Lulu201's Back In Action Journal

:faint: Erin,

I'm tired just thinking about your schedule, and I am not going through DZONE, yet. I hope this afternoon will be uneventful, and you can rest tonight.

Take care,
Erin, I'm glad to hear that you're re-evaluating your schedule. I don't want you to burn out from overload. You have so much to offer all your students but you won't be able to help ANY of them if you get too burned out. :hug: Please take extra good care of you.

New workout gear is always fun!! When will you get it? Do you have a good place to set it up? Will it live next to the treaddie?? Sorry to be so nosy - I'm just really excited for you!! :banana:

I'm sending :goodvibes , :sunny: , and a few extra :hug: :hug: your way today!
Hi Erin,

I just wanted to wish you a happy and relaxing weekend.

Take care of yourself,
Thanks, Doreen and Beth, for stopping by and offering me such kindness. I love you guys.

DD is home sick with what I think is the flu, so I've got make this short. I'm calling the dr. at 9 and need to have a shower before then in case they ask us to come over. She's got some nasty coughing going on, so I don't know if they'll need to see her or not.

The weight thingy is going to go next to the treadie in the newly "remodeled" garage/gym. Before it's delivered the beginning of March we're going to clean everything out, put down some carpet, and make it into an exercise spot. There will still be some room for storage, but we're going to work to make it all more attractive. Fans, heaters, etc. will be added as the weather changes.

Thanks for supporting me to make some changes in my schedule. It's hard for me to do, but I know it needs to be done. More on that another time.

OK, I'm off and into the day. :grouphug: to everyone. I have to be in to work at 1 p.m.--I probably won't be around 'til tonight.

Hi Erin,

How is your DD feeling? I hope she is feeling better. Sending some :sunny: her way today.

Your new workout "room" sounds great Erin! You'll be a workout princess: from the comfort of your own home! Cool! :cool1:

Have a wonderful weekend! :sunny:
:sunny: Good morning, dear Erin! :sunny:

I know that you work part of Saturday, but I'm hoping there's also some planned relax time!

I WISH you a wonderful day! Soak up that bright sunshine - even if it's streaming through a window in your nicely heated home! :p It's a bit chilly for strolling out there. :teeth:
Today's February 29, 2005

DD is still very sick today. This is the beginning of her 3rd day with a 101+ fever. She's resting on the couch right now. Thanks, Tracy, for asking about her. She's been worried about school projects, poor thing. She did get some good news yesterday, though. She's moved to the next round for admission to the high school she'd like to go to next year. Next week we'll ask current teachers for recommendations. This is all in God's hands.

We were supposed to go away this weekend to visit my mom, but because DD's so sick, we're staying home. Usually DH and I teach on Saturday mornings, but he's the only one scheduled (since I thought DD and I would be away). He's gone off to the studio and I'm staying home and cleaning. The same with church tomorrow--he's scheduled to play, but I technically have the "day off." Whether I go anyway depends on how DD feels. She's so sick that I just don't feel right leaving her alone, even just to go to church. The doc thinks she should turn a corner by Monday. Please keep her in your prayers.

This past week was kind of rough, as you know. I've had a lot of tension headaches and worry--most of it because I've been worn down. I think my body's been trying to fight off all the viruses that are going around (including the ones in my own house). Combined with my schedule overload, I've just felt extra tired. I did get in a few short walks this week, so that was good. Today I'll try for a 4 miler. . .I can feel my body needs to be pushed some. I've avoided the scale like the plague. . .healthy eating just seems like one more thing on the "to do" list right now.

When I avoid healthy living, I know it's because my life is not balanced and I'm not centered and grounded. To bring it into balance, I need to adjust some things, so I'm changing my teaching schedule beginning next week and spending more time in devotions and prayer. It'll give me some more "at home" time that will allow me to work out or to clean or to rest. DH supports this--I feel lucky that way. :love:

So, in an attempt to get myself on a healthier road:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins
3. Water
4. Exercise--4 miles planned
5. Food--grapenuts for breakfast (way too carby)
6. Scale-- :confused3 what scale????

That's the plan. Now if I could just follow it. . . :teeth:

Hi Lulu,

Sorry to hear your DD is sick. I know it also makes it more challenging for you having the extra stress of her being sick.

I hope you do take the time for yourself today and get your 4 miler in. It will make you feel better and will naturally push you towards the healthier foods. Keep up the great work and take it one day at a time. With all that is going on right now, you need to just focus on one day at a time. Thinking too far ahead will just overwhelm you.
It's February 20, 2005:

Hi, Melanie! :wave2: Thanks for stopping by and offering your words of encouragement. Not only did I NOT get in my 4 miler, I ended up eating popcorn last night while watching movies with DD. Oh, well, it's a new day!

The plan:

1. Devotions
2. Vitamins
3. Water
4. Exercise
5. Food
6. Scale

The only :) I got yesterday was for devotions. Today I'll try to treat myself better!

DD is still feeling lousy and is very discouraged. It's hard being sick.

Yesterday I ended up running errands all afternoon. Today I'm determined to spend more time at home.

Off and into the day--
Hi Erin!

I am sorry to hear that your DD is still not feeling well. It sounds like she has the same thing Emily had. Emily woke up 3 mornings in a row with a 102-104 degree temperature. We would give her some children's Tylenol, the fever would drop to about 99 degrees, then later in the day, it would spike back up to aboiut 101-102. The fourth day she woke up and it was gone! Praise God! It is so hard for us moms when our kids are sick. We want to fix all of their boo boos for them and waiting for an illness to leave is hard. I am sending :sunny: and :wizard: and a :mickeybar for your DD today. Maybe the cyber ice cream will make her feel better. ;)

Please be sure and take extra special good care of you too! :grouphug: Think spring.... think spring.... think spring! :sunny: :sunny:
I hope DD is feeling better today. It's hard to focus on getting better when they know the schoolwork is piling up. :(

It's Monday - the start of a new week. I'm hoping your new schedule helps you to find the balance you need, and the chance to just "be" and catch your breath. :hug:

Here's some extra sun - thought you could use it with the grey skies overhead.
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Thanks, Tracy and Doreen, for stopping by. DD woke up this morning (day #5) with NO fever and almost a spring in her step! I think she's turned a corner, thank God.

Today is February 21, 2005 and here's the plan:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins-- :)
3. Water--working on my 4th glass
4. Exercise--I love my new shoes! Walked 4.25 on the treadie! :)
5. Food--grapenuts, banana, milk, and coffee for breakfast. Gotta get those darn g-nuts out of the house! Forgot to eat lunch. . .will have a salad later on.
6. Scale :)

Yesterday I earned smilies for devotions :) , vitamins :) , and exercise :) .

DD wants to use the computer, so I guess I'd better let her work.


I'm reading two new books that I got at the Christian bookstore: "Frazzled Factor" a book for working moms and "God's Design for the Highly Healthy Person." The second talks about having our lives balanced (you know this is the right book for me ;) ) in four areas: physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual. I'm finding out lots of interesting stuff!
February 22, 2005

DD is home from school this morning. . .her cough is still nasty and had her up in the night. I'm not sure if I should take her in to be seen by the dr. again or not. What to do, what to do.

Yesterday I earned :) :) :) :) :) . All but food. Today I'm going to make a real effort to get that food smilie. I know that I just ate from stress.

Today's plan:

1. Devotions: :) "God entrusts us with possessions so that we may use them to bless others."
2. Vitamins: :)
3. Water: two glasses done
4. Exercise: Walked two miles on the treadie :)
5. Food: english muffin w/pb and coffee for breakfast. Lunch will be yogurt and almonds. Dinner will be salad, I think.
6. Scale: not yet

I'm moving forward into the day, looking toward God who is my strength.

Your new books sound very interesting!! I'll be hoping for a book review at a later date. :)

Poor DD, will this bug ever leave her alone? At least she's on the mend now. It will just take time....

You earned almost all your smilies - good for you!! You're on the right track, WISH-sis!

Hope today is filled with peace! :sunny:
Just a bit about my health and wellness book,Doreen:

Like a car needs balanced wheels to run properly, we need balance in our lives to run properly. There are 4 areas that we need to consider: our physical, emotional, relational, and our spiritual needs. The book does a little assessment (and then offers online assessments for further investigation) to help the reader determine which "wheels" are running a little out of balance. The dr. stresses that no one is ever perfectly in balance. The book then goes on to give the reader suggestions for improving health in the four areas. I haven't gotten to the "treatment" sections yet. I like what I've read so far. . .the dr. is realistic and practical and talks about "wholeness." While I'm on the treadie, I read a little bit.

I'm off now to have a big glass of refreshing, cool water and some yogurt and almonds. I'm going to read through my afternoon lesson and then take a few moments to jot down some of my many blessings--like my friends on the WISH. :grouphug:

Hi Erin,

I hope that DD is feeling better.

Your book sounds interesting. I hope it helps you find some balancefor yourself.

Have a fantastic day,
:sunny: Happy Wednesday! :sunny:

Dear Erin, I'm hoping that DD is truly feeling like herself again and is ready to face the world. I'm also hoping that you had a restful night's sleep and are feeling sunny today.

Your book sounds wonderful and so true! I find that I can work through a few days of imbalance in my life when necessary, but it certainly takes its toll. Living a balanced life on a regular basis is a necessity for my sanity. I'll be looking forward to more insights, if you're willing to share. :listen:

Have a wonderful day, WISH-sis! :hug:
February 23, 2005

The sun is shining :sunny: and it's a brand new day! Just having the sunshine is reason to celebrate! :sunny:

DD is off to school today, but had a rather rough night last night. Her cough really prevented her from getting a good rest. I told her that she could come and get me in the night if she just felt she needed someone; we sat up together for a little while. Hearing her (finally) sleep peacefully was music to my ears! She has a lot on her mind--projects, deadlines, the possibility of going to a new school and the interview, etc. that that involves. . .thanks for keeping her in your prayers.

I'm ready to start this Wednesday!

1. Devotions: :) "God is faithful, always." It's good to remember that "I am weak, but He is strong."
2. Vitamins: :)
3. Water: drinking lots
4. Exercise: no plans today, but I'll be off tomorrow morning and will either go to Bally's or will walk at home on the treadie for a long walk (4 miles or more)
5. Food: This morning I'm going to have a 2 egg broccoli-cheese omelet and a slice of wheat toast, snack was an orange
6. Scale: :) I know I'd feel better if I ate healthier.

My book's next chapter is on being "proactive in preventing disease: the essentials of self-care." I don't know if I'll get to it today, but it's coming up during my next treadie time! I'll keep you posted!

I'll stop by and visit a few journals as the day progresses. Right now I have to get myself ready for work.

Erin :shamrock:
Hi Erin,

Isn't :sunny: wonderful? I can't wait until Spring comes!!! :Pinkbounc

I am sending some prayers for your DD today. I hope she has a wonderful day and is able to get caught up quickly with everything at school. When is her interview?

I hope you have a wonderful day, Erin! :sunny:


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