to the point where it's not worth it.

I ran some numbers the other day. I have figured a week's stay at BLT or the YC (with the dxddp) plus the Memories collection, plus all other wedding spending, etc at a little under $13,000. I think I can swing that by November. I was pricing stays from November 12-19. I don't even care what day it is... whatever they have available! I'm ready to do this, and get it done with. I proposed the situation to him and told him I want an answer by March 1. That means I could quit my second job before Christmas... and actually have a Christmas without retail jail!! :cool1:

If he says no... then it's okay! I will continue to plan our Wishes wedding as planned and be happy. I just am in a place right now that doesn't need calla lily arrangements and sorbet slippers. Maybe I'll change my mind back next week and chalk this up to PMS? I will terribly miss having Mickey and Minnie... but it'll be okay! I would miss my dream dress... but my dream dress wouldn't fit as well outside at the Grand Floridian--it would be much more casual. I found a couple I liked on sale at a few different sites for $250. He said if he did agree to this he's wearing shorts. Alrighty then.

Am I a bad Disbride?? I feel like I'm abandoning my dreams. There's just part of me that say's I'm going to spend $40,000 on a dream week and come home and still want to put hardwood floors in, still put in a garden jacuzzi tub, still change out the standard condo kitchen appliances which don't wash dishes, make ice or cook evenly like they're supposed to... and lets not talk about the wear and tear on the living room furniture. Plus... we could be started on a family sooner. I have a lot to think about.

I guess we could always reserve our condo club house when we come back and I could do it up in callas, rhinestones, black and silver--have a little shindig, collect a couple checks. Bad Deena--but seriously. The next weekend is Thanksgiving and I could have a lil something in PA too.

I have a feeling he's going to say no, but it is something I wish he'll consider. If he says yes... we'll need to talk to family and see if they feel they MUST be there, or if we can just do this on our own. They need to understand we're dining on dining plan credits and we aren't paying for their meals like we previously were :rotfl2: I would think his mom and grandfather would come, and my stepmom and aunt would come. I almost wish no one would come--we'd only be staying a week and I don't want to cater to others. Okay, on that note, I'm just being mean now. I'm going to find chocolate and doritos and try to give myself an attitude adjustment.

I really, really would appreciate thoughts on this. You can be brutal and tell me I'm crazy, or that this is stupid, or whatever! Maybe that's what I need? Maybe I just need to see my favorite mice in 3 weeks to snap out of it?? Hope everyone is doing well!!
Am I a bad Disbride?? I feel like I'm abandoning my dreams.

You are not a bad Disbride at all. It is not worth you suffering at a job that you hate for the next year and a half, just so you can have one week of utopia.

Disney is a magical place. I think that's part of the reason that we have all decided to have our weddings there. You just get that "feeling" when you are there. I don't think that feeling is going to change if you downsize from a Wishes to an Escape. It will still be a wonderful, magical experience.

The bottom line is, a wedding is about you and your future husband committing to each other for the rest of your lives. You don't want to start out your marriage being stressed about finances. At the end of your DFTW, or any wedding, all you are going to be left with is your pictures and each other. You will have amazing memories... but this will be true regardless of how many people attend, and what your flowers look like, etc. There's no reason why you can't plan an elaborate VR or Disneymoon a few years down the road.

I have been at a job where I was miserable, and it was quite honestly the worst feeling ever. You're exhausted, and if you're anything like me, you can end up unintentionally taking out the stress on your DF. You have to look out for your own happiness and health first and foremost.

I am sure that no matter what you choose to do, you will have an amazing, beautiful wedding. You just have to do whatever you think is right for you and DF, and not worry about what anyone else thinks. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to. :)


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