Losing While I Can and Must (comment away!)

HI Bekki.

Just bumping you up on the page!

Wendy, thanks for keeping me bumped. I had a pretty lame.rough week last week.

1) I visited "back home" and saw some really close friends that I miss very much. Meals were the only times I could hang out with them. Poor food choices abound

2) I came home exhausted. I tried to go on a walk in Tuesday and went 2 miles so slowly, I just had no energy. It was a prelude to...

3) Ugh, sickness. Sore throat, stuffy, can't sleep. Straight out of a NightQuil commercial :lmao: And all I wanted was cookies and french fries.

I finally felt well enough to go on another walk last night w/ DH. Maybe 1.5-2 miles, very leisurly. I was pretty excited to be feeling better, but then woke up again this moring just wiped out. Lame! I feel pretty good right now, but I'm nervous that I'll wake up in bad shape again.

If I don't, I will take a longer walk tomorrow to get back in the groove. I'm also going to check in with all you wonderful ladies and your journals. As DH says, I've got to keep this up or I'll lose all accountability.
Hi Bekki
hope your feeling better.
Sounds like your run down, & thats proberbly why your craving junk!!
Have you had your hair done yet?
Looking at my holiday pics i think i'm ready for a re-style too!!
:hug: Bekki,

I hope you're feeling better soon. Try and get as much rest as you can. :hug:

Have a good Tuesday!:goodvibes
Thanks for the well wishes ladies :) I got almost 6 hours of sleep in a row last night! (the past few days, I've woken ever hour or two not being able to breathe or swallow), so I think I must be on the mend!

I love, love, love my new haircut :) It's shorter than I think I've ever had it--too short for a ponytail, but SO cute with a headband. I even got some side swipy bangs! I wish I could find a picture online of something similar, but I'm having no luck. I suppose I could take a picture of myself...I'll think about that.

Tuesday, 8/14
B: 2 slices of oat bran toast, one w/ PB one with jam and marg, glass of OJ

L: Chicken fajita burrito, w/ black beans, salsa and guac (no cheese or sour cream)

D: Barilla+ pasta w/ marinara/turkey sauce and a root beer, also a fat free pudding snack

S: Handful of pita chips

Exercise: Took the dog for a walk, and took a 3 hour nap. Oh wait, that's the opposite of exercise :lmao:
Hi Bekki
plz plz take a picture! Your new hairdo sounds lovely :)
Glad your on the mend :)
Feeling much better now, but I need to style my hair before I take a pic :lmao: and that requires effort. I went on a hike and to the farmer's market yesterday, and picked up some really nice produce that I used for dinner. Good times!

Wednesday, 8/15

B: 2 slices of toast w/jam, cherry yogury

L: Roast beef sandwich on sourdough w/ swiss

D: Orzo pasta salad w/ corn, peppers, and shrimp. Dressing was vinegar and a touch of olive oil. 2 small slices of sourdough. A peach

S: Handful of pita chips, bites of the stuff I was using to make dinner (corn etc)

Exercise: 1 mile walk w/ the dog and a 3.5 mile trail hike. It was really slow for me due to a) it's a hilly horse trail and I was avoiding, well, stuff b) I was so hungry, I think because my breakfast didn't have any protein c) my hip was acting up again
But I finished and it def. got my heart rate up for an hour so that's always a plus

have a great day!
Alright, DH has new photo equipment that he wanted to test out, so I got some portraits :lamo: taken. And so I present....the haircut


wow Bekki love the haircut :)
Your right it looks great with a hair band!
I'm contamplaiting (SP??) going a bit shorter - what do you think??
Always love your food, if i'm ever your way you have to invite me for dinner ;)
Great haircut, Bekki! princess: I've been thinking about getting a shorter haircut myself.....

I'm glad that you are feeling better. :goodvibes Be sure and take it easy with the exercise until you're feeling 100%.:hug:

Have a great weekend!:cool1:
Thank you guys! I put some smoothing creme in, so that's the "straight" look, but if I put some gel and scrunch it up after a shower, it gets kind of wavy and almost curly.

I am really digging the cut, but I'll be honest, I did not ask for this in particular. I just went to a highly recommended stylist and said "please don't make me look stupid and please give me something that doesn't let me just pull it in a ponytail all of the time or make my giant round head look like a pumpkin" and off she went. :)

Thursday, 8/16

B: Small bowl of fiber one w/soy, 2 slices of sourdough w/ marg, big glass of oj

L: Leftover shrimp/pasta salad and a peach

D: grilled chicken sandwich w/ pesto and tomatoes, french fries

S: Handful of pita chips

No exercise, not even a walk w/ the pup.
Your hair looks GREAT!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

Hope you're having a good weekend. You're doing so well w/ your walks!!!
Weekend was good, nothing too exciting. I finally got our oven fixed on Friday and I baked a ton for the neighbors (and us!) I ate way too many chocolate cookies, but they're gone now, so no more temptation :) The weather has been prettly lame the last few days, so much rain, which leads to me being highly unmotivated :lmao:

However, I have a doctor's appointment in 1 month and so my new mini-goal is to do something to get my heartrate up every day between now and then. I can't use the weather as an excuse, as I do have my exercise bike and DVDs. But I have to stop being such a lazy you know what. So, starting yesterday, I have to do something every day!

Monday 8/20
B: english muffin w/ PB and apricot preserves

L: Taco Bell (eek! burrtio and soft taco, and a giant sprite)

D: caesar salad w/ grilled salmon and mashed potatoes, also some bread

S: 2 chocolate cookies

Exercise: 1 mile walk w/ the dog (in between the rain!) and 30 minute Walk Away the Pounds video.
I hear ya about the rain, Bekki. :hug: I've been trying to find the motivation to get a good workout in today, but it's so dreary outside, all I want to do is take a nap. ;)

That's great that you got your oven fixed.:goodvibes Chocolate chip cookies sound so good right now!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great week!:cool1:
Tuesday, 8/21

B: 2 Kashi waffles 1 w/PB 1 w/ jam, glass of OJ

L: Leftover salmon w/ caesar salad, 1/2 PB&J sandwich

D: Baked potato w/ frozen broc in cheese sauce (low fat), a root beer, 2 pieces of cookie dough

S: Small bowl of cheerios

Exercise: 1 mile walk w/ the dog, 3 mile walk in 47 minutes
Wonderful hair Bekki! I try to get my DD to wear her hair like that, but she thinks it needs to be longish. I am sure she will catch on soon. Her hair is so thick and heavy. Well, she is just cute as a button, tho. :goodvibes

Great job with dieting! I can understand with walking between rain storms! Been rough here. No rain for months, so now we have to get it all in one week!

Take care!

Well, I have to say I haven't been checking in because I'm sort of embarassed at how poorly I'm doing the last few days. Burgers, ice cream, cake...pretty much anything goes :eek: I had my own little come to Jesus meeting with myself this morning, and I think that I'm ok for now. At least motivated to be on track. One of my closest friends, who I haven't seen in a year, is coming on Thursday, so my short term goal is to be really happy with my eating between now and when she comes.

Exercise has been ok, not awesome, but ok. Thursday and Friday had walks with the dog. Saturday we went on a HUGE hike, somewhere between 6 and 7 miles. I was working hard :lmao: I'm happy because I'm not sore from it, which means my muscles must be in some kind of shape to be able to handle that much walking (it took us over 4 hours, plus about an hour or and hour and a half for a lunch break and photostop once we got to the lake). Cardio wise, I was breathing hard on most of the climb, but I never felt really bad.

The one bad thing was I fell on the way back (actually twice, I tripped on a rock, and as I was trying to get up, my toe got caught again, and I came down hard!), and really bruised my knee and leg on a rock, so I think I'm going to need another day to rest from that. My poor knee looks and feels pretty angry :)

I'm also feeling somewhat overwhelmed as the house needs a very deep clean before my friend comes, and I have a new student starting next week, and so I have some curriculum stuff I need to get moving on. Busy times, but at least it's all fairly straightforward. Crossing my fingers for no surprises!
Hey girl. Nothing to be embarrassed about. :hug: No one here is perfect. We all slip, and we find our way back. I'm glad your friend coming is your motivation to get back on track. We all need something like that in our lives to get us back into it. :thumbsup2

Congrats on the AWESOME hike. That's really great that you can go that far and feel good! It really shows how far you've come after your surgery, you know? :goodvibes

Oh, and I agree with Tracey, if I'm ever in your part of the country, I totally want to come to your house for dinner. You make some very creative dishes! :)

Keep it up, girlie. I think of you often, even if I don't post. :flower3:

ETA: Sorry, I totally forgot to mention how AWESOME your haircut looks! LOVE IT! :)
Thank you for the kind words. I needed them--it's too easy to beat yourself up KWIM?

And of course you're all invited over anytime! I love company and I love to cook :)

I have to share this picture my DH took on our hike, he's a huge photography buff, and this is with his new lense that he's all excited about. I think it looks like it's from a magazine. Anyway, it's a marten, which is realted to a weasel or something. All I know is we sat and watched him for like 15 minutes because he was so cute and made this funny chirping noise :)


Now for check in
Monday, 8/27

B: 1/2 of a PB and Banana wrap (on flat-out bread), a granola bar and a piece of beef jerkey (weird food, it's like I was still on the hike :lmao: )

L: Roast beef and avocado on potato bread w/ a little light mayo and mustard, a root beer

D: Chicken caesar wrap and a cup of tortilla soup

S: Bowl of honey nut cherrios, granola bar

E: Walk w/ the dog. I also cleaned (like deep cleaned!) the kitchen, which I think counts for something :lmao: But now I don't want to mess it up again!


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