lovinaz's "getting her act together" journal

Way to go on your workouts, Amy!!!:cheer2:

Sending some :wizard::wizard: for your DD's soccer team today!:cheer2:

What movie are you seeing? That sounds like a great idea!:thumbsup2

I love cheese too!:love: One of my favorite foods in the world!:banana:

Hope you have a wonderful day!:hug:
Change of plans today... Got up at 5:30 and was out the door by 6:30 for DD's soccer game. It was sprinkling on the way there, and was pouring by the time it was over. Everyone was soaked, especially the girls, since they played through it (they won, 3-0! :cheer2:). The dad of one of the girls we carpool with had to ref another game, so asked me if I could take his daughter home (his wife was home with their son, who was having really bad asthma problems). I was kind of over the whole movie idea after being out in the cold rain for almost 2 hours, so we came back here. We still don't know 1) if we are playing in the consolation game @ 2:00 or championship game at 3:30 (if the team that we lost to yesterday loses (they play at 11:45) we would be in the champsionship, if they win we will be in consolation) or 2) if they are even going to have games this afternoon because the radar shows all green all day... :confused3 So, we sit and wait.

The reno is slowly progressing. All the drywall is up, DH is spending today finishing up the taping and sanding. Our friend is coming to help remove the plumbing from the old fridge location. Still nothing on the cabinets or countertops, we need to get the walls done and it's been tough since DH has been working overtime, including Saturdays. But, it'll get done eventually! :wizard:
Amy, I also want to see Alice, and that is what we were going to see. Oh well, maybe some other weekend! Surprisingly I wasn't too bummed about the 140. I wasn't happy about it, but I didn't dwell. That was the ONLY day I was there, I've been under that for over 2 weeks, so it was just a fluke. Of course the last 2 weigh-ins have also been the highest weight of the week. I should change my WI day! :rolleyes:

Lisa, DD's team is really good, I know it's going to be painful to watch when she goes back to the regular AYSO season in the fall, where there is a big variety of skill level on each team.

Tracy, no movie today. :sad1: But at least my feet are dry now! I am not looking forward to that 45+ minute drive again this afternoon (and that is all freeway! :eek:) so I am kind of hoping they cancel the afternoon games! ;)

UPDATED: Just found out we are in the consolation game... Guess I need to put my wet shoes back on and head back out there...

UPDATE #2: As we were walking out the door, the coach called my cell and told me the game was cancelled due to weather. Yippee!!! Of course DD was not too happy that she had all her gear on again for nothing, but she'll get over it...
:cheer2: for DD's soccer team! :cheer2: 3-0 :cheer2: Sorry she didn't get to play her last game, but :woohoo: you didn't have to sit back in the rain again. I so know what that is like. I love rain and have a big umbrella to huddle under, but still........

Sounds like the reno is making progress. :banana:

Have a great week Amy. :goodvibes
Congrats to your DD's soccer team!:cheer2: I bet you were really glad that they canceled the last game due to the weather. ::yes:: My DD9 had a tournament in the pouring rain last year and it was miserable. :( I think she played in 4 games and it rained in each one.

Sounds like some good progress is being made on your kitchen. :thumbsup2

I hope you have a wonderful week!:hug:
What a week! :faint: I had a class at work from 8-5 Tue-Fri, and that class had HOMEWORK to read every night! :eek: It was a good class, but I am so glad it's over - it was very time consuming. Fortunately my workload is slow right now because that would have been a downright nightmare.

I slacked off a little bit in the food dept this week, but no binges and nothing too extreme. Just ate too much. I did get 5 workouts in and unfortunately I don't think I will have time today - we have a b-day party plus another soccer tournament! At least it's in the mid 70's and sunny all weekend!:woohoo:

I took my measurements and the ONLY thing that changed was my chest! COME ON, that is so wrong... :sad2: That is the worst place for me to lose since I am already pathetically lacking in that dept! Oh well, not much I can do about it - I'm not going to stop working out because of it! :confused3 The measurements have made me realize that I am probably not going to get any smaller than I am now. I will continue to work out consistently, but I am resigned to the fact that this is probably the size I am meant to be. I am definitely in great shape, and have seen a huge improvement since Jan 1, so I can't complain too much. :goodvibes

For last week:
S: rest day/139.8
M: Shred L3; AbJam/140.4
T: Pilates Sculpt/139.8
W: Shred L2/139.2
Th: Jillian Trouble Zones/139.6
F: Shred L1; TurboJam/139.8
S: rest day/138.8
Lisa, sitting in the rain for 2 hours is miserable! We have gotten tons of rain (for AZ standards, anyway) already this year. House reno is at a stand still - we are at the point where we need someone to come in an texture/paint the ceiling. Then we are on to cabinets! :cool1:

Tracy, thanks! DD's team ended up in 2nd place for the tournament (based on points)! That was pretty neat, they got their medals and pins at practice, DD was pretty excited.
I am definitely in great shape, and have seen a huge improvement since Jan 1, so I can't complain too much. :goodvibes

:goodvibes way to go! I think you have done awesome. Yeah, for some reason you always lose up top first, but gain on the bottom first. :confused3 Not fair.

Glad your class is over. and have fun at the soccer field this week. :goodvibes
Lose from the top down, gain from the bottom up....it happens to me EVERY time!! Yes, it so SO VERY WRONG!!!

Hope you are having a good weekend. DD has wanted to see Alice & decided that she will go to the early morning show this week sometimes....it it's not too crowded!

Sorry about the cubicle config. Space is good, but arrangements can really be NOT good!! Sigh.....kind of like a bunch of gophers!
Did you say 70s and sunny all weekend? :cloud9: I can't wait for weather like that!:banana:

How did the birthday party and soccer game go?

Hope you have a nice Sunday!:hug:
Amy, I think most of us women can relate to inches being lost in the wrong places! I love your attitude, you are in great shape and being able to recognize and celebrate that is something to be proud of!

How did dd's soccer game go? Glad you had 70's and sunshine after so much rain lately!

The remodel sounds like its coming along in spite of dh's busy schedule. You must be so ready for this to be done so you can enjoy it and more down time on your weekends.

Hope this week is less hectic!
I have a quick moment to post before I go back to my meetings. I can't wait for this week to be over so I can get back to "regular" work schedule!

Eating hasn't been great, I really need to get back on track. I avoided donuts and pastries this morning, but there are cookies there for the afternoon. I am going to try to stick to a Diet Coke but I'm sure I'll cave and have a cookie! :confused3

Sunday after soccer we went out with most of the team and the coach bought the girls pizza. The parents all had a couple drinks then decided to drop the kids off and go out for MORE drinks! We didn't get home until 10:30pm and I had WAY too much to drink! Needless to say I didn't work out Monday morning, but got back into it this morning. And the scale jumped up 2.2lbs overnight, but I'm pretty sure I know what caused it... :rolleyes1
Lisa, it definitely isn't fair! But what can you do...

Julie, I was trying to see if I could reconfigure my cube, but there is no way. All my furniture would have to be backwards (left hand versus right hand). I got a little rear view mirror so at least people can't sneak up behind me anymore, but they can still see my monitors when they walk by.

Tracy, it's actually sunny and in the 80's all week! My favorite time of year!!!:goodvibes B-day party was fun - it was a surprise 50th for our friend. I only stayed for an hour, then headed to DD's last game. Which they LOST, so they came in 4th place at the tournament. The girls don't seem to care what place they come in, so that's good. They have only lost 2 games out of the 3 tournaments they've been in, so they are doing pretty good. ;)

Amy, we are now at the mercy of contractors for the reno, which is always a delight (not!). One guy did call back, so DH needs to make arrangements with him. I refuse to get involved, I did that enough on our last rental and it just makes me crazy.
Minor setback on the eating. You'll get back on track once you are back to your regular schedule. :thumbsup2

Your DD must have a great coach for the girls to have such a good attitude about playing and winning/losing. That's awesome!:goodvibes

I hear you on being at the mercy of contractors. The ones who were around for more than a couple days learned to fear me when I showed up with my house plans. If something wasn't right then they fixed it or didn't get paid until I was happy. I was a relentless taskmaker.......:rolleyes1

and sounds like you had a fun weekend. :banana:
I am really blowing it lately! I ate 1.5 cookies AND a donut yesterday! :eek: If I don't get my butt in gear RIGHT NOW I will definitely gain weight, so I need to suck it up and focus. I'm working out at least 5x a week still, but my food is the key right now.

Sad news, my cousin has died. :sad1: He was slowly making progress but ended up with pneumonia and an uncontrollably high fever. Very, very heartbroken for my aunt. :sad2:
Lisa, DD is pretty easygoing and always looks at the positive. Seems like most of the other girls on the team are the same way. I hate dealing with contractors, I'm sure everyone has a horror story! I know I do!!
I am very sorry to hear about your cousin. Your family will be in my prayers. :hug:
Amy, I am so sorry about your cousin. I will keep you and your aunt and the rest of the family in my prayers.:hug: What a long ordeal this has been for all of you.

Don't let this set back with food get you down or continue! I know you will get back on track.

As for the drinks, sometimes you gotta let go and have fun!

Its amazing to me that in this economy, people don't return calls that might entail work.:confused3 Good job letting dh deal with that, as you say, you have already been there and done that!
I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, Amy. :sad1: Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

No worries on your food, Amy. I know you will get back on track!:thumbsup2
Very sorry to hear about your cousin. :sad1:

How is it going with getting back on track? It's so easy to give in to the cravings, but make it a choice and you will be able to regroup. Just don't use it as a reason to give up.
I come here, hanging my head in shame... :sad2: Let's just say this week was a bust! Only worked out twice and food was horrific! :eek: I stayed pretty steady with my weight, which is a miracle, but I bet I could have maybe lost a couple lbs if I had been on my A-game. Oh well, it's in the past and I can't change it, so I need to get back on track NOW.

I started by creating my workout matrix for the next month. :thumbsup2 My 2 weeks of hell at work are over, so next week I will be back to my regular routine. Until we get notified we have to go to India, that is... But I'll worry about that when the time comes!

Not that this is any excuse for going off the deep end this week, but in addition to finding out my cousin passed away, DH took the kids up north to our property and our trailer had been burglarized! :mad: This is the 2nd time it's happened. They took EVERYTHING - sleeping bags, propane tanks, solar panels, blankets, water, even our UNO and board games! :furious: So I guess we are going to leave nothing there and just bring everything with us when we go up there. That way if anyone breaks in there will be nothing to steal...:sad2:

Week's recap :-)guilty:):
M: no workout/138.8
T: 55min Jillian Banish Fat/141.0
W: 40min TurboSculpt/140.8
Th: no workout/138.6
F: no workout/140.0
S: not planning to workout!/139.4
Lisa, thanks. :hug:

Amy, thanks. :hug: We did get an estimate from 1 contractor and another one is coming today. The first guy did a great job on our rental property, so we will most likely stick with him. Today we are going cabinet shopping!!!! :banana:

Tracy, thanks :hug:. I have to get back on track starting now or else I will do some serious damage. :rolleyes1

Barb, thanks. :hug: You are so right. I am the only one who can control what is going into my mouth. And I am the only one who can make myself get up in the morning to work out. I WILL get back on track! I'm sick of feeling lethargic and guilty about the junk I've been eating! :thumbsup2
I'm sorry to hear about your trailer, Amy. :( That's terrible that everything was stolen! :mad:

No worries on last week, my friend. It's in the past. You have a plan in place to get back on track and that's a good thing. I know you CAN do it!:cheer2:

Have fun cabinet shopping!:banana:
Well Amy .......:hug: .....we all fall off the wagon at some point. Just get back on. Need a push?;)

Sorry to hear about the trailer. Why do people take stuff that doesn't belong to them? I just don't understand.:sad2:

:woohoo: on cabinet shopping.:woohoo: Have fun with that.

Glad work will get back to normal next week. :goodvibes


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