Lisa's - Kick Those Pounds to the Curb - Weight Loss Journey!

eeyore25 said:
Hi Lisa!

Great job on passing up the Chinese food. Isn't it great when you can do that!!!!!

You are doing terrific, keep up the good work. Have a great weekend


Listen, I've been thinking...since I've lost some weight, I'm sure I could fit into your suitcase. Please, please take me with you! ;)

Have a great weekend! :teeth:
Good morning!

My food diary is here:

Well, my body is officially in freak out mode...I couldn't fall asleep at all and when I finally did...I woke up again. Even teachers get back-to-school jitters! LOL! I know all will be fine, but I can't wait until I get this next week done.

I had another pretty good day yesterday. I didn't get anything at the movies except for water. By the time the movie got done though, it was about 11:30 and, frankly, I was starving! I headed to our local greek restaurant on the way home and ordered a bowl of egg lemon soup. For those of you that haven't had it, it may sound odd, but it tastes very good.

In other excellent news...I lost another pound! Woot woot! I'm so excited! I guess I'm finally realizing that what I eat does have an effect on my weight. (Duh!) So since I've been making good choices, my weight has not gone up and some of it is coming off! I hope that walking around at work all day will help shed some more pounds, too. :)

Have a wonderful day everyone and I will try my hardest to check in tomorrow! :sunny:

WOO HOO!!!! A toast to you Lisa for another # gone!!!

I love your belly dancing smilie!!

Good luck with school this week. Keep up the good work!
crusin'minnie said:
WOO HOO!!!! A toast to you Lisa for another # gone!!!

I love your belly dancing smilie!!

Good luck with school this week. Keep up the good work!

Thank you! :sunny:
So today was one of the best days ever!

I started back to work...three days of inservice and then the kiddies come. Work is fun because as I said before I work with my two best friends.

I was told I looked beautiful, cute, great, and well rested...I think anyone who has a 8 week vacation would look good as well! LOL!

I was nominated to be our district team leader meaning I would plan the agenda and run the meetings all year for our grade level.

And I found a book at the library that had been reported on my card as missing. Did not having to pay for the book that was already there!

Woot woot!

As for the eating...I'll admit...I bought a soda and a burrito for lunch. On the other hand, I brought my own snacks to eat at the workshop.

Have a great night!

Way to go on the pound gone! That is great news!!!!

Glad that your first day back went well!!!!

Hope you have a great day!
Hi Lisa!

Sounds like you are having a great week! I hope it is even better now that the kiddies are back!! Mine come on Sunday, oy!!! LOL heheh!
Congrats on your weight loss too!!

Have a happy & healthy night!
Mike :goodvibes
sounds like a great week!!
yesterday was my last day of teaching my summer camp--i miss those kids already!! i heard they are being a "handful" because one of the kids said that me and ms jessica would come back if they were bad haha....thinking ill go in and visit them on the last day of camp--
have a great weekend!!
eeyore25 said:
Way to go on the pound gone! That is great news!!!!

Glad that your first day back went well!!!!

Hope you have a great day!

Thanks for stopping by my journal! Have a great weekend! :)
Mykelogan said:
Hi Lisa!

Sounds like you are having a great week! I hope it is even better now that the kiddies are back!! Mine come on Sunday, oy!!! LOL heheh!
Congrats on your weight loss too!!

Have a happy & healthy night!
Mike :goodvibes

Thanks for stopping by my journal! Have a great start to the school year, as well! :)
Blueeyes101817 said:
sounds like a great week!!
yesterday was my last day of teaching my summer camp--i miss those kids already!! i heard they are being a "handful" because one of the kids said that me and ms jessica would come back if they were bad haha....thinking ill go in and visit them on the last day of camp--
have a great weekend!!

Thanks for stopping by my journal! Have a great week! :)
Good morning!

Well, I so apologize for going AWOL, but the start of the school year was unbelievable. We ended up opening another section oh about...12 hours before school was slated to begin! The makeup of my team did not change in any way, but you could just sense the stress and tension in the school.

As for me, I will admit that sometimes I didn't eat a meal (like Friday night when I feel asleep in bed at 5pm and slept until 1:30am...oops!) and other times I made pretty good choices. I did have a gain this week of 1 lb, but I'm ok with that...I didn't plan ahead enough...bad teacher...lesson learned! ;)

My kids are really, really great and I'm so lucky to have some of the sweetest kids in the world! I love kids with manners and these seem to be very polite! :) I'm just grateful, as always, to have a job for another year! :)

Here's your thought for the week:
"One should eat to live, not live to eat."

Good afternoon!

Well, today was a pretty good day at work! I have a few boys that are going to give me a run for my money this year, but they are good kids overall...just a little rowdy!

I did excellent with packing my good lunch and two snacks for work, but was starving by the time I came home from work. I'm still trying to figure out how much I need to eat and when.

Oh, I would tell you how many steps I took today, but I forgot to put my pedometer on! Oops!

Keep working hard and kick those pounds to the curb! :)

Hope you have a good year with the kids..
i love the idea of a pedometer---how many steps are you supposed to walk a day? i would love t get one...thanks :)
Good evening!

Well, I'm just way to pooped this week! This whole rigid schedule is getting to me! LOL! Today I had to eat lunch in 30 min. and it's killing me! I told my friend I want my three hour lunches back because I could just graze and not have to eat, make copies, figure out what else I need for the afternoon, etc. in that time frame! Oh, well...I guess it comes with the job...I mean I can't complain about having mandatory vacation after all!

I have been eating wonderfully throughout the day, but am still having problems with dinner. Any ideas on how to handle not snarfing everything in sight while I make dinner? Maybe I should start chewing gum or get some of those mints to suck on...thoughts anyone?

Keep up the great work! :)

You could munch on carrots or celery while you are making dinner. Either that or have a healthy snack like yogurt or fruit as soon as you get home from work. I think it's more of a mental thing, I have managed to mostly kick the habit, but every once in a while that urge to nibble while making dinner, packing lunches, etc. hits me! keenercam once told me that to break herself of that habit, she put everything she was going to nibble on into a bowl. She was shocked when she saw how much food was in there... Good luck!
Well, when I make dinner for my DH (I eat a lot of frozen dinners, cuz I do eDiets Jenny Craig) and he likes creamy pasta dishes, fried chicken and lots of other stuff I cannot eat if I want to lose weight, I chew gum and drink water or a diet soda...Have a great weekend!! :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc
lovinaz said:
You could munch on carrots or celery while you are making dinner. Either that or have a healthy snack like yogurt or fruit as soon as you get home from work. I think it's more of a mental thing, I have managed to mostly kick the habit, but every once in a while that urge to nibble while making dinner, packing lunches, etc. hits me! keenercam once told me that to break herself of that habit, she put everything she was going to nibble on into a bowl. She was shocked when she saw how much food was in there... Good luck!

Oh, I love the idea about putting everything I want to nush on into a bowl! Oh, I am so doing that! I agree, too, it's more of a mental issue vs. a real need to eat. Thanks for all of your help and have a great weekend! :)
daisy_77 said:
Well, when I make dinner for my DH (I eat a lot of frozen dinners, cuz I do eDiets Jenny Craig) and he likes creamy pasta dishes, fried chicken and lots of other stuff I cannot eat if I want to lose weight, I chew gum and drink water or a diet soda...Have a great weekend!! :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc

Ah, yes, don't we all love the creamy, fried stuff, but I can't do that's how I got fat! :rotfl2:

I am going to get some gum and try that when I'm cooking dinner. Dinnertime seems to basically ruin my whole eating plan all day so if I get a handle on this...I feel like I will actually be able to do this! :)

Have a great weekend!


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