Lulu201's Back In Action Journal

Hi Erin,

I just wanted to say Congratulations on the mega smilie days. You are doing great getting into Bally's despite not liking it. It is hard to go someplace that is dismal. Good for you.

Keep up the great work!

Hi Erin and Happy February to you!!

I love your green posts. Very St. Patricksy to me. :)

You are really getting in some miles on the treadmill! Way to go!! I am really proud of you. Don't worry about that Yukky Bally's. Just think how much tougher you look working out at a 'real' gym, versus one of those posh places. ;) And, at least you don't have nakkies running around it like at Michelle's. Maybe it is just a Florida thing? :rotfl:
It's February 2, 2005, and the :sunny: is shining here in SE PA. Thank goodness, 'cause it's only 10 degrees! :cold: It's too darn cold to be a nakkie around here! :p

I'm celebrating yesterday's :) :) :) :) :) day (none for exercise, 'cause I was injured :p). I'm going to go for a 6er today, though.

Here's the plan:

1. Devotions-- :) God remembers us always, every day.
2. Vitamins-- :)
3. Water--beginning 3rd
4. Exercise--4 miles done :)
5. Food--B: whole wheat Eng. muffin, 2 tbsp. pb, coffee=7. McDonald's salad for lunch=10 Grazing dinner: yogurt w/kashi=3, cheesestick=2, celery and a couple of carrot sticks=0, orange=1 Dessert when I get home around 8:30 or so will be a Eskimo Slender Pie at 2. Total for day=25. Target points are 24, activity points will be 8. That means I have to find more healthy stuff to eat!
6. Scale--moving back to a normal range :rolleyes:

I've got to hit the treadie.

Thanks for stopping by everyone. I'm going to visit Curves on Friday. Don't know if I'll join quite yet, but I'm eager to hear the talk and find out what my options are.

Glad you like my green posts, Terry. I love green--it reminds me of growth and spring time. And when I found that shamrock smilie, well, I couldn't pass up making it my signature color for awhile! :p

OK, I gotta run here--

Erin :shamrock:

Edit: Walked my 4 miles in less than 56 minutes! :cool1: That's a personal best for me! I walked 3/4 of a mile and then jogged 1/4 at 5.0. The intensity changed my AP to 8! I don't know if I'll be able to eat all those points--but I guess I owe it to myself to try. :p
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: There are 5 sunnies for your 5 smilie day yesterday! Hopefully they'll help you warm up.

The groundhog has predicted 6 more weeks of winter but we can get through it, right? We'll be too busy training for the OC Half to worry about the cold! ::yes::

Glad to hear you and the scale are beginning to make peace. With all those smilies, I just know you'll be having many more happy scale encounters. Keep up the great work! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I like your new color scheme too! :bounce:
You sound great :sunny: sunny yes but freezing YUK! how many days till spring?
Congrats on all the smiles :Pinkbounc you are doing so weel & I know your scale will show it. Have a wonderful Wednesday! Did you hit 4 miles :cool1:
Yeah another :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: !!!! Keep it up and you'll see that scale move in a positive direction. Let me know what you think of Curves. I really do like it and enjoy the women who are there.

LOL, Erin! I know it was a task, but did you get those 8 AP points in? Too bad you can't bankroll those babies. ;) Your time on the treadmill is EXCELLENT! I am so proud of how well you are doing! Go, Erin! Go, Erin!!
Wow Erin!

You did great on the treaddie! Way to earn those APs. Do I see a SF vanilla latte in your plan of attack today?

I hope all that exercise warmed you up, and you had a good afternoon.
Take care,
WOO HOO!!! Look at you go, Erin!!! Great time on the treaddie!!

The high on Sunday is supposed to be 46 - sure you don't wanna get 2-3 miles in at Valley Forge?? ;)
:faint: Is it really time to get up? I need more sleep!

Yikes, it's morning already. Guess I'd better rise and :sunny: . It's February 3, 2005!

I'm :cool1: over :) :) :) :) :) :) smilies yesterday! :banana:

Here's today's plan:

1. Devotions: :) The writing was about reading your Bible, but it also reminded me of walking in step with God and realizing his presence.
2. Vitamins-- :)
3. Water--4 down. Today's going to be a major coffee drinking day. I'm going to have to drink 2 gallons of water to counteract it!
4. Exercise--today's a rest day
5. Food: Honestly, I haven't figured this out yet, but it will be similiar to yesterday.
b--english muffin w/pb, 2 cups coffee w/cream=8
l--subway ham deli sandwich w/nonfat honey mustard sauce=5
baked lays chips=3
s--cheese stick and veggies=2
6. Scale: :) Almost back to my clippie weight.

Off and into the day. :grouphug: to all my WISH buddies.
Erin :shamrock:
You are doing AWESOME Erin! Keep up the great work and you are going to sailing right by your clippie weight!

Just look at all those smilies!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I know you'll find a way to be good to yourself, even through your busy day! You'll be working your way to a new 10 pound clippie very soon!!

:hug: and :sunny:
Hi Erin,
Great job in facing the scale.

The answer to your question on my thread about the AP's.

I use moderate and not high for calculating. Maybe when I get closer to my goal weight again I will. I like to eat a little extra, but it feels like it's too many points if I use high. I know that the TM workouts always feel HIGH intensity to me. The FIRM ones I do I base it on how I feel the workout went. If I feel I had a fantastic workout that made me really sweat I will give myself 2 or 2.5 points. Only 1 if I felt like it was easy. Figuring AP's are really hard to me. Its so subjective.

Keep up the great work. You sound really positive right now!
Looking might fine :cool1: 4 miles inless than an hour - wahoo!

Are you familiar with southampton music company? i just found an ad for it. looking for something for ds to do on non-school days. Hope to see you when the sun is shining :sunny:
Hi Erin,

You are just :moped: through your smilies, girl. I am sure you will be at clippie weight in no time. That 10 pound clippie will be yours in no time.

Have a great weekend,
Hi Erin!

Way to go on all of those smilies!! :teeth: :teeth: You are doing a great job! If you get a :sunny: for every :teeth: , then winter will soon be chased away and spring will come!!! :cloud9: ;) Woohoo! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great evening , Erin! :flower:
:banana: It's Friday!
There were times this week I never thought I'd see it, but it's here! :banana:

Yesterday was a :) :) :) :) :) ! Didn't get my exercise :) because it was a rest day, but today I'll be going for all 6.

I have to admit, though, I'm a little worried about today. Tonight DD and I are going to a 76ers game. Actually it's a choir competition that starts mid-afternoon and then the game is afterwards. The thought of sports food is scary for me. . .I don't know what I'll eat and how I'm going to manage. I have 27 flex.

Oops, gotta go--

Edit: Had to run out the door and get DD to school.

So, this is the plan:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water--just finished 4th glass
4. Exercise--4 miles on the treadie :) 55:30
5. Food--Yeah, I'm worried here, but thanks, Doreen and Beth for your encouragement.
Early a.m. snack: 1/2 cup fresh pineapple and coffee=1.5
Breakfast at 8:50: 3/4 cup bran flakes, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup milk
1 tbs. almonds=4
Lunch: I'm thinking light here, an apple and a cheesestick? 3
Dinner: could be a slice of pizza, could be a grilled chicken caesar
salad if I get really lucky. It WON'T be a cheesesteak or
nachos. Diet soda, water.
6. Scale--Well, :rolleyes: I won't say the scale's my friend yet, but at least we're on speaking terms!

I'm going to try my best today, and I know with God's help I can do all things, right?

Oh, I went to Curves this morning and I LOVED IT! It was so cheerful and friendly. With my insurance reimbursement at the end of a year membership it comes to less than $2 a workout if I go 3 times a week. I'd sign up as soon as I'm done with MYB (you know, my yukky ballys), but then poor DH can't go! If we buy a piece of exercising equipment and make a home gym, at least he can take part, too. Hmmm, will have to see.

I have to go get some housework done before workout, work, and basketball game.

See everyone later. . .

Erin :shamrock:
:hug: for you! Just do your best to make the most reasonable choice you can. You don't have to be perfect.

Best wishes to DD and her choir for the competition! Enjoy the game!

Highs on Sunday are predicted to reach 50!! :sunny: I'm thinking of 2-3 miles at Valley Forge at a stroll. Hate to waste 50 degree weather in February by staying inside! :teeth: The question is - do we eat first and THEN stroll or vice versa?
Hi Erin,

Good luck to DD's choir today. You will do the best you can today. That is all anyone can ask. A lot of the the sports arenas are offering healthier options. You will probably be surprised.

Have a great walk with Doreen tomorrow. Do I see a Cheesecake Factory run in your future?

Take care,


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