Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

The first step is always admitting you have a problem, but if you have a problem then I definitely do too. If I lived where you lived, I sign up for all the races as well! We don't have many here during the summer due to the heat. I say sign up!

The desire to #runalltheraces is real. I'm actually thinking about maybe doing one race a week for a month (I'm thinking maybe November), but I dont know how well it will work with marathon training. Race life is rough.

Mine shipped today! And Bay is super excited because I got her a new band for her Vivoactive Jr. So she is worse than I am with the "Has it shipped yet? Is it here yet?"

My attitude is pretty much the same as Bay - I keep checking the tracking to see if the estimated arrival date has changed (it hasn't yet ... it's been Tuesday the whole time).
Meanwhile ... I might not open the minute it comes. I might wait until my sister comes home (she went back to her apartment for the weekend and doesnt know when she'll be back)

THIS. I actually signed up for the NYRR Global Running Day Virtual 1 miler just so I could feel like I was doing something with my race life. Haha. Not having a race until September is the pits.

I get that. I kept signing up for the virtual races at the beginning of the year because I was focusing on distance then and I wanted shorter races.
You can always come to NY for a race... we've got lots of them going on!
Goals: 2019 Edition

So … I made myself a list of running goals for 2019.

I know what you’re all thinking – “Sarah, it’s not even June, why do you have goals for next year? Shouldn’t you maybe be thinking about the rest of this year?”

Well, most of this year is already kinda set in terms of my running (maybe … there’s still a slight chance that I’ll end up registering for like 45 more races). Some of this year is working towards goals for next year. And there are some goals that I’ve been thinking about that I don’t think I’m ready for this year, but I think will be achievable next year. So I wanted to write out and share all of these goals.

1. Walt Disney World Marathon. Since it’s my first marathon, and I’m still only about 60% convinced that I’ll actually finish, I don’t want to set serious goals beyond finish. Other goals are 7 hours (to have a finish time within the official time limit) and 2 characters per hour, but those are more flexible.

2. United Airlines NYC Half. Hopefully I will have my guaranteed entry for this. Assuming the course stays the same, primary goal is conquer the Manhattan Bridge (and/or embrace the crowding and use it as an opportunity to take pictures), secondary is have a good time again, and distant goal is new half PR. I think it should be doable, assuming training goes okay.

3. Sub-1 hour 10K. This is one of those goals that sent me on a spiral. I knew it was doable, but maybe not in 2019. Coach said it's not outside the realm of possibility. Another conversation that Coach and I had was about PRs, and I came to the realization that I have my best chance at achieving a PR in a race where I'm excited about the race itself, not just the possibility of a PR. My 5K PR is from a race hosted by my favorite hockey team. My half PR is from the NYC Half, a race that I was super excited for from the minute I saw the new course description. So I think that to get this sub-1hr 10K, I'll have to find a 10K that I'm really excited about. Looks like my work is cut out for me.

4. Weekly Races for One Month. I’ve discovered that I really enjoy local races, which is something I never thought would happen. After running (or at least being scheduled for… I haven’t run the last one yet) 3 races in 4 weeks, I realized that I kinda like the idea of running a race every week. I don’t think I could do it regularly, but I’d like to pick one month in 2019 and run a race every week during that month.

5. Sub-9 in ‘1-9. AKA a sub-9:00 mile at the New Balance Fifth Avenue Mile. It’s 20 blocks down 5th Avenue, starting just south of the Met (I think), so it should be pretty easy to enjoy the experience and push myself.

6. TCS New York City Marathon. This is basically what all of 2018 has been about. Goals are 1) finish, and 2) new marathon PR (shouldn’t be too hard considering the fact that my only other marathon will have character stops).

I’m sure that in the months between now and 2019 there will be changes to this list. Whatever they are … I’m sure I’ll post them here, since I seem completely incapable of not posting literally everything in my life on this journal.

Stay tuned for my 2020 goals … which I will post next week (I’m kidding!).
Just realized that theres mo reason for me to worry about constantly being interrupted by alerts from the Garmin ... the bluetooth on my phone is rarely on, so I won't be getting notifications!
Walt Disney World Marathon. Since it’s my first marathon, and I’m still only about 60% convinced that I’ll actually finish, I don’t want to set serious goals beyond finish. Other goals are 7 hours (to have a finish time within the official time limit) and 2 characters per hour, but those are more flexible.
I am so excited that we are (hopefully if registration ever opens) running our first Marathons at the same race! I like your game plan. I think I am going to do all my character stops during my first three races and then see how well I do at just running the whole Marathon. Unless someone cool is hanging out then I might stop for a photo. Fun fact: I don't think I stopped for a Character during a race until I ran at Wine & Dine last year and saw Vacation Genie (hahaha @rteetz) and then I stopped for Dopey too! I would usually just run by the line and take a selfie with the character in the background. LOL.

Sub-1 hour 10K
This is on my radar.... still.... We can do it!

I’ve discovered that I really enjoy local races, which is something I never thought would happen.
Still jealous of your local race options!

Sub-9 in ‘1-9. AKA a sub-9:00 mile at the New Balance Fifth Avenue Mile.
YES. Excited to watch this one happen.

TCS New York City Marathon.
Depending on how much I like the marathon distance, maybe I will just run all the marathons you do at the same time as you. Hahaha.
I am so excited that we are (hopefully if registration ever opens) running our first Marathons at the same race! I like your game plan. I think I am going to do all my character stops during my first three races and then see how well I do at just running the whole Marathon. Unless someone cool is hanging out then I might stop for a photo. Fun fact: I don't think I stopped for a Character during a race until I ran at Wine & Dine last year and saw Vacation Genie (hahaha @rteetz) and then I stopped for Dopey too! I would usually just run by the line and take a selfie with the character in the background. LOL.
Genie deserves a raise for how overworked he is.
I am so excited that we are (hopefully if registration ever opens) running our first Marathons at the same race! I like your game plan. I think I am going to do all my character stops during my first three races and then see how well I do at just running the whole Marathon. Unless someone cool is hanging out then I might stop for a photo. Fun fact: I don't think I stopped for a Character during a race until I ran at Wine & Dine last year and saw Vacation Genie (hahaha @rteetz) and then I stopped for Dopey too! I would usually just run by the line and take a selfie with the character in the background. LOL.

I've been a "stop for all the characters" person since I started doing runDisney ... so the plan is to stop for as many characters as I can at all the races. Although I may end up not stopping as much during the marathon if it seems like it's messing with my rhythm.
I'm super excited for us to crush our first marathon at the same race ... or at least I will be once they open registration in like 3 months after another two delays...

This is on my radar.... still.... We can do it!

Yes! (And you can probably do it before me because you came so close last time ... I need a little more prep time, but I'll get there by the end of 2019)

Still jealous of your local race options!

You can come join me at a race here any time :)

YES. Excited to watch this one happen.

I'm excited to finally run the NB 5th Ave Mile after two years of saying "I'm gonna do it ... no wait, I'm not."

Depending on how much I like the marathon distance, maybe I will just run all the marathons you do at the same time as you. Hahaha.

NYC is kind of a question mark. If I hate marathons, I won't do it.
But if I do it (and you also end up not hating marathons) ... you should join me!! It would be awesome to have you as my marathon buddy ... we'll have all the same medals! (Well, some of the same medals. You'll get two medals after the WDW marathon that I won't get)

Genie deserves a raise for how overworked he is.

Well I certainly plan on taking three pictures with him next year... (assuming he's still at every race).
I love Vacation Genie. (I love all Genie)
New Goal: Lose 7 lbs before my 10 miler at the end of September.
Sounds like it should be doable, but I'm terrible at managing my weight.
Still trying to figure out the best way to keep myself accountable. It may or may not be on here. I have to think about it.
New Goal: Lose 7 lbs before my 10 miler at the end of September.
Sounds like it should be doable, but I'm terrible at managing my weight.
Still trying to figure out the best way to keep myself accountable. It may or may not be on here. I have to think about it.
It is obnoxious as anything to do, but food tracking was what gave me the most success. One of these days I will actually get back to it and lose those last 5-10ish pounds I'd like to get rid of.
It is obnoxious as anything to do, but food tracking was what gave me the most success. One of these days I will actually get back to it and lose those last 5-10ish pounds I'd like to get rid of.

I've had some success with food tracking too ... it's just such a pain in the butt. Over the past few weeks I've been trying to get back into it, but struggling with being consistent. I need to get better at that, because if I can be consistent with my food tracking, that'll be a huge step towards reaching my goal.
I feel you on the food tracking. I wanted to lose 10 pounds but after entering everything each day. I now have focused on healthy options for lunch. My biggest issue is not snacking between lunch and dinner. I seemed to have done better this week but we shall see what the summer brings.
I feel you on the food tracking. I wanted to lose 10 pounds but after entering everything each day. I now have focused on healthy options for lunch. My biggest issue is not snacking between lunch and dinner. I seemed to have done better this week but we shall see what the summer brings.

I definitely feel you on the snacking. I try to set up my day so that I get a snack between breakfast and lunch and then another snack between lunch and dinner (and I try to keep the snacks healthy, like fruit or something), but it's hard to resist the snacking urge sometimes.
Glad to hear you did well this week - I hope you can keep it up for the summer!
I'm trying very hard to not impulse buy sunglasses that I really don't need. The #peerpressure is intense around here.

First I buy shoes and dresses. Then I can think about other things.

Okay. Blog then Bedtime. No buying.
Before I forget ... I'm thinking May 2019 for the "race every week for a month" thing. Long Island Half, Japan Run, ??? (still have to figure out that third week), and my synagogue's 5K. Start with a half and end with an AG award.

Also ... I bought shoes (not running shoes, purple chucks). Because that's definitely what normal people do on race morning.

Probably time to go get ready for the race ...
I'm starting to remember why I leave the house so early for races.
Subways are stupid. (I think I'll be fine, I just hate that "train is just sitting around going nowhere with no announcement" situation)
I knew basically from the minute I woke up that this race would be about surviving, not thriving.
I didnt realize how right I was until 2 minutes after I started, when I suddenly realized that there were too many people and my brain was telling me that I couldnt breathe. (I was actually breathing okay, but not great, and my brain seems to have missed the memo)
I was okay. It got a little worse before it got better, but I never got to the point where I felt like I had to go to medical. I was okay, but it was a little scary.

I got my nutella, and I'm sitting down for a little bit now before heading off to Starbucks for a latte. Because while I dont need the calories, I do kinda need the anxiety relief.
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I Need A Latte: Italy Run 5M Recap
Packet Pickup - I wanted a low bib number, so I planned to get my bib before work on the first day of packet pickup. Well ... subways are stupid, so that didn't happen. I went after work and still ended up with a relatively low number.

Getting There - I forgot that the trains were running local, so I didn't leave myself extra cushion room, and when the train had some delays ... I was not happy. I ended up getting to the corral area just as they were starting the race.


Today was Guava Lava's Race Debut!

Race Time:

The plan for this race was to treat it as a training run, and do my easy interval pace.

Interlude - I'm lightly claustrophobic and I have some mild crowd anxiety. It's never been a problem at a race, but there are times when I go places and I feel like there are too many people and I can't breathe. As it gets worse, more symptoms show up ... nausea, lightheadedness, and a complete lack of awareness of where I am and what's going on. Okay, end interlude.


Pre-Race ... Before It All Went Down. I'm A Mermaid ... Who Can't Figure Out How To Take A Picture (my phone was being stupid)

I settled into my intervals right away, but pretty close to the start of the race (like the second or third run interval), all of the sudden my brain sends me a kind of scary message ... "there are too many people here. I can't breathe." Oh crap, I'm starting to have an anxiety attack.

I took some time to focus on my breathing and realized that while it could be better, I was breathing okay, so I just needed to focus on maintaining that okay breathing. But this had never happened to me during a race before, and I was getting really scared that the attack was going to get worse. I kept reminding myself that the crowding would ease up and I would be okay soon.

I didn't think I needed medical attention - after all, I was breathing okay - but I told myself that if it got worse, I'd have to think about having someone get me to the medical tent just so that I could take a breather somewhere safe. I told myself that if I at any point lost awareness of where I was, that was when I had to go over to a volunteer and have them call medical. This race was no longer about meeting a goal. It wasn't even about getting to the finish line. It was about getting through the race in one piece.

The first half of the race was basically focused on getting through the attack. By the time I hit the mile 3 marker, I was feeling better, but I still had that mindset of "I don't want things to get worse." Even after the anxiety was mostly gone, it wasn't about enjoying the race ... I just wanted to finish.

Splits: (per Garmin, which hit the miles a little before the markers)
Mile 1 - 12:14
Mile 2 - 12:11
Mile 3 - 12:04
Mile 4 - 12:16
Mile 5 - 12:21

Overall Stats:
Gun Time: 1:16:35
Garmin Time: 1:01:53 (for 5.08 miles)
Chip Time: 1:01:47 (12:22/mile)
Overall Place: 7,270 (of 7,983)
Age Group (F 30-34) Place: 707 (of 773)
Gender Place: 3,412 (of 3,925)
(Age Graded Time: 1:01:46; Age Graded Place: 3,585; Age Graded %: 39.18%)

This was not my best race by a long shot, but ... I survived to run another day


I grabbed some water, walked to bag check (I apparently missed my friend Tzippy, who was spectating by the finish line), grabbed my bag, grabbed some free Nutella & Go, stretched a bit, then went to Starbucks (I was originally planning to get plain coffee at Starbucks, but I got a latte because it helps with my anxiety). I used the bathroom at Starbucks (because I had downed a lot of water) and then went home. The end.

The Aftermath:
During the commute to the race I realized that I want to just get my volunteer shift for the marathon nailed down, so I did that - I'm registered for finish area bag check, shift 1 (9:30AM - 2:00PM). I think I get a free jacket (which is one of the reasons I wanted to do finish area). I'm mildly excited to congratulate marathoners while handing them their bags.

Also ... too lazy to post a screenshot, but I'm now 4 races away from guaranteed entry into the 2019 NYC marathon.
And I will be registering for the last of those four races at some point today.

What's Next:
There was a conversation with Coach Billy last week about maybe doing another race next Sunday. That's now not happening. I think this race may have (at least temporarily) cured me of my ambition to #runalltheraces. I’m glad I have a bit of a break before my next race.
As of right now, the next race is the NYRR R-U-N 5K in late July (which I need to register for...), but I also haven't totally ruled out the July 4th race, especially because that's a smaller race. We'll see.
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Congratulations on the finish and thanks for the report. I have been in Manhattan since Wednesday and have been thinking about this race. Unfortunately I had a bike crash last week and have been out of commission. Sad to miss it but glad you got through it. Hot and humid conditions must have made for a difficult morning.
Congratulations on the finish and thanks for the report. I have been in Manhattan since Wednesday and have been thinking about this race. Unfortunately I had a bike crash last week and have been out of commission. Sad to miss it but glad you got through it. Hot and humid conditions must have made for a difficult morning.

Thank you!
I read about your bike crash on the running thread ... sad that it made you miss the race, but I hope you're recovering well and can be back to running (and biking) soon!
The heat actually wasn't too bad, but the humidity was gross. But I survived, and that's all that matters.
During the commute to the race I realized that I want to just get my volunteer shift for the marathon nailed down, so I did that - I'm registered for finish area bag check, shift 1 (9:30AM - 2:00PM). I think I get a free jacket (which is one of the reasons I wanted to do finish area). I'm mildly excited to congratulate marathoners while handing them their bags.

You'll have to watch for Whitti!!!!!
You'll have to watch for Whitti!!!!!

Yes! Once she gets her bib number (I don't remember if they're assigned in advance or at the expo), you'll have to tell me what it is and maybe I can get myself put in her bag check area (not likely, but I can try). But either way, I will be on the lookout!


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