Real Philadelphia soft pretzels, warm and yeasty with coarse salt gathering in the crevices and mustard, from the Federal Pretzel Company.
I'll go out of my way a bit to hit them up if I'm close by. Amazing pies.Wicks Sugar Cream pie
Oh - good one!Berger Cookies.
Cheese curds. Spotted Cow beer, to name only a couple.
Like Old Dutch potato chips? Yes, they're sold here.We have those kind of cheese curds here in MN, too. But, I will always run for the border for Spotted Cow! Thankfully, that border is only about 20 miles away! LOVE New Glarus brews!
MN - hm. Are Jucy Lucy's, Old Dutch, or Nut Rolls sold outside the borders?
I so so so so miss Skyline. (Formerly of Cincinnati now in New Hampshire)Blue ice cream soft serve and unfortunately... Cinci style chili. Gimme the former, pass on the latter.
I so so so so miss Skyline. (Formerly of Cincinnati now in New Hampshire)
Friday night Fish Fries. I should also add Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet.
Yes, Wisconsin!Wisconsin?
Brandy Old Fashioned Sour, but I'll let it slide.Friday night Fish Fries. I should also add Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet.