Lulu201's Healthy Living Journal--Just trying my best to walk the walk! Come on by!

:flower: :flower: :flower:
Day by day,
Pound by pound,
Erin's just doin' it!
No messin' around!

:flower: :flower: :flower:

We're doin' it, princess: Erin! No messin' around for us! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I wish you a wonderful healthy day!! :hug: I'll be checking in later to see how it's going.
Now all we need is :rockband:
"Music! Sweet Music! They'll be Music everywhere!
We'll be singing and swaying
and record playing
a chance for folks to meet!
Oh it doesn't matter what you wear,
just as long as you are there!
So come on every guy grab a girl
everywhere around the world!" :rockband: :dancer:

Sounds like you have a great plan for today! Enjoy it!

:rockband: :flower1: There's a party going on right here. . .a celebration to last throughout the year! So bring your good times and your laughter, too, 'cause we're gonna celebrate a party with you. C'mom, celebrate good times! C'Mon! :flower1: Hey, I love when we're having a party in my journal! Thanks for starting it, you guys! Did you invite the cabana boys? :teeth:

lulu201 said:
:rockband: :flower1: There's a party going on right here. . .a celebration to last throughout the year! So bring your good times and your laughter, too, 'cause we're gonna celebrate a party with you. C'mom, celebrate good times! C'Mon! :flower1: Hey, I love when we're having a party in my journal! Thanks for starting it, you guys! Did you invite the cabana boys? :teeth:


Of course we did! And they brought the margarita mix!
Hi Erin!!

What a fun party you are having here in your journal! :cool1: :Pinkbounc Maybe all of this fun will chase away the snow and cold weather! :cold: :sunny: :sunny:

Have a great evening! :flower:
Hi Erin,

I love your new journal. You are ROCKIN'!!!!!!!! Way to go.

Rats! I missed the party! :banana:

Keep up the great work! Have a great day! :flower:
NOTE TO ALL: We have to keep the party goin' so sarahsmom has a chance to join us! Alert the band and the cabana boys! :sunny:

:disrocks: :rockband:

One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock,
Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock,
Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock,
We're gonna rock around the clock tonight.

I feel more festive already!!

Dear Erin, you are doing a FABULOUS job!! :Pinkbounc
We definitely have good reasons to celebrate, especially with all these smilies we're earning! We can do it one more day, right? We'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here - but for today, we're gonna live healthy! ::yes::

Oh my gosh, you guys! All the :sunny: and :goodvibes that you've brought to my journal has really helped to me to stay with my "Just Do It" Plan. Thank you for helping me to make it to Day #4. Oh, and special thanks to those cabana boys, too! :p

OK, new day here:

1. Devotions: :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water--none yet, but I see 6-8 in my future
4. Exercise--today is my rest day
5. Food: b: english muffin and pb, coffee=7, s: grapes=1, l: 1/2 subway wrap and baked lays=8, s: orange/cut veggies, 1/2 subway wrap=6, d: soup and crackers=6. Total for day:24T plus 4Flex.
6. Scale: holding at 175 :) Like Doreen, I won't change my siggie until I weigh in on Monday. That is, if I can figure out how to change that Ticker. ANybody know?

I'm sorry I won't be able to get around to journals much. I'll try to stop by, but today is my mega day and I'm tightly scheduled from now until bed-time.
I'll be drinking my tea and remembering you all this afternoon, though. Thank you all, for all that you give to me. I'll stop around tomorrow for sure.

Edit: 2 glasses of water

Erin :shamrock:
These instructions sound like a pain, but it truly doesn't take long.
  • You click on your current ticker and the TickerFactory window will open.
  • You create your ticker again, putting in the appropriate numbers, etc.
  • You copy the code at the end (the FIRST set for vBulletin) and paste it in your siggie.
  • Then delete the "old" code out of your siggie.
  • Save and enjoy!
Morning Erin! You sure do know how to throw a party - next time I'll teach pole dancing! ;)

I have to admit I am JEALOUS of your menu today! It looks so yummy! I wish my body could do carbs. :( Iknow you are overloaded today but your plan looks good and simple and I know you'll have to trouble sticking to it. The scale will change soon enough, and probably in a big way!

:wave: Good afternoon, Erin!

I see you're getting some of that water in. You might want to pick up the pace though - you've got about 6 hours between now and 8 PM so that's 1 glass an hour. I'm sure you'd like to be finished by 8 PM so you're not waking up tonight. ;)

Hang in there through your long day! I'm sending extra :goodvibes and energy-filled :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: to help you make it!

:hug:, dear WISH-sis
:music: :rockband: :firefight
Party at Erin's !!!!

I had to add the firefighter because they announced on our radio station that they are throwing a "Prom" with guest band, The Village people. :rotfl2:


You rock. I totally agree with your assessment of my idea on the journal title, but so far it is the best I've come up with.

I am sending you extra :wizard: for your long day. Keep drinking and gat some rest tonight.
The Village People are in Erin's journal???!!! :earseek: I remember on my first ever trip to Orlando (for show choir my senior year in high school), some friends and I went to the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal Studios. The song YMCA came on and our waiter told us we should stand up on our chairs and dance. So, we did! :dancer: That was a fun moment! Thanks for letting me re-live it Erin! :goodvibes

I hope today was a wonderful day for you! Thanks for the encouragement you leave in my journal! I appreciate you! :grouphug:

Have a great Friday! :sunny:
LATE AGAIN!!!! Well.... We can just keep the cabana boys on staff and make it a permanent party as Erin is doing AWESOME!!! :cool1: Bring on the boys!!!! :cool1:

Keep it up Erin! You are doing an amazing job! :flower:
:banana: Wow! We're having a good time here in my journal! Now it's a TGIF party! :banana:

Have to be short 'cause it's time to get DD to school:

1. Devotions: Our prayer changes circumstances and changes us." :)
2. Vitamins:
3. Water: 24 oz. done
4. Exercise: 4 miles on the treadie
5. Food: english muffin and pb
6. Scale: :)

I'll stop in later.

Edit: Well, we didn't get out of the driveway. . .I have a flat tire!! I know that this doesn't seem like a woman of the 21st century, but you know what? I don't do tires, so DH will be home soon to fix it, and we'll just have to hang out 'til then. As you can imagine, DD is devastated (is that spelled right?) that she'll miss part of her morning at school! :teeth:

Yesterday was a :) :) :) :) :) :) , but if I'm honest, it was just barely. I was tired and hungry yesterday afternoon and ate two soft pretzels--I had the flex points for them, so I'm still officially on track, but it wasn't a good decision. With Aunt Flo expected in two days and the weekend coming, I know I'm in a dangerous spot for staying on plan. Tonight we're going out for dinner--I don't know where yet--and I feel very vulnerable. I need to plan!

Breakfast: english muffin, pb, coffee (7)
Lunch: yogurt and almonds (3-4)
Snack: cut veggies
Dinnner: ????
Total points: 24T+4 AP+5 Flex (15 currently in the bank)

All right, I'm feeling a little better now. . .maybe dinner could be at Saladworks instead of my favorite Mexican place "On the Border"? Someday I'll eat at O. the B. again, but not during training. I'm a Jock Athlete princess: who needs to get fit!

DH is patiently and persistantly working on the building the weight contraption. It's not a bow-flex, but it's one of those "unit" kind of deals. When I saw all the parts to it, I almost fainted, but he doesn't seem daunted in the least! Ahh, to have a mechanical mind!

OK, so I'm going to ramble a bit now:

This is day #5 of the Just Do It Plan, and I'm glad I'm on it. It's really helping me to take care of myself at a time when I'm feeling a lot of pressure to keep up with many things. I'm trying to look at all of this as a way of being good to myself; though, if I'm honest, sometimes I think of it as another thing on my "to do" list. When I feel negative, I remember that too often taking care of ME is put on the bottom of the list, and that's not how it should be. The exercise and the diet are what's good for me. Sure it takes time (and the walking coming up for the weekend is going to take A LOT of time), but I'm worth it! This walk that I'm on, this journey, is going to result in a stronger, healthier me! :cool1:

I'm going to visit around a bit and then get my walking started. :teeth:


Edit: vitamins :) , more water, sandwich for lunch (will have shrimp and chick. and broc. for dinner--chinese), and 4 miles on the treadie. :)
:rotfl: OK, now I've seen everything!! I never, ever expected to find The Village People in our journals!!! :rotfl: But all are welcome, so party on!!

Erin, I'm so proud of you!!! I know how hard it is to take the time every day to exercise no matter what else is on the schedule, to scrutinize every bite of food with so many other things vying for our attention, to account for how many ounces of water we've had and find time for extra trips to "the little girls' room". This healthy living IS an extra burden, no doubt about it! ::yes::

However, that extra "burden" is what keeps us fit enough and healthy enough to do all those other things we do. It gives us the energy to be better wives, mothers, workers, church members, community members, etc. Without investing this time in ourselves, we'd be fatter and more lethargic. We'd do so much less and feel so much worse about ourselves. I'd certainly rather feel tired but fit and fulfilled than tired and disappointed in all the things I was too sick and tired to do. Does that make sense?

:hug: for you, dear Erin. This IS hard work, but the rewards are so worth it! Keep your eyes on the prize, girlfriend, when the going gets tough. :sunny:

Have a wonderful day and know that you are up to the challenges that lay before you. :flower:
:rotfl: I don't change tires either. :rotfl:

I hope your morning starts looking up! Okay so eating out - it is ROUGH! Especially since usually the healthy choice on the menu is *not* my favorite dish. Just try to keep the rest of your meals on the low side of your points today. Plan some 0 point snacks, and I think you will be great. Especially since you will have some activity points from your exercise (do you still get those?)

Thanks for stopping by, girls. Yes, I do get Activity Points, Amanda, and with the 10 I have left for the day, plus the 3 AP I get, I should be OK. We've decided on Chinese. I'll have chicken and broccoli, some steamed shrimp, and some rice, and I'll be just fine. The nice part will be getting out with DH. Speaking of DH, he was my knight in shining armour with that tire. :love2:

While on the treadmill, I got to thinking about the half and how much fun it's going to be in Ocean City. Sometimes I forget that I'm doing this all for FUN! :p I walked 22 miles this week. . .I'm proud of myself. :cool1: Thanks, Doreen, for saying you're proud of me, too. :goodvibes

Getting ready for the afternoon. . .


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