Lisa's Wish Journal - Now we have gone Dopey.

April 19
Today was a stay home day. My friend and her DD spent the night as she kept Aly and Luke home so they didn't have to be bored at the soccer games. It is always "Yay! Mrs. April is here!" So they don't feel bad about being left at home. Thought it was going to rain this morning so I didn't go for a walk as I had intended. Spent the day catching up on the computer, clearing out email and such. Elizabeth stopped by with the boys and Joseph stayed for a while. I finally went to the store and when I got back my Mother was here, early for dinner. So, no walk tonight. Roo was very upset with me. She hasn't had a decent walk since Wednesday and unfortunately she won't get one tomorrow either. Got a lot done around the house though, so the day wasn't a loss.
Congrats on your 1.5 pound weight loss, Lisa!:cheer2:

I answered your SR question in my journal.:goodvibes

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:
Today didn't start out as a very good day. I woke up and felt horrid. :sick: I hurt all over, even my toes hurt and I felt real sick. I tried to get up for work, but didn't feel better after my shower, so I went back to bed. I told DH that I would take the kids to school so he could go in early. I got up to take them, came home, ate some cereal and went back to bed and slept until 11:00am. I felt better, but not hungry. I did a couple loads of laundry and ran a couple of errands. Then it was time to take DD to dance class and instead of walking today, I sat and went through coupons and sale papers. Elizabeth had called to see if I wanted to walk, but I had promised DH I would go grocery shopping tonight. After taking DD home, I went to WalMart, which is in the process of being remodeled. I was sooooo lost. I did find most everything on my list, but it took me two hours!:scared: So, does two hours walking in WalMart count for exercise? I never sat down and pushing an increasingly heavy cart should count for something. I did really well there though. I haven't counted my receipt but while doing mental totaling at the register, I saved over $30. :woohoo: That includes price matching and coupons.
Hi Lisa,

I hope you are feeling much better today.:goodvibes

I say that two hours in Walmart counts as exercise!:thumbsup2 Our Walmart was remodeled a few months ago and I wandered around for a long time looking for the things I needed.

Way to go on saving $30!!!:cheer2:

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:
Hi Lisa,

I hope you are feeling much better today.:goodvibes

I say that two hours in Walmart counts as exercise!:thumbsup2 Our Walmart was remodeled a few months ago and I wandered around for a long time looking for the things I needed.

Way to go on saving $30!!!:cheer2:

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:

Thanks, I do feel better today. Not great, but I did make it to work and on time. :thumbsup2 and I have made it through lunch, so it is getting even better.
Today ended up being better than I expected. :)

I didn't try and make up for being out and with two of my officemates being out, it was quieter so I got a lot done.

Roo and I had a good walk this evening. When we first started she was going like she was afraid I was going to stop. We did two miles (roughly) in 31 minutes. :thumbsup2 Both of us were tired when we got home, but it felt good. I also walked to the post office at lunch today, so I got in plenty of walking today.

My supervisor has agreed that I can start working a compressed schedule, which means I will have every other Friday off. I explained that I would be taking all of those Fridays off anyway, so this way he can have me for an extra hour all the other days. When it was put like that, he was all for it. Now I have to start getting up earlier to be in 30 minutes earlier. Which means I have to work on going to bed sooner. Which means I have to get off the computer and go to bed. I am addicted to the DIS though!:lmao:

I love my DIS time.:love:
Hey Lisa,

Sorry I have been MIA from your journal for so long! That is great you got confirmed for both races, you can do it! You have a busy life but I am getting you are finding ways to weave in more activity and if the firemen can't keep up, and the scale is moving, you are progressing nicely!:thumbsup2

I see you are staying at SSR for your grand gathering. I love that resort, we have stayed there five times now and its a favorite of ours. Have you stayed there before?

Keep up the good work, hope you are all better and glad you got your work week, worked out!
Hey Lisa,

Sorry I have been MIA from your journal for so long! That is great you got confirmed for both races, you can do it! You have a busy life but I am getting you are finding ways to weave in more activity and if the firemen can't keep up, and the scale is moving, you are progressing nicely!:thumbsup2

I see you are staying at SSR for your grand gathering. I love that resort, we have stayed there five times now and its a favorite of ours. Have you stayed there before?

Keep up the good work, hope you are all better and glad you got your work week, worked out!

Hi Amy, thanks for stopping bye. You have been the busy one lately. Thanks for the vote of confidence, something I really need. I have never been to the SSR before, but I can't wait. My friend, Elizabeth, has stayed there recently I think and she said it was great. There are three families, 12 of us total, and we were able to get one of the Grand Villas. I am so excited it is hard to concentrate on anything.
Today was busy at work, included more training, (exactly how much training can one person take? I mean, come on, we get trained on EVERYTHING!:scared:) but I was able to keep up and I think I did rather well. Elizabeth and I were to walk after work, but she called to cancel as her DH had to work. After I got home Mary called and asked me to bring DD over so she could try on a piece of a dress she was making. Since I wasn't walking with E, we went over and visited for a while. As usual I ended up with a bunch of stuff. Today's haul was fresh lettuce, cut roses, material, coupons, flower bulbs and ice cream. Mary always feels like she has to give me something when we stop by. On my way home E calls to say she can walk after all. Problem is, I hadn't had dinner and was starving. Plus Mother was coming over. Dinner ended up being late and now I am tired. Guess we are skipping walking tonight. and I am going to bed early.:rotfl:
Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday, Lisa. :faint: I hope today is a bit calmer for you. :goodvibes Have a wonderful day!:hug:
Lisa, that is a busy afternoon you had! That is nice your friend gives you things when you go over. I hope today is a good one for you!

You will love that Grand Villa and SSR in general. Your kids will enjoy the pool and the grounds are so pretty. I know when we stay there, we don't want to leave the resort for the parks!

Have a super day, you are doing great!:goodvibes
Hello everyone! :wave2:We didn't have internet yesterday. :sad2:
It was wide spread as several business on our end of town have been experiencing problems the last couple of days also. Can I say that Charter stinks here? :confused3

Yesterday was a much better day.:)
I got home a bit early yesterday and was able to get a little sewing done, then took Roo for a walk. We did two miles.:banana:
Then E calls to see if I want to meet her at the walking track. Deep breath. Sure, why not. So the kids and I met E and her boys there. It was a real nice evening. We estimate we did about two miles. :banana: Got my exercise that's for sure.
Since we didn't have any internet, I did a bit more sewing, which was good. I have six kids to get ready for Disney and I have 42 days left!

Great news is I didn't hurt this morning!:cool1: I was a bit worried that after so much walking last night, this morning would be rough, but it wasn't.

and I received some more good news this morning. My DB from Houston has signed up for the 5K and 1/2 in January also. :yay:

and I weighed and didn't lose any. oh well, at least the scale didn't move in the opposite direction.:upsidedow
Lisa, that is great you got all that exercise in! I enjoy walking at our school track too, its so nice its staying light later isn't it?? And its always great to have a workout buddy, you and Elizabeth are good support for each other. And having Roo as you other walking buddy gives you double coverage in that area!

I have 49 days til my trip, its coming up fast for us both! Have a super weekend, hope your internet is permanently solved. And don't worry about the scale, I know firsthand that sometimes it moves at its own pace!
Way to go on getting those walks in yesterday, Lisa!:thumbsup2

I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!:hug:
Sorry I have been MIA. We have had a couple of very busy days.

Let's see, where did I leave off.
Friday evening, E, myself and E's older DS walked at the track closest to their house. It is very nice, but not very long. Then I went back to their house and played with their bulldog, Jack, for a little while. Jack is still a puppy and doesn't understand how big he is.

Saturday, DD and I went to get our hair done, then to a baby shower and then she stayed with Mrs. A, while I went to a Disboard meeting. Sounds simple right, I drove 276 miles on Saturday. Left the house and drove 45 minutes to my stylist. Yes, she is that good. Then we drove an hour and 15 minutes to the baby shower. From the baby shower I had an hour and half drive to the DisBoard meeting. Oh yes, and then an hour and half ride home. Full day, but lots of fun. Needless to say, I didn't get any walking in on Saturday.

Sunday, I picked up a bit around the house until time to get DD. I discovered that I was out of something for sewing and stopped at Walmart to pick it up. Big mistake, they don't carry what I needed anymore. After I got DD, we drove 30 minutes to another WalMart to get what I needed. Home to get DS and off to E's. We were going to get in some sewing while the older boys practiced soccer and the younger kids played in the pool. It was great. We set up at the dining room table which looked out over the pool, which is just right outside the back door. Our DHs were playing golf. After golf, they picked up ribs and crawfish, our friend Colby came over with their kids and we all had dinner together. My DM called to see if I was ever coming home and we had her join us. No walking on Sunday either. :sad2: Not good.
and Roo isn't happy either.

Monday, got to work early today as I planned. :), but it was a slow day. As in, I didn't think it would end. It is rare for me to watch the clock, but I have been doing it a lot lately. I am just so excited about our trip. DD had dance today and I tried to walk. I knew I would be meeting up with E later, so I was just going to walk up and down the street a couple of times. The sky was cloudy, but it hadn't rained all day. Guess what? As soon as I was the farthest I could be from the dance studio, it started sprinkling. I started back up the street, a little rain wasn't going to hurt, plus there are awnings periodically. When I hit the area where the awnings ended, it started raining harder. So I ran. and guess what? It didn't hurt to run!:banana::banana: I was so happy.
Later the sky cleared and E and I tried to walk at the track. We got in about 20 minutes and went to her house. She showed me her step-climber, I believe. It was hard, but I did 27.5 minutes on it. Now I am sitting here waiting for brownies to cool so I can package them up for DD's class tomorrow. I need to go to bed.
Sounds like you got quite a workout in on the stairclimber yesterday!:thumbsup2Great job!!!:cheer2:

I bet you are super excited for your trip to WDW!:woohoo: I'm excited for mine and it's still over 4 months away. :thumbsup2

I hope you have a great day!:hug:
Wow, you had a busy weekend! And a busy Monday too. I am going to try the rec center stair climber tomorrow, not sure how I feel about that! Are you sore? That's great you were able to do that length of time, that's a lot of climbing!

A good stylist is worth a long drive in my book!:thumbsup2 Great news that running wasn't so hard. Sometimes when life throws a curve, its a great opportunity to test our limits and suprise ourselves!:goodvibes
Sounds like you got quite a workout in on the stairclimber yesterday!:thumbsup2Great job!!!:cheer2:

I bet you are super excited for your trip to WDW!:woohoo: I'm excited for mine and it's still over 4 months away. :thumbsup2
Excited doesn't even start to describe the emotion I am feeling right now. I am already driving people nuts about it. It's double excitement for me. I get a week at Disney and a week away from work. :cool1:

Wow, you had a busy weekend! And a busy Monday too. I am going to try the rec center stair climber tomorrow, not sure how I feel about that! Are you sore?
I wasn't sore until I walked tonight, but I don't know if it is from the stair climber or the fact that I didn't stretch before I walked. Maybe a bit of both?

A good stylist is worth a long drive in my book!:thumbsup2 Great news that running wasn't so hard. Sometimes when life throws a curve, its a great opportunity to test our limits and suprise ourselves!:goodvibes

thank you both for the wonderful, kind words. The support here really helps a lot. :thumbsup2
Today was a so so day. The days at work have been going kind of slow lately. I have plenty to do, but am so burned out. 40 days and I will have a rest. I just keep reminding myself, one day at a time.
Exercise was good today. E couldn't meet to walk so I took Roo out. We did 2.5 miles. :banana: Right on target mileage wise for the 1/2. Time wise, not there yet, but I am confident it will come. Took us a little longer today as we added a new street, which meant it was full of new smells and dogs that Roo had to check out. Once we got back on the old route, we really started moving. I stopped by the house to pick up DD for the last bit of the walk. She won't have a stroller in Disney this time and I am trying to build her stamina a bit.
Food hasn't been very good lately, although I have been trying. Last week was admin assistant day which always turns into several lunches for me. (I am mama to 60 men) On the plus side, I get to chose where we go. I figure I have to eat anyway, I just make sure I don't over do it. Yesterday was a buffet and I had salad, meat, rolls and a bit of dessert. Today, I only had 1/2 a small poboy and some sweet potatoe fries and two cheese sticks. Tomorrow though we are going to Copelands. Excellant cajun dishes and out of this world cheese cake. Once a year I get the cheesecake and tomorrow is the day. I'll just make sure I only eat 1/2 my lunch and I definitely can't eat the entire slice of cheesecake in one sitting.
I eat very small dinners when I go out to lunch. Normally at work I have a sandwich from home or a microwave dinner.


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