Life Could Be a Dream- A May 2011 PTR

I love how you have the first day all visualized and mapped out. As I read your plan to put Landon in the stroller, and have Carter walk, I thought "Oh No, what about the bags!" But you have it all worked out. You are going to have a great trip!
I followed you over here from your TR. Looks amazing. I got engaged at WDW during Flower & Garden-- we also honeymooned there during it. I can't imagine going and NOT going to the parks. Although, I'm sure toddlers favorite parts are the resorts anyway :)
Sounds like excellent, first day plans! It will be interesting to see if you get tickets or not. I would have a hard time being there and not doing parks! However, I do admire how you are able to take your time and just soak it all in, which I'm sure is in part due to having to pace yourself to what you know your boys can handle. I really want to slow down and enjoy more of the little things while I am there, but it's still a work in progress! Maybe the more trips I go on, the less I'll feel the need to do it all! I'm sure the summer heat will slow me down too!

It does get easier as kids get older, though it seems as one thing get easier, they get challening in another way! I think I could go on and on about that! Our DS 4 still loves the characters and the magic of it all, but our DS 7 doesn't seem to care much about the characters. :sad2: We were so happy on our last trip, that our DS 4 was finally tall enough to go on most rides, which meant no more child swaps, and less time waiting while taking turns riding. Also, the excitement of him riding things for the first time, like BTMR, where he just kept saying it was "awesome"!

I don't know if I'd be brave enough to take 2 boys to the park myself at that age. I remember it as a tough age, when they are old enough to walk, but not understand why they can't just go wherever they want. I'm sure you could handle it though. You seem to handle and plan everything very well, and have a great, positive personality!
UGH! Had no idea you started this!! I'll go back this morning to read after I get my day going....
You look like you have a great plan! The ride from Jax to Disney is easy, I promise! I'm not the best driver, and really hate driving overall, but I can (and have) done it over and over again with no problems. The only piece of advice I can give, is try to get through Orlando before 5 pm. Once you are past Orlando, you are usually OK! The traffic is REALLY bad on 1-4, and I wouldn't want you to get stuck with the boys. This is all good advice, unless you are going down on a weekend, in which case you don't have to worry. I'm not sure what day your adventure starts! :goodvibes

Another piece of advice, there is a McDonalds with a drive through in Palm Coast, which is a little less than 1/2 way. If you need emergency milkshakes, you can get them there! :)

I know you're going to do great! Lets face it, you're a stay at home mom with two boys, and you do this everyday. If you can bring two small boys to a grocery store and survive, Disney will be a piece of cake. Everything at Disney is geared towards making things easy with kids, and there are lots of other Moms there and cast members who would be willing to lend a hand if you need it. :thumbsup2
Carter has a baby scout! So does Bradley, he loves it. :-)

your trip is coming up already! this PTR has to be helping you get excited!
I have to agree with Jeremy on this one- i'm not sure i could go and not go to the parks. where did you decide to eat with the free dining?
:wave2: Joining in! Wow you have your hands full with two little boys. I'm sure you can handle it though ;) Your boys are just too adorable. I just want to pinch those cheeks :laughing: I like how you've got you're first day pretty well mapped out. I am so happy that the trip is a go. The worst thing is when you start dreaming and planning the trip out in your head and then have the whole thing come to a halt. Look forward to hearing more plans.
Caught up now. :goodvibes So glad your trip has worked out! I have been down a similar road before where I thought a trip would happen, and then that bitter disappointment when you realize it won't. :sad2: But yours DID! :banana:

Sounds like you are figuring things out down to the minute, which I think is a wise idea with the boys-then you know what your next step is and don't have to think about that if the boys throw the plans a bit. Smart Momma you are!

Do you have your Free Dining room booked? The reason I ask is because they only have so many rooms available with the PIN codes - even if they have regular rooms open, they aren't PIN code rooms...does that make sense? For my solo/girlfriends trip I have a Music room booked, and have a PIN, but they couldn't apply the PIN because there were no rooms in Values left for it....but people cancel, so I'm not giving up hope yet! :)

Whatever trip you end up taking, you'll have a wonderful time in sunny Florida with your beautiful family, and I look forward to reading all about it.

I hate that bitter disappointment when I realize I trip won't work out. It's actually only happened to me once, that a trip didn't happen. I was only sixteen and it was very traumatic. :rotfl:

Any time I take the boys out by myself, I over-plan it, just to make sure. I think it's some sort of coping mechanism I developed when Landon was born. I always have in my head exactly what I'll do if this or that happens.

I didn't have a Free Dining room booked, but I knew we were taking a risk waiting so long. I was monitoring it, too. I'd go online every so often and put in my PIN code and see which resorts were still available. It seemed pretty open, so I figured it was a reasonable risk. :thumbsup2

Really, trying to decide which sort of Disney trip to take is one of the best problems to have. I'm sure we're going to have a fun time. :goodvibes

I love how you have the first day all visualized and mapped out. As I read your plan to put Landon in the stroller, and have Carter walk, I thought "Oh No, what about the bags!" But you have it all worked out. You are going to have a great trip!

The bags actually had me stumped for a minute or two before Jeremy said they would probably offer to help. Otherwise, I'd have to stick a suitcase in the stroller and push it one-handed, while carrying Landon and supervising a walking Carter, and make multiple trips until all our stuff gets in. Not the best idea. :rotfl:

I followed you over here from your TR. Looks amazing. I got engaged at WDW during Flower & Garden-- we also honeymooned there during it. I can't imagine going and NOT going to the parks. Although, I'm sure toddlers favorite parts are the resorts anyway :)

I love the Flower & Garden festival. It's so beautiful. It would be a perfect time for a honeymoon. I'm sure Carter and Landon would be content to spend everyday at Pop Century in the kiddie pool or at the playground. I think I'd be okay with that, but Jeremy would want to get to the parks.

Sounds like excellent, first day plans! It will be interesting to see if you get tickets or not. I would have a hard time being there and not doing parks! However, I do admire how you are able to take your time and just soak it all in, which I'm sure is in part due to having to pace yourself to what you know your boys can handle. I really want to slow down and enjoy more of the little things while I am there, but it's still a work in progress! Maybe the more trips I go on, the less I'll feel the need to do it all! I'm sure the summer heat will slow me down too!

It does get easier as kids get older, though it seems as one thing get easier, they get challening in another way! I think I could go on and on about that! Our DS 4 still loves the characters and the magic of it all, but our DS 7 doesn't seem to care much about the characters. :sad2: We were so happy on our last trip, that our DS 4 was finally tall enough to go on most rides, which meant no more child swaps, and less time waiting while taking turns riding. Also, the excitement of him riding things for the first time, like BTMR, where he just kept saying it was "awesome"!

I don't know if I'd be brave enough to take 2 boys to the park myself at that age. I remember it as a tough age, when they are old enough to walk, but not understand why they can't just go wherever they want. I'm sure you could handle it though. You seem to handle and plan everything very well, and have a great, positive personality!

It's all a matter of comparison, I guess. A trip with park tickets would certainly be more fun than a trip without. But a trip without park tickets is still so much better than staying home and not going at all. :laughing:

We've always toured Disney sort of low key, even before we had the boys. We stop when we feel like it and we take breaks when we're tired. I do think it's easier to have a more relaxed mindset when you go a lot. It really doesn't matter if we get to ride Tower of Terror this trip. It will still be there next time. :goodvibes

I cannot wait until one of our boys is 40 inches. Carter is the more likely candidate, but Landon is very tall for his age. It would be much more fun to ride the big rides with a little buddy than alone.

I think it would be really tricky to have the boys further apart in age, too. With ours so close together, hopefully, they will tend to be on the same page as far as what they like to do.

I think Carter is at a wonderful age. He can walk, but he's really good about staying with me in stores and places. Landon, on the other hand, he's at a tough age. He won't walk unless I hold both of his hands and take him exactly where he wants to go. He doesn't want to crawl anymore because it's not as though he's a baby or anything.

UGH! Had no idea you started this!! I'll go back this morning to read after I get my day going....

You know, I actually considered posting on your TR to let you know I had started, in case you had missed it, but then I remembered your netbook was dead anyway, and I didn't want to make a nuisance of myself. I figured you'd be over when you had time. :)
Just thought I would pop in and tell you that your trip report peeked my interest in Vinylmation...

I was telling my husband about them. He did some looking around online at them and found fireman ones! He recently joined our town's volunteer dept, so he was super excited!!! Just thought I would let you know you sparked our interest! :cool1:
You look like you have a great plan! The ride from Jax to Disney is easy, I promise! I'm not the best driver, and really hate driving overall, but I can (and have) done it over and over again with no problems. The only piece of advice I can give, is try to get through Orlando before 5 pm. Once you are past Orlando, you are usually OK! The traffic is REALLY bad on 1-4, and I wouldn't want you to get stuck with the boys. This is all good advice, unless you are going down on a weekend, in which case you don't have to worry. I'm not sure what day your adventure starts! :goodvibes

Another piece of advice, there is a McDonalds with a drive through in Palm Coast, which is a little less than 1/2 way. If you need emergency milkshakes, you can get them there! :)

I know you're going to do great! Lets face it, you're a stay at home mom with two boys, and you do this everyday. If you can bring two small boys to a grocery store and survive, Disney will be a piece of cake. Everything at Disney is geared towards making things easy with kids, and there are lots of other Moms there and cast members who would be willing to lend a hand if you need it. :thumbsup2

I hadn't even considered Orlando traffic. And if we're arriving around 5:30 or six, we will probably hit Orlando right during rush hour. Well, thanks for the heads up anyway. I'll have to see what I can do about that. Palm Coast for milkshakes, I'll remember that. I do recall that that stretch of road before Orlando is in the middle of nothing.

That's true, it's really not too different than going to the grocery store. And we do that all the time. The boys like the cart that looks like a car with two steering wheels. And people do tend to be nice at Disney World, so that's good.:)

Carter has a baby scout! So does Bradley, he loves it. :-)

your trip is coming up already! this PTR has to be helping you get excited!

Carter and Landon both have a baby Scout. They both like him to sleep with. Extra batteries for the Scouts! That's going on the packing list.

It's coming up so fast! I still have a lot to do. This PTR is definitely an added excitement. :yay:

I have to agree with Jeremy on this one- i'm not sure i could go and not go to the parks. where did you decide to eat with the free dining?

We're just getting a quick service plan, so no need for ADRs for the most part. I do have a Kona Cafe breakfast ADR that we would keep with the dining plan. Got to have my Tonga Toast and Kona Coffee. :love:

:wave2: Joining in! Wow you have your hands full with two little boys. I'm sure you can handle it though ;) Your boys are just too adorable. I just want to pinch those cheeks :laughing: I like how you've got you're first day pretty well mapped out. I am so happy that the trip is a go. The worst thing is when you start dreaming and planning the trip out in your head and then have the whole thing come to a halt. Look forward to hearing more plans.

Hi! Thanks for joining in! I sure do have my hands full with the boys, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks, I find them adorable, too. :goodvibes

I do like having this trip planned out in more detail. We usually go with the flow, but if it's just me and the boys, I need a really good plan. I'm really happy the trip is on. It's really hard to give up a trip once you think it's going to happen. Glad I don't have to this time. :)
I'm here I'm here!! So excited for you guys that you found a way to make the long weekend work out for a Disney trip :goodvibes Sounds like you have a good plan formulated so far!!
Just realized you created a PTR for your May trip. :thumbsup2
Sounds like you have your first day figured out pretty well, and I'm sure the boys will enjoy being able to spend the evening running around the resort.
Just thought I would pop in and tell you that your trip report peeked my interest in Vinylmation...

I was telling my husband about them. He did some looking around online at them and found fireman ones! He recently joined our town's volunteer dept, so he was super excited!!! Just thought I would let you know you sparked our interest! :cool1:

Vinylmation is so much fun! I like the fireman ones, too. I can't wait til I get back to Disney to do some more trades. :cool1:

I'm here I'm here!! So excited for you guys that you found a way to make the long weekend work out for a Disney trip :goodvibes Sounds like you have a good plan formulated so far!!

Hi! Thanks for coming over! I'm really glad this weekend trip is going to work out. I hope we have a good plan so far. You never know what will happen, but hopefully everything will go well. :goodvibes

Just realized you created a PTR for your May trip. :thumbsup2
Sounds like you have your first day figured out pretty well, and I'm sure the boys will enjoy being able to spend the evening running around the resort.

I don't have much time for a PTR, but that's okay. I'm glad you found it!

Running around the resort should be one of the boys' favorite activities. I think it will be good for them to get a chance to play since they will have had a long car ride.
Your first day plans sound great! I think it's a good idea to have things mapped out like that, since you will be alone with 2 little boys, it will probably make things much easier! :cool1:
Your first day plans sound great! I think it's a good idea to have things mapped out like that, since you will be alone with 2 little boys, it will probably make things much easier! :cool1:

I think it will help having things planned in more detail. It's funny how everything is much more complicated with two of them. When I just had Carter, it was so easy. I think if I have a good plan in place, it shouldn't be two bad with both of them.
Awesome plans, you're really good at this! ;) Yay for Annual Passes and the free dining plan!:thumbsup2

I'm sure someone helpful out there know if they have bags for take out and juice in the fountain. All I know is at the Poly, in the fountain, they did not have juice or water, besides the sink for mug washing. The closest thing they had to juice was Powerade? Maybe Hi-C fruit punch? They did have bags, and lids for carry out food (Did we have to ask? My poor memory). The Pop might be different of course...
No milk or juice at the fountain, just Hi-C and powerade as was mentioned. I'm pretty sure they have whole milk, but I'm just guessing. We always go with 1% for the boys. They have containers for the food, but the carry-out type bags aren't the best. The bottoms aren't flat. They're more like the rest of Disney's bag, but longer, if that makes sense. We've used them before without any major issues so I think you'll be fine.

Sounds like the plans are coming together pretty well! I love how you're writing this, so planned and full of positive thinking. I hope everything goes perfectly, though I know how that works with little ones!

I'm so excited for you and can't believe how close it is to another trip!


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