Lilmamibella's journal- trying to lose 50 pounds!! Comments are welcome!


DIS Veteran
May 15, 2004
Let me give a little background. I'm 20 and married with two kids. Anyway, before kids I weighed around 118 or so. And now I'm all the way up to 184 pounds! Its the biggest I've ever been. It is scary for me. I've gotten tons of ugly stretch marks. I'm feeling horrible about myself. My mom has always struggled with her weight and I don't want to have to go down that road. I want to develop good eating and exercise habits. So, I'm starting this journal in hopes that I'll be able to stick with this and get a little motivation.

Today so far for breakfast I've had:

1 hard boiled egg w/ salt and pepper
1 baby banana
half of an orange
about to drink a bottle of water


2 quesadillas

Snack: handful of raisins and a thing of yogurt

Dinner: Turkey and ham pannido and a small oreo shake from jack in the box. :sad2:

My trainer says I need to exercise 4 days a week. At least one hour of cardio and the rest on different weights. I've went three days this week to the gym and will probably go later on today or tomorrow. I met a girl at the gym's nursery. She's going throught the same thing I am. I hope that maybe her and I can be gym buddies and motivate each other.
I need to get ideas on what to serve for dinner, snacks, breakfast. I don't want to be eating the same thing every day. I'm currently reading total body makeover. Pretty good so far. I think I will try a pilates class on Thursday.
Welcome to WISH! :wave:

Journaling is a great help--it's a real eye-opener about what you eat.

Finding a gym buddy is a great idea--working out is so much fun with a friend!

Best of luck to you! You can do it! :cheer2:
Sounds like you are off to a good start. My oldest was born when I was 26, gained 38 lbs, came out of the hospital w/ a baby and weighed MORE than before delivery. it's been a struggle ever since. I had lost a little and then we moved and lived in a hotel for a month - gained 20 lbs in one month and immediatlely got pregnant with my third.

Keep going and take one day at a time. The exercise and LOTS of water will help!
Welcome to the WISH journals! :wave:

You are off to a great start and recognizing now that the weight gained from pregnancies and after could be a long term health factor is excellent. There are many of us who gained the majority of our weight by having children. Good news for you is that you are so young and it will be easier for you to lose. Just set some realistic goals for yourself in terms of weight and size, watch your portions, drink plenty of water, watch the types of foods you choose, get some exercise and you will do fine.

Journaling will be a real eye opener for you in terms of the food you eat, when you eat, how you feel about food and much more.

Good luck to you on your journey. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I didn't work out.

Breakfast was chicken, egg, and cheese biscuit

Lunch: was peanut m&m's

Dinner: two slices of pizza

Lots of water and 3 cans of coke


Worked out. DId 45 mins of cardio, 20 crunches, bunch of weights for my arms.

Had a hard boiled egg and a half of an orange.
3 bottles of water
Grilled chicken caesar salad

Snack: 4 wheat thins, carrots and some hummus

Dinner will be: Chicken with rice and cream of chicken soup

More water!

Maybe two oatmeal raisin cookies
Hi Stephanie! Welcome to WISH! I just startted journaling recently as well and am already feeling better as I'm actually having to see what I'm eating as I type it out on my journal. It's helped me a lot because I know I'm gonna have to put it on here. Great accountability. :) Keep up you're work...there's grreat encouragement here!
Hiya!! :wave2: Welcome. There's lots of great encouragement here. You can DO it!

Reading others journals helps, too! Hope you have an "ab-fab" (absolutely FABOO which is fabulous) day tomorrow!
Hope you're having a great day, LMB! (lilimamabella). May your day be as sunny as mine was stressed (uh...very!)
Thanks Tigercheer!


breakfast was a bagel with fat free strawberry cream cheese and an apple.

Lunch: was a guiltless checken sandwich with beans and steamed veggies at Chilis.

Snack: 4 oatmeal cookies and a cup of 1% milk

Dinner: one string cheese with a can of progresso chicken soup

Did 50 minutes of cardio and also did some strength training on my legs.

Lots of water!
Don't you just love the Guiltless Grill menu at Chili's! I was there last night!

Great job getting your exercise in! Keep it up!
Chili's sounds GREAT!! I always avoid them because I thought they were bad. Now I'm hungry!

You seem to be settling into a routine and doing well. Soon the changes will pay off!

Have a great day!
Thanks for all the comments, it has really been a great help! :goodvibes


Today I had an orange for breakfast with a bagel and fat free strawberry cream cheese.

3 bottled waters and 1 hour of cardio and a little swimming- no strength training today.

Lunch: Smoked turkey sandwich at Quiznos w/ a bottled water

Snack: 1 slice of turkey and string cheese and one cup of light n fit yogurt

Dinner: 1 cup of tuna helper/ corn and one slice of bagel and regular cream cheese w/ bottled water
Your food and exercise sound Fab! I think that weight is going to start falling off!!

Keep it going!
LilMamiBella said:
Thanks for all the comments, it has really been a great help! :goodvibes


Today I had an orange for breakfast with a bagel and fat free strawberry cream cheese.

3 bottled waters and 1 hour of cardio and a little swimming- no strength training today.

Lunch: Smoked turkey sandwich at Quiznos w/ a bottled water

Snack: 1 slice of turkey and string cheese and one cup of light n fit yogurt

Dinner: 1 cup of tuna helper/ corn and one slice of bagel and regular cream cheese w/ bottled water

You're doing very well. Kudos to you, LMB! :grouphug:
You're doing SO great, Stephanie!! Keep it up and you'll be losing that weight in NO time!!! :cheer2:
Your food looks pretty good. Keep up the great work! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Thanks girls! Hoping you day was as great as mine was! :cheer2:


Breakfast: one hard boiled egg and one orange

2 Bottled waters

50 minutes of cardio and 20 mins or so on strength training on my arms. Plus 30 crunches

2 bottled waters

Lunch: HOney bourbon chicken sandwich on wheat and water again!

Snack: Strawberry banana yogurt- light n fit

Dinner: Pork chop with green beans, small amount of macaroni

More water! lol That's it! :goodvibes

I'll weigh myself on Monday. I'm trying to increase my cardio time to 50 mins-1hr 5 days a week. My trainer only gave me three days of strength training. I'm hoping my Dh will let my son and I sign up for karate! I'm feeling so much better about myself. I try to work out by 10 am. I'm sleeping better too. Before, I used to have a hard time getting to sleep, but now by 10 pm I'm ready to conk out! lol
The food situation is going pretty good. Its still something I need to get used to. As long as I have healthy stuff to pick from then it shouldn't be that bad.

Well, thanks for tuning in! I appreciate it! :goodvibes :grouphug: :cheer2:


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